Chivalry isn't dead? A code of Knights? Was she referring to like the Code and Oaths that the Paladins of the Tower had? How could she know of them if not even my own master knew? It then hit me that she actually was meaning that just I was being courteous. I sighed a little as she was just glad that i was treating her in a nice manner, and was open to her.
"I don't mind people. I enjoy company. However, I fall short in the galaxy because the customs of my own world are... different? I mean, for me to talk to a girl on my world, I would have to ask to speak to her by way of asking her father, or whoever was considered their elder. So learning that I don't have to do that with other people, is a process."
It was true. Many of the customs of my people were similar to that of the customs of beings who lived long ago. There wasn't "dating" it was "Courting" and some women were treated equally, but it didn't translate to them being able to be leaders, or owning land. Which seemed stupid to me. The Galaxy, from what I have learned so far, was much more accepting, but in the same vain, treated women as objects in other parts of the galaxy. Was Ashla treated like this at one point? I wouldn't ask her for now.
"Oh my friend? Well they are pretty much a giant teddy bear. Looks a little scary at first, but the inside is soft, warm, and welcoming."
We continued to walk as I held onto her coat. Having it folded over my arm, and carried it as such. It was only now that I got a real good look at her. Since some of her features were hidden within the grass, and I may have not just noticed them before. Our height difference was great. Standing a little more than a head taller than her. And her choice of clothing was different. A skirt worn over the top of leggings, and even having a holstered blaster. Not that I could be wary of it since I carried my own blaster on my right thigh, and a lightsaber. It just surprised me that an incredible girl such as her, had to feel the need to carry a weapon.
What perplexed me, was that she was barefoot. No boots or shoes that I could tell. Did her people have feet that could feel definition better than other species? What would happen if they injured their feet? Remembering to when I had a nail go through my own boot and foot, I remember distinctly thinking that the boot would be enough when I was working. My false security of where I stood, lead to that. She... her kind wouldn't because they would take care of their feet if they were walking on them bare foot all the time.
"So no shoes then? Is it just tradition or because of your kind being hunters?"
[member="Ashla Saris"],