There was a moment of silence, the two Sith merely staring at each other. He had experienced this moment before. Though there was no warning, he felt with an absolute certainty that this was merely a calm before the storm. And indeed, the storm was unleashed upon the Togruta, as his Master exploded into action. He had been in a similar situation when they first met. That time, Vornskr had unleashed a torrent of melee attacks. Tanek had been helpless to resist, and was quickly overwhelmed. How far he had come from then to now. The large beast of a Sith had prepared him well.
Despite their long, intense training, Vornskr still felt oceans ahead of him in skill. Though he struck without hesitation, and with lethal efficiency, Tanek suspected he was holding back. Should Vornskr truly wish to end his apprentice, there was little he could do to stop him. Even now, he was quickly pushed on the defensive. The first block came easy, as Tanek met Vornskr's blade with his own, tilting the hilt slightly to allow it to slide off to the side, but not threaten his core. But after that, the young Togruta was truly tested.
The Sith Lord was unpredictable and deceiving in his approach. When Tanek thought he had a feeling of the style his Master was falling into, he broke the pattern and came at him from another angle. He realized that he could spend little time trying to analyse the attacks, he was being shown more sequences than he knew - and the random combinations provided the Lord with endless options. His blade would have to become but an extension of his own will, a will guided by the Force and steered by the steel hand of his determination.
In the face of Darth Vornskr's unrelenting attack, Tanek switched to Form III, Soresu. He kept his blade close to his body, his senses sharp, while letting the Force guide his hands. He wouldn't meet Vornskr with any direct blocks, but rather, position his blade and his body in such a way that meant he didn't have to. In other words, a parry. That's not to say it was an easy task. Vornskr was really pushing Tanek here, showing techniques he had never seen before. His arms were shaking from the parts where Vornskr had forced him to meet his strong blade head on, and his dark robes had received a few flings. There was even blood, though he couldn't recall being cut. It had all happened too fast. Luckily for him, Vornskr had trained him well.
While it was clear that Tanek was exerting way more energy to keep up, despite the use of the energy-conserving Form II, he was managing to keep up with the pace set by the more experienced Lord. In the final sequence, in fact, it was Tanek who changed forms. From the purely defensive Soresu, he switched up his game to Djem So. He hadn't found an opening, per say, but he thought he saw an opportunity, although slim, that he could expose. Whether it was sincere, or his Master was baiting him, remained to be seen. Tanek parried one of the incoming attacks, then exploded in a sudden wave of aggression, raining down two swift blows aimed at Vornskr's side and shoulder. He hadn't quite been able to catch him off-guard; the blows were parried, and Tanek was soon put on the defence again by some rather punishing counters. He had been a little rash, but delivering a stinging sensation to Tanek's right arm, Vornskr reminded him of his apprentice's mistake. This was how he learned. After barely holding his own against the Lord's counter, the two separated, giving Tanek room to breathe. Or so he thought...
"Very good, my apprentice. You've taken to my technique well, but always remember..."
Suddenly the Force came at him from the side. He hadn't even sensed Vornskr preparing any such attack. The Togruta was caught completely off-guard, his mind fully locked into the lightsaber combat, and didn't anticipate something to come at him from outside that frame of reference. Tanek was sent stumbling over to his side, struggling to maintain balance. He slipped, crashing down on one knee, though he quickly launched himself back up to a standing position, saberguard ready. The battlefield was indeed chaotic and unpredictable. Had Vornskr been his enemy, he would've capitalized on Tanek's moment of disorientation, and finished him off. It felt like, technically, he had already been killed once in this session.
Now the floor shifted, changing the rules of their engagement thus far. Tanek leapt ontop of the nearest rising monoliths, and from there, launched himself to another, that was still moving upwards. As he made his landing, he made a mental note to conserve his energies, he had been forced to spend way more than he ought to have done for a prolonged fight such as this. Given they had been separated, Tanek took the moment he was left alone to recover, letting the waves of the Dark Side wash over him, as his emotion-fuelled furnace burned hot to bring some of his strength back to him, to prevent fatigue. "Yes Master" Tanek managed, obediently. He hadn't had much time for words. Had he been able to speak, he had not truly been pushed to the edge. While he was managing, he was constantly kept balancing that fine line of what he could and couldn't handle.
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