Time was limited, sleep even more so. Ever since leaving Coruscant the two of them had barely managed to give each other reassuring smiles, quick squeezes of the hands. It had been all systems go, everyone had been involved one way or another in the organisation of the huge gathering, and if they weren’t they were training or up to their elbows in research. The latter being Rosa’s misfortune, her head still buzzed now with information almost impossible to forget and that had placed her on the path she was on now.
Rosa had prepared her padawan, briefed both him and Selena on the coming intelligence mission and then retreated in her only selfish move, to Darron’s personal chambers. He wasn’t there, she didn’t expect him to be for some time but it was incredibly calming to be somewhere where his force signature lingered on everything. He wasn’t coming with her, not because he didn’t want to, but because he couldn’t and because she wouldn’t let him.
The coming days were going to be some of the worse, she had barely had the opportunity to contemplate the devastation, and as Grandmaster, it was Darron’s duty to remain where he could be seen approached and where he could deal directly with the senate.
Rosa waited for him, her eyes closed facing out towards the stars that the viewport revealed, her hands clasped lightly in front of her as she slipped into a meditative trance, seeking strength and guidance from the force.
Rosa had prepared her padawan, briefed both him and Selena on the coming intelligence mission and then retreated in her only selfish move, to Darron’s personal chambers. He wasn’t there, she didn’t expect him to be for some time but it was incredibly calming to be somewhere where his force signature lingered on everything. He wasn’t coming with her, not because he didn’t want to, but because he couldn’t and because she wouldn’t let him.
The coming days were going to be some of the worse, she had barely had the opportunity to contemplate the devastation, and as Grandmaster, it was Darron’s duty to remain where he could be seen approached and where he could deal directly with the senate.
Rosa waited for him, her eyes closed facing out towards the stars that the viewport revealed, her hands clasped lightly in front of her as she slipped into a meditative trance, seeking strength and guidance from the force.