L'Empire, c'est moi
- Relentless-Class Battlecarrier [Relentless]
- Harrsk-Class Battlecarriers [Hammer | Patriot]
- Fighter Compliment [58 Fighter Squadrons]
"Jumping out of Hyperspace in 3...2...1" Captain Saxon announced
Soon enough the Relentless along with the Hammer and Patriot , jumped out of hyperspace arriving in the Alderaan System ready to combat the forces of the Lords of the Sith. They were a threat to the people of the Core Worlds and Deep Core and one that needed to be dealt with accordingly. As Suaren's Task Force arrived they realized that the GADF hadn't responded to the situation yet with the only opposition provided by Alderaan being their little Orbital Station and Local Fighter Garrison.
It wasn't a surprise to Sularen however , that the GADF was running late. At Byss they barely contributed to the Defense of the World only sending a Corvette Line and a few thousand Soldiers which wasn't a significant contribution to a battle of that magnitude. In addition , the GADF hadn't even responded to Carnifex's attack on Natanus and yet the Alliance went around accusing Sularen of conspiring against them just for attacking the Shipyards held by a Corporation affiliated with the Eternal Empire.
As the Fleet approached Alderaan , Sularen arrived on the bridge having just left his Personal Quarters upon arrival in order to lead his forces into battle. "Report" Sularen said as he walked past Captain Saxon. "My Lord. We have have arrived at Alderaan. We have detected 3 Star Destroyer-sized vessels bombarding the city scape of Alderaan along with over 4 dozen small craft." Sularen thought for a few seconds analyzing his current situation.
The Fleet in question was of a considerable size and the first thing that came to the Lord-Imperator's Mind was Starfighter Capacity after all whoever had Starfighter Superiority ruled the battlefield. "Complete a quick scan of their entire fleet i want to know what's their starfighter capacity and how much fighters they can field against us. In the meantime have the Fleet hold it's position and do not further advance against them. We don't wish to enter in range of their long-range weaponry." Sularen's Fleet along could hold 56 Fighter Squadrons in which was approximately half of the average amount of starfighters Sularen usually brought to battle.
"Sir our scan is complete." a Lieutenant said. "What do we have Lieutenant?" Sularen asked still facing the viewports of the bridge. "We believe the enemy force can field approximately 20-30 Fighter Squadrons from their Star Destroyers." the Lieutenant said. "And the smaller vessels? Are they capable of holding Starfighters?" Sularen asked once more. "No sir they aren't capable of transporting Starfighters , at least not according to our scans." the Lieutenant said.
"Sir , the enemy fleet is beginning it's advance towards us. Seven Assault Gunships headed straight for us and their Star Destroyers are moving into range in order to fire their long-range weaponry." Captain Saxon said. "Very well then." Sularen said in response. "Deploy the Outlanders and Drones , I want those Assault Gunships destroyed and their TIEs distracted in order to create a gap our Elite Fighters can exploit. Once we get that gap we'll disrupt their formation by executing Maneuver Nern-29 and completely demolish their Fleet."
Soon enough , over 976 Fighters emerged from the hangars of Sularen's Ships and began heading towards the enemy fleet targeting the 7 Assault Gunships and launching a counter-attack against them before they could even reach Sularen's Fleet with the Outlanders and Drones in the path of the Gunships bombarding them with endless volleys of Turbolasers while continuing their approach towards the enemy Fleet. As the Outlanders and Drones came closer to the Gunships , the Outlanders would move out of the why while a few TIE Drones would come replace them and head straight towards the Gunships on a Collision course if they survived the initial attack in order to ensure the threat their posed was thwarted permanently.
As the Outlanders and Drones continued their approach towards the enemy fleet. Sularen's Battlecarriers began moving in reverse slowly falling back from the enemy Star Destroyers to avoid their Long-Range Weaponry. While Sularen could of maintained position and fire his own Long-Range Weapons , his ships compared to theirs did not possess Hypervelocity Canons like the LOTS Star Destroyers and thus were at a disadvantage in terms of firepower. Falling back was the more cautious approach to this Confrontation especially if Sularen wished to single-handedly annihilate the enemy Fleet.
Sularen's Strategy solely relied on his ability to achieve Starfighter Superiority however and that placed him in a somewhat disadvantageous position. Yet with his brief Career in the New Imperial Armada , Sularen had enough experience to have the confidence that his strategy could work out especially if his enemy was going to focus on targeting his forces with their Main Weapons and rely on their overwhelming firepower to destroy his fleet. Nevertheless time would tell how his enemies respond and thus the Battle for Alderaan began.
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Darth Acharon
| Dresta |
- Sularen's Fleet arrives in Hyperspace
- Sularen has his Fleet's TIE Outlanders and Drones Deployed
- The TIE Outlanders and Drones begin an attack run against the enemy TIE Fighter Screen attacking Drestra's 7 Assault Gunships on the way [TIE Drones sent on a collision course if the Gunships survive the initial attack] in order to distract the enemy TIEs
- Sularen's Battlecrusiers begin moving in reverse [Moving Backwards essentially] to avoid the Long-Range Weapons of the Enemy Fleet.