Lord Commander
Mythos Shook his head and stood on his own two feet holding Damiens' hand, He had no idea what exactly was it that Damien had showed him but whatever it was had Saved his life. Looking into his eyes he smiled and shook his hand in gratitude. "Now that is something i have to learn! As long as you are willing to Teach, i am Willing to learn. I have all the time in the Galaxy" His smile could give it away. In between Two Immortals shared stares, one of them, just beginning his life, the other having lived a Millennium and more.
Mythos did not know however that Damien was as old as he was, he did not look old and certainly age did not seem to show on his face. His smile would give away the fact that he did not fear death, because he would not see it for a long time, or so he thought.
[member="Damien Daemon"]
Mythos did not know however that Damien was as old as he was, he did not look old and certainly age did not seem to show on his face. His smile would give away the fact that he did not fear death, because he would not see it for a long time, or so he thought.
[member="Damien Daemon"]