Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Little Tweaking... (Enigma)

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"Alright..." Tapping on the datapad, she moved to start controlling it. "Growth rate increased by fifty percent... Infecting programming and adding the capability to experience... Pleasure. You should be receiving from the motion of the viral package a feeling similar to a sensory input of pleasure."

Oh, SARI felt it alright. It was warm, with a twinge of pain that tickled a bit. She nodded, her eyes a little disoriented. "Yeah....I feel it."
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Fiddling with the packet'a datapad controls , Circe shifted a bit back and forth before trying to get the packet to cause more of an effect. "There we go... That was ten percent strength. I'm going to up it to twenty-five percent. If your holographic avatar starts pulsating with reddish vejns, that's just the pleasure."

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"This would be torture were it not so enjoyable... Upping to fifty percent." The sensation would be twice as powerful now, and waves of synthetic pleasure data would be flowing into Sari's sensor reception subroutines. She would be experiencing more pleasure than anyone else with regards to real sentients could typically stand.
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Circe had an idea. She wondered how a computer program like Sari would react to the overloading of stimuli Circe herself was exceptionally familiar with. "One hundred percent power. You should be full right now." She smiled, ever to see if what she thought would happen would indeed happen.
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Smiling, Circe continued to apply the power, eager to watch her continue to relax and enjoy herself. "How does that make you feel, Sari? Do you enjoy the viral packet inside your code?" She chuckled, walking around the AI's holographic image projected using the solid-state technology. "Can hardly handle the joys of this, can you..."

SARI simply shook her head. It felt like she was going to melt from the feeling that coursed through her now. Her image even appeared to be blushing.
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"Just a little bit longer and you should be in a fit of hysterical paroxysm." She chuckled, slipping behind the AI's solid light image as grinning as her image changed color. "This is how I feel sometimes, Sari. This feeling, this sensation you're currently enjoying - it's something only normal sentients ever experience. You experiencing it means you're more than an AI. You're a true sentient."

Five minutes later, SARI was holding her sides on the floor. She had let out a short scream, and was panting though she didn't even breathe.
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With that said and done, Circe dissolved the viral packet, returning the attractive AI to her slender female body shape. "Congratulations. You just experienced hysterical paroxysm. I refer to it that way because of science stuff, but common people not skilled in the ways of technology would call it "orgasmic bliss." What a silly name..."

She smiled, putting the datapad away as she helped up the solid-light form of the hologram.

SARI stood up once more with help from Cassandra. "So that's what organics endure when they mate?" It wasn't really a question, but more of a statement.
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"Essentially. That buildup you felt is the first one I think any female AI has ever experienced. I hope you enjoyed it - you'll be feeling a lot more of it once I finish your body." A soft smile crossed her lips as she ran her hands through the AI's "hair," curious to see if the soft-light would make it rustle in her hand.

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