Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Knighting.

"Very good, all of you. The weak would have died, and yet you all stand. You've earned a new name, as my apprentices. Saiah, no more. Now, you are.." He paused for a moment, clearly thinking on the choice. " [member="Darth Ophidia"] ." Blue eyes went from the Rattataki to [member="Iziz Vei"] , the grin wide. "You, my little friend, cheated death on a planet that should have consumed you. Darth Yannis is now your name." And finally, his gaze shifted over to [member="Kitty"] . She probably had the longest to go to become true Sith, but she had survived where he thought for sure she would die.

"You are now Darth Nocturnia. Welcome to the elite of the Sith."

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