Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Lesson in People Management

That piqued Asemir's interest. The woman was connected, which made a lot of sense if she had been a Republic Senator. "Really? That's quite interesting. Forgive me the dumb question, but can you tell me more about the Free Colonies? I've been pretty busy and consumed with work, and haven't been keeping up with my intergalactic news."


[member="Lady Kay"]

Sorry for the delayed and really sparse post. Me and baby are battling a stomach bug. I'm praying my wife didn't catch it. So, it's been a crazy week.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded as she lightly shrugged her shoulders. It didn't come to her at much of a surprise that [member="Asemir Lor'kora"]
didn't know of the Free Colonies.

"That's okay. I haven't kept up to date with Republic news, myself. But in any case, the Free Colonies is basically a group for the underdogs, wunderkind and overlooked. Pirates, smugglers, people from isolated worlds that wish to be connected yet still on their own, all of them make up the Free Colonies. Everyone in it has a good heart and strives to do their part for the greater good. They have a vast array of companies and factories plus connections and contracts with many more. It's kind of nice that the Free Colonies is both known and unknown at the same time. It gives them a less chance of becoming a target." She certainly hoped that it would remain that way.

OOC: No worries :) Hopefully you all get better soon.
"That's an interesting concept," Asemir said, "to give individual states so much freedom. More of a confederacy than a solid, unified nation, I suppose? It's quite different from most of the nations I've been to. My own country is your standard star empire. A whole bunch of planets and systems in that section of space, unified under one ruling body. It wasn't so bad, to be honest."

He thought back to his home, the Xedael Empire. "I mean, it did have its issues. Corruption and all that. But, that's just the nature of a government, right? At least the ruler at the time made it a point to try to stamp out as much of that underhanded stuff as he could." He didn't mention his involvement with bringing rogue politicians to heel. That had been a bloody and messy job. "Where are the Free Colonies located? The Outer Rim?"

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"A confederacy is a good way to put it, yes. It's both similar and different from the Republic." As [member="Asemir Lor'kora"] spoke of corruption, she thought of the failed coup and how she was blackmailed into voting for it. Her misdions to free slaves were never sanctioned, so she was reckless and had been under investigation by intelligence agents. But she wasn't corrupt or at the very least, never saw herself that way.

The Free Colonies was new and as far as she knew, had been able to avoid such things as blackmail and corruption. None of them were greedy. "In the Outer Rim, yes. Sort of inbetween Hutt, First Order and Sith space. Dangerous I know, but as far as I'm aware, there have been no troubles."

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