Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Her laughter stopped enough to nod at the explanation. To her, everything Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri said might as well be ancient text. He was someone she wanted to learn from, so why wouldn't his facts be anything less than that? But she was still grinning. <I just never thought about actually punching people. It's pretty funny when you think about it. I've seen so people get shot with lasers and cut up with lightsabers that a slap is just..> She trailed off, returning to her little giggle fit. The saber joined in, glowing brighter and dimmer as if it was laughing.

Which, Domxite was. Her laughter ceased after a moment as she turned her gaze down towards the hilt of her blade. Again she got up. The saber retreated back into it's hilt as she dusted herself off.

<I don't have a training droid, but I think I can show you a couple tricks from what I learned? A lot of what I learned was about disarming and not killing. Here.> The blade once more came to life as Iris took up the basic stance she'd started in.

<Do you know strike zones?>
Kai supposed it was sort of funny, if you put it that way. Part of him enjoyed martial arts with fists and feet much more than swordfighting or gunfighting.

<Yeah.> He mirrored her combat stance. <If you cut off a person’s hands, they won’t die but they usually can’t fight you anymore. Or their legs, that too.>



<Mm. I don't think it's ideal, but.. It's better than killing.> Her adverse nature to actually harming people bled through her words. Harder to hide emotions when it was a thought being sent. Iris would lead them through a couple simple, basic drills. Targeting the six zones. It was all pretty rigid. Practiced strikes that wouldn't work too well in the chaos of a real fight. But they were the basics, and what Iris was currently learning.

<What do you think of killing people?>

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
<It should be avoided,> he replied, letting her drive the pace. She was still on the basics, and her movements were quite stilted. Plenty of room for improvement, though. <Whenever possible. Sometimes, though, you don’t have a choice.>

A Sith Lord who was committing atrocities had to be stopped. Granted, these days killing a Sith would probably just result in them reincarnating into a clone body, and even if they didn’t the cycle would continue—someone else would come along and take their place. The battle between good and evil was never-ending.

In some ways Kai had been parroting what he had been taught by the Jedi (and what he had gleaned from watching a lot of superhero holoshows) rather than speaking from his mind or his heart. But he understood the Jedi way, and so far no better solution had presented itself to him.

<Use your head.> Kai saw her pause, getting distracted, and he swiftly swept in to take advantage, poking her under the arm with his lightsaber. <Think about the situation. Follow the rules of engagement. Have a plan, and a backup too. Look before you leap, learn to think on your feet...>

He started finding ways to get past her drills, going off script with jabs and thrusts and slashes.

<If you’re smart about it and come prepared, you’ll always have choices. Or at least, most of the time. If it comes down to you or them, take the shot. Defend yourself. Survive.>



She blinked in surprise as she felt Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri 's blade slip under her arm. Iris retreated backwards, near pouting as he took advantage of her distraction. Yet.. She couldn't argue with what he said. She'd heard it before from here and there, and it all made sense on paper. Then he mixed things up. She blinked in surprise as she tried to keep up. Whatever offensive she might of had was put to pure, almost panicked defense.

<Prepare for the worst, but try for the best?> At least the mental voice didn't translate her panic. She had a nervous grin as she continued to stumble back from each strike, trying to make distance.
<I guess you could say that.>

When she began to panic, he abruptly ceased his assault. They were standing quite close to each other, so he took a step backwards to avoid getting hit if she kept flailing.

<It feels like… too many people are drunk on power. They have options, but they’d rather just vanquish anyone who stands in their way, regardless of whether it’s right or necessary.> He looked her in the eye then, his gaze fixed on hers. <Or they are too afraid of messing up and making mistakes, and they wind up not doing anything. Paralyzed by fear and indecision.>



Once again she blinked in surprise as Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri stopped his assault. Not that she complained. Instead, she lowered her blade, and listened. Slowly Iris nodded. <I can't say I know anyone that fits that, but.. I don't know a whole lot of people as it is. .. But it's easy to get frozen in fear.> Her gaze lowered to the bandages still on her arm. It was mostly healed at this point, but..

<I guess we just have to be better, right?>
<I can't say I know anyone that fits that, but.. I don't know a whole lot of people as it is.>

<I do.> Unlike her, he didn't relax. He kept his blade at the ready. <I know two. You, and me.>

Iris had fretted over the impossibility of being able to help the Sithspawn zombies to the point where she allowed herself to be injured by them. Kai had walked into a situation that was way over his head, wholly unprepared, hoping against hope that he could reason with the Tyrant Orb, only to be nearly killed by it. They were both, in many ways, too idealistic for their own good.

<.. But it's easy to get frozen in fear.>

<Were you afraid?> he asked. <Really afraid of those zombies? Or were you afraid their deaths at your hands wouldn't be justified?>



<I wasn't afraid of either.> A sadness lingered about her. The colors she saw turned shades of blue as she set her hand on the bandage, gripping lightly at the cloth. After she got bit, yeah. She was afraid of being eaten, of pain, but that's not why she hesitated. <I was afraid I really couldn't help them. I get that they were already dead, but..> There wasn't anything to add. She knew what she picked was selfish. It risked more lives, her own life. Kai's, her masters.

She was lucky the only one hurt was her. <But! We're Jedi. If we don't try to save everyone, no matter what, why would anyone else?>

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
<That's what I meant. If you couldn't save them, killing them would be justified. You were afraid there was still a chance they could be saved.>

His lightsaber was still on, the blade humming as the plasma scorched dust particles in the air.

<Unless you're blaming your injury on just momentary panic. In that case, you need to work on your reflexes.>

He suddenly struck out at her, as if to impale her through the gut.



<That's..> He was right. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the bandages still. Reflexes? <Huh? No, it's not my refle- Hey!> Iris blinked in surprise as she felt.. Something. It was enough for her to activate her lightsaber and bring it around. Just in time to catch Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri 's strike from hitting her. Barely. She frowned slightly, jumping back. <What are you doing?>
<What are you doing?>

He smiled. <Testing your Jedi reflexes.>

Again he struck, the timing of his blows unpredictable, sometime incorporating deceptive feints to throw her off. That was the nature of swordfighting; trickery, deceit, trying to outsmart your opponent.

They eventually became caught in yet another bind, their blades grinding together. <What will you do if you end up in a similar situation again?> he asked. In telepathy, his double meaning was revealed: he was referring to their last bind, when he had reached around and slapped her, and to the situation with the zombies. Both times, she had stumbled; both times, because she had failed to react fast enough.

He wanted to know what she had learned from it all.



<That's- One way, I guess.> Telepathy really made it easier for her to focus on her response, somewhat. Her focus was more on trying to defend herself against Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri 's trickery. Her training thus far in the classics of Shii Cho wasn't really ideal for trickery in sword play. She frowned, trying to think. Except there was no real time to think with him constantly cutting at her.

<I don't know! It's hard to think like this!>
<I don't know! It's hard to think like this!>

<Iris.> He leaned forward, past the cinch of their bound blades, so close that their noses were almost touching. His wide eyes looked huge - and slightly cross-eyed.

<You could've hit me there. Just like I hit you, remember?>

Reaching around, he took her hand and slapped himself in the face with it. <Or a closed fist - you can punch me, I don't think it'll hurt me much.>

That was most definitely a tease, implying she had weak little noodle arms that could barely throw a punch. Releasing her wrist, he grinned at her and backed away. <Wanna try again?>



Her own larger eyes widened slightly as he leaned in closer. For once she actually looked at him, staring directly back into his eyes with an obvious confusion. Wasn't that dangerous? To lean between their blades like that? Then her hand was grabbed. And.. Used to slap him? Iris just seemed more confused until Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri spoke in her mind. Oh. Oh. She could of struck hi- Wait was he making fun of her?

She squinted a little, frowning. She wasn't that weak! .. Though, he wasn't really human so.. How touch would he be?

<Yeah. Let's try again.> The frown faded to a more focused expression as she leveled her blade in both hands. <I want to get better.>
Her squint and frown only widened his grin.

As soon as he had confirmation, he was on her again, his strikes fast and hard to predict. If she let the Force take her where she needed to go, entering into "the zone" so to speak, she could meet him blow for blow.

Sure enough, they found themselves in a bind again, blades crossed, struggling for dominance. He was sort of expecting her to hit him, so it wouldn't come as a surprise if he did get socked in the mouth or smacked across the face. On the other hand, she might do something different... he wasn't sure if she had as much a penchant for creativity in combat as she did on the canvas.



There was little blow for blow at first. Iris hadn't found "the zone", but she was determined to keep up regardless. It was her saber that helped her realize it. She was still frowning, but Domxite helped to calm her mind. Help her look above the emotions she had. No frustration, no desperation to be something better. Just.. Calm. The effect was instant. Rather than trying to force her body to move how she wanted, she let the Force guide her movements. Harsh, rigid movements turned more fluid as she weaved her blade to catch Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri 's and deflect the strikes aside.

The moment their blades locked she didn't hesitate to strike out. She swung her leg around, moving to kick his legs out from under him.
Kai suddenly found himself lying on the ground, looking up at the sky. Iris had swept his legs, and he had fallen for it—literally.

<Good job! Although if this were a real fight, and you got me that good, you should’ve gone in for the kill immediately—or have your blade at my throat while you order me to surrender, if nothing else.>


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