@[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
Now to the real reason she had come by, though the Trench Knife will be nice to have...
"Gilamar, you already have more people following you willingly than I did in my time." Alliera said, sounding like she was bringing up something unpleasant "So I do not pretend to have been a Better Mand'Alor than you are now, But I have heard troubling reports about Conscription of Non-Mandalorians into a 'Red Legion' or something to that effect..." Alliera started walking toward the Mand'Alor, looking as Sober as she felt, towards a man she WANTED to respect. "I understand that the Non-Mandalorian Teritories are an open question, and if my reign had not ended as it had I would have come up with my own solutions that someone would have had a problem with." Alliera said, trying her best to convey how hard it was to bring this up to the man she was trusting her people "B-But Conscriptions and Conquests are not the way to do it, and it spits in the face of the Mando'Ade..."