Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Little Buddy

852 ABY
Mere hours had passed.

The ship had been designed and every company involved had chipped in useful things. Every company had given their time and technology to build Kei his ship. Technically it was a Commenor Systems Alliance ship but Kei had managed to beg Lady Kay to let him keep it as his own flag ship. It was going to be an amazing ship, an amazing home for Kei. It would be an amazing flagship for the Commenor Systems Alliance navy.

He wasn't done yet. He was already witnessing his funds drip down slowly but he had more money to spend. The ship had taken a major chunk from his funds but he knew that he could earn those funds back easy enough. Noriko would supply him money, as would Kay if he asked nicely. He wasn't going to ask, he made a paycheck from the queen and he didn't need much all else.

Just enough to live, that's all he needed.

He had invited Voken to his home, his penthouse. There were some snacks left over from the meeting only hours before and Kei was more than willing to share. Voken worked for a company that designed droids, a company that designed durable droids. It had been too long since Kei had travelled with a droid, too long since he travelled with T3-J8. It was the first droid he had ever travelled with.

That droid had stopped working.

Kei wasn't only building himself a new astromech. He was also investing in a protocol droid, a translator. He also had a small gift lined up for a friend, a gift that would mirror the two droids he recieved. It had all been planned and Voken and his company were offering to do the entire job cheap. Kei had just spent bucket loads of credits on a cruiser, the droids could be a little cheaper.

He stood in the kitchen, looking towards the front door. He waited.
(My utmost apologies. I guess it never saved my post a few days ago! And for the short post. Didn't want much build up initially.)

Mid journey to the aforementioned penthouse, Vokun was sitting in a luxury craft, one leg crossed over the other, gazing down at the open pages on his lap. Before his eyes were the quarter reports for Ahvulan. It was looking good for them this turn around the track. He had been so focused on Val'hala his first life, then the second was his belief he was to purge the galxy... Now he was a force for balance. This allowed more time then ever to focus on balancing his company as well as his life.

"Sir, ahead there appears to be an accident." Came a voice from the front of the vehicle.

"It's fine Geoferry," Vokun replied, flipping the packet closed. Placing it inside the file they arrived in, he slid that into the safe found inside the car, "I will walk from here."

It took just a few minutes before he was strolling through the lobby on his way to the top.

[member="Kei Raxis"]
852 ABY
A glass of wine wouldn't go amiss.

Corellian Ale would be better. It was the Corellian in him, he was a fan of things that reminded him of home. He had heard the rumors of Corellia rebuilding itself, the new government rebuilding the planet. Good on them, Corellia had taken a beating and been through so much and had come out the other side a brilliant planet with a few floating mountains, a new astroid belt and a rift. Just an average planet really.

Kei didn't care for politics. He hated politics, he didn't understand it. Democracy was cool and all, but Kei didn't really care about voting on if a puppy orphanage should get more funding. He cared more about offering protection to the galaxy, he cared more about offering his services to the galaxy. He didn't care who was in charge so long as they did a competent job and didn't get anyone assassinated.

Or get assassinated. He shook his head, [member="Lady Kay"] coming to mind. How many times could one person have a bounty on them?

He heard the bell at his door and he thumbed in the code to allow the lift up to his level. He liked his penthouse, whole floor layout. It just meant letting visitors in was effort. He had to actually let them in by entering a code. Such effort, a good old fasioned key never hurt anyone. He couldn't complain though, the place was cheap. The place was amazingly cheap due to his ties with the queen. Connections with people were awesome.

He saw [member="Vokun"] for the first time as the man stepped from the elevator.

Kei offered his hand.
Vokun offered that smile. That one special smile. That dashing, slightly enticing, definitely intriguing smile. The one absolutely adored by the billions who called him their GodKing.

Taking the offered hand in a firm, yet in no way interpreted as aggressive, shake of the hand, "Mr. Raxis, it is an honor. I am Vokun Merishi, CEO, Owner and largest shareholder of, Ahvulan." He looked at the apartment, his smile returning, "If I can be bold and say, I actually lived not far from here when I was a youth. During my skirt the galaxy days." A robust chuckle escaped his lips, his mind momentarily returning to the days.

A small condo much the same had been his, truly nearby also. It was a time when he had been hired to stake a bounty, and had to do his research. The stipulations to the job had been critical, annoying if one were to be truthful, yet the bonus for their completion had called out to his senses. It was actually one of the last few jobs he took, before opening JAC so long ago. For a standard year, it felt like far, far more at the time, he studied the target and completed the tasks - returning to the first decent livings he would take till that date.

Without that condo, which came with all the amenities as he was sure this one did, he would never have had the draw to move on. To want more. It really did motivate him, beyond anything else ever had.

"Might we be able to sit? I feel like comfortability is a must when designing the 'prints for a project."

[member="Kei Raxis"]
852 ABY
So much to do.

Kei lead Vokun through to the balcony, the sun setting on the horison. The city was beautiful at night time, nearly as beautiful as Coronet City on Corellia. Commenor as a planet was beautiful, it was relaxed and it was peaceful. There was a gentle breese blowing throughout the city, adding a slight cool to the balcony. The temperature was perfect, so close to perfect. It was amazing how nice it was outside.

There was a bench set up around a fire-pit, a few chairs scattered around. A cooler lay to the side, a few left over cans of cheap beer inside it. It wasn't Corellian, Kei almost wished it was but it wasn't. It would do however, he smiled as he pulled out two. He tossed one towards hie new friend, opening one himself. He sat on the bench, leaning back with his eyes to the sky, the sunset above them beautiful and stunning.

"You know what I originally asked for, right?"

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