Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A meeting of minds

The Togruta tilted her head to the side, "Because with possession, comes the potential for jealousy. If you're in that kind of relationship with someone then it's only natural that jealousy comes in. Every couple goes through it, but in the case of a Jedi with their connection to the's easy to slip to start a tumble to the Darkside that can change everything."

Asraraa nodded thoughtfully to the question, "Yeah once or twice, but sometiems it goes well and sometimes peopel end up getting hurt." The Togruta scrubbed her hands over her face. "I think that rules are there as guidelines, but if you want to break them, you really need to know why they exist and what will happen if you do."

Asaraa grinned, "Why not? It's the Jedi thing to wear. loose enough to give is a range of motion, not threatening and able to be worn in any situation. Might as well ask why Armour."


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