Time: Dusk falling dark
Location: Nal Hutta - Swamp Area
Form: Wolf Form
Tags: [member="Gerwald Lechner"]
Redd’s paws padded through the water and paused as an ear pricked towards a sound of branches breaking far off in the distance. The wolf could almost feel the presence of her old pack, almost but not quite. The swamp was no forest and mud was everywhere. She had almost sunk into a bog hole but had managed to crawl her way out. Her nose had wrinkled at the smell at first, but slowly but surely had grown accustomed to the smell. Who knew what else lurked amongst the thick vegetation, but for now the wolf wasn’t about to find out what that was. [SIZE=11pt]Shelter,[/SIZE] was her main number one goal. She had to find shelter of some kind as even she who was used to sleep deprivation had to get even an hour's worth of sleep at some point.
Golden eyes looked over her shoulder for a moment before paws splashed their way through the small stream over to the other side. Upon firm ground once more she continued forwards, all the while making sure that no scent of any kind was nearby, nearby enough that posed a threat anyway. Mud matted the fur around her legs and she felt it cool along with the evening as the sun that shone above her head, gave away to the night. Soon it would be dark and although it had been a while since she traversed the wilds, even she knew that a lone wolf had to hunker down when the night fell. Animals of all kinds, small and large came out to play and some of those animals wouldn’t be too friendly, especially to a lone half-starved wolf. This wolf wasn’t at 100% yet, not yet anyway, but she was sure to change that with a decent hunt tomorrow and perhaps maybe some rest.
Rest… What rest? Ghosts haunted her dreams and sometimes they even haunted her waking day. When would they ever leave her alone? When would they stop reminding her of things that she had lost? Her tongue lashed at her nose as she pressed forwards, pausing to stop and sniff at an unknown print in the soft ground. Angling her head, her ears pressed back against her skull. Redd didn’t [SIZE=11pt]recognise[/SIZE] the print of the wampa, but whatever it was it would be dinner later on. Not that she knew where it had gone, but that wasn’t a priority right now, what was a priority was shelter, as even now she could feel the cold beginning to set in. A soft growl rumbled within the wolf as she pushed on, noting trees and their unique patterns.
That was until she came across a hole in the base of a large tree, one that she could crawl into. Dropping to her stomach she crawled into the gap of the tree, pausing only slightly so then she could wiggle her hindquarters in under and through the small gap. Once through the hole proved to be big enough for her and whatever else she could drag in and there would be no other way in or out. It was perfect for her uses for now and dark, but that didn’t hinder the red wolf. Not to mention even in this space, she could keep somewhat warm. Positioning her form at the furthermost point from the entrance, she curled up but made sure that she could still see the entrance, just in case anything decided to come in after her. She would know, but still, she couldn't be too certain that nothing would even come through the small gap. It didn't smell like anything had even habited the tree, but then again, everything basically smelled like the swamp, so anything was possible. Redd deduced as she laid her head into her front paws.
However, even as tired as she was, the wolf only managed to get a couple of hours sleep.
Location: Nal Hutta - Swamp Area
Form: Wolf Form
Tags: [member="Gerwald Lechner"]

Golden eyes looked over her shoulder for a moment before paws splashed their way through the small stream over to the other side. Upon firm ground once more she continued forwards, all the while making sure that no scent of any kind was nearby, nearby enough that posed a threat anyway. Mud matted the fur around her legs and she felt it cool along with the evening as the sun that shone above her head, gave away to the night. Soon it would be dark and although it had been a while since she traversed the wilds, even she knew that a lone wolf had to hunker down when the night fell. Animals of all kinds, small and large came out to play and some of those animals wouldn’t be too friendly, especially to a lone half-starved wolf. This wolf wasn’t at 100% yet, not yet anyway, but she was sure to change that with a decent hunt tomorrow and perhaps maybe some rest.
Rest… What rest? Ghosts haunted her dreams and sometimes they even haunted her waking day. When would they ever leave her alone? When would they stop reminding her of things that she had lost? Her tongue lashed at her nose as she pressed forwards, pausing to stop and sniff at an unknown print in the soft ground. Angling her head, her ears pressed back against her skull. Redd didn’t [SIZE=11pt]recognise[/SIZE] the print of the wampa, but whatever it was it would be dinner later on. Not that she knew where it had gone, but that wasn’t a priority right now, what was a priority was shelter, as even now she could feel the cold beginning to set in. A soft growl rumbled within the wolf as she pushed on, noting trees and their unique patterns.
That was until she came across a hole in the base of a large tree, one that she could crawl into. Dropping to her stomach she crawled into the gap of the tree, pausing only slightly so then she could wiggle her hindquarters in under and through the small gap. Once through the hole proved to be big enough for her and whatever else she could drag in and there would be no other way in or out. It was perfect for her uses for now and dark, but that didn’t hinder the red wolf. Not to mention even in this space, she could keep somewhat warm. Positioning her form at the furthermost point from the entrance, she curled up but made sure that she could still see the entrance, just in case anything decided to come in after her. She would know, but still, she couldn't be too certain that nothing would even come through the small gap. It didn't smell like anything had even habited the tree, but then again, everything basically smelled like the swamp, so anything was possible. Redd deduced as she laid her head into her front paws.
However, even as tired as she was, the wolf only managed to get a couple of hours sleep.