Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Little Tweaking... (Enigma)

SARI shrugged, still looking down at her stomach. "To be honest, strange. This is something I've never thought about before. Now that it can happen... " Her voice trailed off. Finally, the orb stopped growing. It went still for a moment, not pulsing, inside SARI's now bulbous abdomen. Then, it collapsed inward quickly before disappearing completely with a small twinkle of light. Her stomach fell away in pixelated squares. SARI appeared normal again.
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"You're thinking about him, aren't you... The Shadow. Onyx." She smiled, looking the AI over. "I'm guessing you enjoyed that? If so, we can always do it again, if you want to grow more adjusted to the feeling of it." She smiled, knowing that in reality, Sari would likely want to relish her newfound capabilities of reproduction. "Only if you want to, that is."
SARI looked at Cassandra. At the edge of her thoughts, Shadow did come to her. But she was still a bit unsure why that was. She couldn't have feelings for him... Could she? And if she did, did he feel for her, too? These thoughts lasted mere seconds in SARI's accelerated thought processors. "Yes. I'd like to do it again, please."
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Smiling, Circe took another vial of blood, placing it in the device and activating it, slowly transforming the blood into more data that would swirl around Sari. This one was a tiny bit bigger than the other, due to more blood being used, but only Sari would notice that. "Okay... don't swallow it this time, alright?" She smiled, curious to see what happened next. Go back to your normal hologram projector. I have a special projector I think that can be used for this very special occasion. And I do mean special - experimental technology, and it eats quite a bit of power."

With that said, she waited to see what Sari did with this ball - and once she had it inside her, she removed the holoprojector Sari had just used, moving to replace it with a new one.

A solid-state one.

SARI left and rematerialized as a miniature figure on Cassandra's desk. This time, she took the orb and carefully shoved it through her stomach. Again, she felt the sensation of data leaving her systems, though slightly more than last time as this orb was bigger. Then she noticed the new piece of equipment Cassandra was hooking up. Her sensors indicated that it was another projector. Only, it was more complex. "Analyzing..... Hm. That's new..." She remarked as she studied the new holo-projector.
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"You know, there's a place where babies are supposed to come out of and go into." She smiled, giving a soft chuckle as she moved to further adjust the wires and whatnot here. "Finally, I'll be able to feel you... and you'll be able to feel me. This is a solid-state holoprojector. When you use it, you'll be as physical as anyone can normally be. How does that sound to you?" If she could make this technology small, yet portable... Nah, droids were the way to go.

SARI crossed her arms. "Cassandra, I realize where babies come from. I, however, don't have actual female reproductive organs. Therefor, I don't need to place the virus anywhere like that." She said. She scanned the projector again as she looked at it. "It sounds like it could be useful for some things, I guess."
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"Well, still, I mean... for the sake of pretending. You are a woman, after all... Oh, that reminds me... I have some stuff relating to that as well." She smirked, moving to see if she could feel Sari's brand new solid-state body... and she could. "Um... can you feel that?" She traced a hand over the AI's back. "Another revolution in digital-to-physical technology."
The conversion to the solid-state projector had felt normal. SARI could still feel the virus growing and collecting, only now, she could no longer see it. When Cassandra touched her, she could only barely feel it at all. "Not especially," She said.
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Smiling, Circe ran her hands over the still pulsating belly that Sari now had. "I'm... surprised." She said. "I never expected I'd be feeling life developing within an AI. It's... revolutionary." She could hardly think of what was next - droids that could have children. Synthetic yet normal-functioning organs. AIs could live entire LIVES as humans, and be perfectly normal.

"I love you, Sari. In a very special way - not a wife or lover way, but as the first of the futurekind."
SARI raised an eyebrow, smirking. "I never thought I'd hear you say something quite so... Heart-warming. Thank you," She said jokingly. Then, she thought of something. "Cassandra, If I were to carry a child, who would I do so with? It's a bit difficult to know people in a way that causes you to love them when you're an A.I...."
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"There's one person I think you likely would be interested in making a child with... That would be the one whose armor you inhabit. Onyx. The Shadow. He sounds like someone who cares about you greatly." She smiled, considering things. With a grin, she motioned for the woman to follow her within the hologram projector's visual range. "I have something for you that will feel good, particularly with you having more 'skin' due to the pregnancy."
SARI considered this. "Shadow? I....I don't know. I don't even think he cares for me in that way...." She followed Enigma as far as the projector's light would go. "Another surprise? I had no idea it was my birthday," She joked.
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Smiling, she gave a soft laugh. "Well... I'd be willing to create one with you. It's not as though the process requires a certain DNA-rich fluid in order to work. Even blood will do... though considering how much you like this new experience, I might just keep you that way." She joked, giving a soft chuckle. "This is a massage table. Fit your bump into the little hole so I can start giving you a massage."

SARI raised both eyebrows. "A massage? Cassandra, you never indicated that you were a masseuse," She said. This was utterly strange to her. However, she lied down anyway.
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"I've... learned a thing or two about giving massages." She chose to ignore the brief flashback of her time as a half-Zeltron, half-Falleen slave, giving massages to ugly guards and a fat master. Slowly, she began to run her hands up and down the AI's back. It was strange to massage someone that had no muscles - the sense of touch being a new thing for her must've been somewhat addicting, if not pleasurable. "Do you like that?"
It felt very nice to SARI. Then again, to feel in general was nice. "I better understand why so many organics recommend it for stress and pleasure now," She admitted, smiling.
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"Well, you have a lot to learn and be able to do before you become as human as your creator. But I promise you - nay, I swear to you - you will live as a human before I die." She smiled, eager to continue the massage. "Do you find a degree of pleasure from this, Sari? All I want is for you to experience pleasure whenever I touch you. You'll never experience one form of it until much later, though..."

SARI nodded. "Yes, Cassandra. It feels very good. And you shouldn't worry about it, either. I want to feel the bad things as well. As long as I can feel it, I'll be happy."
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"I was referencing sex, silly... And once I finish the massage, I think we should do this again, but with something new. I have some more special programming to add to the next virus. And don't worry, none of the viruses will affect your programming." She smiled, knowing that the AI was having as much fun as she.

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