Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Meeting Of The Family (The Sin Family)

Coruscant, it was crazy what memories this place brought back with his return to it. It wasnt what he expected. The force was calm, empowering, and most of all, balanced. The Eths, his ship, was grounded too far away for him to make any sudden leaves if necessary, though, he felt he didnt need to. With a Drakon on either side, Romeo found himself in the family attire that his father once more.​
For the most part he liked it, but the gold accent he could do without. The Vahla would remember to change the family colors along with the meeting he was about to hold. He had given word he was returning for an official meeting, and the beginning of his leading of the family.​
What they didnt know was Romeo was about to change everything, all the customs any member of the family remembered, was about to go down to the lower levels of Coruscant where no one even ventured anymore.​
The building that Romeo just entered had been empty when the One Sith took Coruscant over, Crucix had taken it for the family, declared it private property, and that was that. Romeo didnt like it.​
Romeo would be addressing this to the council as well, in fact, this was near the top of the list.​
The lobby was large, and circular, with a high ceiling that probably was a few ten meters high. He shook his had.​
The Drakons had their weapons shouldered as they escorted him, no signs of hostility shown.​
" cant have those..."​
"I think it wise for you to not finish that sentence ma'am. Least I fire you."
He said the woman at the desk. He wondered if anyone else was here already. If so, who?​
"DT1 did you get my datapad?"
The Drakon nodded, and handed him his personal pad that held all his data he had acquired, though, it was ready to delete with a simple voice command, through passion I gain strength. The only part of the Sith code he kept to.​
A little further into the building, and up a elevator, Romeo found himself at the very top, behind it, the council room. He opened the door, prepared to meet all who was ready for him.​
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Teresa had just appeared behind her brother, she was never a fan of coruscant and would rather be out in the galaxy. It was a big universe and she'd barely touched upon it's wonders. As she stood behind Romeo she placed her hand upon his shoulder. "Hello brother, what's for the emergency meeting?" She asked. To be honest she was still wrapping her head around all this, that she had a brother. It was like it had been dumped on her all at once. So much so it was to much to handle in one load. Letting out a small sigh walking with Romeo she thought to her self. 'I'd rather be with san-ji right now. I wonder if brother would approve of is if we became something. I wonder if he'd even care, he's only just met me so he must be prepared to get to know me.'


Exiled Princess of Kesh
Nicole was already inside the council room, fiddling with her lightsaber. She was utterly surprised that she could keep it. Beforehand, Romeo had told Nicole to meet him here after whatever errands she had to do here in Coursant. Which was rather nice, visting and exploring a city she hasn't really had the time to explore. During those few hours, she began to think about this meeting, and who all was going to appear.

Once the door opened, Nicole had diverted her attention to her Father, but tilted her head at the girl behind him. Clearly she has more family then she thought. "Uhm... Hi?" She gave off a wave to both of them, then addressed her attention back to her saber.

[member="Teresa Sin"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
It had taken Jan a great deal of work to find out that the VonFowls were related to the Sins, but Romeo was, in fact, a first cousin. A cousin who was now, almost suddenly, several times richer than the already obscene wealth that Jan possesed. That didn't mean not being an nerf herder to his newfound family.

In fact, it meant showing off his ego and tech as much as he could. Today, this was accomplished by driving his airspeeder straight into the lobby where Romeo and a couple of women were waiting.

"Chit yes! I knew I could clear that door! BOOM!"

He raised an eyebrow as he got out and swept his hair out of his eyes.

"I'm feeling an overall lack of awe from my newfound family members..."

[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"] [member="Teresa Sin"] [member="Romeo Sin"]
Len still wasn't entirely sure that he should be here. How did Romeo know that they were actually related, anyway? Sure, Serine might've literally thought that Romeo was Len's dad. Sure, they looked freakishly similar. Sure, they were the same species. But that didn't make them brothers, right? After all, Len was just some poor kid from Onderon! There was no way he was actually some lost son from one of the most powerful families in the galaxy. NO WAY.​
The youngest Sin sat quietly in the back of the council room. He didn't try to talk to anyone as they walked in, only occasionally looking up at them. Normally he could start some kind of conversation with someone. For some reason, however, he felt unnaturally shy today. So he remained quiet as Romeo finally made his way into the room.​
[member="Romeo Sin"]​
[member="Teresa Sin"]​
[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]​
[member="Jan VonFowl"]​
Romeo looked over his shoulder, as it would be, this woman was his sister, and he was just getting to know her. "Sister. You...and all of them will soon hear it." He walked in, nodding at his Drakons to wait outside while they spoke together. Teresa's thoughts were not as secret as she probably wished. "Teresa. We will discuss this privately afterwards. Okay?" He smiled, and touched her shoulder gently.​
Then there was that other guy, Romeo had never even heard of till the night before when his secretary told him of a new report she dug up. VonFowls. Romeo wondered how they were indeed related.​
"Jan, I dont know much about the VonFowls, my apologizes. From what I do know, it's impressive...on a trader's level. We are now discussing galactic wide business."
Romeo snapped at Jan, who reminded him way too much of himself. He shook his head, and walked to the farthest chair from the people near the end of the table. Behind him would be a view of Coruscant, and all it's sky traffic going about their normal lives.​
"Oh, by the way, VonFowl? You're paying for the repairs of that door."
Romeo had been there, and done that. Crashing into doors was nothing. Jan should try crashing to Coruscant while Sith Lords were hot on your tail. He sighed.​
His daughter sat patiently at the table, which made him smile, forgetting the problems he had to now deal with.​
"Everyone, this is Len. Len Sin, my little brother. Seems we're everywhere."
He nodded at the little one.​
[member="Len Sin"]​
[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]​
[member="Jan VonFowl"]​
[member="Teresa Sin"]​
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge
Teresa's face went bright red. She forgot force users could invalid peoples privet thoughts. Honestly she didn't like it, it's where she went to think and panic or over stuff. "Uuh.. uh okay. Also please from refrain entering my thoughts it creeps me out for one and privacy." She turned to see others arrive as Romeo placed his hand upon her shoulder. It was kinda nerve racking meeting the rest of the family. For years she believed she was the last of her family and no one to look after her other than herself. Maybe it was a good thing, she learnt a lot of life lessons. Any how she'd raid her hand and wave at the others. "Hi there everyone." She said with a more cheery tone of voice.

[member="Romeo Sin"] Ξ [member="Len Sin"] Ξ [member="Jan VonFowl"] Ξ [member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
Nicole turned to address the boy who recklessly charged in with his airspeeder. She blinked several times, and then shook her head. "Well, someone likes to ride dangeriously." She would then give him a grin, and then looks over to give her attention to her Father, and her... appearent Uncle. Still, the girl was amazed to have more family members. She would then go to introduce herself to Len. "Hi Len, I'm Nicole."

Afterwords she looked over and nodded at Teresa.

[member="Teresa Sin"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Len Sin"]
[member="Jan VonFowl"]
Why did Romeo have to introduce him like that? Len shifted a little in his seat, slightly embarrassed.​
"W-what he said..."
His voice was extremely quiet. And then everyone turned to look at him. That didn't help. Len kept his eyes rooted to the floor, trying to keep himself from blushing. That would only make everything infinitely worse.​
[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]​
[member="Teresa Sin"]​
[member="Romeo Sin"]​
[member="Jan VonFowl"]​

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
Jan rolled his eyes at Romeo, locking his car and jumping up to sit on the roof.

"Like that's an issue, old man. My money is only like... an order of magnitude below yours."

He grinned at the girl who spoke to him, and then the little kid.

"I do love to do thrill drives. So much fun! You're my niece, right? And the kid's... another cousin?"

[member="Len Sin"]
[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]
[member="Teresa Sin"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Skylar Ichor

Sky woke up to an unfamiliar roof, and then remembered she had fallen asleep in the back of Jan's car. She looked out the window and realized the car was in the lobby of some fancy place and that she could hear voices coming from outside the car. Where have you taken me this time Jan? She thought, now fully awake and crawling to the front seat. Sky stuck her head out the door and saw Jan talking with a bunch of people that all looked alike. A few strands of Sky's white hair had fallen out from the braid her hair had been in that she brushed out of the way of her gold eyes. She had on a t-shirt that was black and tight fitting, with some boot cut blue jeans and her old sneakers, her pendant that she always had on, and her knife on a belt. She also had a gray jacket in the back of Jan's speeder, but she didn't need it right now. What she needed were answers.

"Uh, Jan? What's going on?"

[member="Jan VonFowl"] [member="Len Sin"]
[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"] [member="Teresa Sin"] [member="Romeo Sin"]

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
From his seat on top of the Fowlmobile, Jan reached down to squeeze Skylar's hand. So he had woken her up. Too bad, since she could've used the sleep. He craned his neck to turn his grin on his girlfriend.

"Well, Sky, these are my cousins or something. The old man is Romeo, the shady-looking lady is... Teresa, right? The girl's Nicole, and the kid's Len."

He gave her hand another squeeze as he looked around the room.

"Everybody, this is Skylar. Only girl in the universe who likes me enough to put up with me."

A massive understatement, considering that she'd spent six months chasing him down. And the fact that the two of them had gotten each other out of some major scrapes. Sky really was the best thing that'd happened to him in a very long time, no matter how sappy that sounded.

[member="Skylar Ichor"] [member="Len Sin"] [member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"] [member="Teresa Sin"] [member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo shook his head at the man named Jan, the young man should Romeo say, very young. "You'll soon come to know, Jan, Im not that old. As you can see, miss Skylar, you're dear lover's blood goes deep into something dark. We are here to discuss what will be changed with that name.Jan is a perfect example of that change. The name Sin is important, too important for one man to carry on and keep reputation gleaming with it, but now..." Romeo stopped, and stood over the view point that showed Coruscant's best views. Buildings, thousands of them bustling with life, and speeders to show for that life. He ruffled his own hair with his hand, and sighed. "Coruscant, which is now ruled by the Sith, will no longer be our base of operations, though many of the businesses under us are here. Instead of this building.." Romeo touched a button on his datapad which popped up a hologram in the middle of the table of a large space station. "This is currently being built in the vast Unknown Space, with coordinates only we will know, and with harsh punishment ready should any of you give out the station's location, Jan." Romeo put a lot of tension in Jan's name when he spoke it, all the while he stared at Jan.

[member="Jan VonFowl"]
[member="Teresa Sin"]
[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]
[member="Skylar Ichor"]
[member="Len Sin"]

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
Jan shrugged at the not-so-veiled threat from his cousin. His only friend in the universe was holding his hand while she sleepily looked around the room. A station in the Unknown Regions? Awesome. Maybe he and Sky could find a home there.

"You overestimate my social ability, Your Darkishness. My car is more friendly to new people than I am... And Sky's knife is even friendlier than that."

[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Skylar Ichor"]

Skylar Ichor

"Uh, hi. Nice to meet you." Sky smiled and waved shyly at Jan's relatives before turning to the oldest one, Romeo, who had started to speak. She tried to understand what he meant by something dark, and assumed it meant something about the Force or money. While her sleepy mind tried to wake up more, Jan said something about her knife. She didn't know whether it was good or bad, so she went with both.

"What about my knife? You didn't already tell them how we met right?" She said the last sentence in a whisper so only Jan could hear, remembering how they met. Long story short, he almost hit her with the Fowlmobile, she stabbed him with her knife, a buncha stuff happened, and Jan taught her how to dance.

[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Jan VonFowl"] [member="Len Sin"] [member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"] [member="Teresa Sin"]

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
Jan grinned at Skylar as he whispered back to her. Their first meeting hadn't exactly been what most guys would consider auspicious, in terms of meeting a girl. He'd gotten more familiar with the sight of his own blood than with Sky herself. And then, within not even a day, they'd ended up accidentally holding hands. She hadn't been the first girl he'd ever liked, but she was definitely the first girl he'd ever actually dated. Hopefully they'd be together for a long, long time.

"Nah. Just explaining the likelihood of either of us actually havin' a friendly conversation with a random person."

[member="Skylar Ichor"] [member="Romeo Sin"]
Len blinked a few times, staring at the hologram of the station. So the station was Romeo's big priority right now? Okay then. That didn't really explain why an 11-year-old with a mom who needed constant care and support needed to be here though. Unless this was Romeo's little show-and-tell session or something. But... Len couldn't deny that the plans looked pretty cool.​
He fished out the miniature datapad he always kept in his pocket, glancing down at it while Romeo and Jan talked. Hm... Mom was still sleeping... Hopefully she wouldn't wake up while he was gone. He didn't want her to get confused and start trying to claw up the carpet or something.​
[member="Jan VonFowl"]​
[member="Skylar Ichor"]​
[member="Romeo Sin"]​
[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]​
[member="Teresa Sin"]​

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