Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Little Late, But Hello!

So this is a little bit late as I've already dove right into the site and even started my first story, but figured I still might as well throw up my first "Hello" here. So there it is, I guess, but I'm really not that great at these introductory things. Well if you have any questions or just want to drop by and say hello, that's great!

Also, I encourage others to look at my writing and be brutally honest when diving into it. Let me know what I screwed up on so that I know how to fix it in the future.

Thanks and I hope I get the chance to write with most of you out there one day!

Fiolette Fortan

[member="Dain Ikaran"]
Welcome to Chaos, if you have any questions feel free to ask and enjoy your stay!

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Welcome to CHAOS, [member="Dain Ikaran"]

Glad you took the rancor by the horn and dove right in. :)
Hmm...Lord, hope rancors have horns or my knowledge of SW has just been exposed. :eek:
Thank you to everyone for all the warm welcomes! This is a different set up than I am really used to for a Forum-based RP with no fixed locations, but I'll get my head around it eventually.

Also, if anyone wants to write with me (or another character of mine that I might make in the future) please let me know. I am down to write with anyone.

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