The Arch Wilder
While still independent, Vulpesen and by extension, Veradune, had come to call the Galactic Alliance close allies. In truth, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that they were on the road to membership within the alliance. With this sentiment in mind, Vulpesen and his men were quick to react when the distress beacon was activated. "Captain! I need Avalanche loaded and shipped in five!" His own battle effects were kept in a single bag next to his desk and Vulpesen wasted no time in snatching it off the ground and running down towards the Veran starport. He could suit up on the way.
It didn't take long for the squadron of VSF-Lupas to come screaming through Cathar's atmosphere, having given the star destroyer a wide birth. They were transport ships, meant to put boots on ground, not go toe to toe with capital ships. But at least now the empire wasn't the only faction with a company on Cathar's soil. Vulpesen had a radio operator sweep for friendly signatures, happy to find that beyond the initial beacon sent out by Jonyna, another signature pinged as recognized and allied. Valery Noble, one of the first Jedi Vulpesen had met and someone he figured would be able to get a handle on the situation.
"VSF Avalanche Company to Master Noble and Cathar Control, this is Arch Wilder Torrevaso speaking," he started, hailing the jedi on the comm systems as soon as he was given the green light, "What's the situation? I've got one-twenty looking to get boots on if you need it." Vulpesen didn't wait for a response as he waved for the rear ramp to be opened, attaching his raven wing pack to his back. "Keep me patched through! And don't fire unless I tell you, or one of us gets shot first!" With that, he leapt, the black wings unfurling to catch the wind as his repulser generated the lift to carry him towards his jedi companions. As he flew however, another presence caught his attention. Dark and foreboding, it seemed to hang in the back. This situation was already tense and he didn't even have all the details. The last thing he wanted was someone new throwing a wrench in things. "Be advised, Torrevaso diverting to dark side presence."
Jonyna Si
Valery Noble
Minerva Fhirdiad
Darth Valor
It didn't take long for the squadron of VSF-Lupas to come screaming through Cathar's atmosphere, having given the star destroyer a wide birth. They were transport ships, meant to put boots on ground, not go toe to toe with capital ships. But at least now the empire wasn't the only faction with a company on Cathar's soil. Vulpesen had a radio operator sweep for friendly signatures, happy to find that beyond the initial beacon sent out by Jonyna, another signature pinged as recognized and allied. Valery Noble, one of the first Jedi Vulpesen had met and someone he figured would be able to get a handle on the situation.
"VSF Avalanche Company to Master Noble and Cathar Control, this is Arch Wilder Torrevaso speaking," he started, hailing the jedi on the comm systems as soon as he was given the green light, "What's the situation? I've got one-twenty looking to get boots on if you need it." Vulpesen didn't wait for a response as he waved for the rear ramp to be opened, attaching his raven wing pack to his back. "Keep me patched through! And don't fire unless I tell you, or one of us gets shot first!" With that, he leapt, the black wings unfurling to catch the wind as his repulser generated the lift to carry him towards his jedi companions. As he flew however, another presence caught his attention. Dark and foreboding, it seemed to hang in the back. This situation was already tense and he didn't even have all the details. The last thing he wanted was someone new throwing a wrench in things. "Be advised, Torrevaso diverting to dark side presence."