The OOC One
852 ABY
Mere hours had passed.The ship had been designed and every company involved had chipped in useful things. Every company had given their time and technology to build Kei his ship. Technically it was a Commenor Systems Alliance ship but Kei had managed to beg Lady Kay to let him keep it as his own flag ship. It was going to be an amazing ship, an amazing home for Kei. It would be an amazing flagship for the Commenor Systems Alliance navy.
He wasn't done yet. He was already witnessing his funds drip down slowly but he had more money to spend. The ship had taken a major chunk from his funds but he knew that he could earn those funds back easy enough. Noriko would supply him money, as would Kay if he asked nicely. He wasn't going to ask, he made a paycheck from the queen and he didn't need much all else.
Just enough to live, that's all he needed.
He had invited Voken to his home, his penthouse. There were some snacks left over from the meeting only hours before and Kei was more than willing to share. Voken worked for a company that designed droids, a company that designed durable droids. It had been too long since Kei had travelled with a droid, too long since he travelled with T3-J8. It was the first droid he had ever travelled with.
That droid had stopped working.
Kei wasn't only building himself a new astromech. He was also investing in a protocol droid, a translator. He also had a small gift lined up for a friend, a gift that would mirror the two droids he recieved. It had all been planned and Voken and his company were offering to do the entire job cheap. Kei had just spent bucket loads of credits on a cruiser, the droids could be a little cheaper.
He stood in the kitchen, looking towards the front door. He waited.