Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A Message in Flames-LOTS

"Jumping out of Hyperspace in 3...2...1" Captain Saxon announced

Soon enough the
Relentless along with the Hammer and Patriot , jumped out of hyperspace arriving in the Alderaan System ready to combat the forces of the Lords of the Sith. They were a threat to the people of the Core Worlds and Deep Core and one that needed to be dealt with accordingly. As Suaren's Task Force arrived they realized that the GADF hadn't responded to the situation yet with the only opposition provided by Alderaan being their little Orbital Station and Local Fighter Garrison.

It wasn't a surprise to Sularen however , that the GADF was running late. At Byss they barely contributed to the Defense of the World only sending a Corvette Line and a few thousand Soldiers which wasn't a significant contribution to a battle of that magnitude. In addition , the GADF hadn't even responded to Carnifex's attack on Natanus and yet the Alliance went around accusing Sularen of conspiring against them just for attacking the Shipyards held by a Corporation affiliated with the Eternal Empire.

As the Fleet approached Alderaan , Sularen arrived on the bridge having just left his Personal Quarters upon arrival in order to lead his forces into battle. "Report" Sularen said as he walked past Captain Saxon. "My Lord. We have have arrived at Alderaan. We have detected 3 Star Destroyer-sized vessels bombarding the city scape of Alderaan along with over 4 dozen small craft." Sularen thought for a few seconds analyzing his current situation.

The Fleet in question was of a considerable size and the first thing that came to the Lord-Imperator's Mind was Starfighter Capacity after all whoever had Starfighter Superiority ruled the battlefield. "Complete a quick scan of their entire fleet i want to know what's their starfighter capacity and how much fighters they can field against us. In the meantime have the Fleet hold it's position and do not further advance against them. We don't wish to enter in range of their long-range weaponry." Sularen's Fleet along could hold 56 Fighter Squadrons in which was approximately half of the average amount of starfighters Sularen usually brought to battle.

"Sir our scan is complete." a Lieutenant said. "What do we have Lieutenant?" Sularen asked still facing the viewports of the bridge. "We believe the enemy force can field approximately 20-30 Fighter Squadrons from their Star Destroyers." the Lieutenant said. "And the smaller vessels? Are they capable of holding Starfighters?" Sularen asked once more. "No sir they aren't capable of transporting Starfighters , at least not according to our scans." the Lieutenant said.

"Sir , the enemy fleet is beginning it's advance towards us. Seven Assault Gunships headed straight for us and their Star Destroyers are moving into range in order to fire their long-range weaponry." Captain Saxon said. "Very well then." Sularen said in response. "Deploy the Outlanders and Drones , I want those Assault Gunships destroyed and their TIEs distracted in order to create a gap our Elite Fighters can exploit. Once we get that gap we'll disrupt their formation by executing Maneuver Nern-29 and completely demolish their Fleet."

Soon enough , over 976 Fighters emerged from the hangars of Sularen's Ships and began heading towards the enemy fleet targeting the 7 Assault Gunships and launching a counter-attack against them before they could even reach Sularen's Fleet with the Outlanders and Drones in the path of the Gunships bombarding them with endless volleys of Turbolasers while continuing their approach towards the enemy Fleet. As the Outlanders and Drones came closer to the Gunships , the Outlanders would move out of the why while a few TIE Drones would come replace them and head straight towards the Gunships on a Collision course if they survived the initial attack in order to ensure the threat their posed was thwarted permanently.

As the Outlanders and Drones continued their approach towards the enemy fleet. Sularen's Battlecarriers began moving in reverse slowly falling back from the enemy Star Destroyers to avoid their Long-Range Weaponry. While Sularen could of maintained position and fire his own Long-Range Weapons , his ships compared to theirs did not possess Hypervelocity Canons like the LOTS Star Destroyers and thus were at a disadvantage in terms of firepower. Falling back was the more cautious approach to this Confrontation especially if Sularen wished to single-handedly annihilate the enemy Fleet.

Sularen's Strategy solely relied on his ability to achieve Starfighter Superiority however and that placed him in a somewhat disadvantageous position. Yet with his brief Career in the New Imperial Armada , Sularen had enough experience to have the confidence that his strategy could work out especially if his enemy was going to focus on targeting his forces with their Main Weapons and rely on their overwhelming firepower to destroy his fleet. Nevertheless time would tell how his enemies respond and thus the Battle for Alderaan began.

  • Sularen's Fleet arrives in Hyperspace
  • Sularen has his Fleet's TIE Outlanders and Drones Deployed
  • The TIE Outlanders and Drones begin an attack run against the enemy TIE Fighter Screen attacking Drestra's 7 Assault Gunships on the way [TIE Drones sent on a collision course if the Gunships survive the initial attack] in order to distract the enemy TIEs
  • Sularen's Battlecrusiers begin moving in reverse [Moving Backwards essentially] to avoid the Long-Range Weapons of the Enemy Fleet.


Alderaan, 864ABY
The Royal Palace

Soldiers moved with purpose to watch the corners, not even so much as flinching when Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor and her own detachment landed soon behind. The guards were not present - which was an oddity, at least for the moment, but Maliphant wrote it off to it simply being a matter of attention. He sighed as he took his first few steps from the garden only to hear a distant voice mock him from perceived safety.

Golden eyes met Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo with an extreme malice as Praetorians began to hustle through the palace - distant shooting and screams becoming more noticeable as the seconds passed. Whatever was in place to defend the Palace would find Maliphant's Super Soldiers more than enough of a match - even so much as to be able to take down the latent jedi with their training.

His response to Aaran came amidst that distant carnage, likely something he would begin to feel through the Force as trauma and fear began to permeate the City.

"How interesting.", he mused with a venom near dripping off his words.

"I just so happen to have a prison she could inspect as well.", he said with a barely withheld snarl.

"Lunafreya, deal with this Jedi. I need to find the Queen."

Unlike Maliphant, who's senses were not hampered by the suffering, the distant cries of pain could be felt reverberating through the Force. The orbital bombardment seemed to have taken two roles - first as a distraction, but the second to drive as much dark emotion into the air; actively working to blind and hamper the Jedi that defended the Queen, and amplify the strength of the Sith who knew how to take advantage of it.

With that in mind, Maliphant gave Aaran a final look of disgust before he moved in the direction of Faith Organa Faith Organa , Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri , and unbeknownst to him, Allyson Locke Allyson Locke .

Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Kuxirra gasped, fighting back tears at the suffering she felt through the Force.
"We feel it too, Kux." her mother said. She looked at her husband and nodded. Zenda and Leehak took out their lightsabers, prepared to protect their daughter and Faith Organa Faith Organa from Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . In the past, their strategy had protected them against those who had tried to kill them, Sith among them. They were two halves of a whole: they protected each other and made a formidable team, especially when it came down to protecting someone. They were capable on their own, but worked best when together. It was the result of a bond that lasted nearly three decades.
Objective: Price of the Crown
Tags: Andien Gale Andien Gale | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Darth Acharon Darth Acharon | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Duke Kyle DeVoe Duke Kyle DeVoe | Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Faith looked at Kuxirra then to the woman with her clearly her mother. "You should take your family to safety. Your duty is protect those who cannot protect themselves, isn't that right?" Faith smiled ever so gently, Faith looked at the mother they exchanged that look that only two mothers could. In a few moments though everything changed light sabers appeared and duty called.

The voice of Andien Gale broke Faith's attention, she looked to Kuxirra again, "Duty calls my dear"

"Andien Gale I'm glad to hear your voice, yes my family is being attended to. I however am still at the palace. " If anyone understood duty it would be Andien. Faith as Queen had a duty multi faceted as it was.

"We have company can you tell me what it look from there?"

Down there the walls were shaking many feared they would crumble around them. But it was only duracrete and steel it could be rebuilt. Faith worried more about the people. "I believe there are Sith at the gates of palace." Faith looked around at the staff with her, for a moment she contemplated they could go out the front doors and confront the enemy, or she muted the call with Andien.

To those in the room with her, "GET OUT now. Make sure your families are safe...keep in contact though let's keep everything moving" She would...what...try to talk her way out of this. From the drawer she took the blaster and laid it on the table. The Breath that her brother had tried to teach her about gave her soft whispers but nothing more. She did not possess the strength that Garith, Theo, and Arabella had in the force. They were all gone now Garith killed by Sith on Coruscant, Theo disappeared into the voids of the Breath, and Arabella had not been seen or heard of in some time. She was alone. It was the price of bearing the title of Queen. She wouldn't allow her fear to consume her.

She turned her attention back to Andien Gale and their communication. "Its definite, there are Sith on Palace grounds."

One thing was certain if word had been sent to the Alliance and to Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra they knew Alderaan was in trouble. She then had an odd thought there were certain Senators that were going to give her the I told you so speech. She laughed.
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Caithir Barrick



Objective 1: Desolation
Equipment: Lightsaber Pike | Caithir's Armor | Caithir's Body Paint
Mentions: Iroh Gedari Iroh Gedari Darth Acharon Darth Acharon

The Mala'ari were here and were ravaging through the city, holding a few districts again the petty defenders. His armies cut through them like a hot knife, the bloodlust filled the soldiers of the Mala'ari as they cut down the defense forces and have established a forward operating base to continue their assault. They had very little time, the Galactic Alliance would be here any minute and there was yet so much insentient levels of violence that Caithir was craving.

Meditating in the ruins of a skyscraper, the darkness flowing through him as he tried to call for guidance from his ancestors. However he felt it. The light it was tempting him, asking for him. A Jedi was near. Bloodlust filling his body, Caithir exited meditation and used the force to fetch his pike that laid on the concrete floor. He looked up and sucked in the air of the burning city, screams and blaster fire being heard in the distance. How he missed this so. As he left his room, one of his officers approached him. "My lord, The Alari forces are requesting reinforcements however all our divisions are engaging the enemy defenders, what are your orders?"

"Leave that to me commander. You'll be in
charge of the operation while I'm away."

"Yes my lord. I won't let you down!"

"See that you don't."

And with that, Caithir treaded through the ruins looking for his prey. In the midst of his travels it seemed some of the city's defenders had found a gap in their defenses and were flooding in. That or the flank had fallen. Either way, Caithir had some work cut put for him. He walked down the street where some Alderaanian defense forces were patrolling. "Halt, drop your weapon and put your hands in the air." The soldier demanded as he aimed his blaster and the painted Sith, but his demand was met with Caithir igniting his lightsaber. "Feth it. Open fire!" The Alderaanian shouted but their efforts were fruitless as Caithir blocked each of their shots barely getting a scratch on him and as he got closer the soldiers started to disperse but Caithir responded, using the force to push the lot of them down to stagger their movements. Caithir jumped into the soldier before him, jamming his lightsaber into his stomach and pulled it out cutting through the two soldiers who were unlucky enough to stand beside him. One of the surviving soldiers threw a thermal detonator at Caithir but he easily pushed it back with the force, detonating the sender upon impact. The last Alderaanian cowered as he ran for safety, but using his lightsaber as a javelin, Caithir hurled it at the unlucky soul and when he fell, retrieved from where he was and continued down the street.

He could feel himself getting warmer as the force drew him to his eventual adversary until he looked down over the elevated street, there he saw the Jedi cutting through Alari's soldiers. That was his prey. He lunged down, landing on his feet softly and threw his robe to the side. He faced the Jedi Iroh Gedari Iroh Gedari and called to him.
"Come Jedi. See if you can best me in combat."


O B J E C T I V E | Price of the Crown.
T A G S | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
T H E M E |
V O I C E |
G E A R |
Lightsaber | Ring

Both of her lips were sure to twitch, just enough to show off her perfectly white teeth, with those sharp and pointy cuspids. From her throat, an almost soundless snarl of aggression came hastening as she heard Maliphant’s words regarding the Jedi, as if she was some but an artless commoner bound to obey lesser beings when they barked their commands, gently her hand was raised towards her head, leaning the left side of her face against the soft oily touch of her armor, while her main finger began to tap on the side of her helmet, in a pensive expression. ‘Every dog has his day or isn’t that what the filth humes like to say? Not to worry, the fairy will find his way on the end of my blade soon enough.’, gently she opened her eyes, allowing the Jedi a moment of silence between them, as none on her side would dare to make a single peak out of their mouths before she had the chance to do so herself. The same hand on the side of her head, dismissed them with a gentle sway of her two main fingers, as she declared on her own native tongue, in a hissing sound.

“<You heard the sprite, now off you go. Create some mayhem and roast this royal shed to the ground.>”, even without looking at them, she knew exactly what their reactions were like, but the one that gave her such amusement was that of Diabolico’s bitter snarling, as he slammed his spear on the ground, forcing all other grumblings among them to be silenced. He was the only one to bow down as well, bawling something intelligible for the others to follow him as they began to spread throughout the area, searching for opponents to face, servants to kill, and things to break or burn, their task was simple, as to find somewhere deep inside the castle and plant a bomb there. Even her stupid excuse of a brother could perform such a simple task. As she was left alone with the small party crasher, the elzeri focused her gaze upon him, as her golden eyes gleamed with malice, while deliberately raising her hand in the air in a fluid idle gesture. “I will give you this moment of contemplation, human, to ponder on your pitful life and decide if this is going to be indeed the time of your demise.”

As the moment of contemplation passed, Lunafreya seized the chance for grabbing both lightsabers from her waist. As the blades were ignited, screams began to be brought by the wind, cries of those helpless citizens that her troops probably found on their search for proper blood to spill, followed by another voice, then another and another one, causing her lips to twist her lips on a cunning smirk, almost whispering to her opponent.
“What is the matter, Jedi? Can’t you rush on to save them?”, deliciously entangled by it, her tongue brushed her pisk-ish lips for a moment. “Is your justice such a failure?”, her voice taunted, swinging her blade in circles on the air, allowing the golden blades to resonate small tunes. “Allow me to school you in what real justice is.”, her pace went forward, on a single powerful leap, bringing both blades from the left and from the right with the intent of crossing her arms as she would lock both on him, cutting him down in half.
Equipment: Lightsaber, Jedi Robes.
Objective: Desolation, Defend the City.
Opponents: Darth Acharon Darth Acharon , Caithir Barrick

Where one might have inferred anger, instead there was righteous indignation.

Where one might have inferred rage, there was only drive and a sense of duty. He took no pleasure in the taking of these lives, he would not boast about it when the day was done. No, after this Iroh would mourn. Mourn the folly of their leaders who sent them to die on a strange planet. Mourn the fact that their families would miss fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters. Mourn that he was called upon to take their lives.

As Iroh moved through the formations, his lightsaber seemed to be almost a continuous blur of cobalt, rendering the trooper’s armor useless and sending blaster bolts back to their senders. Those closest to structures would either be crushed under debris or sent hurtling through them.

All the while, Iroh was watching, listening.

He could feel one presence through the Force ( Darth Acharon Darth Acharon ). A presence of hatred, irritation, and rage headed towards him. But there was another being that was approaching closer at hand, another being of darkness who sought him out, challenging him with a bellow (Caithir Barrick). Iroh finished off the last trooper with a downward diagonal cut before turning to face his challenger. While his head was still covered by his hood, Iroh’s eyes only exuded one emotion.

Was it hate, anger, or rage?

No, he gazed upon his opponent with...pity?

Pity that the Dark side had corrupted such a being who was blessed with being proficient in the Force. Pity that this being used such a gift to dominate, destroy and to take life. Pity that for all this being’s power, he had nothing of substance to show for it. Iroh brought his lightsaber up into a neutral guard stance, his gaze locked on his opponent. With the other dark sider that he sensed on their way, he needed to end this fight sooner than later. He could not afford to expend too much energy, nor to delay. That meant that this man would most likely die.

Iroh moved with a speed that belayed his gray hairs, his hand shooting forward as an visible expression of his use of the Force. But instead of a push or a pull, a feeling of being restrained would attempt to envelop the target, pinning him in place as Iroh dashed forward with speed assisted by the Force. As he came closer to his target, his lightsaber came up and aimed for his opponent’s neck, intending to decapitate him so as to end his life as instantaneously as possible for both his and Iroh’s sake.
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Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
Objective: Price of the Crown. Defend the Royal Family and Palace from invaders. SURVIVE ANGRY ELF
Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor

At the very least he had managed to catch the attention of one of the Sith present. Even a novice could tell that both Lunafreya and Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean both were among the heavier hitters assaulting the world. His eyes narrowed imperceptibly as he sized the Princess up upon hearing Maliphant's order for her to engage the Wanderer. Statistically speaking, he figured he had a low chance of beating her. He was no slouch in a fight. But there was a sizeable difference in terms of raw potency them.

Still, he had survived worse. He had been in positions before where he'd encountered those far stronger than him, all looking to take his head. And each time he survived. Ultimately that was what mattered.

He was certainly stronger now than he was back then. Besides, he did not have to win. Merely keep her busy. Buy time for the royal family to evacuate or for reinforcements to arrive. That was all that was needed. When Lunafreya called out to him, offering him a moment to contemplate his existence. He shot back with a grin that reeked with the audacity of youth. "I'm good thanks. I'd rather hurry this up so I can go after your boss there."

If nothing else. What he said would rile her up. The implication that she was the lesser one here. The follower, the hanger-on. subservient to another The wisdom of such an act was controversial. But Aaran was nothing if not someone who could give as good as he got in a duel of wits. Granted, his own retorts may not be as elegant or refined as the Princess' they were no less true. Her partner did leave her to deal with someone who technically still had the rank of Padawan.

As her sabers ignited and more taunts were thrown his way. Calling him out on his inability to save those who were currently suffering. The young man simply rolled his shoulders and popped his neck. Muscles loosening as they prepared for the upcoming fight. His response was a simple shrug. No jabs, no retorts. Simple acknowledgement that he could not save everyone. He was not Ryv. He knew that trying to shoulder the entire Galaxy was madness. Was he saddened by the deaths around him? Certainly. He was no sociopath; he was not bereft of empathy for his fellow sentients. But he knew his own limits. He could not engage both the Princess and her royal guards and have any hope of accomplishing something. He would instead have faith that others would be able to pick up the slack.

“There is no real justice.” He whispered, his perception of time coming to a crawl as the elven Sith leapt towards him. Slowly he exhaled, letting the tension leave him. Letting the fear of the civilians around him fade into the background noise of the universe. Discarding the unneeded thoughts and concerns of what-ifs and what could be. Instead focusing entirely on the present.

“Only what we make of it.”

As she reached him his focus reached the apex. And instead of dodging back or to the side, as one might do when unarmed and faced with a lunatic with plasma swords. Both arms instead lashed out. And for the briefest of moments his mind, body and soul became as diamond. Unyielding to pressure or strain. Forearms connected with blade of light. And instead of being sliced through with ease. The Sith’s weapons were instead knocked back. The young man’s raw strength was monstrous compared to the naturally frail species the Princess hailed from.

She had the advantage in speed and raw skill with the Force. But in coming into close combat with Aaran, she abandoned those advantages to instead tangle with him in an arena where he was supreme.

Capitalising on the hopefully surprised Sith, both his hands would grasp towards her wrists. Attempting to seize them in a vice-like grip. With her hopefully entrapped, he would then slam his own forehead right into the bridge of her nose. A spot where he figured her armour would be weaker. The force of his blow augmented by both the Force and the effects of the protective amulet he carried. A large of amount of the kinetic energy seemingly refusing to be stopped by the armour and instead assaulting the delicate flesh underneath.

He was not joking about wanting to finish her quickly. That much was evident. He was hoping to end the brawl in one quick surprise attack as again and again he would attempt to hammer his forehead into the princess, trying to knock her out quickly. Hoping to take advantage of his opening gambit and not give her a chance to properly retaliate

Duke Kyle DeVoe

Head of House DeVoe
"I know." he replied, to his communication's officer of the news that the Royal grounds had been breached and the queen had not evacuated with the residents of Aldera.

The Northern Defense envelope were holding, retarding the majority of the orbital bombardments. he had messaged his queen not an hour ago, imploring her to vacate the royal palace. But Queen Faith Organa Faith Organa were as headstrong as he. She held on to her principals, despite knowing as he that the palace grounds were nothing but stones. There had existed nothing centuries ago after the planet had been terra formed to mimic their once beloved Alderaan...their ancestral home destroyed by the Galactic Empire.
Still, she had her mind set to remain fast. Duke Kyle was not one to argue with his queen. He conceded, blessing her in the name of his deity, Berkana. For someone like Duke Kyle DeVoe, he respected his queen's decision.
The duke then watched her hologram dissipate before he himself returned to the task of orchestrating the Northern defenses. But those defense could not encompass the entire planet...nor half of it. he could only secure a quarter of their system. The rest of the planet's defenses were divided among the other Great Houses.
"May Berkana's Light and Glory be a beacon of hope and salvation for you and our people, my queen." he had said before they cut communications.

There weren't enough sith firepower to envelop the entire planet...nor did they have sufficient fleets to near annihilate Alderaan as a superweapon that of the infamous DS of the past. Duke Kyle knew the sith could not bring about their entire fleets to simply bombard Alderaan. That would leave their empire and their own system's vulnerable. Alderaan were not going to be another asteroid field as their former ancestral home had become under the sith emperor Palpatine.

Duke Kyle were a strategist and knew of what to expect. It weren't that he were underestimating the current forces battering Alderaan, he just knew that they could not, nor could not hold the entire planet and still maintain a viable war against their main oppositions, the Alliance and Jedi.
Alderaan had no strategic value whatsoever to the sith other than being a beacon of light that blinded them with rage and malcontent. But this light could not and would not be extinguished this day, nor the next.
They were wasting their resources as always.

Again, what mattered were the safeguard of the population. These had value. Duke Kyle DeVoe, a man whom many would think he only a sheep dog guarding his queen's flock were much more than anyone, including his queen and current countrymen could ever assume.

Kyle then hailed his daughter soon after the news of Aldera falling.
"You're in flight again, I see." He observed as her hologram showed her in the Mariner IV's cockpit.
His last communication with his daughter were when she were heading to one of the multi undisclosed safe havens to transport two classes of school children.

"You've surprised me at every opposition, my daughter.." The Duke said, proud of his Alderaani daughter. Of course he had another daughter, Duchess Katie DeVoe whom had been evacuated with his wife Sansa.
"But I should have known that from the very day you followed your brother out of your mother's womb." he weren't just praising her because of the current crisis. He had realized early in marina's childhood that she were as strong as her brother Jerrid. The dragon fire (dark force) coursed through their bloodline. Only his daughter weren't aware it were not of light.

"Marina..." he looked into her holographic orbs as if she were really standing there across from him.
" I've just got word that Aldera has been taken. Queen Faith Organa Faith Organa has decided to retain her presence in the palace."
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Objective One
Defend the Civilians Survive the Onslaught

A new sound entered into the cacophony—the rhythmic beat of armoured boots on the pavement, muffled only slightly by the thick cloud. Leea might have been relieved at the stamping in the past; however, now there was nothing but a deep fear resonating with the footsteps. Still disoriented, she could determine how close or far these enemies might be.

Got to find a safe place, just until I get my bearings. Leea continued her frenetic movements, a dim hope of finding a sewer hatch or other hiding hole which she might escape to. Some dust and grit had begun to settle onto the ground, and it bit into her skin as she struggled through it.

As the Mirialan shifted through the fog of debris, she knocked into a hard object. Grasping it, she recoiled a moment too late. The armour-clad foot raised swiftly and delivered a decisive kick to the Mirialan's shoulder. She bit her tongue and tried to shuffle backwards, but she was slowed, and a foot planted itself squarely on her back, squashing her into the dust. Faintly, over the surrounding storms of noise, Leea heard the comm beep and the modulated voice of her aggressor, "Got another one here!... Civie by the looks of it, didn't even see me coming... Take em back to Bivouac?... Yes sir."

Leea blinked hard, grime beginning to build up around her eyes as tears carried the dust away from their surface. She began to see shadows in the grey-brown air. The outline of another soldier, confident in their superior strength, didn't move with a soldier's furtive affect when in battle. He asked of his fellow soldier, who still kept his boot firmly on Leea's back, "Just cleared the diner. Hey, let that one run, bet I can shoot it before they make a building."

Her captor didn't budge, "Sarge says this one's going back to Bivouac. Something about command wanting a bunch of captives."

"I thought we were here to kill and plunder? What do they want with prisoners?"

"Hell if I know," At this, he stepped off of Leea. Even as her body tensed to force itself into a run, two gloved hands grabbed her by the shoulders and roughly pulled her to stand. He continued speaking effortlessly, "Sarge says we need one prisoner, might as well just use this one."

"If you say so. Aw, look at her. Bet she was pretty before all this." The other soldier grasped Leea's chin and forced her face upwards. She gazed blearily into the black visor of a white helm. "Wonder how far she could run before falling over." His hand dropped, but Leea fought the pain coursing through her body to keep looking straight at the soldier. Every nerve in her being cried out in pain as she curled her hand and threw a punch. With the reflexes of a trained warrior, the soldier stepped into the blow, forcing it to crack against his hard breastplate, rather than the aimed for chin.

The soldier behind her laughed as he exclaimed, his voice practically booming into Leea's ear, "Ha, feisty one. Lucky we have to take you in, or you'd be paid back for that little stunt."

The other soldier stepped back and tilted his head a moment. Then asked in a quite too innocent tone, "Sarge didn't happen to say the prisoner needed to be pristine, did he?"

The reply came assured and knowingly, "No."

Leea barely had time to register the voice before an armoured fist struck her in the abdomen. She attempted to cry in pain, but all that passed her dried lips was a wet cough. The soldier nodded to his companion as he stepped away. The one behind Leea gave her a rough shove, sending her sprawling on the ground and ordered, "Get moving." He moved quickly to lift her from the ground again. Soon she was plodding between the two soldiers, at a pace that normally would have been pleasant but now pained her.

"Any idea where the bivouac is?" The soldier behind asked.

The one leading answered, irritation sizzlingly evident, "Some sort of codename. Bivouac is just inside the city, a little away from the landing zones. Not sure why'd they choose such an awkward location."

His compatriot responded with a tinge of sarcasm, "Kriff, I bet command doesn't even know what they are thinking half the time. If they did, we wouldn't have to deal with their strategic bungling. I mean, why aren't we all at the front? Comms says there's a lot of fighting, and they may need reinforcements, but here we are picking off stragglers."

So the conversation dragged on until a few minutes later the duo fell silent. Leea trudged along as best she could, limping and gingerly rubbing her injured shoulder. What now? I'm not in a position to fight anymore, barely in a position to keep up with these two. I've just got to escape. Can't see in this air and I bet they can see just fine. Don't know where though, where could I run? For now, the Mirialan prisoner was determined to follow and stay as vigilant as possible for a time and place.
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Alderaan, 864ABY
The Royal Palace

Maliphant's footsteps seemed the only noise in the hallways, indicative of their construction quality with the war raging outside. In his ear he heard the transcribed words of one of his Praetorians telling them they had cuffed on site personnel and were bringing them to the extraction point. It was good information, but worthless in the grand scheme - bringing the Worm a thousand persons without a public face between them wouldn't do. No, they had a much bigger target in mind.

As he rounded a corner, two guards at the end of the hall met him with blaster fire - one shot of hot charged tibanna plasma singeing a few stray hairs as Maliphant dipped his head back. The second came forward, but Maliphant raised a hand and froze it in the space between them - only to send it back directly into the man's chest. The other he lifted by the throat with his free hand, blaster bolts carelessly shot into every nearby surface in his panic for air - only to fail him as his tracheya snapped like a twig.

He made a fleshly thud as he hit the ground, intermingled with his plates hitting one another - the almost iconic sound for a soldier who was killed by a force choke. Maliphant smiled to himself at the thought before he raised two fingers - letting the force rip at the doors. There would be a moment, where durasteel and turadium would stress and groan in defiance - but inevitably fail. As the doors bent and hissed, slamming themselves into their recesses, Maliphant took his first step into the Royal Safehouse.

Before him was the family of Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri and of course Faith Organa Faith Organa . He offered them a close lipped, almost cocky smile before he spoke -

"Evening, everyone. My invitation must have gotten stuck in Holonet priority mail.", he said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"But now that I'm here, I wouldn't mind speaking to Faith Organa Faith Organa and her family for a touch. Would you mind?", Maliphant offered as he raised a hand in Faith's direction. Subtle, but both a defensive and offensive measure, preparing himself for the first to attempt a strike upon him.

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Aboard the Hapan Rose || Current Station: Weapons Officer Commanding Officer

The seasoned crew of the Rose moved swiftly. The helmsman carried out his orders to a T, rotating the superstructure of the massive destroyer until both of its aft autocannons bristled with charge before spewing a series of dazzling fire upon the vulnerable world below. As for the rest of the men, battlestations had been hastily manned for a defensive posture. High velocity cannons and long-range turbolasers afforded the Sith fleet ample elbow room to operate freely without needing to get any closer to the GADF forces - something the rest of the Sith commanders had failed to realize.

It was just a game of sitting back, letting the fighters and point defense do their job, and then cleaning up the rest. A squadron of interceptors chose that moment to scream past the command bridge, hurtling towards the incoming Alliance attack craft. Troma had supreme confidence in the superior quality of pilots and crew that the Sith possessed, inwardly turning his attention back to the most important matter: Dystra.

He and the small team of commandos had already bent down to grab her blaster-burned body by the elbows and legs. The Chiss beckoned for their advance, hurrying the small group out of the bridge as quick as he could be. It wasn't the brig or the medical bay they were heading for, oh no.

The Captain's quarters were a spacious affair. Tactical monitors lined its vast bulkheads, accented by a smattering of otherworldly artistry and trophies of battles long since past. Framed medals, holo-pictures of former colleagues, and an actual physical framed picture of Anina Dystra and her family. Troma's lips pressed into a thin line as he picked it up, fingering its wooden border absentmindedly.

"Sir?" An enunciated, helmeted voice.

"Just set her down there, Corporal. Thank you." A pause. "You are dismissed. Please standby on the bridge and await further orders."

The squad took a moment to let that sink in, obviously not understanding why their temporary commander wanted a dead body in his new quarters. After a second or two, the squad leader nodded and hustled the rest of his team out of the Captain's Cabin.

Troma shifted that framed picture in his grasp, back still turned to Dystra. "I'm sure you should be conscious by now. Stun shouldn't last this long."

"O-Of course I'm awake, you..." The officer croaked, voice weak. "I c-can barely feel my frakking legs."

"That'll wear off in a few more moments, Captain. Stand up when you are able," he turned to rest against the desk, watching the groggy woman attempt to rise. "But for now, I want you to listen to everything I say very closely. The decisions you make will determine whether you'll see your daughter again."

He had her attention now. Dystra had yet to rise off the floor, giving up after a pair of attempts before resigning to glare angrily at Troma from the floor. Propped up by her elbows, the middle-aged woman peered furiously up at the man that'd shot her just five minutes ago.

"Good," Troma nodded, "Now, the story that I'm going to tell everyone is that you failed to obey orders and were executed on the spot by a subordinate officer. The Imperial records will list you as KIA, your past will be wiped clean, and you'll be free of the chains that bind you to the Emperor's service. I will spread rumors that your guards left your body unattended and that your wound was not mortal, so you took that opportunity to slip away largely unscathed from the battle. Are you tracking?"

Dystra took a moment to process that, eyes on the bulkhead as she fell deep in thought. "Yes.. I understand."

"Nobody will come after you. This nascent empire has scant few resources and bodies to deploy in search of a single, treasonous ship captain." A thin smile spread. "Except for me. I have already had all copies of your records, known locations, and all information about your family that I doubt you even possess. I will come looking for you if you do not heed my offer."

"What offer?"

Troma stepped forward quietly, stooping down to set that framed family photo on the ground before sliding it over to her. "I am going to give you this blaster pistol, put you in the Captain's escape pod, and jettison you towards your daughter's home where she is currently living with her uncle. If they are unharmed then I want you to spirit away somewhere else, live peacefully for a few years, maybe get re-married or something?"

Dystra's body sagged with a shaky, weak breath. A dark hand rose to pinch her brow. "In exchange for what? What's your angle, Lieutenant?"

"I want you to work for me. Not the Emperor, not any Sith Lord - me. If you do not seek me out in the coming years, then I will find you and remind you and your family of our deal here.

"Do I make myself clear?"
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Acharon's trip through the city was rather calming, in a Sith way. His troops had done a rather good job, and he met little resistance along his path into the city. The few small pockets of Alderaani resistance he encountered were swiftly cut down, the Sith warriors saberstaff eagerly cutting through their bodies. He was slowly venting his frustration as he moved, though before he could get to the final goal of his self prescribed anger management course, he sensed the arrival of another Sith. For the second time today, it was not an enemy that prevented him from doing what he had set out to do, but a fellow Sith.

Acharon let out a roar of rage, turning on the spot and slamming his fist into the nearest thing to him, the damaged wall of a residential building. The impact of the blow, added on with the rapid unleashing of the Force in a rather uncontrolled manner, send the wall before Acharon crashing inwards, along with the wall behind it. And the next one. Slowly, the already strained building began to groan as its supports began to give way. Looking up, Acharon watched as the building he had struck slowly began to crumble, entire sections caving in on itself as it tipped over. The falling building struck the side of another as it went down, caving in the entire front section of the second building before the destruction finally came to a stop.

Acharon looked at the destruction for a moment, then simply grunted. Without looking, his right hand snapped out behind him, grabbing the neck of the man who had been trying to sneak up on the distracted Sith. His clawed grip caught the man by surprise, and he dropped the metal pipe he had been holding and shot his hands up to try and dislodge the Sith's grip. Acharon turned to look at the man, bruised and bloodied from the attack on his homeworld, There was terror in his eyes, but Acharon could see after a moment that it was not terror for himself. Looking past the man in his grip, Acharon spotted a small family, huddled in the alley of the building that had just collapsed.

"Hey Sith, do you require assistance?" Acharon turned to see the approach of two pirates, part of the invasion force he had been forced to bring along. They brought with them a prisoner, and Acharon took a moment to take in the appearance of Leea Pandac Leea Pandac before shaking his head at the two pirates. He despised them, every one of them. Undisciplined, worthless, and loyal to nothing but their next paycheck. Almost as if on signal, a squad of Ailaran Army Troopers, wearing the white armor that was so famous in many different nations across the galaxy rounded the opposite corner. Seeing their Emperor standing there, the soldiers doubled timed their approach.

"No, I do not require assistance..." With a simple jerk of his hand, Acharon snapped the mans neck, tossing the broken body aside. Two Ailaran Troopers approached the family, their blasters leveled at them as they were dragged to their feet. Two more soldiers approached Acharon, coming to stand on either side of him as he turned fully to inspect the pirates. He felt just the slightest need for some release still. 'And I do not require you." As one, the two Troopers beside Acharon raised their blasters and shot down the pirates. They shot them several times, to be certain, and then a few more to prove a point. The Ailarans despised the pirates almost as much as Acharon did.

Looking up at the prisoner that the now dead pirates had brought, he looked them over once before shrugging his shoulders. "Take them with you, trooper. All of them, and head back to the camp." The Ailaran soldiers nodded, saluting Acharon briefly before he turned to leave. Unlike the pirates before them, the Ailaran soldiers barely spoke any words as they gathered up their charges, using only the prodding of their blasters to keep them moving.



+ Imnothep, sister ship, and other vessels continue to move forward - but keep their distance, and rely on their long range advantage
  • 272 starfighters are launched from the Imnothep and her sister ship.
  • 112 more from the Hapan Rose would join them.
  • Everyone is bonded together by battlefield meditation/battlemind.
  • 14 Starfighters are lost in the initial tossup. They use home advantage, staying in their little bubble, to try to insure they can protect themselves.
  • Discord missiles and Vindicator XM-15 Brilliant Missiles fired from gunships and Nox-class corvettes at starfighters.
  • Imnothep and sister ship use Gos Karza-class and available point defense weaponry to target starships.
  • TIE Destroyers and Nizioti-class interceptors remain at “home base” and engage starfighters within their own area.
  • Gunships target enemy starfighters with missiles. One is destroyed. One is damaged. They enter hyperspace behind the lead Byss ship, emptying powerful HVC cannon fire and missiles in the engines in an attempt to destroy at least one of the engines or damage propulsion. If they are not fired upon by aft weaponry, they will enter hyperspace and flee.
  • Powerful HVC rounds (described for your use), and 1,400 Hellbore proton torpedoes (also described for your use) traveling at 0.6 times light speed target the enemy vessels.
  • Tried to see if their orders to the Hapan Rose were jammed. They were not.
  • Structural Weakpoints Begin to be Scanned and Targeted
  • Axial proton beam cannons from each ship, normally designed for orbital bombardment, are aimed at the same area on the lead ship and fire. They hope to bring down the shielding and

The Hapan Rose had not responded to any of their orders, yet with their advantage in long range weaponry the Imnothep and her sister ship were able to push back the enemy flotilla - including the vicious battlecarrier at the front. They had the advantage for now. With their ships concentrated like this, the enemy vessels would be unable to distract fire enough to prevent many - perhaps even a sufficient number - of their incoming TIE fighters from becoming victim to some of the fire provided by the Imnothep, her sister ship, and their escorts. Dresta thought it was strange that they sent all of the fighters forward. To maintain their advantage, the Imnothep and her sister ship would push forward with their escorts and starfighters - but only so much as to allow them to maintain firing with their long range weapon.

The fighters would find themselves competing with a total of 272 from the Imnothep and her sister ship. 16, 12-fighter squadrons of TIE Defenders and four, 20-fighter squadrons of Nizioti-class interceptors as soon as they launched as well as fire from point defense systems, and the flyswatting missiles aboard the 7 Nox-class corvettes. 8 squadrons from the Hapan Rose appeared to join them, bringing the total to 384. Discord missiles carrying buzz droids would be targeted at enemy TIE fighters and, if they struck, the buzz droids would attach themselves and begin to try to dismantle the TIE fighters. 15 self-loading missile batteries on-board the Nox would begin firing Vindicator XM-15 Brilliant Missiles - aiming again at the starfighters to try to knock them out of the air. The space surrounding the flotilla, weak one member, would be filled with explosions and missiles.

Starfighters that veered too close to the star destroyers would be targeted by Gos Karza-class battery emplacements, their missiles swarming the space above Alderaan to try to take out yet more TIE fighters, while the Vong technology on-board would capture any fire directed towards the star destroyers - whether they be missiles, or proton torpedoes, destroying the incoming projectiles.

One of the gunships was too slow in accelerating to avoid being destroyed, and another was moderately damaged but successfully took part in accelerating to levels that only an interceptor could challenge. They fired their own discord and vindicator missiles at the starfighters, before responding to orders. There was an order for them that they received. They would enter hyperspace, appear behind the enemy vessels, and then proceed to launch their missiles and empty their HVC cannons into the engines of the primary vessel in the hopes of disabling at least one of the lead enemy vessel’s engines. Dozens of 120 mm depleted uranium tungsten rounds would target the shielding and HVC cannons of the vessels.

”Mi’Lord, the Hapan Rose has yet to respond to our communication. The enemy vessels are, however, falling back.” Her subordinate said.

”Are we being jammed?” She asked telepathically. The subordinate shook their head, and Dresta nodded.

”I see… so… our orders were ignored.” Dresta said. The subordinate swallowed, and bit their bottom lip, nodding more slowly this time.

”I will have to discuss this with the commanding officer shortly, but for now we must focus on this battle.” Dresta said.

The hypervelocity cannons aboard the Imnothep and her sister ship were dispersed between the three enemy ships, but there was an additional focus on the lead enemy ship. These anti-capital cannons are, if they strike, capable of crippling many types of capital ships with a few choice shots. Weighing multiple metric tons, these devastating shells possessed a patented shaped charge that would allow the shells to begin embedding themselves deep within the armor of starships they successfully strike, they would detonate multiple times in quick succession to push their charges further into the vessels, filling the areas they hit with radiation that would irradiate the areas they struck with lethal levels of radiation.

With 700 projectors per ship, the Hellbore-class energy torpedo cannons on-board the star destroyers would meanwhile launch and, if successfully striking, would each hit the enemy with the force of a freighter. With one round per minute per projector, for a total of 1,400 rounds per minute from the combined forces of both ships, this had the potential to dish out devastating damage within a very short amount of time. With one round per minute, this would dish out devastating damage. Traveling at 0.6 light speed, they would rapidly approach the enemy vessels, leaving little time for maneuvering or effective use of point defense systems - and increasing the likelihood that they struck successfully.

”Get me an analysis of their shielding. How much is remaining?” Dresta would ask.

”Scan for structural weakpoints and begin focusing on those… and get me regular updates on the remaining number of enemy starfighters.”

”Target our axial proton beam cannons at the lead ship. Coordinate strikes to focus on the same area.”
Dresta hoped the focused fire would disable or severely damage the shielding of the enemy’s lead vessel. An officer turned to Dresta in surprise after she said to do so. Normally, those were used for orbital bombardment, but with a vessel the size of the enemy’s lead ship it would, presumably, have no problem from this range.

”Targeting.” Someone on the bridge spoke up.

”The Illustria has targeted the same location. Vessels preparing to fire.” The weapons officer spoke up again.

”Firing axial proton beam cannon in 3… 2… 1…” The awesome power of the proton beam cannons from both the Imnothep and her sister ship aimed directly at the enemy’s lead ship. They focused on the same area. A line of blaring hot protonic energy blared across the depths of space squarely at the targeted vessel. Everyone held their breath in anticipation of what kind of damage something like that could do to a starship, its shielding, and its crew.

”Now, for our advantage to come to bear.” Dresta’s mind reached out, trying to link allied crews and pilots together, and doing her best to merge them into one gestalt mind. What one was aware of, the other would be aware of. This would reduce accidents to near zero, prevent deaths by chance, and corrupt luck into the favor of their crew. Their starfighters were outnumbered. The gunships would escape into hyperspace once they emptied their load, if they survived, that is. Nonetheless, the strength of the Sith would at least allow them to hold the line - Dresta believed. In the opening duel between starfighters, they had lost fourteen of their own, and she hoped to reduce this number. They needed to hold the line long enough for the mission to be complete, for the people on the ground to get into their starships and into hyperspace, or back on-board the star destroyers and… likewise into hyperspace. They did not need to win. They just needed not to lose. And Dresta was very good at not losing, at finding the right time to retreat back into the shadows, but while she was fighting it was a glorious sight to behold. Vicious, brutalistic, yet refined in only the way that a Sith intellectual could project. Intelligent and bombastic, the carefully selected strikes on the enemy vessels that Dresta ordered were chosen as such for one reason - so that they would think only to fall back further. To retreat. Perhaps, they would even enter hyperspace and leave.

Located above the enemy ships, with their weapons raining down upon them, Dresta believed that they had the absolute advantage in maintaining their range as it was without allowing the enemy vessel’s to come into range. Meanwhile, her battlemind, she believed, would sustain them.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Darth Acharon Darth Acharon
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Location || Alderaan [Space] ||
Objective || Punch through LOTS Blockade and Evacuate Queen Organa ||

Sularen watched as the Battle unfolded from the viewports of the Bridge of the Relentless , the enemy had deployed their starfighters but as expected had less then half the amount of Starfighters then Sularen's Fleet possessed and again as the Lord-Imperator had predicted , the enemy was relying on overwhelming firepower. As the Tie Drones and Outlanders began engaging the outnumbered enemy starfighters relying on their numbers to slowly cut down the size of the enemy starfighters , the Three Battlecarriers continued to move in reverse remaining out of range of the enemy fleet.

Then suddenly , the Ship was rocketed by a series of explosions nearly knocking Sularen off-balance. "Sir" a Lieutenant cried out. "Our Rear Engines have been hit by a series of Enemy Gunships." Sularen was shocked , surprisingly his enemy wasn't as incompetent as he thought. "What's the status of the Engines" Sularen asked. "They are still running though only at 60% Efficiency." the Lieutenant Replied. This meant that the enemy Ships could catch up to Sularen's Fleet and severely damage them with their Long-Range Weapons. Sularen would have to act now.

Fortunately Sularen had more starfighters and it would be only a matter of time before the enemy's Fighter Screen Collapsed. Thus as Sularen's Fleet was rendered vulnerable to the enemy force Sularen would need to rush his enemy. "Have all Tie Outlanders and a Quarter of our Tie Drones continue their engagement with the enemy force. Then instruct the rest of the Tie Drones to focus on the nearest enemy Star Destroyer and bombard it with non-stop Nova Flare attacks directed against it's Bridges and Engines. We'll have them cripple those Star Destroyers and then move in with our fleet to finish them off."

Soon enough , the orders were relayed to Sularen's Tie Outlanders and Tie Drones with nearly 500 Tie Drones [481 to be exact] splitting off from the main group of Tie Outlanders and Tie Drones [Approx. 456] and charging towards one of the Star Destroyers moving forth to target it's Bridges and Engines by bombarding it through waves of Nova Flares from a squadron at a time. While the enemy Star Destroyer would be able to take out a few fighters via Point-Defense Weaponry , it would be impossible to shot down all of them and evade the inevitable destruction Sularen's Tie Drones would rain down on them.

With such Bombardment , Sularen hoped to destroy the targeted Star Destroyer and disrupt the enemy formation in which would allow Sularen to deploy his Elite Reserve Starfighter Squadrons and deal with the other two Star Destroyers before moving in with his fleet. However as Sularen's Tie Drones made their move , the enemy made theirs. Suddenly Sularen's Fleet was bombarded by Powerful HVC Rounds and Proton Torpedos from the enemy fleet and while they just barely out of range , the majority of the enemy projectiles missed Sularen's Fleet though they still took considerable hits from the projectiles that managed to hit Sularen's Vessels.

However what came next was worse. The Proton Beam Canons of each Ships were then fired at the Relentless , though again with the enemy Fleet firing out of range , 2 out of the 3 Shots from the Proton Beam Canons hit the Relentless which took considerable damage to both the shields and the hull. But Sularen's Fleet was still operational and capable to fight , and given the damage done to the engines Sularen decided it was time to make a stand. "Alright , enough falling back. Have the Fleet maintain it's position and wait until we enter in range of the enemy fleet. Then at my command i want all of our Ships to target a second Star Destroyer with our Long-Range Turbolasers." Sularen ordered.

Soon enough , the Three Battlecruisers stopped falling back and within a few seconds entered in range of the advancing enemy Fleet. "FIRE" Sularen shouted and soon enough , the Three Battlecruisers returned fire , bombarding a seperate Star Destroyer [Not targeted by the Tie Drones] with their Long-Range Turbolasers with Sularen intending to deal intense damage to the Star Destroyer before it could even recharge it's special weapons and fire a second volley towards Sularen's Ships.

"This is where the fun really begins"

  • A few Tie Outlanders and Tie Drones are lost in the initial exchange
  • The Engines of the Relentless are damaged by enemy attack and are reduced to 60% Efficiency slowing down the Relentless
  • Sularen orders all Tie Outlanders and a quarter of Tie Drones [481 Total] to continue their engagement with the enemy Fighters while having the rest of the Tie Drones attack a singular Star Destroyer.
  • The Tie Drones[Approx. 456 Total] attacking the enemy Star Destroyer proceed to target it's Bridges and Engines executing waves of Nova Flares [1 Wave per Squadron | 19 Waves Total]
  • Sularen's Fleet is bombarded by enemy Special Weapons with all three Battlecarriers taking considerable damage to Shields and Hull.
  • Sularen orders Fleet to maintain position and get in range of the enemy Fleet before ordering to concentrate fire on another Star Destroyer [Not the one targeted by the Tie Drones] via the Battlecarriers Long-Range Turbolasers.
Objective: Price of the Crown
Tags: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean \ Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Every sound brought them closer. The guards outside could be heard standing their ground a volley of blaster fire only to be followed by silence. Someone was coming in Faith made herself stand taller than she was, her hand rested near but not on the blaster. Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri stood at the ready Faith felt her heart sink for a moment so young to take on so much.

The doors which had served as the barrier between the invaders and the Queens parlor seemed to breathe as an unseen force took hold and ripped them from their hinges. Old doors of Alderaan wood splintered and sprayed but it did not disintegrate to nothing they still held part of their form as it tried to stay true to its purpose.

It would seem some levity with an equal measure of sarcasm was required in this situation, "If you give me your name I'll have my aide check the guest list. In the meantime I'll see if my calendar is clear for us to" a pause, "chat."." She gazed upon this person before her. She felt her heart quicken as the thoughts of what could happen in these next moments. She remembered who she was...she was Queen of Alderaan. A world of beauty a world that stood for peace. She was the daughter of a Queen and the wife of a Dragon, Draco Vereen.

The Royal Guard were running towards this room their foot steps heard on the tiles outside, at least what remained of them. Captain Nels never left his post the man before her had taken his life, Faith could see his lifeless body just beyond the door. What would she say to his wife and children? She could hear shouting about the Captain, it would fuel their anger and need for revenge. Her voice felt fixed in her throat, how many others had been killed today.

Faith drew a soft breath to try and find her footing first rule, find out who you are dealing with, then find out what they want.

Quintus Varro

Objective: Price of the crown
Mission: Just making noise

Every knight a legion they said. Well he wasn't given a legion but a few squads were under his 'command' as they wrecked havoc throughout the palace while Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean dealt with the Queen. Of course he didn't know which orders to give or not to give which was a rather pointed problem in a battle it seemed. Armored from head to foot in standard armor the only thing that really stood out about him was the lightsaber on his hip, but that seemed to be enough. As for the giving orders part well he had a rather simple plan for that, because it was all he could damn well think of.

He said nothing when possible, and when not as little as he could. They asked which direction to go, he repeated their orders in a dispassionate tone. They did give a glance at his blaster rifle from time to time, but once he'd hit a few of the palace guardsmen they didn't glance any longer. Not that they needed him, these were better trained them him, and they'd be soldiers longer. No Quintus was just along for the ride, and out to show he belonged.

This wasn't an invasion it was a raid, and Quintus understood one thing in that. For his own survival he needed to grab something of value, something to back him up so he wasn't just relying on the Sith for food and shelter. What did a former slave know of value though? They wanted people, but if they were taking the Queen who else would need?

As he thought a blaster bolt came dangerously close to his head and his eyes flew open in anger as he looked at his squad leader. His frustration was building into something mailable if only he truly understood the force better. Still the look hadn't been in rage at the squad leader, he was hoping for some damn information but the man didn't take it that way.

"I'm sorry, Sir, we've encountered some heavier resistance pushing into the living quarters. Forgive us, Sir, we'll have it wrapped up quickly." The tone was professional, but it was also sincere. They were used to some Sith punishing failure unpleasantly, and who knew what a Sith considered failure. Was he supposed to punish the man? Strike him or curse him for his failure? What failure was it even? The lying Knight was on a battlefield of course he might get shot at, Sith spit who wouldn't expect that.

Not knowing what else to do he simple held the man's eyes and nodded before raising his own blaster rifle up to shoot down the hall. He needed to figure this all out before it turned on him. At least learn to properly harness the damned force so if push came to shove he could fake it all. Still through it all he kept his face even and cold. It would be fine, they were just the distraction in the palace halls after all. All the real work was going on upstairs and soon it would be complete and they would be called back. Blood and fire man, and then he'd be right back to where he started if he couldn't find something he could create some independence around.

Faith Organa Faith Organa Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor
Aboard the Hapan Rose || Current Station: Weapons Officer Commanding Officer

The Captain's Cabin was quiet. Eerily quiet.

The only sound that managed to break the thin atmosphere was the soft rustling of poly-cloth as Captain Dystra finally managed to rise to her feet. She'd held Troma's gaze firmly the entire time, clutching that framed photo of her family like it would somehow safeguard her from the rapidly approaching future. Lieutenant Troma didn't shift or shy away from her in the slightest, remaining perfectly poised as every professional should - awaiting for her answer as if he had all the time in the world.

And he did. Nothing else mattered at that moment. The battle raging just outside of the Rose's hull nor the thousands that perished kilometers below them.

"I... agree." Dystra exhaled finally, shifting her weight nervously. "How will you know where to find me if I just take off to the far reaches of the galaxy? Actually, don't answer that question. I don't want to know."

Troma nodded evenly. "Yes, it's best that question remains unanswered. But," he fished a metallic cylinder from his pocket, "if you decide that you want to come back early, toggle this and I'll come for you early. Your family will not be harmed and neither will you if you choose to wait. You're an important piece on the board, Captain, I just don't think you realize how special you are."

Captain Dystra fingered the homing beacon awkwardly. It was rare to see her so.. vulnerable. "In all my years, I've never seen something turn around so abruptly in a matter of minutes, Lieutenant. I sure hope you know what you're doing. This game the Sith play is dangerous at best, and downright lethal if you aren't playing your cards right, but," she gave a sad smile, "I think you know that already."

"I do. I will honor you and yours if you heed by this agreement. Should I somehow die in the coming future, then consider this just a gift from me to you. You have your freedom now, Captain. Please make good use of your time." Troma slipped his blaster pistol free of its holster at that thought, checking its power cell. "Take this and get in the escape pod. Go back to your daughter. I will be waiting."

Dystra chuckled darkly, promptly taking the pistol. "I can't say it's been an honor, Lieutenant. I'll be ready."

And with that, Captain Anina Dystra strode over to the escape pod airlock with all of the pride and substance that she could possibly muster in that moment. Pock-marked uniform, frazzled form, and a determined look in her burning gaze. What a ride this had all been - and what it will be. But for now, she needed to get home back to her daughter.

Just as the airlock began to close and jettison, Troma called out once more: "Goodbye, Captain. I'll see you soon."


[*]The gunships that attacked the rear of the enemy ship escape into hyperspace.
[*]The Imnothep diverts additional power to forward shielding, and redirects the majority of the energy in the heavy turbolaser to fire back towards the vessels firing it.
[*]The Illustria’s extensive broadside defenses defeat the majority of the Nova flares, and are likely to begin picking off TIE Droids. The closer one gets to the Illustria, the deadlier it gets. The air is filled with missiles, lasers, cannon fire, explosions, point defense singularities, and more.
[*]With nearly 500 TIE Droids off of them, allied fighters are expected to fare better in combat, but are still outnumbered. The TIE Defenders are more heavily armed and better shielded, however, while the Interceptors are faster than the TIE Droids. Both have organic pilots, as opposed to the highly swarm-competent TIE Droids.
[*]Two Nox-class corvettes destroyed. One falls into the Illustria

The closer to the Imnothep’s sister ship that the TIE droids drew, the more dangerous things would become for them. Powerful Aegis-class shield generators were just one part of the durable ship’s defenses, with Gos Kzorsa battery emplacements ripping the flares to pieces with short-term singularities that were likely to engulf even starships. Dozens upon dozens of point defense weapons filled the air with an endless stream of missiles, cannon fire, and lasers - all aimed at destroying the TIE Droids that very unwisely would fly too close to the sun of the Illustria’s powerful point defenses. Even things that did get through the Gos Kzorsa’s singularities would simply come into contact with the fortress that the Aegis-class shielding provided.

”Status report.” The captain of the Illustria stood with her arms behind her back, the Chiss stepping forward as the ship was rattled.

”The low armament of the enemy TIE Droid’s was unable to heavily damage us.” A crew member said.

”Damage to decks thirteen through eleven. Shielding at 80%.” An officer said.

”I see. I do wonder if these TIE Droids imagined their operator would be sending them on suicide runs against our broadsides. Get fire crews and medics to the necessary locations. Have our ship’s emergency crews on standby in the case of further damage.” The Chiss said. She maintained a calm and cold exterior, her eyes scanning over various screens on-board the bridge. Hopefully those TIE Droids had extinguished their supply of nova flares. They had a low armament, but another volley of that and they’d be reduced to 60% shielding. They might have to activate absorption and redirection protocols to redirect damage sustained back at the firing vessels, which the Chiss believed would eradicate the threat if their extensive broadside defenses and escorts were unable to do so.

”It’s remarkable that that enemy vessel stood up to something that far dwarfs the power of a turbolaser. Target the same location with our orbital cannon again. I’m not certain how much they can stand up to this. It would be wise for them to distance themselves somewhat. Our ship does possess a more powerful long-ranged armament.”

”And our sister ship, crewman? How does she fare?”

... aboard the Imnothep.

Shielding automatically diverted to focus more heavily on the front of the vessel, the shielding absorbing the majority fire and beginning to redirect the damage back towards the enemy vessel. Dresta braced herself as another 1,400 torpedo volley accelerated at 0.6 times light speed towards the enemy vessels. Hitting with the weight of a freighter, they would join their orbital cannon in targeting the same location as the Illustria had before. In a prolonged, long-range engagement Dresta believed that they had the advantage due to the Khan class’ state of the art long range weaponry.

Their organic pilots, keeping a wise distance from the Illustria as it got more dangerous for them the closer they got to the TIE Droids being targeted by point defenses, had the advantage of an elite level of experience - though swarm tactics by droid starfighters were capable of being successful even against experienced Sith pilots. They were working well in units, and managed to prevent themselves from losing another dozen - having lost only 10 in this upcoming volley as the TIE Droids redirected their focus. They had a higher survival chance, with the Nox-class’ missiles and laser cannons assisting the well-armed and well-shielded TIE Defenders increased survival rate against what was now a much-smaller swarm of enemies.

Back on the Illustria

"Sir, one of our corvettes has been destroyed! Another has gone dark." An officer called out.

The captain looked to the officer, opening her mouth to ask where it had last been detected when an explosion hit the middle of the ship. The falling nox class corvette had impacted the vessel, reducing shields to 55% power. The Chiss began dispersing clean up crews. The crew of the Illustria was starting to become worried that they would have to retreat.
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