Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A meeting at Vran'Ti Cantina

Fireson went to Vran'Ti for some needed break. He has been on the run for 5 years and is very exhausted. News of Mike V'Trechen's exploits was all over the hollonet. "AT least, he does not know the truth yet," Fireson thought while going to the cantina.

When Fireson gone into the cantina, he ordered a root beer. Fireson knew that it was not a alcoholic drink, but he never knew when there was someone targetting his back. Fireson saw a couple of people looking at a rerun of a old footage of Mike's tatooine battle. Fireson almost thrown up. Fireson was just about to leave, before he saw a couple of strangers...


Active Member
[SIZE=10pt]Vran’Ti was a planet that Avery had heard much about. Home to the Spymaster, Nexus Krae. Avery had never been to Vran’Ti before and imagined he never would. It was too far from The Protectorate’s position to have any real outside contact, aside from Master Nexus. But still, Avery was here, seeing the sights, hearing the noises, and hating the people. As much as Avery disliked crowded planets and cities Vran’Ti had a certain… attraction to it. An alluring sound, smell, or commodity that was only present on Vran’Ti. Or perhaps it was because of Nexus Krae. living here most of his life, he surely had to have an affect on the planet. Avery really didn’t know why the planet was so attractive. But figuring out the origin of Vran’Ti’s uniqueness was not why Avery was here. He had come to this planet with Nexus too help recruit someone, why Nexus wanted this specific person, he did not know or care. It was simply an order, one he had to follow.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]As Avery stroud beside Nexus, nearing their objective, he thought to himself who this person was, an assassin? Deserted Jedi? Or maybe a powerful Force user? Really that’s all Avery cared about. who they were and how easy it would be to convince them to join… or force to join.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]They had made it, the location was a bar, small in structure, containing all who lived in the surrounding area. They entered, Avery scanned the bar interior, and then he saw their target. An orange headed man with eyes clouded with yellowish haze. He was quite gifted too, even Avery could sense it. Avery turned his head and looked down at Nexus, awaiting further instructions. [/SIZE]

[member="Fireson V'Trechen"] - [member="Nexus Krae"]
Nexus himself rarely browsed the holonet, he was far to busy for such things. However, he was also the leader of a world and the spymaster for the Corporate Protectorate, so he had people who would come to him sometimes mentioning things of interest. In this case, someone came to him at the mention of a force user on the loose. The brother of an individual within the Fel Empire who was better known, having even married a princess. Now knowing of force sensitives was not uncommon for Nexus he even had a student at present, though she wasn't intimately aware with the dark side, and was actually more akin to the neutral basis on which most of the Vo Ni of his world stood. Laila however, was not particularly easy to manipulate, and her own goals were already set. She wanted to grow strong enough, eventually, to do everything she could for Vran'Ti, the one thing she was absolutely loyal to. Yes he could try and take that and raise it, but it wouldn't do him much good.

A human though, someone who wasn't connected to a world in the same way, who could be more easily molded. That might be something he could work with.

Nexus had enlisted the assistance of an individual he knew had the skill to subdue the individual if necessary, without bringing about a fuss. The Zhorngi could probably do the job, but they were shapeshifters and for them to fight would be blatantly obvious. They were trained to shift during combat after all. While they were approaching their objective Nexus spoke to [member="Avery Regailis"], "Our target is named Fireson, I believe it's possible that with the correct training in the force, he would serve as a useful tool to the Corporate Protectorate. If we can get him off world and onto The Goran, then things can be discussed more easily. However, if he starts a fight in the bar, we need to suppress him without bring up a huge fuss." he explained.

Before they would go down Nexus would change to more...common, clothing. Though he kept Shruuk across his back, the alchemized sword and lightsaber of his own design. Sure enough, he could sense him before he entered the bar. Nexus smiled, breathing in and out, before entering. He glanced at Nexus as he looked for instruction, "Sit opposite him as me, if he tries to run or fight back, it would be much more efficient for you to take him down, preferably non lethally. My actions are a lot less....subtle. Not great for something like this." he said, before heading in to sit down on one side of [member="Fireson V'Trechen"], "Fireson, I'd like to speak with you, but not here." he leaned on one arm and whispered, "The force is a powerful thing, but who will it be stronger with? You, or your brother? Oh, and don't try to run, we've faced worse things than you right now on a weekday." he let out a smile, waiting to see his reaction.
Fireson looked at [member="Nexus Krae"] and [member="Avery Regailis"] . He did not know if they were trying to assasinate him or what they know of him. He knew that something had to be done, since he did not offord to die. Fireson was trying to be on the defence. He knew that he did not have a weapon, but he had his hands. That is good that the bartender gave him a bottle.

"Let me guess," said Fireson. "My brother found out the truth from one of his "Heroic" missions and sent you here to kill me. I have been running from this for 5 years, but apparently you all have a advantage. How much can I pay you to get off my back and leave me alone. I will even double my brother's price."


Active Member
[SIZE=10pt]Avery watched as Nexus sat down across from the man that’d come here for, Fireson V’Trechen. Avery followed, sitting next to the shapeshifter and across from the target. Avery examined the man, looking him up and down. Yes, this one was strong but at the same time weak, untaught and refined. Full of power that has not yet been cultivated, virtually useless until tapped into. He kept scanning the young man as Nexus rambled on, Avery finally understood why Nexus wanted this one. An apprentice, someone he could teach and pass knowledge onto. Avery actually was kind of angry with himself for not seeing Nexus’ reason but never really Knew Nexus as the type to take a student under his wing. But then again, he didn’t really know Nexus.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]After a second or two looking at the boy, Avery turned his sights to the room around him and all the potential weapons that dwelled in it. If things did go bad then Avery would have to know all the threats he’d have to prevent. He looked all across the room, noting that there wasn’t really anything that would cause a problem if this Fireson person got their hands on it. Well, except for one thing. The beer bottle that he held in his hand. Stll, that was a minor problem with an easy solution.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]After nexus finished his little speech, Avery waited for Fireson’s move. Attack, run, or accept, those were his choices. In reality he really had only one choice, which was acceptance. Acceptance of fate, life, and the future. And Avery hoped he would choose wisely.[/SIZE]

[member="Fireson V'Trechen"] - [member="Nexus Krae"]
Nexus furrowed his brow as [member="Fireson V'Trechen"] answered with more information than Nexus had even brought up, well...this man was definitely not prepared to be put in any kind of undercover position. Aside from names he'd just about revealed anything there was to know. As he finished trying to offer double whatever his brother might have offered them to kill him the sith rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat, "Man, you're really easy to open up in public. We may have to fix that. No you imbecile I'm trying to recruit you for something, something I don't want to explain out here in the open because I understand the importance of secrecy." he said putting folding his hands together and letting out a breath, "Come with us, and I make it so that you have absolutely nothing to worry about from your brother."

He looked the V'Trechen in the eyes, reaching out with his mind towards the boys, essentially attempting to speak into his very mind with a type of telepathy, There is much you can learn, if you serve the goals I set before you.

He let out another breath and leaned back against his chair in thought, awaiting the reaction from Fireson. He figured that should be obvious enough, and if it wasn't, well, he might have to start reconsidering if he should take this one as a student. Nexus was not one to have to lay things out incredibly clearly except when he had to actually preform in military or politics. But if he was in public situation like this, he better catch on to what the man was saying. He wanted an apprentice. The usefulness of an apprentice was not lost on Nexus in the slightest, he had no empathy for Fireson. He saw him as a tool, a useful tool. Like a blowtorch or a sword. He didn't need to be useful on his own after Nexus raised his ability, he just needed to be useful to Nexus and the Protectorate or Vran'Ti.

[member="Avery Regailis"]
Fireson weighed his options. He can either get killed by his brother or never have to bother with his brother again, with possibility of killing Mike V'Trechen. Fireson could be rich and use the Fel Imperium to get what he wanted. The world could be his oyster. Fireson will be the ultimate threat. WIth that, he knew what to do.

"Listen," said Fireson. "I am interested in joing your little cult or whatever you wanna call yourselves, but I want one thing straight. I want to torture Mike with a slow and painful death and to control the Fel to conqure the rest of the galaxy and call it my own. If you promise me that, I will join your little group. Just make sure that when the time is right, do not stop me from getting my prize, got it guy?"

[member="Nexus Krae"]

[member="Avery Regailis"]


Active Member
[SIZE=10pt]Avery looked young man in front of him with disbelief. “Is he serious?” Avery thought to himself, “He can’t be, that’s ridiculous.” Avery still staring at him with a surprised and baffled look. Sadly these were the man’s demands and Nexus would, at least, have to say yes. But even the man in front of him knew such deals were not as easily met. And Avery knew that Nexus, even if he never planned to meet the demands, would still barter them down. Avery raised his hand to his head, placing it on a position of disappointment. This was the most emotion Avery had shown since he joined the Protectorate, ironic that it was present on his first recruitment mission.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Avery turned his eyes to Nexus, waiting for the man’s response. Surely he wasn’t going to accept? That was an outrageous demand, so much so that hoped that Fireson was joking. Avery almost forgot his reason for being here, to make sure trouble did not rise. Quickly, he turned back to Fireson, ready to kill him if needed. But Avery couldn’t stop thinking about how stupid of a request that was. At this point Avery could no longer take the man seriously. He really hoped he was joking.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]But even after that display, Fireson still showed much promise. Nexus would certainly have his hands full with such a person. Avery still barely cared, after all, in this situation Nexus’ word was king.[/SIZE]

[member="Fireson V'Trechen"] - [member="Nexus Krae"]
And then came the boys response, ​He thinks he has something to barter with. All he has to offer me is his power and service, and the price of that and his request is hardly comparison. His service is equal to his training, not more. the sith thought narrowing his eyes at [member="Fireson V'Trechen"] as he felt a bit of anger at the response. [member="Avery Regailis"] didn't seem to consider the request to be exactly the most intelligent choice either. There was wiggle room for Nexus however, if he spoke correctly. Of course, he could always just...lie. There was nothing forcing Nexus to actually follow through with that when it came to it.

He eventually responded cocking his head, "You think too much of yourself. I will assist in giving you what you need to take on your brother, and teach and maybe aid you when it comes to the Fel Empire." his eyes turned yellow and seemed to glow, "But don't assume for even a moment that you have the authority to tell me not to interfere with your plans of galactic domination, or anything else. You don't hold even a speck of authority over me. If that condition is something you require, then that's fine with me, I'll find someone else...but that'll be after telling your brother what my agents know about you."

The Sith Lord looked into the mans eyes, "Now, decide again on what your answer is. Because if you accept the deal as I have given it, then you can gain a lot. But if you refuse, you'll lose any amount of secrecy and safety you may have had before."
Fireson realized that this time he could not bargin. He will just have to make himself known as a ruthless, cutthroaght person. He started to reach his root beer and drink the last drop without a word. He liked to be very dramatic, so he made it where there was a lot of emphasis. When, he put the bottle down Fireson knew what to do.

"Two things," said Fireson. "Bartender, get me a root beer to go please!" When the bartender brought it over, he continued. "Bartender, this military person who is sitting next to me will pay my tab. Where is the ship, because do not expect me to find my own ship, since I crash land alot.." Fireson listened to the leader.

[member="Nexus Krae"]

[member="Avery Regailis"]

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