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A Leisurely Stroll through Nar Shaddaa

Well-Known Member
In a world far far away, not really long ago....

The King leisurely laid upon a hovering bed, smoking an expensive brand of cigar as he watched a team of dancer's shake what they had for him. Their well being depended on it, as if they weren't pleasing they were on the streets, where they would be subject to less desirable acts. He was doing a favor for them technically. These women were beautiful, and that was a dangerous thing to be on Filth. Desperate men were everywhere, and there was hardly a man without at the very least a shiv.

In between smokes a nearby servant lower some kind of fruity thing into his mouth, which he gobbled up with glee, making subtly obnoxious noises only a fat man can replicate. Another servant gently fanned him, as buckets perspired from the white clothed dreadfully obese man. All around him there were servants. At any point he could replace them with droids, but like his idol, he enjoyed the scenery of the human body, any human bodys. As well once again, he was doing them all a favor really. Everyone on Filth was desperate and in need of protection. Luckily for them they have such a very compassionate "Governor".

"My my," King laughed in a deep baritone voice, with a thick drawl to it. "That is sweet." The Crime Lord exclaimed after eating the fruit, as his eyes zeroed in on one particular dancer's shapely curvatures and features. He laid back and inhaled deeply the smoke of his cigar, holding it in for a 'healthy' five to seven seconds before exhaling a ring. He let out a rumbling sigh as his back nestled into the luxurious bed, allowing his eyes to close for several moments. Several moments until being interrupted of course.

"Sire," His favorite butler prodded him verbally. He waited the polite 30 seconds for his baron's reply.

"Nyes, Samuel?" He grumbled thickly with his eyes still closed. Irritated by the botherment his mouth radically opened to command a servant. "Fan-slave! Faster damn you! Ugh," The fat man whined as he gestured for a servant to dab his forehead of his sweat, being too lazy to even raise his hand that far up.

Having appropriately waited for the possibility of his master's need to command someone (as he just did), the veteran servant of a ripe old age of 80 continued to relay whatever minor message he had to deliver to the undisputed King of Wealth and Lord of Filth. Opening up slowly, so as to leave room for further lapses in his Master's short temperament for servants, without him missing anything, the Butler continued.

"Well my lord, I'd like to inform you that one of your 'rival' gangs, one of the ones that split off from your... Father," The Butler hesitated having been serving King since he was a boy under the service of his real father. ".. has recently become silent in delivering their weekly report as well as their debt money." Nodding, the Butler wordlessly confirmed he was finished speaking... not that it mattered because his Master's eyes were closed, but nonetheless he survived this long by honoring habits, which included his own. His Master seemed to have his head roll slightly.

Abruptly, he motioned for servants to assist him up. Unphased the butler merely stood by and watched, prepared to walk calmly next to wherever it was the Crime Lord felt inclined to be. It was likely to be sitting in his favorite chair... the one he claims to have been made from the broken wreckages of Dark Voracitos' Throne itself. It even radiated with a foreboding energy, either because of the Sith who sat in it, or because every servant was slightly worried about their Master's sanity, what with his obsession for a dead man he knew.

Using his cane, the Baron strided unnaturally effortlessly thanks to cybernetics, to a black Hover Throne with mangled edges and various minor polished dents. Despite the obvious scrap worthy appearance, the wealthy Crime Lord seemed to place a blind eye upon its homeliness, and rather closed his eyes and allowed fantasy to give it worth. Whatever suited him, suited them. They would gladly leave his delusions alone so long as he was happy, as happiness meant protection, or at least, the opposite of death. He hovered to a window, where the bleak sky was beginning to brighten with the rising moon of Wealth.

"I suppose then," He spoke lazily, before pausing. "That I should order a dispatch, to collect taxes due... dead or alive." He chuckled shortly after that. He weakly raised a hand to gesture the command made. "Contact me, once it's done... I wanna see the face, of this... small fry." A disgusting tongue forced its way passed his lips and over his bottom lip, curling over and back to his top lip before receding back into his maw. One chuckle escaped him this time. There may have been a stronger euphoric drug in his cigar than he thought. He'd have to thank one of his servants later... any of them... maybe one of those dancer girls. This thought prompted a rarely seen hand movement wiping away slobber from his mouth autonomously without a servant. Lust always did get him a little more active than usual, as it would any man.

"Of course, sir." Customarily waiting for a full minute before leaving, the Butler went of to issue orders to some of Fatty's thugs, who then relayed those same orders to a group on Nar Shaddaa.


A half dozen Gank Killers silently guarded a trio of mercenaries. One of them a burly human, another an obviously intellectual Duros, and the other a Weequay. The group moved closer and closer to the Cantina, the Ganks silent due to their cybernetic communication, as they received their orders from the equally silent Duros, who rapidly fiddled with a datapad. The human and the Weequay flanked him on either side. The Weequay was for muscle, while the human was to keep an eye on all the aliens. Despite their loyalty, King couldn't bring himself to trust non-humans, especially off-world. It remains to be seen if this speciest behavior was present before Voracitos or after, but it was one among many things the two characters shared in common.

One Gank was already at the door, observing the fire fight. In a moment, this fire fight would get even more interesting.

[member="Darth Banshee"]
[member="Aurelio Murtix"]
[member="Siara Vorru"]
The majority of the fire was still on the bar area especially so now that those behind the bar were arming themselves with the weapons of those who had been foolish enough to try and get in close enough to shoot over the bar. Standing up again as the mercenaries focused fire on the bar area again where the perceived the greatest threat Siara began peppering shots across the group forcing them to take cover as she circled around towards the door to keep them from retreating. If she wasn’t going to get an opportunity to kill [member="Aurelio Murtix"] right now she would at least get the satisfaction of killing those foolish enough to get between her and her target.

More shots started to flow in her direction as the crime-boss tried to coordinate the efforts of his bodyguards so he could make a hasty escape, a shot caught her side giving her a moment’s pause as the kinetic energy of the blast transferred from that plate of armor and dissipated. She grunted, that would hurt in the morning but it would take a lot more than that to punch through her armor. She grabbed the nearest mercenary pressed her blaster pistol to his chin and pulled the trigger his body going limp in front of her. She held onto him as she got closer to the doorway, she was about to step into it when she spotted a Gank stepping in. It hadn’t joined the fray yet but she figured it wouldn’t be long before the rest of its pack joined it to enter the fray.

Not wanting her back facing anything with the kind of bloodthirsty reputation the Gank had she dragged her heavy human shield away from the door again firing more shots at the crime-boss and his bodyguards. Siara was starting to regret getting involved in this engagement as it was looking like it was about to get a lot messier but at least for now it was fun.

[member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Ariella"] [member="Fatty"]

Aurelio Murtix

The Ambitious Noble
The cantina firefight continued to rage on, with every citizen who wasn't involved either dead or gone, and the boss' thugs continued to drop one by one with the combined forces of the random group of people united in a need to survive. Aurelio fired over the counter blindly, not hitting anything most of the time but still acting as a decent distraction for those who actually aimed first. The enemy was losing men fast, to the point where they only had about five or six men left, and the impatient and angry Aurelio wanted to end it as soon as possible. He began inching towards the back exit of the bar, and when a short pause occurred the foolhardy baron dashed out, grabbed a hold of a flipped table, and let out a battle cry as he charged them.

The thugs that were left were so stunned by the stupidity of the move, which was what he was counting on, that they hesitated before opening fire on his "shield". Blaster shots ripped through and one even tagged him in his shoulder, but once close enough he threw the table at the two who were in front of him and went wild with his foil on the rest. One was brought down by a deep slash to the chest, while another lost his hand and fell to the floor screaming in pain. The other four thugs descended upon the baron with their rifle butts, and once he was bloodied enough the foil fell to the ground and the noble was in their grasp with weapons pointed at his head.

"Stop!" the short Devaronian yelled at the top of his lungs, and suddenly the firing ceased, "Drop your weapons and come out before I shoot his pretty face to oblivion! I will spare all of your lives if you do, but we will of course have to work out how each of you will pay for the loss of these men!"

The boss couldn't keep himself from smiling, even with all of the men he had lost to this small time feud. [member="Siara Vorru"] proved herself to be a good shot and would make a decent recruit, [member="Darth Banshee"] he didn't recognize and didn't see her as much in the fight so he assumed she would make a decent dancer or servant, and taking [member="Ariella"] as a prisoner would be exactly what he needed to make his group seem legitimate. It would be the beginning of his rise to power, and nothing could sop it.

He began to laugh, and walked over to deliver a swift slap to Aurelio's face before spotting the person at the door. He wasn't sure if he recognized them or not, but something...seemed off so he pointed over at the Gank killer at the door.

"What do you want? Get out of here before you end up like this guy!"
Well-Known Member
[member="Aurelio Murtix"]

Unphased by the petty criminal's demands, the seemingly lone Gank Killer quite obviously ignored him and casually walked in. Cybernetics riddled throughout his body, it was difficult to really make out what the thing may be hiding behind his mask of machines. Internal targeting systems were prioritizing shots by the moment and its pistols itched to be reached for. But first, he had to scare the boss.

In a digitally generated voice, with a quirky accent attributed to his kind, who were not known to talk very often, and especially not foreigners. It was likely just relaying a message sent by the oncoming Duros... since it was speaking Duros to the Devarian. It disregarded everyone in the room, confident in its ability to kill. It was quick, it was strong, and it was accurate but best of all it had the funding to afford a number of guns. Dual wrist blasters, dual pistols, a grappling hook, and an electrifying hidden blade.

"You forgot to report in small fry." The droid like alien opened up with as he stood a daring few meters from the devil like crime boss. "Where's our money?" It shook its arms and looked around, taking note of the various people in the room, which really wasn't much. Most of the people here were the nameless bosses goonies. The Duros observing the scene through the Gank's eyes (a requirement for them to be paid, despite their distaste for xenoes intruding upon their privacy. The Duros was almost alone among those on Nar Shaddaa that had any clue as to how they worked. It was still mostly a guessing game, but after being allowed to add a few recording devices on to one and tracking devices on the others he was learning more every second.

"Don't worry about it, King is a patient and generous man... but in the mean time he will settle for your face." The Gank raised an arm with a pointed finger, directly at the Crime Boss, or the noble. It didn't matter to the Gank who got shot, and the Devorian should be smart enough to know it won't be alone... and that it was on business solely out for his head, or his money. Either way, violence was bound to be afoot.

Unfortunately for Murtix, his unlucky day continued with him being smack dab in the middle of a one sided turf war. The others around here were merely the audience.

[member="Aurelio Murtix"]
[member="Siara Vorru"]
[member="Darth Banshee"]
Darth Banshee had enough after she heard, the petty gangster make his speech. She was going to revel herself, she stood up right and then lite up lightsaber. It was violet in colour, and blade hummed as she shot out from the hilt. She looked the deveroian in face, and in monotone voice said, ​Where would you like to be buried? She then blocked a random shot, from his gangsters. She then waited for his answer, he had cross the line. She was already angry from mandalore deceleration, this was the final straw. He presumed to much, and now he was going to die.

[member="Aurelio Murtix"]
Well-Known Member
(OOC: Sorry about hoggin posts, I just see lot's of opportunities to reply. Hope none of you mind.)

[member="Darth Banshee"] just made the worst mistake she could possibly have made.

"Sithspit!" The Gank said without the Duros' help. The rest of his squad was literally 30 meters from getting into the door, and they would be double timing it knowing there was a sweet bounty standing in front of him.

"<<A walkin' 400,000 cred little whore. Looks like it's our lucky day, eh boys?>>" The Gank said in Huttese. The gank drew both pistols and maintained a target lock on the gangster boss, whilst aiming primarily at the woman. They didn't have force cuffs or cages, but if their species' reputation had anything to say about it, they would improvise.

Nodding towards the gangster, the Gank spoke to him, this time it was the Duros.

"Small Fry," He said despite the mobster's dislike of the 'term of endearment' provided by the Crime Lord Fatty King. "How's about we settle this after we knock up this little devil?" Switching over to the human for everyone else's clarity (more specifically the Sith's), the Gank now nodded to Banshee so as to make sure she payed attention.

"Shoulda stayed outta our business wench, cuz that mistake may be your last. Ha ha ha!" The bellowing continued, through the Gank's voice modulator was monotone and almost disturbing in its digitalization.

(OOC: No issue here, was actually thinking of doing the same :p)

Seeing the Gank aiming at the crime-boss and her target caused anxiety for the Kiffar mercenary, she didn’t trust the aim of anyone else and though she wanted [member="Aurelio Murtix"] dead she wanted to see him suffer, not to mention she wanted her credits first. She released the body of the man she had been using as a shield so the burden of the weight was off her shoulders and her aim could be truer. The crime-boss was distracted by the Gank as well as the woman who stood up and ignited her lightsaber in the middle of all this. It seemed to her as though the criminals though they were about ready to kill each other moments before were coordinating some sort of effort against the Sith that had just revealed herself, Siara’s focus however was still on her target and the threat of losing him after waiting for so long.

She didn’t want to see coordination between the criminals so before they got the opportunity to strike whatever deal they were trying to arrange Siara leveled her blaster on the crime-boss that had started this whole scene in the first place. He was gripping her target close making the shot a difficult one but she didn’t really care if she injured Aurelio. She found a small gap between the man’s bodyguards, past Aurelio’s leg where the gangster was not defended. She squeezed the trigger as soon as the mass of bodies allowed her the blast carrying past the bodyguards into the kneecap of the crime-boss possibly burning Aurelio on the way by. Lining up another shot she squeezed off a second shot at one of the bodyguards who resumed fire on her again two more shots clipping her armor as their boss hit the ground gripping what was left of his knee. The bodyguard crumpled to the ground in a bloody mess as his face was burned away that left only three and they were more focused on defending their employer than keeping Aurelio contained.

The Morossian Deimos charged into the confusion her armor’s HUD indicating critical failure in multiple zones as an overwhelming amount of fire focused on her exclusively. She took a shot in the side spun with the force of it as the armor gave way burning her, but she was so focused on ensuring she was paid what she was owed in credits or blood that she barely noticed it. As Siara raced through the crowd she grabbed Aurelio by the scruff of his neck and directed him back into the bar area leaving her less armored backside exposed for the shortest period possible as she herself flung herself over the bar into relative safety. Her armor had sustained too much damage by now and all the electronic systems were failing. She was forced to remove her helmet finally revealing to her prey who she was if his memory was any good he would realize how much the odds were stacking against him now.

“You and I have a great deal to discuss, don’t even think of trying to run I won’t hesitate to kill you.” Siara ordered roughly as she peeked over the bar, the odds were certainly stacked in the favor of the house but that was nothing new to her.

[member="Fatty"] [member="Darth Banshee"]
She listened to over weight gangster talk, it amused her our easy he thought this was going to be. Why do people think their was such a high price, on people like her. She thought to herself, the answer was easy. It was very difficult to collect, as sith where predtors any way you looked at it. She then looked at him, and broadened her smile till bottom of her teeth where showing. Oh I am not some little wench, I can sing. She then paused, and with little bit of flirtatious laugh she added. I can sing as well, I can really hit the top notes. She paused again and then added. Shall demonstration?

With that she summoned her feeling about, what just happened on mandlore. She then took deep breath and began to do a scale, each time her voice was a little higher. Do-Ra-Mi Then she let out a force bellows, at the fat man and his minions. FFFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

[member="Siara Vorru"]
[member="Aurelio Murtix"]

Aurelio Murtix

The Ambitious Noble
Aurelio was trapped between a gangster and a hard place, held hostage as a threat to people he didn't even really know. There seemed to be a bit of an inner conflict brewing as well between the little Devaronian and the ones that just arrived, which could either be quite good or really bad for the young baron. As they traded insults the woman from behind the counter bounced up and ignited what looked like a true lightsaber. While his own foil could cut just as deadly as a lightsaber, it was not totally suited to a prolonged duel with the true weapons of Sith and Jedi. Whoever she was things got a whole lot more interesting at the possibility of taking her in on a bounty.

As the arguments continued the armored person to the side opened fire on the boss and took out one of his knees, bringing him to the floor screaming in pain as the rest of his men turned to open fire after one of them was dropped, leaving Aurelio unguarded in the process. This was apparently what his unknown savior was waiting for, as they rushed forward through enemy fire, grabbed the noble, and threw him towards the bar while leaping over. They were both back in cover, and before he could even say thanks the helmet was removed...revealing the very person he had left to die not too long ago.

“You and I have a great deal to discuss, don’t even think of trying to run I won’t hesitate to kill you.” She said with an angry tone before checking on their situation. Aurelio wasn't sure what to do now that he was trapped between two people who wanted him dead, so he began to laugh at the madness of the situation. It was then that the force-user proved her abilities by letting loose a mighty scream that shattered many of the glasses nearby. The crime boss, still dealing with a ruined knee, began crawling towards the newly arrived Ganks with one hand covering an ear.

"Help me you idiots!" he yelled as loud as he could, hoping they would understand and at least take out the woman.

[member="Darth Banshee"]
[member="Siara Vorru"]
Well-Known Member
If the Gank could be amused, it would have smiled.... if not for the sudden and apart death of small fry.

He and his fellows would deal with that later, as soon after it appeared he survived with nothing more than a minor leg injury. As she (the sith lady) announced a demonstration (which was obviously of power), and began to sing rising quickly through the few syllables, it was a clear indication something was going to happen. What it was could only be guessed at, but ruthless killers like the Gank weren't any laughing matter, they were prepared for a lot of things.

The only regret the Gank had was not responding to the auto lock of the perpetrator who stole the gangster's quarry. He had other things in mind however than dealing with those petty politics.

A moment after announcing the coming of her demonstration, magnetized foot clamps latched onto the floor, and his targeting computer having automatically delocked from its previous target to the current (due to his downed status) one before him. The aiming mechanism had five aim reticles due to five fireable devices, along with other useful statistical information that was being updated every passing second with additional data due to the Duros connected to the Gank Squadron's network in order to asses the current target.

Finally, when the boom burst and a wave of unrelenting force crashed into the Gank, his cybernetic implants struggled against the gale force wind of the Force Bellow. No statistical data changed, and the Gank remained in roughly the same place, still with four blasters and a secret grappling device. The head piercing sound waves were negated by the Gank's artificial ears. It could make note however, of the Gangster's whiny, of which he disregarded entirely.

When she was quite finished with her yelling, and suffering only superficial damage, the Gank initiated its attack unannounced. Its left eye was apparently a strobe laser meant specifically to distract/blind a target while providing a nice real life reticle to aim at in addition to its digital recommendations. Additionally, the Gank "yelled" at such a frequency as to be consider near equal to the real life (OOC) model of an LRAD. This non-lethal subduing method was a rather painful effect on anyone who has eyes or ears. The strobe was focused on the woman's face, while the LRAD device really only affected those in the forward position in reference to the Gank, who was at the door... which meant pretty much everyone not behind cover, and everyone who was not to his peripheries, such as the gangster.

The Gank fired in four different directions at once towards the woman, being a natural at shifting his wrists so that he may fire a blaster in his hand along with his already attached wrist blasters. The blasters in his hands were merely supplementary, but one can never have too many guns. If all things went according to plan, the Sith would be caught off guard by his defiance to be blown out of the wall along with the unannounced eye ball blazing lazers and ear deafening retort, followed by an immediate response of four different blaster shots in predicted areas each around a major joint to every limb. The shots of course wouldn't stop there, he kept firing.

Somewhere, hundreds of light years away, a fat crime lord would be smiling.

The rest of the Gank squad was ten meters from the door, bringing in five other Ganks of a caliber similar to his own (though not exact of course), along with a Tactical Duros, a Trusty Human, and a Tough Weequay to lead them along the way. If there was anything this Sith had to learn, it was to not underestimate the resolve of those not touched by the gifts of the force. The Jedi and Sith were not omnipotent with their lightsabers or their force, just look at history, the Clones didn't seem to have a problem with slaughtering the Jedi hundreds of years ago.

Still screaming at top frequency, the Gank at the request of the Human speaking for him, yelled out the obvious message.


@Aurelio Murtix
@Siara Vorru
@Darth Banshee
After the force user’s trick left the Gank unphased it returned the favour with a weapon that was clearly meant to overwhelm the senses of those in front of it. The strobe light and high pitched noise made it hard to concentrate, she instantly regretted having to remove her helmet, and it would have shielded her from some of the effects of this weapon. She was fortunate not to be the actual target of this equipment, she couldn’t imagine the agony someone who was targeted with this thing would feel. As the Gank fired on the force user Siara attempted to cover her ears against the sound being projected their direction.

There wasn’t any way to communicate with [member="Aurelio Murtix"] or anyone else for that matter but this fight between the Gank and the force user was none of her business as long as the Gank would let her past with her quarry. Standing up from behind the counter her weapons leveled squarely on the nearest bodyguard of the crime boss she had disabled she cringed at the noise from the Gank as it ordered their surrender. Siara could barely hear for all the noise it had emitted so when she responded it came out much louder than she intended. “I have no quarrel with you or whomever you serve, I am only here to retrieve this sack of poodoo. I suggest you let us pass before I decide to change my mind.”

Waiting for a response from the Gank or whomever he served she kept an eye out for any betrayal from her target, if she were him she would certainly be looking to use this opportunity to affect some form of escape.

[member="Fatty"] [member="Darth Banshee"]
Darth Banshee closed her eyes and used force sight to see, but she could not shut out the noise. It was not nice noise, and she had to drop behind the bar. This provided a noise brake for her, as she did several shots where fired at her. They skimmed the glass as they fired at her. she then wonder to herself would she ever just go into a bar and quite drink on some else tab.

She was corned by the ganks, if she put her head up, she have deal with their more effective noise. Also she have to hope they where not shooting, where she popped up. Though the phrik weave would negate some of that. She had only one choice, she have to use the force to conceal herself. She concentrated on feeling small, as glass flew across her head. Some of it bouncing of her hood. She then began to disappear with the help of the force.

Though she still have to get out from behind the bar.


Aurelio Murtix

The Ambitious Noble
Things had gotten out of hand for Aurelio, who merely wanted a way to get the credits to finance his ambitions, and today could now be the day he died. The woman on one side sought to get her revenge on him, while another proved to be a force-user and initiated a sound war between the two groups that the others were winning. It would not be long wither way before someone got the better of the other, and the baron wanted to be on the winning side. He began slowly edging towards the other side of the bar, hoping to get out and away from the vengeful woman.

"Hey! What will you do with me if I do surrender?!" He yelled out to their newest attackers, hoping that there would be some way to escape with at least his life, "I have no problem with you guys either, so why not let me get out of here!"

Well-Known Member
And then the calvary arrived.

The initial Gank stopped screaming, and was pleased to see the Sith retreating. Good, that's just where she needed to be: surrendering. A total of six ganks, and three other beings had just gotten to the door. If the Sith wanted to escape, she'd have to find a different exit if at all possible. The Gangster beside him was whining while his body guards essentially laid down bleeding. The initial Gank was prepared to go full blast guns blazing at a moments notice, while the others looked fairly inactive and lifelessly cold.

The initial Gank was kind of a hot head, and rather reckless. They were hoping that sending him on reconnaissance would cool him down more... but so far, it has only ended up with him running into firefights. He swore though, this time it wasn't his fault. They didn't really care that much. Switching to thermal vision so they were sure no one important escaped without their notice, the six ganks ensured that what down in this room was under the complete and total control... and it was essentially. That's how the boss liked it. That's why he hired Ganks, they were super effective!

The Weequay in the group reached down and yanked the Gangster to his feet and held him there, since it didn't seem he was obligated to walk in his condition of almost being murdered. Just in case the gangster went unconscious or something the Weequay gave him a burly slap across the face and spat an obscenity at him. The human walked up and around to 'the filth' and began to laugh.

"Looks like you're in real rough spot there small fry." He winked, and then his group was interrupted by a chick and one baron's surrender. He looked back to small fry, "One sec there bub," He began to search his pocket, making funny faces, until he found what he was looking for and forced it into the Devorian's hands. It was a holo-device, and it was being hailed.

"Well I have no qualms with you either lady, but unfortunately I can't let anyone leave until some fool pays us due proper.... otherwise you all go under... way the hell under. So uh, surrender is appreciated, and a small temporary guarantee you won't die in the next ten to thirty minutes." The human began to walk closer to the barricade of things their resistance had thrown up.

"So unless you want to pay up, I suggest you sit your ass down." He leaned back a little, showing off just a little bit of the fat he had hanging over his belt (a far cry from obesity of course) as well as a blaster hanging from it. The Duros knowing the human was not intimidating, suggested that two Ganks take a step forward quietly so as to be behind the human, as a reminder of who controlled the room.

"... and what about you," He gestured towards her prisoner, "You look like a prissy douche, you got anything tributary to cough up?" And now everything was more or less clear: this was a stick up.

A moment later, the Devorian Gangster looked towards a large holoprojection of a man larger than life: The Crime Lord King himself.

@Aurelio Murtix
@Siara Vorru
@Darth Banshee
Tracking the Gank as they swarmed the room taking up positions that gave them complete control Siara kept her blasters up, she didn’t sit down as ordered. She didn’t care what this crime boss owed to whomever these gangsters served nor did she care that she was outnumbered, or that her armor was so damaged it wouldn’t be much use should hostilities continue. “I don’t particularly care what that fool owes you, nor will I be paying any whatever it is should he die as his life isn’t my responsibility. I am not by any means surrendering, I am offering you the opportunity to walk out of here alive.”

Narrowing her eyes as the Gank stepped forward around the human she adjusted her aim onto the disgusting human with the gut as he gestured to her target. “He isn’t paying you anything until he pays me, and his life is mine until he pays what he owes plus interest.”

Spotting the holo-device as the large image of another crime lord filled the room with his presense. “And who are you supposed to be?”

[member="Fatty"] [member="Aurelio Murtix"] [member="Darth Banshee"]
A few things she had learn being in the Black Suns was to keep her mouth shout until all the players had shown their faces. If she was to go down like this she would at less get this out to her bosses that someone was stepping on their turf. Popping her head up after all she wasn't one to get her hands dirty.

"I would really rethink what your doing here. Do you know who I"m with, there cupcake.", giving him a glare she wouldn't let her weapon go from her hand. Giving all the others a stare also. After all she knew if her bosses knew someone trying to step on their own space. This wasn't going to go good for them all.

"I would take you and your thugs get out of her before its to late maybe we will let this slide this once, if not your have cause yourself a early grave.", with a smirk on her face giving nothing away. She would play this little game for a while wouldn't show anything but she was in control after all they was nothing but swine for her having her Hapans that took over.

"Your move, I warn you that this place is wire to take down everyone in it.", her little surprise after all she had her own bag of tricks to pull out. After this she was going to need a few smokes and drinks for sure.
[member="Aurelio Murtix"]
[member="Siara Vorru"]
[member="Darth Banshee"]

Aurelio Murtix

The Ambitious Noble
The short Devaronian crime boss, who went from most dangerous to pitiful in only a short time, was becoming even more pathetic at the sight of the large-and-in-charge Fatty as he did his best to get on his knees and assume a begging position. To see the one who caused this mess in such a position made Aurelio snicker a bit, even in the middle of a tense stand-off. The baron was glad to finally see that one on his knees at the very least, even though he wished it was to him the boss was begging.

"I know things don't look good, but you've always been my boss and the one I look out for! Just help me this once and I swear things won't get out of hand again!"

Still watching, Aurelio turned to Siara and grabbed her arm to gently tug and get her attention. He would need guns to survive this, and even though she wanted his hide for what he did at the very least he might be able to use her for now. The baron threw on his best smile and tried to put on the charm.

"Look, I know we're not exactly the best of friends right now, but we need to work together to get out of this situation and aiming a weapon at them will get you killed. I need you alive, so let's call a bit of a truce until we get out alive, alright?"

He was going to make more empty promises as the woman from the Black Suns stood to make her own voice heard. Apparently she had been rigging the place to blow before she came to join this little party, and now she was threatening them all. Aurelio knew that even if she did get them to leave, it would mean at the very least his own death eventually for being involved with her.

"Now let's not be so hasty miss Ariella...I'm sure our new big friend here on the holo-projector would like nothing more than to talk! We can work this out like civilized folk, I'm sure of it, so let's hear him out!"

[member="Siara Vorru"]
She could hear them talking know was the time, to get from out of the bar. She still clocked eith the force so chance of anyone noticing her where slim. Though she never usually climbed over a bar, when using this skill.

She was undecided weather to kill fat one, and the risk the ganks again. Then again she could make a run for it, all she really wanted was a drink.
Well-Known Member
The man in the broken Throne, the Lord of Lard, the Commander in Chief of Filth, Fatty King looked down on the devilish alien and as per usual smiled in amusement. Oh how the mighty become ridiculous. Interesting how this thug thinks he can ignore tribute, go on about his business without intervention, and then beg for mercy after getting his mercenaries in a firefight. How rude!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." He started as he looked at the mess around, and noted a woman asking who he was. That meant there was education needed doing! So many students to be learned in the ways to run an underground miniature crime empire. It was all in how you made people shut up, and stayed out of the way from the spotlight. None of that crap the Black Sun was trying to pull, attempting to convince the galaxy they could be a superpower. They were failed from the start.

"I dare say Small Fry, you've made quite the mess. I doubt you have the resources to swear anything to me! No wonder you are so negligent of my tributary needs, you've nothing but your life to swear to the Guv'nor of Filth!"

Before he could exact his sentence to the gangster, on of the other woman in the room, tried to call to his attention. He merely smiled without acknowledging here. He had no respect for boasters, and if every time he could call their bluff he would. Especially since even if it wasn't a bluff, the only person it would hurt would be herself! Sure he'd lose some good ganks, but to him they were a dime a dozen!

"You would all do well, to listen to your friend here, he's a good head for his shoulders." The Bloated Baron turned his attention away from Small Fry to look in his direction. A cigar drifted its way to his mouth, with a holographic puff of smoke spiralling into nowhere, going out of the field of view of the holo-projector.

"I will only leave you all alone, if I should leave with something gained..." He then looked to the Black Sun woman. "... Or something of yours lost." He took another puff of his cigar, and outstretched his arms just a little bit, to give everyone the feeling he was being gracious. Which of course he was.

"I call all your bluffs, because I have no respect for valueless people. To me, you are all worthless. Worthless things die, one way or another. But worthless things can be useful, and right now you all owe me some usefulness to make up for this ridiculous firefight. Who is going to be the better human being here? What have any of you to offer for your lives?"

The crime lord laughed. He didn't care about these people, but he loved exploiting the desperate to live.

@Aurelio Murtix
@Siara Vorru
@Darth Banshee
Laughing as the petty crime lord on the holo tried to assert his power over the room Siara kept her attention on his minions, her eyes constantly moving. She didn’t care about the little underworld he controlled, she also didn’t care about the supposed explosives the Black Sun agent apparently had planted. If there were really explosives in the room the woman would have to be psychotic to ignite them to take out a room full of people she didn’t know especially so if she was still standing in the room. She glanced at [member="Aurelio Murtix"] even though he was worthless scum he spoke sense, she lowered her blaster but kept it in her hand there was something to be salvaged from this certainly. Looking at the holo of the crimelord the Kiffar mercenary smirked.

“I offer you the rare opportunity to hire someone with my skill for any task you decide is appropriate. In fact if you’d like I’ll start with extracting your tribute from that worthless pile of flesh grovelling at your feet though I offer no guarantees that he would survive the experience. Of course I retain the right to reject any task that conflicts with other employment opportunities. I also offer you whatever this worthless sithspawn has to offer, or should I say what is left of him, once he is finished paying me what he owes.” Siara said indicating Aurelio keeping her eyes locked on the holo of the big man she wasn’t afraid of him or his thugs she had faced off against far worse and survived, though admittedly just barely.

[member="Darth Banshee"]

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