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Private A Meeting Between Masters of the Force [Valery Noble]


New Cov Jedi Temple
Valery Noble Valery Noble


The moment had finally arrived for Samuel Creed to meet with Grandmaster Valery Noble, the esteemed head of the New Jedi Order. Samuel had carefully crafted his request to speak with her via holomail, ensuring it would not disrupt her many responsibilities. In his message, he emphasized that this meeting was of personal significance rather than a necessary duty tied to their shared roles as Jedi. Master Noble's reputation preceded her—Samuel knew of her not just because she led the Order and her name was prominently displayed on the Jedi roster, but because her dedication to aiding students in their training was often spoken of, despite her already burdensome workload.

By the Grandmaster's invitation, Samuel found himself approaching the Jedi Temple on New Cov. Having recently completed an assignment, he had spent several weeks stationed at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but now his path led him here. The Jedi transport touched down gracefully, and as the ramp lowered, Samuel descended along with other members of the Order, all heading toward the towering entrance of the temple. The lush, verdant landscape of New Cov spread out before him, a stark contrast to the stone architecture of the temple—an ancient, almost forgotten style in this modern age, but one that commanded reverence. He took a moment to appreciate both the surroundings and the weight of the meeting ahead before stepping forward toward his destined conversation with the Grandmaster.

Through the limited clearance granted by his rank, Samuel Creed had pieced together fragments of Valery Noble's past. Before she ascended to the role of Grandmaster, and even before earning the title of Sword of the Jedi, she had served in a role similar to his own. She was what many referred to as a Jedi Shadow—a Knight or Master who operated covertly, often behind enemy lines, to carry out the Order's most discreet and sensitive missions. Their achievements were rarely spoken of, their actions shrouded in secrecy, and their methods less scrutinized than those of the more visible, frontline Jedi.

Samuel, though he refrained from labeling himself as such, had long performed in a similar capacity. He moved through his assignments with quiet confidence, adopting the mantle of a Jedi Knight with no desire for recognition beyond what was required. Yet, this meeting with Valery Noble promised to be enlightening. Her experience, both as a Jedi Shadow and now as Grandmaster, meant she possessed knowledge few could access. And certainly, as the head of the New Jedi Order, there would be no limit to what she could uncover in the Jedi Archives, including the records of Samuel's own path.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery stood at the entrance of the Temple, her eyes scanning the horizon as the Jedi transport descended gracefully onto the landing platform. The lush jungle of New Cov surrounded the Temple, its vibrant greens, and the ancient stone architecture of the Temple around her a familiar and welcome change of pace from Coruscant. This place, so full of life and history, was where she felt most connected to the Force — a perfect setting for a meeting that promised to delve into the more complex aspects of their shared path as Jedi.

As the ramp of the transport lowered and the passengers began to disembark, Valery's gaze fell on Samuel Creed. Even from a distance, she could sense the quiet confidence that radiated from him. He moved with purpose, his demeanor calm and composed, yet there was something more — a weight to his presence that suggested a life spent navigating the shadows.

As Samuel approached, Valery stepped forward to greet him, her expression warm but with a depth that suggested she understood the gravity of the conversation they were about to have. She was dressed in her usual Jedi jumpsuit, practical yet elegant, her double-bladed lightsaber resting at her side. The soft breeze of the jungle rustled through her dark hair, but her fiery eyes remained focused on the man before her.

"Knight Creed," Valery greeted him with a slight nod, her tone respectful yet welcoming. "Thank you for making the journey here. New Cov is a bit out of the way, but it's perhaps my favorite place for a meeting." She chuckled and briefly looked over her shoulder to admire the Temple behind her.

"I hope the journey went well."


The Grandmaster of the New Jedi Order stood at the threshold of the New Cov Jedi Temple, her presence a quiet but profound gesture of respect that did not go unnoticed by Jedi Knight Samuel Creed. Though he was not one to wear his emotions on his sleeve, the humility of the moment touched him deeply. Someone of Valery Noble Valery Noble 's stature within the Order bore the weight of countless responsibilities—tasks far more significant than this meeting. Yet, she had honoured his request, a testament to her unwavering commitment to personally engage with her peers, embodying the very spirit and leadership of the Order.

"Grandmaster Noble," Samuel inclined his head in a respectful bow, acknowledging her rank with formality and grace. "You honour me. I thought perhaps you'd prefer a more formal setting," he admitted, his voice tinged with appreciation. Straightening, he closed the distance between them, coming to stand on level ground at the Temple's entrance.

Dressed in a dark blue tunic intricately patterned with black accents, plain black trousers, and matching leather gloves and boots, Samuel's appearance was practical yet refined. A black leather utility belt, standard issue for Jedi, rested at his waist, from which his single-bladed lightsaber hung loosely. Over it all, his weighted black robe draped around him, barely stirring in the gentle outdoor breeze.

"New Cov is a welcome change of pace," Samuel remarked, his gaze sweeping across the lush, vibrant landscape that surrounded them. "I can see why you're fond of it." He turned to admire the Temple, its architecture understated yet beautiful. "And the Temple itself—I must say, I'm a fan. Simple, elegant, and a tribute to our history."

During his apprenticeship under Lumea Corsell, Samuel Creed had developed a deep fascination with the history of the Jedi Order, a passion that continued to thrive even now. In his spare moments, he often found himself immersed in the Archives, poring over ancient texts and records. To Samuel, the wisdom contained in the history of the Order was not just a treasure trove of knowledge, but a guide for shaping its future—a way to honor the legacies of those who had come before.

The New Cov Temple, with its understated elegance and timeless design, resonated deeply with him. It felt like a tangible link to the past, a physical embodiment of the traditions and values the Jedi had upheld for generations. To Samuel, the Temple was more than just a place of learning; it was a tribute to the very foundations of the Order, a reminder of the enduring legacy they were all a part of.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery smiled warmly and respectfully dipped her head as Samuel complimented both the Temple and its surroundings. She appreciated his humility and respect, traits that always resonated deeply with her, especially in moments like these. "Thank you, Knight Creed," she said, her tone genuine. "I find that New Cov offers a clarity of mind that's hard to achieve on Coruscant or any other bustling world. It allows me to connect with the Force in unique ways."

She paused, her fiery gaze drifting to the lush greenery that surrounded them. "You're right about the Temple too. It holds so much of our history, and its simplicity is what I appreciate most. It's a constant reminder that the core of our Order, the principles we stand for, remain unchanged even after so many years." She had once been the Grandmaster of a smaller Enclave that resided within its walls, thousands of years ago.

Now, she was leading the Order at large, but she still felt drawn to her first home within the Jungle.

Turning her focus back to Samuel, Valery's expression softened a hint of curiosity glimmering in her eyes. "Would you like to join me inside the Temple? I prepared some tea, so I'd love to offer you a cup and get to know you better."

Her invitation to speak was open and sincere, showing that she was fully present and ready to engage in whatever conversation or discussion might follow.

It was always exciting to learn more about fellow Jedi.


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