Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Lovely Chat

[member="Connor Harrison"]

"It feels good, doesn't it?" she said, but to Connor, the words would echo in his mind, like the whisper in the ear. "The power the dark side can provide, it is seductive... the idea that you can wield the power to literally tear apart a being with your bare hands, to strike harder and faster, to be a weapon to be at the very beck and call of the dark side. Not some master, but yourself and the will of the dark side."

The words would keep echoing there as he grasped control, but Taeli could feel the exhaustion setting in. He hadn't moved, but as she had said, his body wasn't used to such expression of raw emotion and power. It was saddening really. The Ren had no true concept of what the dark side could offer. They blindly followed their so-called Supreme Leader, trusting in him and his power. Oh they might say they were strong, that they were true vessels of the dark side... but then she would look at their actions... and then she would compare them to the Sith. It wasn't even close.

"Now... entrap that rage, bind it to a place where you can draw upon it again," she instructed. "You will need to practice this, to gain the ability to call upon the ability unhelped by spells or time."

Connor Harrison

He kept looking at her, using those violet eyes as a way to incite the pain she brought to him, but the control she taught him. Maybe those very eyes would be the trigger he needed for everything. Memories of Corvus, the pain of failing to be somebody, the hurt from Arcanix in battle, the dissapointment he brought.

Connor closed his fists and exhaled, closing the voices and the sounds into the recess of his mind that still were there, but were contained. Hopefully.

When he felt safe to do so, he nodded.

"Okay. Okay..."

He sighed and relaxed, feeling drained. Glancing up, he closed his eyes for a moment.

"Guess I'll have to find a dark corner and practice sustaining my energy."

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

"I'm sure there are many corners in... I believe the Ren call it the Bastion?" she said, smirking slightly in that way she could. He would know she knew about the Ren's home from her agent that moved among them. "Or, you could always apprentice yourself to me. I know you feel a responsibility to the Ren, but eventually I think you'll come to see them much as I do. Weak, cowardly... slaves to a master. Bound in chains, such wasteful potential, but then... they were the ones that most Sith had no interest in."

She shrugged.

"Regardless, think on the offer. You and I both know that deep down, you'll never be content among them. You'll only ever be content with the power only a Sith can wield, but I leave that up to you. Now, I do believe I must be heading back to Alliance space. Business dealings on Skor with those little Squibs."

Connor Harrison


Connor walked forward, placing a hand out for the table, but it wasn't there. He looked a little drained. She knew of the Bastion....what did that prove? Taeli literally was everywhere in his life. He could not escape.

"I know you're right. I...will you teach me? Everything? "

There was nothing but weakness in his voice.

"No games, Taeli. No stupid games or tests. Just, train me to be strong enough to cast fear into the Light and make me a Lord. Please."

He stepped forward and lowered his head.

"I'll do anything."

Right now, where he was? He was doomed to become nothing but a laughing stock. Even Ara had given up on him, and with Skor due any day, he was running out of time and chances.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

"We'll begin when I return from my trip to Skor," Taeli replied. "I give you a fair warning, as a formal apprentice, I can be quite the driving taskmaster. However, my methods helped produce two powerful Ladies of the Sith while I was among the One Sith. Continue to go about your business as usual with the Ren for now, as we will have to meet in secret for your lessons. But rest assured, when I'm done with you... well I'm sure you can imagine the power you'll be able to wield."

She gestured and the door would open, two Aurora Wights stepping into the room. Much like Eldaah, their faces were hidden behind helmets, but their armor covered their entire bodies. Molecular-edged swords were slung on their backs.

"Please see to it that Mr. Harrison makes it to his ship," she ordered. "We were testing something, and he is still recovering from it. Connor, we will meet again in a few days."

No words would be exchanged, but the two Wights would nod and move to either side of Connor.

Connor Harrison

Skor. Hopefully the two wouldn’t cross paths again for show, but at least he had some focus now. With a nod, being all he could offer without more embarrassingly pitiful words, Connor stepped back and looked to the masked guards coming through.

He gave one more look to Taeli and forced a solemn smile, before turning, refraining from their help, to walk with the guards back the way he came.

He just looked ahead as he walked through the lab, ignoring everything around him as he was taken back up the bright lights of the planet’s surface and the roof landing pad, where he took a minute to adjust his eyes.

Carry on as normal. What even was normal currently? Wiping his brow and squeezing his temples gently, he thanked the guards and slowly got into his ship, taking a few minutes to compose himself, plot his course, and wonder what the future was going to bring, because with Taeli involved it was always so uncertain to see.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]

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