Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Leave


I am taking one. It's semi-permanent. Now, I say this because I don't know when I'm going to want to return and have no clue when that is even possible under current constraints.

I'm still going to "lurk" every now and again (probably once or twice a week).

I'm still going to host and wrap up my giveaway auction.

I'm still going to host my Lightsaber Workshop (it will be arduously delayed but alive).

See you all on the other side, and have fun with the global event. :)


[member="Ultimatum"] - It's not permanent. Just indefinite. :)

[member="Dagora-Kel"] Never again was still too soon! :p We'll talk on Skype. Also and again, not permanent.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] - Had no clue you had yours. I came online after a week and posted. :p

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