Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Mandalore

Jaster of clan Awaud said:
doesn't stay true to the Mandilorian code of honor.
The Mandalore was killed by a Dar'Manda in single combat, then they refused to name said Mandalorian Mandalore.

Look at the Empress Teta invasion, it'll give you all the reasons to see certain acts as ignoring tradition.
Again, death watch has pretty much taken over the new Mandilorian society. They stood for reclaiming there old power without the aid of the republic or the Sith, And the current Manda'lor has done just that.

If you want a new Mand'alor, you'd have to find an angle where a majority of Mandalorians would get behind. Like the thousands of years as being used by the Sith as slave soldiers, or the unified ha trade of the republic. At current standing though, unified all out war is a big kick with most Mandalorians.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

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