Mira shrugged lightly. “A lot is a relative thing, everyone has their own story to tell.” She looked at Isar with a smile before bending down to pick a small flower that seemed to be growing wildly amongst the flawless pathways. She began to pick it apart as she spoke. “The tragedy has taught me much, so I guess I’m grateful for the pain it’s caused.” She sat down next to Isar, continuing to pick away at the bluish petals. The notion of friends and family caused her to chuckle softly. It wasn’t that Mira didn’t have the support system – she just had abandoned them so many times, that they weren’t able to rely on her now.
Truth be told, Mira had become the unreliable one.
“In my journey across the stars, I’ve left friends behind and their paths have gone elsewhere.” Mira shrugged lightly. “My family? Well, my father and I don’t talk much at all. He stays on Dathomir doing whatever he does – I’m sure.” Mira looked up as she thought about her twin brother, Aton. “Aton is or was unique, I haven’t spoken to him in ages.” Another shrug before continuing on. “My mother is dead as is the majority of my family.” Mira looked to Isar with a bit of seriousness in her expression. “The wars that have waged across the universe have taken their toll on the Rekali lineage.”
[member="Isar Kislo"]
Truth be told, Mira had become the unreliable one.
“In my journey across the stars, I’ve left friends behind and their paths have gone elsewhere.” Mira shrugged lightly. “My family? Well, my father and I don’t talk much at all. He stays on Dathomir doing whatever he does – I’m sure.” Mira looked up as she thought about her twin brother, Aton. “Aton is or was unique, I haven’t spoken to him in ages.” Another shrug before continuing on. “My mother is dead as is the majority of my family.” Mira looked to Isar with a bit of seriousness in her expression. “The wars that have waged across the universe have taken their toll on the Rekali lineage.”
[member="Isar Kislo"]