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Private A Lion In The Darkness

Burtch finally turned to Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Var-Sulis , "and lastly, I'm pleased that you said your ship is running well. It is probably our best asset right now, and I would hire your services if you would have it. My brother is inside of old mandalorian territory and has been out of touch for some time. I think it is time that I had a talk with @Keatoch and that you were there with us. Your mission is to summon him by any means necessary, if you so choose to accept. It's time to rebuild the military arm of the King."

Taking in the responses and formalities, I saw immediately there was hope for the Empire. But it was interesting, to say the least, What Dorthea had to say. A state of the union if you will. I knew personally, That regardless of the Titana's condition, and the militia, it was time for change and the future. I took a glance over into Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun 's eyes. He was not lying. He was truly in a state of repentance. Interesting.

Hearing Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch asking of my services was refreshing indeed.

"Of course Grand Admiral." I replied quickly before bowing in respect. As I remained cordial in posture, I gave a wink to Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson . It was more than an honor to be in contact with everyone present. I was ready to be of military service once more.
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Dorthea's response was everything Rex needed. It was as if the weight of the galaxy had been removed from his shoulders, and all the vigor from his youth suddenly returned to him. She had accepted his apology and given the closest thing she could to an apology of her own. She followed this up with a perfect situation report. Rex had been absent for years, and the happenings of the galaxy were completely unknown to him. But now he had the basics about this side of the galaxy down. It was a lot to take in, and Rex took his time responding to each new tidbit of information:

"Rex, you're right when you say that the Force brought us here for a reason. The station is teetering on the edge of a political collapse. It needs the monarchy back. I've been able to patch things together by working with the Navis Sacra and our corporate partners, but our law enforcement is getting weaker every day. They do have funding, but without a proper legislative framework to amend and update old laws, the people are beginning to question their relevance after 30 years of political stagnation. The laws haven't been updated since you left and we have nothing to fill that void.

So, Dorthea wanted The King to Return. That meant him. There was no other alternative, except for...well, he'd get to that later. "If the people will accept it, I will take back the throne. The Elysium Empire was always diverse, it was our identity. We governed with our hands off the lives of people whenever possible. I'm sure we can work something out with The Navis Sacra and the other inhabitants. And you are right, we will need to update the laws. I...I don't even know the state of the galaxy. Is The Eternal Empire still around? What happened to our projects on Mandalore and New Csilla? This will take time. But restoring the throne will be the first step. We need to show people that change is coming."

"Next up, we have supporters Marlon Sularen and his fiefdom in the Dark Empire. He has been interested moving Damascus station to his territory for quite some time, and he sees the station as a viable resource. I have even shown a reserved support of this option in the past. After 30 years, he has even picked out a new world for us. However, economically, his offer is complicated and we would certainly see some interesting changes to our business sector, but there are huge concerns. 1; moving the station would cause us catastrophic damage, and force us to rebuild much of what we've worked so hard to create. And 2; I hate to say this, but Marlon Sularen is famous for starting negotiations and then forgetting about us mid-way through, and, respectfully, he is a terrible communicator. There is much fear amongst our people that if he brings us into his sphere that we would be forgotten about, and our governance needs would be neglected in favour of his higher interests. The on-board faction that actually supports him believes that once we are nearer to his territory that he would become more hands-on in our affairs and that we would become of greater importance to his attentions. But there is little evidence to support this. We are a people, not just a factory."

Sularen. If Rex's memory served him, Sularen and The Elysium Empire had a very complicated past. But the man was an opportunist. He wouldn't do anything that did not serve to further his own plots and schemes. This could be used against him. "Once the throne is reclaimed, I will reach out to Sularen personally. It will be good for the crown to engage in diplomacy again. I don't think moving Damascus Station would be prudent, but we can discuss that later." He made a point to look to Dorthea when discussing Damascus Station. This was in large her domain. "The Elysium loyalists have likely been hoping, or even plotting for a return of the monarchy for a while. I would expect them to support us, sooner or later."

"there's news of someone using old Dobson channels to manipulate Damascus affairs once again. I can't figure out who's behind it, but evidence shows that they've shown an interest in Burtch's medical condition and a woman by the name of Liin Terallo Liin Terallo . All three of you, Var-Sulis Var-Sulis , Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk and you should go to investigate this immediately. She could be a potential friend, an ally, an enemy, or whatever, but she's clearly someone that we need to keep close. I would suggest that each of you reaches out to her by whatever means you deem appropriate. Either go as a group, or each of you goes separately, it's up to you."

This was unwelcome news. The Dobsons had been perhaps the biggest problem Rex faced in his first term. They were a crime family. Nothing more, nothing less. But they were a very good crime family. They had somehow sunk their forks into every piece of The Elysium Empire. It was part of what made Rex crack from stress...they were winning. Perhaps the collapse of The Elysium Empire had hurt them, as they lost many of their influential figures that they had bribed. But it was evident that they still had a presence here, and if they were interfering with Burtch's treatment in any way, shape, or form, their schemes were likely nefarious.

The group would have their work cut out for them, especially Rex. But this meeting was no chance. The Force had guided them all here for this moment. The path ahead was clear. But Rex had one last question:
"Alright. Step one, as Burtch said, is restoring the monarchy. That would be a lot easier with someone by my side. Someone that I feel everyone is avoiding discussing....Where is Lori?"
He simply looked at her at Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson 's initial words to him in a moment of processing. Then a nod, "It is appreciated." he answered. He was partly thinking that was a bit critical, but it didn't matter much. She had given it seemingly in light heart and he'd take it as such. They certainly weren't at odds, it was one of the more positive relationships with non-geonosians. So there was no reason to alter that.

Plus, after that, she seemed to relent a bit. And had a great deal of information to provide, not all of it would come as ideal for the present. Though her method of doing so reminded him again about their similarities. There were a great deal of differences, but she did still bridge a portion of the gap he felt between how a human worked, and how a hive's leader ought to. But he did imagine it technically leaned in Rex's favor for granting him power again. And 'grant' was most certainly the right word in his opinion. Both in that they were the ones helping to provide it, and in that they expected results in return.

This issue of Marlon wasn't his portion of work however as far as he was aware or concerned. That was a matter of politics, politics he wasn't currently involved in and therefor had no more sway than anyone else. A representative from Dorthea or Burtch would serve far better were Rex not to go in person. This other person actually named however apparently was. He required more data on that matter but did at least have an answer,
"I would go independently. More controlled variables that way. And more time, as there would be less scheduling conflicts." he stated.

She also had use of Var-Sulis Var-Sulis and his resources naturally. Afterall, why let that go to waste. All available resources should have a purpose.

Rex was ready to be back in his response. And he was at least trying to get straight to the questions, rather than reminiscing or further begging of forgiveness. Though he did have a comment on the moving of the station,
"As long as you are not attempting to deploy in offense, our Operator stations are very well equipped. So as long as there is work that can be done on the location it is near, construction or mining namely, one could be kept around as additional security. Though I will make no promises on their indefinite presence. As these are our primary construction facilities and therefor should not be slowed merely for additional security of an outside source." he began, then on another matter, "This woman however, Liin Terallo, is already of interest to me as her technologies may prove valuable in certain explorations of my own. While I will monitor her I do not yet wish to overtly preform any investigations beyond standards."

Rex seemed confident the loyalists at least would side with him in time. Cruk held a similar confidence that there would be those who turn to royalty. Whether by emotion or practicality. He did, however, produce a question that Cruk did not have an answer for. He looked to the others, "On this matter, I do not know."

Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson
"Of course Grand Admiral." I replied quickly before bowing in respect. As I remained cordial in posture, I gave a wink to Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson . It was more than an honor to be in contact with everyone present. I was ready to be of military service once more.

Dorthea was quick to roll her eyes at Var-Sulis Var-Sulis winking at her. She wasn't disgusted by him, as she knew him as something of a charmer. In fact, she was even a little secretly amused by the gesture. But she was 70 years old now. It was a little silly on his part. For her, that ship had sailed a long time ago.

Burtch seemed pleased though, "good. And, later, if you do well in recovering Keatoch Keatoch , I'll need you to do a mission to recover an old ship that once belonged to the Elysium fleet. That ship is much more powerful than Titana and will likely need a new captain… something to think about."

"If the people will accept it, I will take back the throne. The Elysium Empire was always diverse, it was our identity. We governed with our hands off the lives of people whenever possible. I'm sure we can work something out with The Navis Sacra and the other inhabitants. And you are right, we will need to update the laws. I...I don't even know the state of the galaxy. Is The Eternal Empire still around? What happened to our projects on Mandalore and New Csilla? This will take time. But restoring the throne will be the first step. We need to show people that change is coming."

Burtch nodded at the King's words. He was wise to look into the old relations that had influenced the Elysium Empire before. He coughed to clear his dry throat and then sighed to gather his strength for a thorough answer, "you'll have to do some research of your own for better details, but I can give you a short summary of all that has transpired. The rebuilding of Mandalore and Csilla are dead-end projects. After so many decades of failure to rebuild, the new generations have simply moved on. I have no idea what my brother Keatoch Keatoch is still doing there, and he might just simply be in too deep with no way out. That's why I need Var-Sulis Var-Sulis to dig him out and bring him back. That project is simply never going to be completed and we need what few resources we have over there back here.

"The Eternal Empire, however, has fallen, and is now resurgent. They receded back into Kalidan for a while, but the Empress seems to have new energy and is rising once again. One of our old war heroes seems to be privateering for them, but otherwise, they seem to have nothing to do with us.

Burtch then raised a finger to emphasize a point of great importance. He needed Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun to pay close attention to this part, "You may not want to be so lassie faire with the Navis Sacra on the matter of your return, however. Your return will definitely be seen as a hinderance to their own rise to power. An active display of cooperation would go a long way towards helping them see you as a leader rather than a threat. This will need to be settled before you formally reclaim the throne so that your rise isn't taken as a foil to their agenda."

"Once the throne is reclaimed, I will reach out to Sularen personally. It will be good for the crown to engage in diplomacy again. I don't think moving Damascus Station would be prudent, but we can discuss that later." He made a point to look to Dorthea when discussing Damascus Station. This was in large her domain. "The Elysium loyalists have likely been hoping, or even plotting for a return of the monarchy for a while. I would expect them to support us, sooner or later."

This time, Dorthea spoke up, a warning in her tone, "You're wise to deal with domestic matters before dealing with foreign affairs. I agree with you on that, and I'll join you when you're ready to finally talk with Marlon Sularen . But you should reconsider your order of operations in dealing with the Navis Sacra and the Loyalists. The Loyalists are an easy win. You could practically walk into the office of their leader, take a dump on his desk, plant a tiny flag that says 'Ta-daa!' on the mound and they'd probably still vote you in. So… they can wait…

"But, if you align yourself with the loyalists formally before even considering the Navis Sacra, they could take that as an attempt to consolidate your position against them, and they could dig-in as your opposition. It's better to address them before they even know what you are to them, and set the precedent."

Burtch cleared his throat, "I can actually set you up with a meeting with a high ranking member of the Navis Sacra. Gabriel Creed and his Angel, Phobos, are well-respected members of the Faith. He's a bit… aggressive, but if you can strike a deal with him, you will gain the respect of the entire faith."

~oh…~ Shii-Cho said through Burtch's neural implant, ~are you so sure you want to do that to Rex? Gabriel and Phobos can be quite… bull-headed~

Burtch resisted the urge to scowl, ~ Sir Creed and Phobos may be tough, but they have the Navis Sacra's best interests at heart. And Rex needs to be able to show the people of Damascus Station that he can placate someone of Creed's stature. This will be a big test for him… and one that he needs to pass in order to be king.~

"As long as you are not attempting to deploy in offense, our Operator stations are very well equipped. So as long as there is work that can be done on the location it is near, construction or mining namely, one could be kept around as additional security. Though I will make no promises on their indefinite presence. As these are our primary construction facilities and therefor should not be slowed merely for additional security of an outside source." he began, then on another matter, "This woman however, Liin Terallo, is already of interest to me as her technologies may prove valuable in certain explorations of my own. While I will monitor her I do not yet wish to overtly preform any investigations beyond standards."

Dorthea and Burtch exchanged incredulous looks at what Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk was offering. Having more energy, Dorthea spoke for the both of them, "Thank you, Cruk! Your stations will be a welcome addition to our defences! In return, I can give you special access to our mining operations on Anvil, which can bolster your production capabilities. I'll even get you set up with your own mining permit if you want so the hive can gather their own resources."

Just then, something Cruk said triggered a thought in Burtch's head. He looked at Cruk and sigh a breath of exhaustion before speaking, "whoever is using Dobson channels to look into this Liin Terallo Liin Terallo person may have learned of her through you. You may need to look into your old Dobson channels to see if someone is using them again. It might give us a clue as to who this is…"

"Alright. Step one, as Burtch said, is restoring the monarchy. That would be a lot easier with someone by my side. Someone that I feel everyone is avoiding discussing....Where is Lori?"
"On this matter, I do not know."

Dorthea snorted, "last time I talked to her, she was out doing freelance treasure hunting. I think she's done with politics. I wouldn't count on her coming back."
Burtch seemed pleased though, "good. And, later, if you do well in recovering @Keatoch , I'll need you to do a mission to recover an old ship that once belonged to the Elysium fleet. That ship is much more powerful than Titana and will likely need a new captain… something to think about."

I nodded quickly while adjusting my armor and clearing my throat. Listening to the Grand Shepherds' response, It was a task for sure. However, Keatoch Keatoch could be anywhere. Considering his stature, or former in the Navy, I figured if I started a search party on Mandalore that could be a good place to start.

"Grand Shepherd, consider it done. I will gather all data on recent known whereabouts and find him." I replied as I raised my wrist to access my data pad. It was time to remember what I was good at. Quite an adventure this will be. As I listened briefly to Burtchs' responses to the others in the room, I began uploading information about Keatoch to the Titana. I wanted my crew ready to depart by the time I reached the dock.

Then I heard Lori's name mentioned. Where was that gal? So much time has passed. Best to focus on whats in the now, regardless. But there was conflict brewing inside of me.

With a simple salute to those in the room I needed to make preparations. Did Keatoch WANT to be found? What condition was he in? Did time treat him well? I'd soon find out. First stop, Market sector within the station, stock up on essentials for travel, and then it was time to head out.

Tag: Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Rex nodded at the news about Loreena, but sidelined that part of the conversation. There wasn't much left to discuss. Rex of course had many questions regarding the state of the galaxy, major events he had missed during his self-exile, new discoveries, Burtch's sickness, so on and so forth. But that could all be answered in time. He knew what was relevant and important, and the tasks ahead were laid out before them: Var would seek out Keatoch in Mandalorian space. Dorthea was right to warn against neglecting The Navis Sacra, and so Rex would Meet with influential figures within the Navi to earn their trust and begin forming his web of influence again. Eventually he would meet with Marlon Sularen, as well. The Dobson situation, while concerning, would be on the back burners. But Rex could potentially meet with this Liin Terallo and inquire about the Dobson channels. It seemed that Cruk Tuk would assist in this, a big help, as Rex could trust him.

"Thank you Cruk. Investigating Liin Terallo will be a huge help, so I can focus on these meetings." Then he turned to Var, whom was ready to depart. "Farewell, Var. I wish you luck in finding Keatoch." Rex then finally looked to Dorthea and Burtch, "Is there anything else that we need to discuss?"

He thought not, but perhaps one of the two would think of something else important. As for was disheartening to hear that she had resorted to treasure hunting. But perhaps he could win her back, if he could find her? Then again, Rex thought, Loreena never seemed to like being Queen. But treasure hunting...that suited her. Perhaps it was best that she be left there, happy, without having to worry about Rex and The Empire.
Cruk listened to the following information, he had little further he could think to say on the matter. Though he did find Dorthea's words of,
. You could practically walk into the office of their leader, take a dump on his desk, plant a tiny flag that says 'Ta-daa!' on the mound and they'd probably still vote you in. So… they can wait…
to be rather...odd. He had no idea if she was actually wrong or not. He knew it was not meant literally, but he could not help but wander how they would actually respond to that. Were he on the receiving end, he would have assumed the king had quite lost his mind. And the only further use he would have is either an arena, a grave, or with a worm or implant in his head to avoid further incidents. That, of course, wasn't on the list of options regardless nor a present concern.

The conversation moved on. Including to his offer which had clearly been received enthusiastically. It was good to know his hive's stations were so valued. He gave a nod followed by a simple response, "This is good. We can work out details on that matter at a more convenient time. But I shall prepare them accordingly." he agreed.

Then the issue of old dobson channels being misused. If Cruk were human, he might have shrugged, instead he responded just as simply as before,
"Even if they are active, there are many ways to evade detection if a being is clever at creating disposable systems and routing. Still, I am willing to put resource to it."

The matter of the other woman didn't seem so resolved. Freelance work, out of politics. How wasteful. But then, Cruk wagered most present probably didn't hold as strong a loyalty to their own as he did. Whether that was due to some personality trait or, more likely, a biological drive to work for the Hive. A positive trait in his eyes. But that too was likely biological.

Cruk gave Var-Sulis Var-Sulis a quick nod as he left. Then back as Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun asked if there was anything more to discuss
"There will be other details but they are largely clerical. It is unnecessary to discuss them at present and many may take preparations. Otherwise, no." he answered.

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

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