The young woman slowly got her bearings.
Var said nothing as she took a moment to grace the walls of the ship with her fingers. Instead, he focused on plotting their course. In but a few moments' time, the ship danced into the blur between the stars. It would take some time to reach the Shiraya Expanse - but when they did, a new world and life awaited the young "Jaina."
Soon, she settled into the co-pilot seat beside him and complimented the vessel - before talking about how the ship
felt about him. The average soul might have questioned her sanity at such a thought, but Var understood. Not in the force-centric way, but in the deep, emotional connection way. The ship had been a gift from his partner: a keepsake from the era of crime and villainy they both shared. A relic of a bygone age where they had one another, a crew, and more spice than they knew what to do with.
This ship had saved their hides a million times over. And thus, Var gingerly tapped on the dash, as if petting a beloved companion.
"And I like her, very very much. She's gotten me outta plenty of jams. Wouldn't fly another ship if they paid me." he began, chuckling.
"I've had her for years now, since before I joined the Medjai."
He then looked up from the dash and saw her expression.
Loss painted her face.
His hand reached up and settled upon her shoulder.
"You still got those crystal fragments? Since we've got nothing but time, figure we can at least put them to good use." He offered a light, confident smile.
"You won't lose that part of you, I promise."