Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Moment of Peace [Darron]

Rosa Gunn

Time was limited, sleep even more so. Ever since leaving Coruscant the two of them had barely managed to give each other reassuring smiles, quick squeezes of the hands. It had been all systems go, everyone had been involved one way or another in the organisation of the huge gathering, and if they weren’t they were training or up to their elbows in research. The latter being Rosa’s misfortune, her head still buzzed now with information almost impossible to forget and that had placed her on the path she was on now.

Rosa had prepared her padawan, briefed both him and Selena on the coming intelligence mission and then retreated in her only selfish move, to Darron’s personal chambers. He wasn’t there, she didn’t expect him to be for some time but it was incredibly calming to be somewhere where his force signature lingered on everything. He wasn’t coming with her, not because he didn’t want to, but because he couldn’t and because she wouldn’t let him.

The coming days were going to be some of the worse, she had barely had the opportunity to contemplate the devastation, and as Grandmaster, it was Darron’s duty to remain where he could be seen approached and where he could deal directly with the senate.

Rosa waited for him, her eyes closed facing out towards the stars that the viewport revealed, her hands clasped lightly in front of her as she slipped into a meditative trance, seeking strength and guidance from the force.
The Teferi

Exhaustion, fatigue, and any adjectives that described a lack of energy could all apply to the man who was the leader of the Jedi. Though right now he didn't feel like GrandMaster to the Order. He much less didn't feel like a Master of the Force, leader of the Jedi, or voice of the Republic. Though as he walked down the halls of the new frigate commissioned to him by the Republic, he couldn't help but noticed the looks he was getting, nor what he was feeling in the Force. He could see the hope and determination on his men's faces as he walked by. The way they stood up even straighter, and how some bowed to him even though he didn't care for that formality at the moment. Though he played his part dutifully as he made his way through the ship to reach the hall that lead to his quarters.

Finally reaching his quarters, he nodded to the man guarding his room, and honestly didn't listen to a word he said.

As the doors snapped closed, The Jedi GrandMaster instantly retreated from the Force, only letting his natural ability linger if there was danger near. As he walked forth into the room, every muscle in his body hurt, and his joints ached. I'm not even thirty yet, and I feel like this, old age is going to be terrible. It seemed as if the natural grace with which his powerful body usually moved had suddenly left him. Without a care in the world, he threw off his greaves and breast plate while in stride. Next he threw off the torn glove that covered his prosthetic, and unclipped his utility belt and placed that on the small table before he approached his sleeping quarters. Without hesitation he threw off the torn undershirt, and he took stock of all the cuts and scrapes on his dirty body.

Pushing some of his bloodstained, and dirty hair out of his eyes, he let id down and soon made his way to the bedroom where he finally allowed himself to be Darron. Just Darron Wraith, kid from Dantooine who got so much more involved than he had ever planned to. Gone was the titan of the Force, Master of battle, the Sith slayer. He was just a large, chiseled man who was bloody, scraped up, and had fought for his life from the greatest droid invasion ever witnessed. Well that had been GrandMaster Darron Wraith, just Darron was currently exhausted and ready to just fall asleep. His mind was going pleasantly blank when a familiar sight caught his eyes...

Though he was weak from the escape from Coruscant, and all the horrors of the evacuation, she quickly lifted his soul. Yet he didn't allow himself to rise up to be all the things he had to be, no he was still just Darron and that would have to be enough. Slowly, he made his way to her and wrapped his arms around his waist as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. The weight of all the current, and future events weight on him. Without a word he stepped back, his hands still on her waist and he sat on the bed and leaned his head against her firm stomach. His ear rested against heart under her breasts, and just allowed himself to be at peace for a few moments. Still leaned into her, his muffled words left his mouth.

"You know, we lose Teferi, and then we lose Coruscant? Seems someone has something against happiness, or against me ever getting a break." He looked up at her, letting his chin rest on. He pulled her hands to cup his face, and he just let his blue eyes stare into hers. There was no pain, no suffering, just Darron and nothing else. "My mother used to hold me like this when I would be stressed out as a boy you know? I would qualify this as one of those times, how are you holding up beautiful?" He knew business would come up soon, but at the moment he was just Darron, and Rosa would have to be okay with that.

Rosa Gunn

Hi presence drew her from her meditation, her heart lifting and a smile playing on her features as she waited for him to come to her. This was when she love him most when the Master in him slipped aside to reveal the man she had always seen beneath. A man who had the weight of the world on his shoulders, a weight that was not likely to end soon. Hi surprise at seeing her made he all the more happy to know she had lifted his spirit. She leant into the embrace, wishing she could take some of that weight.

She followed him to the bed, running her fingers through his hair as he sat down and leant on her. She had no reply for his first words nothing she could say would bring comfort to the chaos they had been thrown into, she at least managed a sad smile. A a small chuckle as he spoke of his mother. She leant down and planted a soft kiss on his forehead contemplating his question. How was she holding up? She hadn't slept so that was instantly against her and she had not given herself the time of day to contemplate what had happened on Coruscant. All those lives lost. Greif hit her like a tidal wave and she closed her eyes for a moment, pushing it away from her.

When she opened her eyes they glistened with tears and she slid down to sit in Darron's lap. "So long as I don't think about it, i'm ok." She rested her head on his for a moment, gently stroking his head. "I'm so tired Darron, I can't even begin to think how you're feeling."
"Oh but you do know how I feel beautiful, some of us have special skills." He let the emphasis on the word skills be plain as day, he knew with her empathy she could feel his fatigue. Yet Darron also know that it was a double edged sword, all Rosa had to do was extend her senses and she could feel a world falling. The Jedi shuddered at the thought, feeling it through the Force was one thing. All Force-users were capable of that to varying degrees, to see actual images and feel those feelings though. It could only be described as a curse if you asked Darron himself, though he would never speak the words to Rosa. It was her power, and she worked night and day on channeling it and making sure that she was never hindered by it. It was most telling about her spirit and determination, and it was what he respected most about her. If you had any clue how much I lean on you when I'm feeling weak.

Without a word, he took his prosthetic hand and wrapped it around her waist. With his other hand he reached up behind her neck and pulled her head down to his, closing the distance now that she was sitting in his lap. He pressed her forehead against his, and he just closed his eyes and held her there for a few silent moments.

"Tell me what do to do to make you feel better, just whisper the words that will ease your mind and heart Rosa. I'll do anything to mend your heart, I know Coruscant wasn't easy. This is coming from the guy who can't stand to lose at anything, or see one innocent die. So please, what can I do?"

He briefly broke the contact, and gave her a kiss on the forehead hoping that she could feel the love emanating from him. " You don't need the Force or your empathy to know how I feel, just tell me how to make you feel better before the world goes to hell again," he whispered.

Rosa Gunn

As he pulled her forehead to his Rosa blotted out the rest of the world. She shut out the pain and grief that had crashed against her day and night since Coruscant fell. She blocked out the never ending sense of fear that clutched at their hearts. Fear that they might not be able to go home. Fear that was born from something catching them so unawares and ripping everything form out underneath them. They were not her emotions, she was saddened by it yes, and half the reason she hadn't slept was because of her own fear that if she did she would see everything overt and over again, for sleep was when she was defenceless against it.

But Rosa's everything was right here. Right where she needed her everything to be. She wrapped her empathy around him, she could feel his fatigue and she poured her love for him into the force. This was all she needed and for a minute she contemplated kidnapping him and running from it all. Hiding on the edge of the galaxy away from their duty. Duty, however, was what made them who they were and what bound them to the chaos around them.

Her hand moved to caress his cheek as he kissed her forehead and she smiled. "You're already doing exactly what you need to, to make me feel better Darron. You're you and you're with me and that's all I need to get through this." You are my anchor, without you to hold onto I would be swept away by the chaos. His love enveloped her and she smiled, bringing her lips to his for a soft kiss. and resting her forehead against his once more.

"I love you, Darron. Every moment I get with you I count as a blessing. For the love you bear me, please don't do anything rash while I'm gone." she said with a smile though her voice had a hint of pleading in it, her brown eyes locked on his "I can cope with it when I'm with an extent." there was a flash of mischief in her eyes.
"I love you too Rosa, without you I don't think we'd be sitting here right now. You constantly say I did this, or I did this. When in reality you helped save me, and ground me. Much of this is due to you."

Darron gently laid down on his back, and let her slid into the crook of his arm so she could rest her head on his bare chest.

Resting his head against the relaxing mattress, he just let himself be him for a few moments. He could feel his fatigue getting to him, but for some reason he couldn't calm his mind to the necessary level that would allow him to sleep. There was much to do, many messages that he still had to check. He knew the casualty reports would keep rolling in, and promotions would have to be given out. Part for merit and valor, the others to take up arms for the fallen. It was all rather heady, and Darron couldn't help but feel a tad bit overwhelmed. Even his heart was racing, though that had as much to do with the woman touching his skin as much as with Omni.

Omni, there was the last thing he wanted to think about. Using his training he simply cleared that part of his mind and turned to the present, and finally just allowed himself to speak without any mantles.

"You know, I've never known feelings like what I have for you. Just promise me you will be careful on your mission love, I know I trained you. I just worry for your safety more than I can possibly say."

Another few moments before he finally just said what was on his mind honestly. An admission he would only make to Rosa, no one else. "What if I fail, my decisions affect everyone. I can live with dying, it's failing the others that I can't stomach. It's whats keeping me up and keeping me distant."

Rosa Gunn

Rosa slid back to rest her head on his chest, the rhythm of his heart was a soothing noise, even if it was faster than normal. She knew he was thinking about all the things he had to do, she could feel his stress and she wished she could take it away from him. She closed her eyes while they lay there, simply enjoying each others presence without pretence. She knew she wouldn't sleep, but it was nice to close her eyes and relax at least. When he spoke again she opened here eyes and twisted so she was on her stomach, her chin on his chest.

"I promise I will be careful." she kissed his chest before turning her head to lay on him once more. Realisation dawning on her that he had avoided promising her about rash decision making. She wouldn't press it, she didn't want to know what he was planning, not now, not when she felt calm for the first time in days. Her eyes drifted closed again only to snap open at his admission. She moved, rapidly so that her face was directly above Darron's her brown eyes boring into his.

"Every leader in the history of time has asked themselves that question, Darron. Teferi chose you because he knew that you would do anything but fail. Its not in your nature to fail. Have faith, trust in the force and let it guide you and you will not fail." She pressed her forehead against his. "I have faith in you."
"That's the thing Rosa, you have faith in me, and I can see it in everyone's eyes that they do. That faith isn't shared by me though, I know how fallible I am."

A sigh escaped his lips as he took her kiss on his chest with gratitude, and as she went to roll back on her side, Darron had expected her to go to sleep. Yet instead she kept talking about the faith she had in him. What I have done to inspire you so? You're the only breathing person who has seen every failure I have ever had thanks to your empathy. If anything you should know my capacity to fail is quite great. Those thoughts hung heavy on his mind, along with everything else. Yet for some reason there were a few things pulling at his mind currently and he couldn't relax as much as he tried. Her words were kind, but they weren't fixing the problems he had at the moment. One he would fix in a little while, the other one he would have to speak about presently..or soon to relieve that stress.

Beautiful brown eyes pieced into his blue, and he felt many worries disappearing.

"I know you know of my alliance with the Sith Empress, Ashin. That being said, you need to know I'm not going back with the Jedi to Tython." Darron was finding it about as easy to tell her the truth on this mission as it was to kill a Rancor with a plastic spoon. "I will be going to Belsavis to meet her and a few more Sith.....alone."

He knew deep down she wouldn't be happy with his reckless ways, but when the galaxy was in this much danger something had to be done. "I know you aren't happy, just know I love you and I only trust myself to do this. I go to try and find a way to stop Omni, I know it's dangerous. Just know that from the bottom of my heart, I fight for every living being, all the Jedi, and most of all I fight so that you can enjoy a peaceful future beautiful. I know you can handle yourself, but this is something that only I can do."

Rosa Gunn

"Everyone is fallible. The fact that you can see it in yourself makes you that much better." She had seen his every failing but she saw beyond what he did. Every failing had made him stronger, allowed him to see more clearly than most. That was why she had faith in him, why everyone had faith in him. He had been tested in every way possible and become a greater man for it.

The mention of Ashin's name made her stiffen and she silently pleaded with him to not finished that sentence, to avoid the topic all together just so the could enjoy this moment. "Damnit, Darron." she said in dismay shaking her head and closing her eyes. Belsavis, a frozen wasteland. Ashin and other sith. Alone. Did he want to dig himself an early grave? She retreated from him, rising from the bed her anger unmistakeable as she moved to the viewport, seeking something to calm herself with in the stars.

"You sentimentality for her grandfather blinds you." she snapped at him. She turned finally to look at him her expression hard "I understand that you made an alliance. But she was not empress of the sith then. She is now and nothing would make her look better than to lure the newly risen grandmaster into a trap and kill him. For goodness sake Darron! I understand not taking me but you could at least take a master with you. Someone to watch your back."
Darron leaned up on his elbows, muscles tensed as he held the awkard position. His blue eyes never leaving Rosa as she got up and vented at him, just as he knew she would. He words rang true, all except for him having a soft spot for Ashin's grandfather. If anything learning more and more of Je'gan's deeds had hardened him against the man he had once counted as a brother. It wasn't anger that caused him to rise, but he was frustrated more so than he had been in a while. Standing to his full height, he made sure to keep his distance from the woman he loved as she spoke. No, he wasn't going to fight with her, that accomplished nothing. Yet he was going to make his feelings on that matter well known, and quickly. They didn't have much time as it was, and he wouldn't see what privacy they had ruined over something that wouldn't change. No matter what Rosa's feelings on the matter were, he was going to Belsavis.


"Are you blind, or deaf? Do you not remember the fact that I explicitly told you that it was through Je'gan and Velok's hands that I was frozen? So that I could get a handle on all that had happened to me, and evaluate and see what would happen if I was locked up? That they thought they could allow me to grow in the Force before letting me reach my physical peak so the Jedi could have a savior when they needed it the most, because of some prophecy?" Darron's voice rose only slightly as the frustration began to show on his face. He kept his tone even, and his emotions in check, but he wasn't exactly happy. Not by a long shot.

"I did once count him as a brother, he was there for a great many things. Yet what has happened, what I have learned has changed that. Yes me being frozen was probably the greatest thing to ever happen to me. It gave me perspective, got me promoted, and got" The Jedi began to pace, his powerful frame illuminated by the distant sun through the view port.

"You honestly think I don't know she might try something? It's why I am going alone, if any Jedi can survive it is me. Our alliance is a necessary evil, and should she decide to try and give in to base political pressure. So be it, I will keep my honor and my integrity, I also will not have it said that I was ever afraid of any person. You have an issue with that, and I know you worry for my safety." He stopped pacing, and instead closed the distance to where he was right infront of her, and looking down at her.

"We are spread too thin with Omni, all Knights and Master's are needed everywhere. Just because I am the GrandMaster, doesn't mean I will suddenly act as if I am fragile. I was anointed because of my prowess in combat, and how powerful in the Force I am. That's how I earned my Master's rank, and it's how I survived what most couldn't. I know you seem to think I should care more for myself, but guess what. I don't." He leaned in further, and his tone grew harder as he lowered his voice.

"My duty is the same as everyone elses, should I die trying to save the galaxy. So be it."

Rosa Gunn

Darron's anger though in check hit Rosa like a battering ram and she began to feel small fissures appear in the defenses she had built up so carefully against the rest of the world. slowly other emotions began to seep in and the color drained from her face. She closed her eyes as he drew near her, each word he spoke drove wedges into the fissures preventing them from being closed and as his tone hardened she took a step back from him, her eyes opening again.

"Your duty is greater than everyone else's. you have a duty to the order. Not just the galaxy. At times of crisis it is important that a leader is seen and heard and is there physically to support the people through this!" it was a different angle, a different attack but she had to make him see. "You don't feel what I feel Darron. You don't see how important your presence is among the Jedi." she was vaguely aware of tears rolling down her cheeks and brushed them aside angrily before gesturing towards the door and the rest of the ship.

"Those people out there are fraying at the egdes and the only thing keeping them together is knowing that you are here to support them. This order will not survive if you are killed. They are not ready for it, not so soon after Teferi and you know that! You are not invincible." She took a deep breath and took a step forward a trembling hand reaching out to touch his chest her voice softening "They need you Darron. I need you. Please rethink this."
Rosa's touch softened his mood, as did her words. We are better than this, he thought. And they where, as two Jedi they didn't need to be fighting. In fact this was their very first disagreement ever, and it hurt him to know that it had been caused by duty. It's what had caused his former, estranged wife to kill herself. Duty was also what had lost him his son, among many friends. Darron let his feelings flow out of him, as he reached towards Rosa and pulled her in, and he could feel her hot tears on his chest. Normally she was so composed, but it seemed with the threat of Omni, and of losing him she was coming undone. Guess I didn't work hard enough with her on her empathy, should have consulted the galactic crisis portion in the empathy handbook. He quickly dropped the facetious though as he pulled her in just a little tighter and rested his head on hers.

The fight was over, but he wasn't changing his mind.

"Listen, I see where you are coming from, but this cant be undone. I was told that if I didn't come alone, the mission would be scrubbed, and whatever the Sith have found needs to be used by all. If left to just them, who knows what they will do with the technology that this mission is for? I know the danger, if I didn't realize it I wouldn't be sending our best on this one."

He chuckled slightly as he bent down to kiss her forehead.

"I will try and find an experienced Jedi to bring with me, though if I can't find one I can trust I refuse to endanger someone else. I won't be gone long anyways, and your mission involves Sith too incase you have forgotten." He let the words linger for a moment, he wouldn't call her out on her double standard. Even if it was hurtful that she didn't trust him in the same situation. Even if she did have help she was in danger and going to be working closely with other Sith.

That's women for you...

Rosa Gunn

Rosa allowed herself to be pulled in both hands were on his chest and she tried to bury her face into him. Everyone was fraying at the edges but exhaustion from the constant effort of keeping everyone's emotions at bay and too scared to sleep Rosa was cracking. In truth she looked forward to the mission away. The further she could get from the intensity of everyone's grief the easier it would be.

Turning her head she wrapped her arms around Darron's waste and pressed herself as close as she could. "I'm not going alone Darron and I'm in much safer hands than you are." Or so Rosa hoped to believe, She had met both Tirdarius and Mikahil before, if she had anything to worry about it was the latter, but she hope if it did come to that he would have at least had the decency to leave his armour. He wouldn't win a second time round. She looked up at him and shook her head "It doesn't matter. Do you what you must, just...stay alive."

Her exhaustion was etched on her features and she winced as the whispers of emotions got louder. "I haven't slept in...I don't know how many days. I didn't come here to argue with you, I'm sorry."
"Then come, I'm sure a shower will relax things."

He allowed himself a small kiss, he knew there were words yet unsaid between them. Her lips were eager and inviting, and he took her hand, a playful smile on his face as he pulled her across the room. Darron relished her touch as they walked across the small room, heading towards the bathroom. To be more specific the rather large shower that the Antarians had seen fit to give him. The whole room was rather large and opulent compared to the rest of the ship, as a sign of gratitude towards the GrandMaster for freeing their people. The Jedi himself had found it a little excessive, but the Republic had eagerly footed the bill and said he deserved it. I wonder if all these gifts are due to the new rules I have instituted, or they are just happy I have a good head on my shoulders.

The thought wasn't too far fetched, most politicians knew of him as the Jedi who took out powerful Sith. From their perspective he could see how they would be more than a little apprehensive about having that same man become the leader of the entire Jedi Order. Especially since said Order was just a religious group at the time, and he could have steered them in any direction. While many suggestions had flooded his inbox for a few weeks, the plan had always been the same. The reforms had been willingly been sent to the Senate and everything had passed. Looking back on it all now, the timing couldn't have been more perfect.

Now that Omni is here, it looks rather smart on our parts.

Darron quickly cleared his head as they crossed the threshold. With a flick of his hand he turned the shower on, and started to get rid of the rest of his clothing. Eagerly taking in the view of Rosa. The steam in the room was as much a product of the temperature as it was their natural attraction. If there's on thing the Force did right, it was make her. He kept the words to himself, as he figured she would find them too base. Instead, he let his eyes let her know just how beautiful he thought she was. Pulling her into the water with him, he finally said what had needed to be said.

"I'm sorry beautiful, you are right. I just have always relied on myself, and with most of the people I counted near and dear gone from this galaxy. I am having to adjust, I'm not perfect, and I'm sorry I said what I said. I will come back alive, after all I haven't lost a duel since I lost this." He pointed to his prosthetic as he pulled her in for another joyous kiss, this time much more involved and passionate.

Rosa Gunn

Rosa followed Darron, an urgency to be as close to him as she could engulfing her as she pulled off her clothes and joined him in the shower. The hot water and delights caused by their skin contact washed her concerns away. Nothing mattered any more, their argument didn't matter, the fact they weren't going to see each other for some time after this didn't matter. All that mattered was that he was here, that they were together and that she loved him. For all his faults.

She didn't get a chance to reply to his apology before his lips were upon hers so she let her forgiveness flow into the force, before passion and love took over.

Some time later...

Rosa pulled the towel free of her body and began to dry her hair as she sank onto the bed, glowing with happiness. Her eyes moved to look out the view port once more and a touch of sadness crept up on her. "We could run from it all, you know." she said in a light tone "We could abandon our duty and build a house in the outer rim, far from everyone else."

An untouchable dream. No responsibility. Just joy. But they had their duties, and their duties made them who they were.
Some time later...

We sure do know how to run a ship out of hot water, thought the GrandMaster. The past few hours had been some of the best he had ever experienced. It had been quite the apology both of them had needed after earlier. Though now that that time was past them, Darron knew that they would get to enjoy this one night together. What morning would bring, he had no idea. The Teferi was heading towards the conference on Kuat, while the rest of the Order had gone to Tython as ordered. A meeting had been scheduled with all of the powers in the galaxy supposed to be represented by their leaders, and a plan of attack was to be made. Luckily, he wouldn't need to study the holocron left by Teferi Efreet tonight since he had already done that. No, he had pressed for all the information that his predecessor had on the subject.

Tonight, he was all Rosa's.

Finally finishing drying his body off, he let his blonde locks just lay damp. He pushed his hair back and just sat down on the bed next to his love. Rosa's words where quite the fantasy, a life with no duty sounded like a dream. Yet, deep down he knew what both of their answers would be. Eyes fixed on the viewport ahead of him, he let the thought sink in.

"When have I ever run from anything my dear? A house, and a quiet life with you would be perfect. I just don't know how we would manage, I know how to farm from my parents teaching me. Though, could you see me living a quiet life?"

Rosa Gunn

Rosa eyes followed Darron as he sat down next to her, his brow furrowed as he pondered her words, the way it always did when he thought to seriously about things. She let out a low chuckle at his reply and brushed a lock of hair from his face tucking it behind his ear before kissing his shoulder.

"It was a dream, darling. Neither of us could live the quiet life. Even my three years away form the limelight wasn't quiet. Besides, it doesn't matter how we would manage, we just would. Because that's what we would have to do, and so long as we have each other it doesn't matter what comes our way, whatever life throws at us we will overcome. Together." she fell silent for a moment, her forehead resting on his shoulder as she tried to see what life would be like if they lived the quiet life.

Yet anything beyond tonight was hard to see. Anything beyond the dark swarm that was Omni was hard to see. "Can you see beyond all this Darron?" she asked him, raising her head and looking at him.
"Honestly? No."

He couldn't find it within himself to make eye contact as she had asked the question he had hoped she wouldn't. It had been the one thing on his mind ever since the attack, and he was afraid of what her reaction would be once he told her. Blue eyes bore into the view before him, and he reached out once more with his senses to see if he could offer a better answer. Yet, his latest attempt yielded the exact same result. You could always lie to her Darron, how would she ever know? A sad, laugh escaped his lips for a moment. The GrandMaster of the Jedi Order, was quaking at what he was about to say. His forehead fell into his waiting hands, as he rested his head there in their grip for a moment as his hair fell askew everywhere. Once opening his eyes, he saw that the floor wouldn't offer him anymore answers either, and so he decided to do the only thing he knew to do.

Tell the truth.

Raising back up, he stood to his feet and walked to the viewport. He just needed to be out of her loving embrace for a moment to deliver his cold words.

"The way I perceive things is for every event or action I can see a shatterpoint. That being said, I can diagnose who is important to an event or what is critical to a situation." He turned to look at her and pantomimed a lightsaber strike with just his arm. "You see that slash? To me, in a fight I see the shatterpoint to beat you, I see my options. The same with people, I can diagnose what and why something is important, and why it's important. The options present themselves and I can see the future possibilities off of each shatterpoint."

The Jedi paced a bit before continuing.

"Like for instance, I can see that you are the shatterpoint for your mission. I know for a fact you come back safely and you make it past the threat of Omni, I can see that. For me, I see myself coming back from Belsavis. Though I see me and Ashin both as the key shatterpoints to this conflict with the artificial intelligence." Turning away from his beloved, his finally said what had been bothering him.

"Except, I can't see what happens afterwards. Which means there is no future for me and the Sith Empress after this."

Rosa Gunn

Rosa steeled herself for the worse, the moment Darron withdrew from her sensing the internal battle he was having with his response, she knew it wasn't a good one. All the same nothing could have prepared her for that, her first reaction was a rising panic that she quelled quickly by drawing in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. She closed her eyes and for a little while she was silent, trying to find the right words to respond with.

Rising smoothly from the bed she closed in on Darron, wrapping her arms about his waist as she hugged him from behind, nuzzling his back. She would not accept that after this there was nothing. "It doesn't mean that, that is just what you interpret it to mean. Maybe the force doesn't want you to see beyond this. Maybe...maybe it blinds you so that you keep your focus on the here and now."
"I've yet to be wrong on these things..."

As the words left his mouth the Jedi Master turned and embraced her. The contact of their flesh was welcome, even if the intent was different from earlier. While he did desire her constantly, more so than he would ever admit. It was the moments like these, when she was his lone pillar of strength. The very thing he could turn to when the galaxy was once more plunged into darkness. Darron appreciated her more than she would ever know for this, this one moment where he could lean on someone. His shoulders ached with the burden of leading all of the Jedi, especially through this crisis. You are literally my everything in this moment, and I'm just too much of a fool to tell you how I feel at times. Instead of letting the words fall from his lips he instead pulled her even tighter, trying to eliminate any distance between the pair as best he could.

"You know that you are the single most important thing to me, you do know that right?"

The words left his mouth as he kissed her head, and eventually he just knocked her towel to the floor. He ran his fingers through her damp hair, being careful so as to not pull anything.

"I wish I could tell you you are right, but if my shatterpoint ends with Omni. Promise me you will accept it and stay a Jedi. I got a second chance at life and found you, you deserve to get a fair shot with your first."

Darron rested his chin on her forehead for just another moment longer before pulling away to look her in the eye. "I am no hero, and I don't want to die. Though if I do so for duty, or if you do. The other has to accept it okay? I just already know you are's me who won't make it past this I fear."

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