Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A new life on Ank Kit'aar




Interacting With: Boggo Flib Boggo Flib , Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch

Oh, the joys of civilization.

There were a few things constant in the Galaxy - people loved to hear themselves talk. Politicians particularly enjoyed it - made a career of it. Others liked to be loud, especially when a bottle was involved. These types? They were always good for a laugh. So, when the brute hissed his way into the conversation, Hisashi couldn't help but chuckle.

"And you're so sweet, I'ma get foot tingles. I bet you say that to all the Atrisian boys."

That was the sum of the attention the brute was going to get for the time being, as Hisashi turned his attention back to the young woman. "Four months huh." he quipped, whilst turning his drink in his hand. "Apparently 'we're' common in the Galaxy nowadays. Keep your eyes peeled, you'll find plenty of us." His story? The most he was willing to share was the shortest of short versions. "I'm from Atrisia's neck of the woods. Decided to branch out over a decade ago. Floated through some odd jobs and ended up with these folks."

Sip. "And since I'm so charismatic and charming, you ever swing by Geonosis, look us up. We'll teach you a thing or four." His drink settled upon the table, amidst a smirk.

"Spice mines and Hutt optional."

And as for the big lug, Hisashi motioned his neck towards the bottle on his own table.

"Got some Brandy while you wait - help yourself sweetie."



Vis watched Voph's reaction. She heard him clearly and nodded softly. She extended her hand, allowing her helmet to move from its resting place by the wall where she'd been sitting, and catching it as it flew to her hand.​
"So, you don't want to pick a card? Any card?" She asked. Nothing got under Voph's skin faster than Vis' humor, a fact which found great joy in exploiting. "Fine. Nobody seems to like magic anymore, you notice that?"
With that, Vis turned to the room - a collection of smugglers, slicers, pirates, tramp spacers, and other assorted riff-raff. She lifted her drink from the bar once more, and then held it up.​
"Long live Haras Mazah! Long live Shalya!!! Long live the Brotherhood!!!!" She bellowed loudly, her voice penetrating to every corner of the cantina. With that, dozens of spacers and the rest went to their feet, lifting their glasses in concert and sharing in the toast.​
"Long live the Grey Lady!" One cried out, the others echoing behind. Vis smiled broadly, "I love my children. Thank you all." She bowed her head deeply, then knocked back the rest of her glass before placing it on the bar behind her. "Another round for me, and one for all my friends." Vis said, as cheers went through the bar.
Vis grinned, like the proverbial cat. It always helps to know people.

Wynter discussed realities on the other side of the galaxy, Eshan, Thyrsus and what not, Gam kept coming up with new profitable schemes he had heard of and Nilem just grumbled with a low tone. Small talk, sabacc and whiskey. A man didn't need much more to kick back and relax after hauling illicit chit this side of the galaxy. Despite the minor setback earlier, it all seemed to have gone back to normal until the fateful moment a massive brute burst hrough the door. Laughing, mocking and disrespecting loudly a few particular patrons as he ordered a bottle of the Boga noga. Brave. Yet, nothing too crazy-

"Long live Haras Mazah! Long live Shalya!!! Long live the Brotherhood!!!!"

Someone's voice boomed through the cantina and he lifted his eyes up at the bar where a heavily armored woman raised a toast for...someone and something. A dozen of patrons returned her toast with a loud "Long live the Grey Lady!". Roman blinked mindlessly.

"Who?" he asked confused no one in particular. Other patrons were asking themselves the same question.

"Dunno, but if she keeps paying mah drinks she can be whoever she wants to be." Wynter replied, enjoying the sudden service of free booze.

"Why is everyone cheering?"

"Free. Drinks. Not a hard concept." Rackham explained as if to an idiot while stirring the free drink with a satisfied smirk. Roman shrugged with his eyebrows and looked back down at his cards. A pair of Masters and an Endurance. Twenty. He pushed in more creds into the wager.

"Talking about free booze--" Gam leaned back in and again with his scheming, whispering voice, "there's a spiced up liquor in high demand, word is on the street. Straight up from a Terminus bootleg; with tariffs, tightened borders - smuggler's gold."

Roman's eyes lingered over Wynter thoughtfully for a few seconds before he shifted them back on his game. Gam's offer sounded good, on paper. They've been roaming in and out of this side of 'federate space for the past couple of weeks, hauling illicit goods and setting up some form of smuggler's ring. Another income stream wasn't a bad idea.

Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch Hisashi Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan Kyyrk Kyyrk Boggo Flib Boggo Flib
Whilst waiting for a response from her new acquaintance, Xevnlie noticed a man near them who was mocking them. Hearing that apparently she'd do well in a mind or as a slave for the Hutts she glared daggers at him. "I don't intend to work for any such person now or ever," Xevnlie stated, slight annoyance in her words as she could feel her anger getting the best of her. "And I'm pretty sure I can fairly judge people for myself thanks," Xevnlie said, again her anger starting to rise, but she tried to contain it. Her eyes flashed at the insulting being before calming when they turned to her friend across the table.
Hisashi Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan Kyyrk Kyyrk Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch Boggo Flib Boggo Flib

The cantina turned into a patchwork of vibes.

You had one little alcove of hurt feelings, dandy postures and aggressive humor. Then people started rising up, dancing the jig and singing about... some sort of religion, he figured? "Hey man, if it means free drinks, I will toast to the Red, Green and even Blue Lady. Stop worrying so much, Ro." Wynter drawled lazily as he shouted a HOOZAH in the middle of the celebrations, while accepting another drink.

He gulped down half the ale. Sighing and nodding there. "Yuh, heard about the bootleg, finally someone who ain't poisoning peeps with them either, so that's good business."

A chorus of groans came from their little circle as Wynter placed his cards.

"Please, gentlebeings, we already knew how this was gonna end." Wynter's grin turned more chitty by the moment. "Anyway, one more business order, eh? Ryloth." He leaned in more there. Finally taking his boots off the table. What a cultural savage. More of a whisper as the bar got more rowdy. Free drinks, choruses and screams of laughter.

"The fighting pits are opening up again," The ring had to lean forward as well. His voice soft, the tell tantalizing, drawing them in. "-no dirt business, of course, and all on the down-low. Apparently some of the largest firms this side of the Galaxy want some thrills. They are offering their .... indentured ... workers a way to pay off all their debts in one go. All they need are some ... exotic fauna to compete, if you catch my drift. Something worth thinking ab-"

Before Wynter could finish his thought he was interrupted by a chirp of his commlink.

He brought it up.

<< The feth y'all karkers do? Invite da whole Confederate Inquisition to our meet, or jus' all the photogenic ones? I ain't showing my face THERE, nerfherders. Ya can come to me instead. Idiots. >>

"...well, that was our meet." Wynter said bemused, before showing Roman the message. "I am loathe to miss the rest of the free drinks, but might be time to roll, before da patrons start throwing chairs." It wasn't like they could blow this sentient off. He was their ticket to ease of passage. Grease some gears and they'd have a nice smooth trip between Bannistar and the border. And wasn't that all this was about? Wynter sighed, looking longingly at the glasses full of ale being passed around.

It was a nice dream.

He put down a chit on the table anyway as the waiter came around.

Never a bad thing to be nice to the personnel.

"Ya coming, Ro and co?"
Collateral damage: Kyyrk Kyyrk Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham The Fool The Fool Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan

The Gen'dai opened his mouth to speak but no words came out to sound. Instead he let his body feel out the room. He took in his environment once again. Feeling every vibration, shift in movement, chirp of technical consoles, light fixtures and every the heartbeats of those nearby. Collectively the lub-dub beat of each patrons heart became his own. They mocked, cheer, laughed and could all pretend that there was not a elephant in the room.

It didnt change the facts.

The expression in his eyes changed as well as everyone cheered. Buying everyone drinks was a great way to defuse tension and ease the mind this was true or it was a great distraction. Visceral masses of armored tendons, nerve and pure muscle rose to the sky in the cheer and joy that took over all emotion. The mouth flashed a smile underneath the mask but the eyes remained cold and dark. Kezeroth had no cup to hold as of yet, so a fist in the air would suffice.

He roared with the other patrons and gave out a mighty laugh. Standing up abruptly shoving into Hisashi 's chair with rude intent. It may of looked like he was caught up in the excitement but everyone knew what he was doing. Then it happened. " Bar keep! Where is the boga noga?" Kezeroth questioned in a surprisingly compassionate voice. His eyes shifted to a lighter shade, he was upbeat and excited? His fist in the air uncurled and pointed to the bar keep he questioned. As the bar keep spoke his excuse or response, Kezeroths extended right wrist fell limp. His eyes remained on the bar keep but it was obvious he was speaking to someone else now

He was speaking to the girl eyeing him with daggers. Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch " Most dont intend on working in anything. But you know, Shab happens.". click, thump And with that said a small shell like object of expelled from his right arm. His limb pointing directly at the bar keep. Close range, close proximity and faster than the typical slug thrower. It was life day all over again! The bar keeps expression remained the same in those delicate moments while he was still able to live. Those few seconds perceived.

The red giant was able to see it all in slow motion. A body torn into pieces! A bloody mess!

Then the entire bar section of the cantina turned a blinding white. Then shades of red, yellow and blue would erupt outward, flinging glass, shrapnel and various other broken objects. It rode the heat wave to come and lastly the explosive shockwave that aimed to rock everyone from their chairs, booths and rattle their bones! Oh so lovely. It would be a blazing inferno in here!

Why would I waste my time going to Geonosis when I can kill everyone here and now?!
Interacting with Boggo Flib Boggo Flib

Xevnlie was awaiting her new friends response when she saw that red man stand up. Seeing him knock into the man she was talking to was annoying to watch. With only moments passing by, she heard the many say something weird. As she turned around, she witnessed the red man fire a slug at the barkeeper. With out a second though she took her lightsaber in hand and pointed the inactivated handle at him. "Don't move, Scum!!" Xevnlie yelled before calling the force through her body in an attempt to lift the red man off his feet and slam into the counter, hopefully pinning him in place. She could feel the Barkeep's life energy flickering from the hit to him. Her rage started to build, but she knew she couldn't kill the man, it was against her code. However, everything went white. With this new surge in her mind, she felt around with the force and pulled a table nearby in front of her. The table took a moment before being moved. Her eyes still stung from the blinding flash. The sudden impact of something against the table, almost destroying it, made Xevnlie launch back out of shock and from the impact against her head since the top of her head was bowed facing the table. Her mind was going in and out of black and white with little else but the sound around her.
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Voph smiled to himself quietly as Vis ribbed him about selecting a card. "Come now Minister, you and I both know I'd not be able to read the card." He glanced over to the card game as one member of the party leaned in to discuss matters with his companions in private. Or, so he thought, anyways. Voph frowned at this as the cantina erupted into cheers at Visanj rallying the troops, as it were. The large Gen'dai also began to cheer. This, Voph thought nothing of, until the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Danger was imminent. Voph scooped up his helmet and slammed it down onto his head, the seals snapping into place as the ocular sensors flared back to life. Voph bellowed, augmented by the speakers on his helmet, "GET DOWN!"
The bar behind him ceased to exist. Or, that's what he assumed as the shell collided with solid matter. The lightsaber at Voph's hip was already in his hand, the purple blade humming with energy and crackling with lightning across its length. Voph himself was already in motion towards the attacker, using the Force to steel himself against the blast. The distance to cover was not far, and Hisashi would already be locked in combat with the being. So Voph stepped up, onto a chair, then a table, and finally propelled himself the rest of the distance, seeking to bring his lightsaber down to sever the Gen'dai's right arm. Whatever cannon he had concealed within could prove dangerous in close quarters. Best to eliminate that as soon as possible...



Vis spun and leaped to other side of the room, just as the bar exploded into fire and splinters. As the Knights Obsidian and some of the patrons who, moments earlier began to encircle the hulking perpetrator, Vis began to focus the Force coursing through her veins. Her eyes blackened as she drew her pistol and centered on the figure's head, internal computers calculating every angle and centimeter between them. The entire room was filled with dust and smoke and debris from the blast.

As Kyyrk Kyyrk flew in to join Hisashi, already battling the beast, those patrons not injured or rendered unconscious by the blast took up whatever weapons were at their disposal and began to join in the assault as well. Vis' ears heard the volleys of gunfire spraying towards him. Someone....or someones...were using charric and disruptors among the several more using slugthrowers and blasters. She knew the difference in their sound. Drunken people with guns were never accurate as if sober, but they made up for it in volume and enthusiasm. Vis couldn't get a clear shot, and holstered the pistol once more. These damned amateurs, they were going to get themselves or her friends killed. Vis targeted them in her mind, and used a Force Push to hurl them back, sending several slamming into the wall in the back of the place.

"Stay back!" Vis told them all in a commanding tone, "This is Confederacy business and we'll get this son of a bantha! If you want to do something, get the wounded outside, and anyone who blows this bastard's ship to hell, I will personally pay you fifty thousand credits!"

That worked, it seemed as they began to pour out of the cantina with a few tending to the wounded and others scouring the landing areas, many reinforced by others - presumably their crews - who were outside. Well, that clears the field and if they get this thing's ship, so much the better. Vis looked at what remained of the slain barkeep - what little there was - and her blood boiled.

She drew her lightsaber instead, igniting it as she waited for an opening to press her own attack against it on another front.

Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham Boggo Flib Boggo Flib Hisashi Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan Kyyrk Kyyrk Áine The Fool The Fool


Equipment: In siggy!
Tags: Hisashi The Fool The Fool Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan

The blast and thunderous sound of the cantina erupting into blaster fire, explosions and sheer violence was rather winsome. Like a proud artist Kezeroth stood by watching his master piece unfold. A mishap-en outline of the bar-keep remained pressed into the wall. Just ashes, blackened and charred. There was little he could do to stop the little jedi Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch from lifting him and slamming him down into the bar counter. Right into the heart of the explosion. Kark.

Thankfully the shock wave had erupted soon after releasing him from this invisible hold. It seemed the little Jedi's telekinetic hold on him was broken for now. The blast propelled the red giant up in a jerking motion. Already he was priming another round to fire off, his right arm taking aim at the ground to ensure grievous wounds for all patrons attempting to flee. A order given no thanks to Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali . This little butterfly was ruining all the fun!!! It made the Gen'dai grind his teeth tight. Locking his eyes on a new incoming assaulter, Kezeroth let his eye grow big, Eyeing a lightsabers blade sear clean into his right arm at the mid bicep. The limb fell heavy to floor with an audible thump, but not before the giants arm shifted knocking ultrachrome plating against the lightsaber's blade. Stepping forward Kezeroth impaled himself on the adjusted path of the blade. His left arm jet out with blinding speed gripping Kyyrk Kyyrk 's forearm. Sheer reflex. The large hand of muscle and nerve holding his foe in place with a titans grip, oddly enough his fleshy hold had a hard substance infused into its palm. Held between the stale mate of extreme heated plasma and incredible cellular regeneration, He waited on his opponets to strike and laughed.

Interacting with Kyyrk Kyyrk , Boggo Flib Boggo Flib , Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali , Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham , The Fool The Fool and Hisashi

Taking some time before the pain and flashing colours faded from her eyes, Xevnlie didn't know what was going on. Then, it all came back to her. The barkeep. The red man. The explosion. Taking a second to stand up with her just about regaining eyesight, Xevnlie was sure she had seen that red man's arm on the floor, but he still had two. Her lightsaber was still gripped in her hand, but she didn't know what to do. She wanted to fight, but not die in the process. Fear became to overcome her as she made her way to the door. However, her footing caught something, causing her to fall. Her mind was racing as she turned around to see a small scale battle erupting again. The people Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali had thrown against the wall were back up and taking aim. Some of their firing had started to strike next to her, causing her to hit the floor with her side as she curled up into a semi tight ball. The fear of dying, of being shot at and of potentially never seeing her home again caused her to become over come with one singular way out. Quickly standing up in a half crouched state, Xevnlie took every bit of power she could muster with the force and with a single release shot, whilst standing straight up, a massive radius of Force Push (similar to a Force Repulse from Force Unleashed) knocking everything back or down. Xevnlie yelled an almighty cry of, "STOP IT!!!!" as the force blast roared across the room.
This would had dislodged Kyyrk Kyyrk and Boggo Flib Boggo Flib from on another and knocked everyone else down either into the ground or what was left of the bar itself. He had never tried that before, and was surprised at how she was able to pull it of. With an opening present where she wouldn't get shot, Xevnlie bolted for the door.
The fighting pit opportunity sounded like a good paycheck. Roman had an acquaintance, from his days as a member of the Nebula Front, who he last heard worked at the Wildlands Game Reserve, a worldcraft created for the sole purpose of being a hunting grounds for exotic animals. He felt certain he'd be able to get them a good price.

Wynter piled his winnings, put his cards down, despite Nilem and Gam's protests, and was ready to leave. Their meet was waiting and they had to go earn their cash; and that would've been the end of it. Yet, the Gen'dai behemoth had other ideas.

Roman barely registered the act before the flash of an explosion yanked him off his seat and into another table. Ears ringing, unable to hear anything, and vision blurred. Had he not been a tough sonuva, he would've been knocked the hell out. A warm liquid ran down his side alerting him that he'd been hit before the burning pain settled in. The right side of his ribs were dotted with shrapnel and slowly cauterized under the heat of the plasma residual. His breath shortened and paced, adrenaline kicked in. He gritted his teeth and saw the consequences of the Gen'dai's actions. Corpses lying mangled all across the cantina and blood painting the walls. The survivors were either fleeing or settling scores.

It was the deadliest brawl he could ever recall from his experience as a cantina regular and he'd seen a lot.

Wynter, by sheer luck presumably, seemed, at a first glance, in a better condition considering the fact he was in the middle of a ferocious scuffle. Gone was the face of a happy go-lucky scoundrel. This was someone else. A killing machine, a surgeon at work. Roman's observations would've deepened more was he not busy dealing with his situation.

Someone started shooting at his direction and Roman's gun materialized in his hand. The aim and pull of the trigger came as primal instinct. Whoever was shooting at his position left for the Netherworld. Hayato's eyes frantically scanned the area for immediate threats but only found Gam's dead body rotting on their sabacc table. Nilen was nowhere to be seen.

"Rackham!" he called out growling through the pain and still settled on his backside behind a table. "We've got to get the kark out of here.!"

Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham Boggo Flib Boggo Flib Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali Kyyrk Kyyrk Hisashi



The beast sprung into action just as Voph expected he would. The beast's other arm flew towards Voph's own, seeking to claim hold of his lightsaber. At the same time, a wave of Force Energy came surging towards them from the child. The beast was fast. But so was Voph. Voph released his grip on the blade, carrying it to his left hand as he backstepped. His right arm curled up seemingly to protect his head, but in truth was shielding himself from the impending blast. As the world began to slow around him, Voph realized something. The beast was, some how, preventing the Force from converging around him. But only slightly. This, Voph could use to his advantage.​
Spinning his lightsaber with a flourish, Voph straightened up to his full height and rounded on the beast again. His right arm raised and electricity surged through the Vajra launcher on his gauntlet, before firing a full salvo of buckshot at the beast. The electrified stun rounds were aimed towards the beast's center of mass. As the rounds fired off, the grappling cable on the same gauntlet fired, arcing through the air towards the beast's remaining arm. It didn't have to hurt him. Just to hold him still....​



Vis' HUD picked up on the wounded man nearby, one of the smugglers she and her comrades had been fencing with in lighthearted games of bravado earlier. His own comrade lay dead. Not at all how this was to go down, she thought. Vis unclipped a medpack from her belt and tossed it to him.

"Take it! Now get out of here. Help the wounded if you can, and yourself too! We'll take the abomination!"

He'd spoken of slaves and slaving, but he hadn't done anything, and Vis always had a soft spot for criminals - like gravitating towards like, and all of that. She turned her attentions back to the monster. Boggo Flib Boggo Flib had taken a few hits, but he was Gen'dai and it wouldn't be the same kind of setback as such wounds would be for others. Vis' helmet's sensors noted something odd in the creature's arm. Was that...rebar?

Her lips curled into a devil's grin. Sonofa... she thought. She reached out telepathically to Hisashi telling him to pull Kyyrk Kyyrk back. She noticed Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch going for the door, and shouted, "Help the wounded outside!

Visanj smiled, seeing Voph's brilliant counter to the beast. The rebar inside of him should react like a lightning rod, she thought to herself, being familiar with some of Voph's many, many tricks. Deactivating her lightsaber, she quickly exchanged it once more for the disruptor pistol seeing the open shot, and again taking aim at the beast, unleashing several bolts directly against the creature's head and now-exposed flesh before swapping back to her lightsaber.

Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham Boggo Flib Boggo Flib Hisashi Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan Kyyrk Kyyrk Áine The Fool The Fool


The Fool The Fool Boggo Flib Boggo Flib Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali Kyyrk Kyyrk Hisashi



Hook, slam fist, dodge.


Don't wipe at your eye. Keep it closed. Jump. Dodge. Hook.


Kick, dodge, throw. Ignore the pain. Bottle it up.


Everything around him had shrunk down to a needle point. Burning, sharp, small, it was unimportant. He vaguely remembered what had come before. A loose grin followed by the intent of rolling out the bar. Then an explosion. White light, screams, harsh noises. Burning pain. Half his spectacles shattered, he could only see out of one eye.


Some had followed Visanj's directions. Blurring into the sidelines and exiting the bar quickly. Others... were either dumb, or drunk, or far less interested in authority orders than you might hope. They took advantage. While their once-drinking partners were cut in pieces by the explosions, they looted, or fought against one another. Some... some even eyed the Obsidian Knights locked into a struggle with the red giant. Not Visanj... no, she had given them free drinks, that much they still remembered through the red haze. Folks like Voph, Hisashi, Xevnlie and Kezeroth himself? They were all fair games for their chairs, glasses, shivs and blasters.

It was pure chaos.

Maybe that had been Kezeroth's point all along.

Given the opportunity some would always revert to savagery.

How many had Wynter put down? Two, three? His knuckles hurt. Another came up, larger. Brawny. Stupid grin on his face, that showed far too many black broken teeth.



The air was light this high. The movements around him a blur. Wynter was finally fre- "We've got to get the kark out of here!" -thunk. Made Wynter's body as he sailed through the air and landed behind the table next to Roman.

"Genius idea, Ro." Wynter growled in pain. "Why didn't I think of that? Is that a med pa- doesn't matter, lead the karking way." His one functional eye tried to get a beat on Nilem and Gam. They hadn't been there during the fighting. Maybe they had been able to get out early? Gam was slippery fether, so he probably got out fine.

Wynter could only hope.

Unless more explosions happened they would try and crawl out of the warzone.
Tags: Hisashi Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham The Fool The Fool Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch


The only thoughts he could manage were that of sheer joy. This was such a challenge! Restricted and without assistance from the force for the very first time?! Why hadnt Kezeroth thought of this so many years ago. He worried little about death, he had reassurance but still the possibility of being overwhelmed and captured was very real. Every nerve screamed with stimulation from his environment and pain within. Reading Kyyrk Kyyrk 's movements he urged himself to counter by thrusting himself forward but couldn't. A wave of invisible traversed the space between them causing his left arm to jerk away. Most of the telekinetic shockwave had been blocked by the object or person in front of him. Who knew a man made such good cover. The Gen'dai was thankful in this regard but not for long.

" Errrmmmm!!!" A blast of wide spread pellets littered his torso. The sting of mortality with each sharp needle of metal injecting itself into the muscle and nerve. A hiss was expelled and then came the cable binding that hulking left arm of his to the source of pain. Voph's right guantlet. Eyes darted over to the woman Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali as she took aim, He had not forgotten about her. Tied up physically, the Gen'dais mental retaliated. Projecting a invisible wave of pure mental energy into the path of her aim to guide the disruptor right before the shots were about to be unleashed. The devastating energy not directed at the red giant but toward her ally Voph instead! And with any luck the energy would collide with his upper thigh or hip as intended. The origin of said mental energy was not of the force, for Kezeroth could not even use the force! It seemed somewhere on the Gen'dais form he had tricks up his sleeve as well. Manifesting, it happened at the speed of thought and what was better at processing stimuli than a Gen'dais own mental? Shortly after blue energy wracked and twisted his form. Tensing his muscles to contracting motions, he couldn't move physically seizing about where he stood. A smile was forced over his electrified visage as his body adjusted in seconds. The currents zipping about his nervous system redirected in force into a single location. The cable connecting him to Voph.

How well could this man handle an assault on two fronts?

Loose tendrils of muscle and nerve twisted and mangled loosely together, not yet fully fused, sprouting from Kezeroths right bicep and the limb on the floor. They yearned to be reunited.

" Shocking isnt it?! Arrogant maggots!" He groaned under physical strain.

A medpack landed near him, courtesy of the female inquisitor, followed by: "Take it! Now get out of here. Help the wounded if you can, and yourself too! We'll take the abomination!" Roman barely registered what she said given the commotion but this wasn't the moment to play white knight. Right after that Wynter landed with a heavy thud next to him. The investigator slash outlaw quickly found the adrenal stim within the kit and injected it into his vein. He knew stims and their chemistry like the back of his hand.

Combining the adrenaline pump and his meager firrereo heritage, Roman found the needed strength to lift Wynter and himself up, and dart through the door with the medkit in hand. One last glance at the center of the commotion and he figured out the source of the mini-war within the cantina - a Gen'dai. A 'creature' of legend, an invincible sentient, or so he had read; something that would certainly be a match even for the Confederate inquisitors.

Captain Rackham and Roman Hayato needed to recuperate and meet with their smuggling connection this side of Confederate space.

The pair ran and never looked back.

Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham Boggo Flib Boggo Flib Xevnlie BrightScorch Xevnlie BrightScorch Kyyrk Kyyrk Hisashi Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali



Voph's breathing slowed. The world around him stretched and warped as it moved to a near halt. Electricity was arcing up the grapple line towards him, and Disruptor shots were flying towards his head. All in all, he'd been in worse situations. Voph didn't stand still for long. Voph slammed his fist down towards the ground, disconnecting the cable and immediately stomping on it, making sure the primary contact was his heel. His left arm was also in motion, spinning the lightsaber around behind him to deflect the first shot into a wall, then pivoting on his planted heel to duck his head out of the path of the second bolt.​
Voph's saber rolled in his hand to spin back across to his dominant hand, and his Warden Shield activated to protect him from the remainder of the blows. Now armed with a sword and shield, Voph turned back to the Gen'dai, stepping aside to release his foot's grip on the cable, and using the Force to yank it behind him. Shield up to protect himself, and lightsaber ready to impale the Gen'dai that would inevitably follow as the cable dragged him towards Voph...​
Such reaction time. Watching the Confederate inquisitor stoop down before Kezeroth was rather satisfying even if for a moment in time. The Gen'dai did not under stand why someone would do such a thing in such close proximity to their enemy but he accepted it. Seeing Kyyrk Kyyrk 's movement the red giant tilted his head thinking about how the mans body could simply be knocked back by the will alone. Now was more a time than ever! His mind focused singularly on the man before him midst his action of grounding the cable and somewhere within Kezeroths armor erupted a wave of pure mental energy seeking to throw the confederate across the room right after his heel grounded the cable to the floor. With his equipment the man would be fine, but the intent was not to harm, but rather space.

With his right arm reconnected Kezeroth smiled and clenched his fists together. " What is your name?." The brawl was becoming a waste of time as it would solve nothing. His moment of insanity had been spent and the logic of era suddenly fell apon him. He had a more sinister plan to execute now and he was dedicated.

" I surrender." A wicked smiled grew on his face as he spat out the phrase, a smile that could not be seen.
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