He shook his head as she began to speak of going rogue, or worse following the Sith. He did not, would not, judge her for her choices and her way that she chose to affect the galaxy; but he couldn't bring himself to do so. So, with this in mind he began to form an answer, and after several minutes he began to speak.
"I join the Jedi out of the want to serve the masses. Corruption has reached a paramount in the galaxy in the years following the Jedi Purge under Lord Sidious so many years ago. There were too few Jedi left to maintain the peace and good that was in the galaxy, and as such greed and evil were allowed to manifest in greater amounts. The Jedi are more than impartial peace-keepers, they stand for more than just the Light Side of the Force. They are a symbol of Hope and a promise of a better future for those who are so deep within the turbulence of corruption that they cannot see a better way. The Jedi have made their foolish mistakes in the past, and are likely not done making them, but they should not be dismissed so easily, [member="Nyx"]." He paused a few moments to let his words sink in before he began to speak again.
"I do not seek to join them to get something out of it. I do not seek glory or riches. I want to join to help the people that cannot help themselves.", he paused again and turned to face the platform below. As he did gangsters approached a sickly family hovering in a corner, and began threatening them. After a few short minutes, and the exchange of credits, the gangsters left again. It was then that he chose to speak again, "If we do not try to stem the tide of corruption and greed, history will only repeat itself again and again. The Sith are right, too, in their own way, but they have a harsher way of going about getting their objectives done; through war and forceful order. I have no desire to kill, or to harm if there is any other way, so the Jedi Order is one of the few places that I can make the difference that I wish to make in the galaxy." After he had felt that he got his point across, he retreated into the apartment and into the refresher, carefully slipping his cloak and shirt off to reveal a stony and muscled back. He also removed his mask, and placed it with his clothing before stepping into the shower and allowing the warmth of the water to flood over him and wash away the sleep that remained in him.
After about ten minutes, he reemerged from the shower with his lower robe on, but left his shirt off to reveal several scars that had long since healed. Evidence that his life before Nar Shaddaa wasn't the easiest.