Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Moment of Courtesy

He had loved her once.

It was a fleeting remnant of the man that he had once been, and it was an infantile thing: a bond forged through years of shared trials and tribulations that had ended with naught but bitterness. Cedric had kept such feelings to himself, of course. It had been his own fault for allowing himself to form such an attachment, something of which he had grown to be far more careful of in the days that had followed.

None of that mattered now. For all intents and purposes, Cedric Grayson had died during the battle of Dubrillon. The man that had returned from that battle was entirely different from the one that had walked into it, and true warm death had followed in the months later, or so it felt at the very least.

Not once during his campaigns had thoughts of [member="Romi Jade"] entered his mind. The Jedi had replaced her, cast her aside from the place she had held in his heart in favor of another, one which he had known would not leave him so embittered. She, however, was gone too, and it had been many months since Cedric's mind had turned toward any such mortal concerns.

So it was that he found himself shocked as he was called from his slumber. He did not know why, or how it had happened, but he knew that it had something to do with Romi. His eyes shot open, revealing a seemingly endless meadow that carried on far past where his sight ended. Rather than combat armor, he was clad in the simple black robes of Ession. He ran a hand over his head, and was surprised to feel smooth skin where normally veined scar tissue jutted out. It occurred to him then that this was not reality, but some form of dreamscape.

It was of Romi's creation.

"Why have I been called here?" Cedric asked the skies, caution in his voice. This was not the realm of death that he had called home for so long. The youth's brow furrowed, "What's happened to you Romi?"
She Left Behind A Legacy
She felt hot - she was sick after all, the corruption corroding away at anything she felt was familiar. Before she could maintain but...

This was it...the last of everything she had. She stood there cold; she was freezing in a location that appeared warm. How? The wind nipped at her hair, causing it to flail about and follow in the trend it took the flowers themselves. She watched in the distance as this dreamscape seemingly vanished into nothing - literally.

It was like...a break in reality.

Her eyes trailed the tear itself, pivoting around until a robed figure was in her light of sight, but some feet away.


Ever since the events on Mon's been hard for her to tell her memories, dreams, and reality apart - It hurt to even try.

But this one...something about this one...she knew who he was.

"Ced...Cedric?" she murmured, though it was audible enough.

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
It had been quite some time since Cedric had set eyes upon Romi. The last time they had spoken, he had expressed things better left unsaid, and the violence that followed thereafter had denied them any form of proper closure. It was something the Jedi Master has lamented at first, though he’d quickly accepted reality for what it was. He and Romi were always destined to walk different paths.

“That would be me,” he replied with a warm smile, though there was a bit of caution in his expression. His brow furrowed as he looked about in every direction, and saw nothing but endless green fields. On the far horizon, he could make out a mass of storm clouds slowly on the approach - they had not been there until Romi appeared.

“I’m as confused as you are. I’ve no idea how this is happening,” he gestured all about, “Although I’m sure it’s obvious to you that this isn’t reality...whatever that really is.”

The knight of Ession drew closer, his lips pressing into a thin line as the shadow of concern fell over his visage. “Are you alright? I felt something...well, not you when I was called here.”

[member="Romi Jade"]
She Left Behind A Legacy
Cedric Grayson said:
“That would be me,”
The lack of surprise was obvious when she sort of rolled her eyes at the thought; she didn't believe it was actually him. if anything? He was likely just an aspect of her memories her time of need.

She looked away, curling more into herself "No..." she trailed off, gathering herself to continue her response "But that...that is real" she'd become fixated on this thing, the storm that is.

Cedric Grayson said:
“Are you alright? I felt something...well, not you when I was called here.”
Her head whipped around, called here?

She pondered for a moment...

Her subconscious must've reached out to him...they did share a bond after all.

It was like she wanted to break down, but...she didn't really know how to cry. Had any ever really seen her cry?

"I can't fight it anymore"

Her head fell forward, she was defeated.

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
It was then that Cedric understood. In his time as an observer, he had made a point to ignore the dark side. His entire life had been spent fighting against the forces of darkness, and he had elected not to spend his enlightenment obsessing over such an unsolvable problem. Now, however, that darkness was in his face, and Romi had suffered by its hand.

For a moment, Cedric saw the little girl he had shared his youth with, a proud little creature, yet small and fragile at the core, as all beings truly were. Cedric knew instinctually that there was little he could do for her now, but that didn’t stop him from trying. He had too much compassion to turn her away.

“I leave you alone for a few months and you find yourself at death’s door,” Cedric chided, his attempt at a jab a veiled means to hide his own concern. He stepped forward to place a steady hand on Romi’s shoulder, “What are you fighting Romi? What is that?” He gestured toward the storm.

His hand squeezed, “Tell me so I can help you.”

[member="Romi Jade"]
She Left Behind A Legacy
"That?" She looked up, simultaneously angling out to look over the encroaching storm too. "That's everything I've spent my entire life fighting..." she said.

A beat.

"It's exactly what [member="Veiere Arenais"] steered me away from..." she traced her arm up till she reached her shoulder and felt his hand there, "It's also exactly what I hated him for." And she felt bad for it...

This storm, was everything she bottled up and kept to herself...coping.

"It's my cell from Lola Sayu...the echoes from my time on the battlefield" She retorted, emphasizing more and more as she went down the list.

"It's the loneliness I felt...the abandonment...the pain"


"It's exactly what it looks like Cedric...sinister...dark...and chaotic. It's what I've been fighting for a long time now." She looked to him, and then glanced away before she could even think him up more than what was present.

"It's my darkness."

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
Their lives had been ones of conflict. Of that, Cedric understood Romi more than most beings ever could. A Jedi's duty was to protect and serve the people, no matter the personal cost. The demons a Jedi was cursed with were often ones they were damned to deal with on their own, and even the strongest of beings could only resist for so long. Cedric had never sensed anything resembling that in Romi, but then they had not spent much time together since the Rebel Alliance's merging with the New Republic. A great many things could change in that amount of time, and he suspected he might be too late to reverse them.

"Veiere tried with the both of us," Cedric replied quietly, almost sadly. He carried far more regrets with him when Veiere was concerned than he truly would have liked to admit. "But we're human. No matter how much training we receive, what trials we endure, we will always fail eventually. It's in our nature."

A quiet sigh escaped his lips as he drew both his arms about her. He would draw her close in an effort to provide some form of comfort, but it was unfortunately all he could offer her. "Even in that failure, we learn and we grow. I can't stop it from coming for you. Whatever's happened to you in the real world is beyond my control, but I will come for you once I've freed myself."

An empty promise.

The world began to shift. It was quick and silent; Cedric blinked, and the two of them were standing upon a tree-smattered hill overlooking a massive city in the distance. Golden light from a setting sun bathed the hill in a sea of orange and yellow hues. Cedric recognized this place immediately: it was Ession, the Ession of his youth. The planet was preserved and pristine, the city beyond going about its daily functions as if nothing was wrong. This place was little more than a memory now: the Sith had seen to that.

"I can try and distract you from it though, for a time." When he spoke his voice was far younger. He would draw back, revealing a youthful face that might have just barely been thirteen. This was a memory of the last time he had seen Romi before Veiere had left to rejoin Commenor, and took his Padawan with him. The storm remained in the distance, but it seemed smaller, somehow.

"How do you like my new trick?" He asked, a hint of amusement in his voice as he gestured toward their surroundings.

[member="Romi Jade"]
She Left Behind A Legacy
Cedric Grayson said:
"Even in that failure, we learn and we grow. I can't stop it from coming for you. Whatever's happened to you in the real world is beyond my control, but I will come for you once I've freed myself."
She put up no resistance, falling into his embrace. He said he'd come for her, and she knew it was an empty promise; she'd been waiting for someone to come for. But, she appreciated the sentiment anyway...and something about it she actually believed but she wasn't so hopeful that it'd be a success.

Really...all she wanted people to know was wasn't her choice.

But...she'd be lying if she said going through this had brought her closer to the things she was really feeling - feelings she'd been the progenitor of.

Cedric Grayson said:
"I can try and distract you from it though, for a time."
The space around them change...and she remembered.

"Your new trick?" She shot back.

"I remember this...this was the day we left." She turned to him, "In our last few moments were stuttering over your words. You said you had something to tell me...but got scared. What was it? Do you remember?"

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
Rarely did one get the chance to relive a moment.

Cedric had lingered on this memory for some time after it occurred. He had wondered at what he had done wrong, and how he might have made things end the way he had wished then. Such frivolous thoughts had been cast aside upon his ascension to the throne, but the memory remained buried in the corners of his mind. He was unsure as to why he had chosen it for the setting; something to do with his subconscious most likely.

"I didn't want you to leave," he replied instantly, surprised at the surprising height of his voice. He'd really been a scrawny child, hadn't he?

His brow furrowed with what looked to be frustration as he delved into his own thoughts; that wasn't exactly what he had meant to say. Had this all occurred months ago, his answer would have been obvious. As things were, Cedric's feelings were far more cloudy.

"Back when we last spoke privately, before the battle of Jaminere - there was someone else, wasn't there?" He asked quietly. It wasn't the right thing to say - not the diplomatic choice, nor one that would bring Romi any comfort. It was the selfish part of Cedric that spoke.

[member="Romi Jade"]
She Left Behind A Legacy
Cedric Grayson said:
"I didn't want you to leave,"
Glancing over, she lingered on his figure a bit. Pondering perhaps...but was it more than he was letting on. Part of her knew Cedric had that bad...he wasn't the most open person. But who was she to judge...she'd been this shining star, but completely insecure and fearful on the inside.

She nodded. "Fair" her response was almost as soft as whisper, but it was for her company to hear. "I didn't want to go either. It all seemed steady back then. Nothing worried me more until I started counting the days leading up to this one. bu-"

Cedric Grayson said:
"Back when we last spoke privately, before the battle of Jaminere - there was someone else, wasn't there?"
Her head beckoned back - caught of guard.

"Wha-" she murmured before everything settled again.

So it still bothered him...

"N-no" then, there was no one who held her heart. However, around that time there were many of her colleagues who confessed their feelings for her...and all while she was still finding herself after stepping down from grandmastership. She was going through a lot internally at the time.

"That still bothers you?"

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
There were a great number of things that still bothered Cedric. He had a tendency to internalize many of the events that transpired around him. It wasn't something he did by choice, but rather by instinct. Cedric had been raised to be a protector and leader in all things. His purpose was to guide his people, and his suffering was meant to be a private affair. He was not permitted to share his troubles with the people, and thus they festered in his heart far longer than most.

"No, I suppose not," he relented, a quiet sigh escaping his lips as he stared out to the city beyond Romi. It, like his past with Romi, was naught but a pleasant memory now. Seeing his birthplace in all its glory filled his heart with both pride and despair. It was a feeling he could not quite describe, sondor perhaps?

"I have a tendency to linger on things Romi. I apologize - such things aren't important right now." From the tone of his voice, he did indeed sound regretful. It had been selfish of him to raise such a topic now. He brushed his fingertips along her forearm, his voice quiet and steady. "Do you know where your body is right now Romi?" He asked, eager to change the subject, "Where I can find you, and who has done this to you? I will send for you the moment I am freed, I only need to know."

[member="Romi Jade"]

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