Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master
Base of the Dawnbringer Temple
[member="Aster Rose Baelor"]
It had been a pleasant surprise when Lady Baelor had contacted her and asked for a visit to Midvinter. The first and last time Coci had met the young lady had been at the meeting between the Silver Jedi and the Iron Empire almost a year ago now. Maybe more. And much had changed in Coci's life since that day. Although happy to see Aster again, and welcome the company, she suspected there was more to this need to visit than to see the beauty of Midvinter.
Retired from the responsibilities of leadership for the Silver Jedi, she had not done so to her duty as Jedi, in fact if anything she had found her path once more in this regard. There was now more time to dedicate to teaching and providing guidance to those that sort it then there had been previously. Torn away from it too much by the need to fight wars and battles countless now to her, her mind and body fatigued by it all.
A new lease of life indeed .. a new energy focused into a different direction was renewing to her soul.
She pulled the folds of her cloak around her body more, to trap in the warmth provided by the fur lining, it is a beautiful day. The Sun above looking down into the valley as he sat prompt in the sky above the roofs of the Dawnbringer Temple, the air so crisp it prickled the skin on her face and flushed her cheeks rosy red. This is the only place, flat enough for a small ship to land, there are no other pathways to the Temple save for the climb up the side of the mountain, a climb she and Thurion had done when first coming here and finding this blessed place. But this pathway built purposely for visitors was narrow and would require a good deal of fitness to walk it.
Coci stood at the base of the thousand steps awaiting Lady Aster Rose Baelor.
[member="Aster Rose Baelor"]
It had been a pleasant surprise when Lady Baelor had contacted her and asked for a visit to Midvinter. The first and last time Coci had met the young lady had been at the meeting between the Silver Jedi and the Iron Empire almost a year ago now. Maybe more. And much had changed in Coci's life since that day. Although happy to see Aster again, and welcome the company, she suspected there was more to this need to visit than to see the beauty of Midvinter.
Retired from the responsibilities of leadership for the Silver Jedi, she had not done so to her duty as Jedi, in fact if anything she had found her path once more in this regard. There was now more time to dedicate to teaching and providing guidance to those that sort it then there had been previously. Torn away from it too much by the need to fight wars and battles countless now to her, her mind and body fatigued by it all.
A new lease of life indeed .. a new energy focused into a different direction was renewing to her soul.
She pulled the folds of her cloak around her body more, to trap in the warmth provided by the fur lining, it is a beautiful day. The Sun above looking down into the valley as he sat prompt in the sky above the roofs of the Dawnbringer Temple, the air so crisp it prickled the skin on her face and flushed her cheeks rosy red. This is the only place, flat enough for a small ship to land, there are no other pathways to the Temple save for the climb up the side of the mountain, a climb she and Thurion had done when first coming here and finding this blessed place. But this pathway built purposely for visitors was narrow and would require a good deal of fitness to walk it.
Coci stood at the base of the thousand steps awaiting Lady Aster Rose Baelor.