Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Little Tweaking... (Enigma)

SARI looked at her questioningly. "'Special programming?' I don't think I like that tone of voice..." She was only half-kidding. If there was one thing SARI had gathered of her female companion over the past few months, it was that she was an [member="Enigma"] .

(( See what I did there? :p))
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(I c wut u did there)

Circe smiled. "It's only special programming to add to the next tester. Give me a but more control over the situation, and you a bit more pleasure. AIs like you could certainly use such pleasure... And you seem to greatly enjoy being a mother. Don't worry, it's not like I would ever do anything harmful to you." She smiled, giving her a soft embrace as the data packet inside Sari prepared to dissolve.

Again, the data vanished. Since she was not see-through at the moment, All one could see was SARI's pregnant stomach fade into nothingness as her regular stomach came back.
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"Alright... Back to the normal holoprojector." She smiled, moving to the blood device once more. "Alright... This next packet we 're going to use the solid-state projector on, so I can show you what you should do." She had a distinct grin with regards to what she meant by that. "Additionally, this virus has a route to my special datapad. I will control it, but you will have some say in what I do. The packet will make you feel pleasure as it grows more code inside you. You should definitely enjoy it. And unlike the others, it will not disintegrate until I let it do so." Smiling, she gave a chuckle, the information being inputed into the machine.

"Get ready for this..."

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The new data packet a Circe formed was identical to the first one, but there were a couple of differences. The first was that unlike the original, it's coloration was more a pinkish red, more magenta like a Zeltron's skin. The second was that little data blocks trailed behind it, slowly and surely. "Alright... Please turn to the solid-state projector. It's time to put this where it really goes." She gave a grin, pulling a controller out and plugging it into her datapad. "This is gonna be good... Now, whatever you want it to do, I can control from my datapad. May do some things myself." She grinned.

"It has a stealth mode."

SARI was a bit flabbergasted. "Uuh...... Cassandra? You know I encourage a creative mind, but isn't this going a bit far?" She said nervously.
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"It'll be fine... Again, this can't hurt you, and you know... I've been too pressuring. I'm sorry." She sighed, facepalming as she looked the controller over. "I just wanted you to feel for the first time how it feels to do this sort of thing. It's amazing, and, well..." There was something she wasn't telling Sari, not any issue with the test, but a personal one within herself. "Absorb the data however you wish... I'll just wait patiently."

She sighed. Hopefully, Sari would ask and get the truth out of the situation." Circe wasn't the hardest to pry info from when she was moody.
SARI eyed her suspiciously. She could see by the crestfallen look on Cassandra's face that this was a personal issue. "What's wrong? You look bluer than me..." She said, trying to cheer the woman up a bit.
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"Well... Long story short, I've died. Twice. The first time I died, I was pregnant. My kids died with me. Ever since then, an aspect of my mind has been warped to where, well... I suppose I feel that helping others have children makes up for the loss I experienced." She turned back to the AI. "Now you probably understand why I want to help you so badly, and for you to experience pleasure from it - my being pregnant caused me great pain when I was killed."
SARI looked at Cassandra, her face filled with compassion. "I'm so sorry...... But don't worry. The thought of creating life like organics do is exciting to me, and I'm going to try it eventually. And when I do, it will be the most beautiful thing that ever happened in my lifespan. And it's all thanks to you." She smiled.
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Nodding, she smiled. "I want your experience to be pleasurable. Not painful. Hence why I modified this specific self-replicating viral bundle of joy with something to make you enjoy it as well." She smiled, eying over the holographic image with a smile as she thought over the circumstances of her recent awakening. "And soon... Soon, I'll have a new body developed for you and you alone."
The hologram looked genuinely surprised. "You're making me a body??" She exclaimed. SARI practically jumped with joy.
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"Not just any body. I intend to copy the DNA encoded in your structure and grow a body out of it, similar to that of your creator. A living, human body. The brain will be replaced with a droid brain, containing you. You'll be human." She gave a loud chuckle. "I hope you enjoy it."
SARI's eyes widened. To be human was something many AIs would kill for, if they could. It was what they felt as achieving ultimate perfection. But, SARI wasn't like most AIs. Though she longed deeply to be human, she also liked being an AI. Being a computer capable of thinking and acting and moving at least 50 times faster than that of any organic made her feel special. She didn't want to lose that part of herself. "I would still be able to be an AI, wouldn't I?" She asked.
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"Well, yes. You'd still be able to, if you wanted me to augment the body with cybernetics, interface with computers, hack, etcetera." She smiled, giving a soft grin. "But I don't think you'd be able to freely travel between it and your other computers unless we placed some circuitry in your brain to make sure that your body continued to operate normally while your consciousness was elsewhere."
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"Have you inputted the recent viral data packet?" Circe raised an eyebrow, smiling and reaching for her datapad. If she had... maybe it would work. Maybe the viral packet could do as she intended it to do.
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"Alright... absorb it into you and we can begin the testing for this special orb. It'll do whatever I tell it to do using this datapad. Hope you enjoy." She smiled, preparing to start work.

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