Nexus himself rarely browsed the holonet, he was far to busy for such things. However, he was also the leader of a world and the spymaster for the Corporate Protectorate, so he had people who would come to him sometimes mentioning things of interest. In this case, someone came to him at the mention of a force user on the loose. The brother of an individual within the Fel Empire who was better known, having even married a princess. Now knowing of force sensitives was not uncommon for Nexus he even had a student at present, though she wasn't intimately aware with the dark side, and was actually more akin to the neutral basis on which most of the Vo Ni of his world stood. Laila however, was not particularly easy to manipulate, and her own goals were already set. She wanted to grow strong enough, eventually, to do everything she could for Vran'Ti, the one thing she was absolutely loyal to. Yes he could try and take that and raise it, but it wouldn't do him much good.
A human though, someone who wasn't connected to a world in the same way, who could be more easily molded. That might be something he could work with.
Nexus had enlisted the assistance of an individual he knew had the skill to subdue the individual if necessary, without bringing about a fuss. The Zhorngi could probably do the job, but they were shapeshifters and for them to fight would be blatantly obvious. They were trained to shift during combat after all. While they were approaching their objective Nexus spoke to [member="Avery Regailis"],
"Our target is named Fireson, I believe it's possible that with the correct training in the force, he would serve as a useful tool to the Corporate Protectorate. If we can get him off world and onto The Goran, then things can be discussed more easily. However, if he starts a fight in the bar, we need to suppress him without bring up a huge fuss." he explained.
Before they would go down Nexus would change to more...common, clothing. Though he kept
Shruuk across his back, the alchemized sword and lightsaber of his own design. Sure enough, he could sense him before he entered the bar. Nexus smiled, breathing in and out, before entering. He glanced at Nexus as he looked for instruction,
"Sit opposite him as me, if he tries to run or fight back, it would be much more efficient for you to take him down, preferably non lethally. My actions are a lot less....subtle. Not great for something like this." he said, before heading in to sit down on one side of [member="Fireson V'Trechen"],
"Fireson, I'd like to speak with you, but not here." he leaned on one arm and whispered,
"The force is a powerful thing, but who will it be stronger with? You, or your brother? Oh, and don't try to run, we've faced worse things than you right now on a weekday." he let out a smile, waiting to see his reaction.