Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New, New Order [The Primeval Dominion of Dromund Kaas]

Of all places an Empire could be born, it seemed Kaas was the most unlikely... From this very world the true Sith waited and rebuilt since their fall in the Great Hyperspace War. And not so long ago it was once again the home to a new order, to Sith and Emperors. Now, however, it was little more than a Relic that paid tribute to these fallen attempts at an empire in the eastern fringes.

Coming onto the Horizon was the Deliverance, a heavy cruiser which saw action in Chiloon.

"Battle stations!", the orders were shout across the intercom. Alarms blared as the starship shook under fire, battered by turbolasers and missiles.

A destroyer ship nearly twice the size of their own vessel -- of unknown origin -- had snuck up behind the cruiser; it was too late to fight back. There was no victory to be had here.

"Abandon ship! Repeat: Abandon ship!", once again the orders were shouted over the intercom. Engines were offline. Shields were depleted, the armour was pierced and entire corridors were now victims to the vacuum of space.

From those on the planet's side, escape pods launched and made their way to the surface below... In a climatic finale the Deliverance succumbed to its own wounds and in a series of silent explosions the ship was ripped apart.

A.) Re-group at Kaas City
B.) Survive the Jungle.
C.) Defeat the slavers.
Kitsune stood calmly on board the Deliverance as it was destroyed. "I wonder..." she thought to herself before quickly rising from her position. "Prep our shuttle."

The four Samurai nodded and immediately went to work preparing the shuttle for the upcoming descent. The Deliverance was losing altitude quickly... Too quickly. They needed to act now.

Almost in response to this thought, the ship shuddered violently and Kitsune balanced herself against a nearby crate. And then, the ship began to tilting to the right, rapidly turning as the ship lost its tensor fields and structural integrity.

Objective: B.) Dominate the Jungle
Location: Falling to the ruined surface of Dromund Kaas
Allies: ???, and Lovey! :D
Enemies: Usually everyone, nobody likes the slug

Like Korriban, Zambrano's aching head was lessened by the huge radiating darkness that encircled the former Capital of the Old Sith Empire's of the past... however, it was lessened not out of pure familiarity and historical connection but rather... due to something other. It couldn't be explained, because the Hutt was hopelessly unaware of the rest of the galaxy, and couldn't possibly know that as he got closer to the Rift, the less pain he experienced. He was now directly above a world with a Rift, and the pure dark side of the Netherworld enticed the ethereal nostrils of his soul from within his body. It smelled like relief, something the dead men and women within the body of Zambrano desperately desired, but had no knowledge of how to achieve it.

The Hutt however, exited the comfort of his Cognition Hood with a surprising lack of incident. He slithered to the hangar of The Thorn, still with no one maimed yet, and boarded his Chariot in order to attend a meeting with a Bleeding Sun agent aboard the Deliverance. Without incident, the caravel docked with the superior ship and... the Deliverance was under attack. He had already slugged his way down the ramp, before alarm klaxons blared, and he was told to evacuate. A critical system had just detonated under the immense firepower of a superior vessel. Holding little real loyalty to the Hutt, The Thorn's De-facto Captain would take control of the vessel until the Warlord returned... if he returned. Whether or not he ran away is a discussion of speculation, as the focus is not with him, but with Zambrano. He crawled back up the ramp he just went down, and as he was exciting with his Caravel, the ship started to fall, causing damage to the Sail Barge.

As it exited the ship, it went along with Deliverance, and began hurtling towards the ruined ground of Dromund Kaas, only just beginning to recover from the desolation the Mandalorians had brought upon it some years prior with a massive asteroid strike. Surprisingly, the dark energies of the planet, prompted a heightened rise of the once lush jungles that filled the planet. The stormy planet however, would still forever bear the mark of a Mandalorian victory of an entire Sith Empire in an extremely pivotal battle.

Zambrano's Chariot crash landed through some foliage...

Mikkel Markov

Exemplar of the Bleeding Sun
Mikkel woke up to the sound of explosions and alarms. Over the intercom, Mikkel heard a familiar voice order everyone to abandon ship. Gaining his bearings, Mikkel opened his locker and grabbed his gear. Putting on his advanced agent armor and holstering his weapons, Mikkel ran to the escape pods. Running and jumping into one of the last pods, Mikkel hit the release for the pod.

Just as the airlock closed, the pod bay Mikkel was just in moments ago was engulfed in a sea of fire. Sighing and turning away, Mikkel turned on his helmet and waited for the pod to hit the ground.

[member="Catalys Maijora"]
The drop pods descent into the ruined jungles of Dromund Kaas. A large crater formed, with it at it's epicenter. Flames burned around the fuselodge, with smoke rising up towards the dark skies. Ash fell from above, some of it kicked up from the pods impact, in conjunction with the ruined world. Dromund Kaas still bore the signs and scars delivered by Captain Larraq and his BDZ. It had rained ash for eight years on the former capital of the Sith and it would continue to do so for a long time to come.

The door on the drop pod was launched into the air. It fell down onto the edge of the crater, kicking up dirt from where it dropped. It bore signs of an impact from the inside. A hand stretched from the pod's canopy, gripping onto the edges of the exposed door frame. Vilox Pazela lifted himself up, using the door frame for support. He positioned himself inside the door frame, crouching on it's edge as his eyes searched the area. Withered, broken trees hung over head. Their discolouration, among other things, informed the Dark Master that they had not pyrokenesised in a long time.

Dromund Kaas's jungle was dead, much like the world was and he had seen it all before Larraq had even layed his eyes on the world. On the same day that Mikhail Shorn became the Thronebreaker, Vilox Pazela had stood on the flagship of his long forgotten flagship and saw Dromund Kaas in flames. His vision into the future had led him to the Spires of Hell, where a certain Empress had lived in exile and the rest was history.

Now he had returned as a conqueror. But unforeseen events had stalled his progress and subsequently he found himself lost in a dead jungle, in a broken pod that had no form of alerting the survivors of the Deliverance to his location. Anja Aj'Rou and her crew had saved him once, but they would not this time, for his alert beacon had been broken in the crash.

Lowering his gaze from the tree tops, he focused on the ground beneath him. He deduced that it was too far to drop too. He let go of the door frame and allowed his body to drop. He felt his feet touch onto the soil and rolled forward back up onto his feet, so as to cushion his fall. Vilox winced, shaking his feet as he stood. The drop had stung his feet and legs. Turning his eyes back to the top of the crater, he climbed up to the top and stopped. Which way would he go?
Objective: V.) LIVE ONCE MORE
Location: The Garden of Thorns
Allies: No one
Enemies: Everyone

In a realm beyond the mortal plane, there existed a sleeping consciousness... it had been slumbering for a long, long time. For decades, this consciousness had lost its mortal form, and had been subjected to a catastrophic identity crisis. Upon its death, here, upon Dromund Kaas whilst sitting upon his Throne as the Shadow Emperor, its soul had been prebound to an artifact consisting of nine sentient crystals within the lattices of a holocron, in the center of a massive station two kilometers in diameter. The soul had inhabited these crystals, which had amplified his power nine fold... for awhile the semi-specter of Darth Voracitos had roamed the galaxy as an enigmatic and ethereal creature. He had destroyed an entire city upon Rodia side by side to the Thronebreaker and his allies... he had tried to assemble powerful warlords to set the galaxy aflame... he had tried to destabilize the Mandalorians, each time only to be unsatisfied, and to fail to acquire his objectives. When finally he was capture of his own will, he failed to initiate the full extent of his plan... and because of that he was set in wait upon his massive ghost ship. That same ship sat there still, yet even still the half-sleeping thing that had become Voracitos believed he had seen a vision of a perfect entity that was the personification of the force, and the darkside. He attempted to unite all those affiliated with the dark side to follow in this grand vision, to work as allies, to work in concert to destroy the light, to set it all burn... yet... he was only ever half-present. Why was that?

It was because he had been lost for all this time. The crystals had amplified his abilities indeed... but it siphoned away at his identity... his lack of sleep, his lack of hunger... destroyed him. Voracitos had come to believe he had been forcing himself into Chaos to drink the content of its bowels as it rejected his presence... yet in truth, that was only half true. The identity that had traveled through the galaxy to accomplish things that the Shadow Emperor had never done, was a false creature. It was half of Voracitos... every side of his personality that was not dominated by what defined him as a being... the Master of Gluttony. The Master of Gluttony did not live long without a body, and had instead... lost to himself... been taken by Chaos into the Garden of Thorns, where the truly lost reside. Constantly, that other personality remaining in the galaxy, tried to recapture this part of itself... to simulate and recreate what had been Voracitos... such as the devouring of a Rodian city, or the protection of Dromund Kaas from destruction, or the rage he demonstrated at finding Ashin Varanin... the anchor he claimed that allowed him to remain in this realm.

They were a false-hood, divided into nine... yet the centerfold had been missing for some time... fallen to Chaos, sleeping in a forest of the lost.

But today?

Today the rules changed.

Violet laced, amber glowing eyes opened in the foliage of the damned, and overwhelming utter rage, incomprehensible hunger, blasted from the forest into the rift of Dromund Kaas... a massive call through the force....

Objective: B.) Dominate the Jungle, Find Your Grandson
Location: The ruined surface of Dromund Kaas
Allies: ???, and Lovey! :D

Enemies: Usually everyone, nobody likes the slug
Zambrano awoke with the massive telepathic calling, his eyes widened with the slits of his feline eyes narrow. He was bleeding from damage all along his body, the crash essentially totally his former chariot, rendering it out of commission likely forever. He only ever used it as a transport shuttle anyway, but these were not thoughts Zambrano had upon hearing those two words... intoned in such a way as to bring him back to an age long passed...

In rapture, the Hutt remained where he had fallen, and his mind wandered. The voice was distinct, commanding, yet familial. It carried the ringing of his soul... a calling he had not known for many decades at this point. For a moment, the Hutt became Darth Durablis...

Durablis awoke from a start, not realizing he had fallen asleep during the meeting of his underlings. Once again his Pride was leading the debacle, the son that he was. Heir to his father's Korribinian Throne. Durablis of course was no true king, but he came close enough, his ego and pride got the better of him in thinking that he was. He had lived for 97 years building his power and prestige, working off of visions he had never understood and undertaking arcane rituals to see what they meant to him, the power base he had created was almost legendary for one who rose out of obscurity. He had lived through 32 formal Kaggath's, and in those he had eliminated 8 of his most powerful adversaries, that all had assumed were his superiors. Now a days, he merely continued his sons training, though there was nothing left for him to teach to his knowledge... he had kept him alive this long only due to the fact that Durablis was useful in the acquirement of the wealth he so desired in his massive Greed. Though, it was why Durablis had began these formal meetings of those below him, in order to build his tomb, knowing it was only a matter of time before his son assumed the identity of Darth Calapsus upon his slaying.

It was his Birthday tomorrow,, and his sons. Though he had 2 weeks ago, thinly veiled a threat that Durablis would not "endure" to the age of one century. With his powers of perception, and the clear intentions of his son, it was clear tomorrow he would confront his father. Despite his age, Durablis was not tired of living, and took the utmost pride in his venerable and successful life. He took the utmost pride in everything he had a part of, it was a great strength as well as a hampering weakness... thus he knew also, Calapsus would challenge his father to something only he could win at: a game of sacrifice. As the Master of Greed, Calapsus knew the importance of sacrifice for the sake of massive gains... but his father? He was the Master of Pride, and could not bear to lose anything for any reason. So it came as no surprise when Calapsus adjourned the meeting, to make the announcement of the century.

"Father, with all this talk of your inevitable demise... I find it only appropriate we should be discussing how I shall be the one to claim it." A momentary pause followed the hearing.

"Father, I challenge you to a Kaggath."

The episode was then interrupted, and the slug looked around his ruined ship. The allure of the darkside, and the strange familial presence radiating from the unseen Rift, gave the Hutt the strength to slither his way out of the wreckage and into the dead jungle of Dromund Kaas...
Ash dropped from the sky, falling onto the scarred Earth of Dromund Kaas. The hooded figure of Vilox Pazela walked across it's surface, among the dead trees that had once been a jungle teaming in life. They had said that the jungle was one of the most dangerous places in the galaxy, with plants that could kill you and animals so violent that it made the Sith tame in comparison. With Larraq's Base Delta Zero, he had ended that rich history. The Dark Master decided then and there that he would murder the Mandalorian one day.

His boots dispersed the ash that had fallen onto the ground. It gathered along his robe in specks, reminiesent of snow. Brushing the ash off his arm, the Dark Master continued to make his way forward. For there had been a disturbance in the Force. A presence he had not felt in sometime.

His name was [member="Darth Voracitos"]
The branches snapped as one of the many escape pods crashed deep within the rainy jungles that inflicted the humid surface of Dromund Kaas. A swoosh sounded in the skies above before the final splash as a shallow swamp broke the momentum of a now crashed pod. Remnant of their starship destroyed, these pods that fell were all that remained -- likely. Emerging was a disoriented Catalys Maijora and company, those who weren't injured stood but they who were remained seated, licking their wounds save for the single dead one. A bolt came loose during the collision and pierced the Umbaran's skull. No one, not even Catalys made note of their fallen comrade. More important matters were afoot.

Grabbing the emergency pistol, the armoured figure stepped in to the swamp; its water barely covering his feet. If stood in place those two armoured boots would begin to sunk slightly in the murky muck. Several critters -- mainly insects -- scurried about the floor or buzzed through the air, the distant roar of vine cats echoed. "Attention: This is Catalys Maijora calling in any and all survivors.", he attempted to use the short-ranged intercom to attract the notice of those scattered. Unfortunately whilst the call gave way successfully, an unwanted party intercepted.

Trandoshan hunters--slavers as well--made camp nearby. Not only did they see where most of the pods fell they managed to crack the code of their network and were on their way to those who received the message.

[member="Kitsune"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Vilox Pazela"] [member="Mikkel Markov"] [member="Laguz Vald"]
First there was the g in xir stomach, when they dropped out of hyperspace, but the feeling was soon replaced by something much more immediately troubling; the Deliverance started buckling under heavy fire from the planet below, and then xir sensitive ears were filled with the blaring of alarms. Laguz wasted no time at all, powerful legs slamming against the metal floors as xe sprinted towards the escape pods, nearly flinging xemself through the hatch when it opened.

The fething selfish bastard that xe was, the shifter never waited for anybody to join xem, closing the door almost immediately after another crewmember managed to squeeze in behind xem. Without further ado, the hunter launched the pod, watching the horror-stricken faces of those left behind with unblinking eyes.

The small piece of machinery came plummeting to the planet from space, catching fire as it burst into the atmosphere of Dromund Kaas and headed ever downwards. The shifter and xir unfortunate companion did their best — three guesses as to who succeeded — to brace for the inevitably rough landing, and then the pod came screaming into the treeline, and everything went black.

A breath later, Laguz opened xir eyes, forcing down a coughing fit as thick smoke threatened to fill xir lungs. The shifter moved like a formless mass around the mess of warped metal and plastic, bursting out of the hatch and into the inhospitable wilderness of the jungle world.

"Frak," the shi'ido cursed loudly as xe took on a semblance of shape again, cocking xir head to the side as xe picked up the transmission. "This is Laguz Vald," the sniper grumbled into xir comlink and swung xir favorite gun off of xir back.

"Where are we heading?"

[member="Catalys Maijora"]
It had been a long time since cold starship metal had been underfoot, too long a time for the greying man - who had not too long ago been known as Darth Vereor - but fortune had favoured him throughout his life. It brought him glimmering riches, victories both in violent naval encounters and in theoretically-blood-soaked fields as well as personally prolonging his life. Now would be another acknowledgement of the luck that seemed all too infatuated with him.

The Deliverance had not become familiar to Vereor, but perhaps that was for the best, considering that it was in the midst of a battle that quickly turned upon those aboard. Only a few minutes following the drop from hyperspace was all it took for orders to abandon ship rang through every over-head communicator as well as a nearly-overbearing klaxon that alerted even the long dead.

While other crew members, soldiers and beings of unknown purpose stumbled about in the corridor that had just lost its light, Vereor continued in a steady stroll with a black cloak flowing against the floor by only two inches. A quick right turn and light filled the corridor for a brief moment, before it flickered and the door closed. Inside this intermittently-illuminated room were stored a number of breathing apparatus and environmental suits and and something whispered to him that he would require both before he left this cruiser.

A mask had been slipped over his head and a suit had been zipped up. Of course the cloak had been placed over it and with no place to hang his lightsaber the Sith had to carry it. A design flaw that required addressing, he mused. His balance was violently displaced when the entire ship began to rock. He needed to get out before anything importantly-large exploded. The door seemed to be hissing when he approached, left hand holding him against it; the metal aside the internal edges buckled outwards. It was only then he realised the hull had been breached.
"Time to go." Lips parted, only slightly, before he was flung out of the side of the heavy cruiser with the entire force of exiting air. He whizzed through the quickly separating air and into a field of debris - which had been dotted with the bodies of those beings who had passed him not five minutes earlier.

Inhale. Exhale. The only sound that breached his ears was the sound of his own breath. Even the explosions and zips of energised tibanna expressed nothing other than light in this expanse. Truly a maddening scenario, should one remain in it for an extended period of time. Such a time was not on the list for Vereor. He intended to find an escape pod and board it quicker than it could be shot down or enter the atmosphere.

A lone oxygen tank, capable of sustaining someone for nearly two rotations alone had been jettisoned into his legs. It had sent him spiralling into a cluster of bodies before he managed to stabilise himself on it. Until of course he spotted a fresh pod ripe for plucking.
He used the tank for only a few seconds of push before discarding it to fly through a burst of bright light from the heavy cruiser that had been left behind. Those inside the pod had spotted him but were unable to do anything until the single cockpit had been pressurised to match its exterior. That would take time. Too much time.

His free hand flicked outward, covered for a second by a black sleeve. He called out to the Force, nay, commanded the Force to his bidding and through such a command the locking mechanism at the rear of the pod failed. It flew open and almost off its well strengthened hinges, pulling those three unfortunate souls out with it before he made his way inside. The hatch was pulled closed behind him and locked, again, through the Force. He sat in comfort while it swayed through the atmosphere to this world - which had become more depressing over the past decade than he had ever known it before.
Objective: Re-group at Kaas City

Perla was eager to visit Dromund Kaas, essentially the birthplace of The Sith Empire. She was learning alchemy with her new Master, Darth Metus, and he recommended she tag along on this journey to experience the planet's electricity-charged environment and see if she could begin to experiment with its magnetic power. She also would be able to spend some time in Kaas City where powerful Dark Side Lords still resided. But first she needed to meet up with the allies of her Master, The Primeval.

She had taken private transport and walked off of a public landing pad in Kaas City. She wore a dark cloak, over her long leather tunic and pulled the hood over her head. She knew the city wasn't completely safe and the potential to be picked up by slavers if she had no protection was pretty high. She carried her own neuronic whip tucked into a wide belt and with her head bent low she walked the street, trying not to attract any attention. She was hoping she would be identified by other members of her Master's organization but she was searching in particular for an agent of the Primeval named [member="Catalys Maijora"].

[member="Kitsune"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Mikkel Markov"] [member="Vilox Pazela"] [member="Darth Voracitos"] [member="Laguz Vald"] [member="Vereor"]
Objective: Escape the Jungles
Her eyes slowly blinked as they began to open up. Her head was throbbing and she couldn't recall why this was so. The pain erupted into blinding fury, forcing her to place her hands on either side of her head, when she sat up trying to piece together the past events. Her stomach twisted into knots and she thought for one moment it would empty it's contents on to the floor. Her last memory was of boarding an escape pod with Tag and...and what? What happened? Speaking of her friend, where was he? She looked around the pod and saw no sign of him but did see the hatch was open. Once again she tried to stand up wincing in pain as she did so. She wanted to call out to him but feared her voice still held that deadly side effect.

Cautiously she peered out the open looking left then right and still seeing no signs of Tag. What she did see, however, was a lush green jungle sprawling out in every direction as far as her red eyes could see. A sound of a broken twig from behind put her on high alert. She reached down and found the absence of her lightsaber hit. Another broken twig, much closer than the last. She moved back into the pod searching for her weapon and just as she wrapped her fingers around the metal cylinder, she heard the shuffling of feet. She held no real strategic advantage inside the compact pod, and her options were sorely limited.

Her left thumb danced around the activation button on the top of her hilt waiting until the last moment to ignite her weapon and surprise whomever or whatever was coming. Her eyes caught a shadow creeping closer to the opening, and quickly ignited her weapon and lept from the pod ready to defend her life. "Whoa! Whoa CJ it's me," Tag said taking a step back and raising his hands.
Location: Jungles
Objective: Find out who it is
NPCs: Alex
Gear: all listed from the link in the sig.
People: [member="Ciara Jevnaker"], [member="Laguz Vald"], [member="Catalys Maijora"],

Alex walked with me as we were on Dromund Kaas. Once a place where the Mandalorians had taken over during the fall of the Sith Empire. I remembered those days. When the Sith Triumvite was still around, and when the Empire was then taken over my Moridin to become the Supreme ruled known only as Emperor, as well as his title as the Dreadlord. Having an apprentice that I had fought time and time again. There were times we would tie, and times when either one of us would lose. Now it was different. He was long gone, and I was still here. So who was the victor now? Nobody. I didn't have anything to say for my accomplishments. I was the Reclaimer. A man hellbent on finding the Mandalorians even when suddenly everyone disappeared.

Standing there, I heard a ship break from the surface of the atmosphere. The booming of droppods and escape pods. I watched as one landed in the forest not even a hundred meters away. I raised my fist to Alex. Motioning for her to stop. Slowly I waved that we could move forward. It was as we moved on, we sat away and behind a series of rocks and fallen trees. With an escape pod away from us.

I took my rifle and aimed down the sights to see someone step out, and over the distance speak about "any and all survivors." Coming out from the rocks, I yelled in a booming voice,


(OOC: Providing some opposition for you guys in the Jungle. Please only like three people come and attack me. I don't want a whole army.)
Objective: Shoot first, ask questions later
Location: Jungle
Allies: [member="Catalys Maijora"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] | The Primeval
Enemies: [member="Reclaimer"]

A second before the shout rang through the dense trees, Laguz was warned by the stomping of something that certainly wasn't an animal. Any predator native to the planet would know how to move silently and stealthily through the underbush, and it was that sound that sent xem lunging behind the escape pod. Moments later, the call for surrender came, betraying the position of the hostile individual. Individuals? It was unclear at that time, but the sniper didn't dally; instead, xe climbed the smoking carcass of the pod, obscured by the thick black mist as xe set up xir weapon on the bent metal edge. It was a sloppy stabilization, but it was quickly augmented by the shifter's transforming body even as xe peered through the scope to zoom in on the pretentious enemy.

Laguz played with xir eyes a bit until the temperatures of the jungle suddenly became visible to the hunter, and the search for xir target became a cakewalk after that. Xe breathed in, then out, calming xir nerves as xe lined up the shot. As it turned out, there were two of them; one with a rifle in his hands, aiming at [member="Catalys Maijora"] as he spoke, and his ally who was hiding behind the rock. From the other agent's position, the woman was invisible, but Laguz had clear view of the crouching soldier.

Xe let out the breath, and caressed the trigger underneath xir finger, welcoming the kick of recoil like the touch of a lover. The slug ripped through the air, the crack silenced by the suppressor at the end of the barrel, and Laguz's lips stretched into a satisfied smile.
Objective: Win.
Location: The Jungle, downed escape pod.
Allies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]
Enemies: [member="Reclaimer"]

The rain poured steadily, bouncing off the leaves in an ensemble of ambiance as water fell to the jungle floor and filled murky swamps. Claps of thunder exploded in the distance to the chatter of wildlife and other dwellers inside the jungle. An all to familiar sound to the agent's ears, a slug whizzing towards them. Whether or not it hit its target, Catalys took the chance that his opponent would be distracted and drew the emergency pistol in a gunslinger fashion; firing off three quick shots before diving back behind the pod.

The Umbaran's allies would likely be jut as quick to react if not more so from the Dark Jedi. Quick thinking had deduced the sniper was Laguz, only she would act so callous in this situation; shoot first ask questions later. Well now it was very clear they would have a battle on their hands and one that would lead into more worrisome scenarios that originally anticipated. Their ship was destroyed, their crew dispersed, and without knowing it their transmissions intercepted by Trandoshan slavers. A fight is the last thing they need right now but the first thing a bloodthirsty agent such as Laguz desired.
Location: Jungles
Objective: Find out who it is
NPCs: Alex
Gear: all listed from the link in the sig.
People: [member="Ciara Jevnaker"], [member="Laguz Vald"], [member="Catalys Maijora"],

Holy feth! I just wanted to see who it was considering I was here first. And well, they just landed down right smack in the middle of the forest. While I was walking forward, I turned on my infrared to see if there were anyother life signs down with the soldier, as well as around to see if anybody else was- Oh crap.

"Alex get down!"

I heard a loud slam and Alex yelling out in pain. I dropped down to my stomach faster than a man could blink and fired at the exposed person just for a second before rolling over and over again to move behind some cover of a few trees. Placing my back against them as my eyes moved towards my teammate.

Through our com systems she could hear my whisper to her.

"You okay?"

Seconds earlier.

Alex trained her Rifle downrange at the exposed person. She also looked around as well. First tactics of a downed craft is there might be people who left earlier, or other dropods that were close. As Alex looked up, she could hear Reclaimer yell to get down, just as she started moving, a slugthrower round smacked into the side of her head. Considering the head was a smaller target, and could easily be moved, it slammed into the side of the helm creating a little gash. She got down onto her stomach. and using her Mandalorian trained tactics that were engrained into her, she moved fast, rolling over to a crouch, then rolling again to a run to find cover behind larger rock formation off to the side.

Her back pressed hard against the rock surface as she heard Reclaimers words break out in a whisper over their encrypted com system. Nodding her head, she too spoke in a whisper.

"Yeah, just grazed me. Worry about yourself old man."

She smiled brightly as he returned with his own comment.

"Stupid girl."

Turning on her own infrared systems stored within the helmet's HUD, she turned her head around and peeked her head out only for a second, seeing two lifeforms. Though the one further away clearly was the sniper, and pulled her head back in before said sniper could shoot her again in the head.

"Cover me."

In a sudden blast of movement, she came out from the other side that she had peeked on, and ran towards the direction of Reclaimer while he was firing a strike of blaster fire at anything that moved. Only running for a total time of a second, she fell to her rear and slid across the ground behind the cover of a ditch, and trees that's roots were poking out from the side of said ditch.

"I hate you right now Alex."
Objective: V.) LIVE ONCE MORE
Location: The Garden of Thorns
Allies: No one
Enemies: Everyone

A massive spectral form of unimaginable heights lifted from the surface of the Garden, taking up foliage along with it... it's body was corpulent, and rotten with the decay of ages. The body had killed the plants surrounding it, the massive corruption radiating out of the hunger and rage of the spirit that was lost here. It had been awakened by the presence of family, felt through the Rift that connected the Netherworld to the one before. The amber eyes with royalty cutting through the iris, stared about the never ending maze in grand displeasure, his mouth in a sneer and his brows furrowed. Violet light crackled in the air around his massive frame, that seemed to define common logic as he stood upon his own two feet, despite the encumbering weight the spirit undoubtedly possessed. It seemed his very presence, increased the weight of everything around him, pressing down on the foliage that had imprisoned his unconscious soul, sapping it's life, and burning the remains with his unquenchable hunger and rage.

He made no effort to move further, merely possessing the will to observe the curiosity of his predicament. An oddly familial presence was in the air, one that he could have no hope of recognizing, as it had been a life ended before Voracitos was even conceived, but one's spiritual blood was extremely power. It was especially powerful when one's family line was as strong as the Boke's. It was odd though, the presence, very different from what he would expect... as it felt familiar in a different manner as well. It carried the stink of one who used to be an ally... and was now merely a forgotten relic of his old life. There were other presences coming from the Rift, but none were more clearer than that of his ancestor, and it was a draw for him...

Once more, Voracitos screamed into the damnable forest.


The metaphysical ground shook at his demands, but gave him nothing in return. The shades of the garden had obscured his call... his fear. The fear of being ignored. The threat that he would not be satiated, that he would be denied satisfaction, that he would be left to starve. It was his hell, and the fear would overwhelm him... if he were not so stubborn and angry.

He would break this forest through sheer will, rage, and hunger...
Objective: Find his way back to the group
Location: Escape Pod
Allies: Unsure
Enemies: Unsure

Kaels eyes fluttered open, and he allowed a groan to escape him. He had awoken to something, someone. He had been unconscious, and his aptitude of the force was as raw as could be; yet the message had been so powerful it had been able to wake him from what might have even been a comatose state. Though once he woke up, he immediately forgot the source of the disturbance. All he knew was that something was wrong. He lay on the ground of his escape pod, and his entire body hurt. He opened his eyes but immediately shut them as a dim ray of sunlight filtered in through the tree line onto his face. He groaned again, but started to move. 'What the hell happened?' Kael managed to get to his knees, and he attempted to open his eyes once more, avoiding the suns blinding rays. 'Damn, how did I get here?' Kael sat there for several moments, attempting to remember what had happened. After several moments it came to him. His father, sending him up onto the ship. Leaving home. The attack, the lights. He remembered going into the escape pod, clutching what little belongings he had. He picked himself up off the floor, and began to inspect himself for any signs of injury. He flexed and stretched various muscles, and felt around for blood, but aside from a few bruises and probably a cracked rib here or there. He had escaped the worst of the injury. He looked around the pod and saw his staff lying on the floor, miraculously untouched. 'Good, my knees are already shaking and I've been standing for a couple minutes. I need a good walking stick. He lurched forward towards the control panel of the escape pod. Most of the systems were down and even if they were up, Kael would not have been able to properly use them anyway. Yet, despite this. The com system still miraculously worked even after the beating it had gone through. 'Thank the old gods. What a faith it could have been. Dieing alone, abandoned and forgotten on this shit hole of a planet.' He fiddled around with the controls for a few moments before figuring it out. He lifted the radio to his mouth, and cleared his throat before speaking into it.

Kael Kessler: "Hello, this...this is Kael. I was on the ship when we were attacked. Is anyone there?" As Kael waited for a response a horrifying thought came to him. 'How long was I out...What if everyone's already left, who knows where they are now? What if they're to far?' All these thoughts ran through Kaels head and he tried to control his emotions. 'Panicking won't do me any good, let's just wait patiently for a few minutes. I'm sure someone's still around, right? "Hello, I repeat, is anyone there?!"

[member="Darth Voracitos"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Reclaimer"] [member="Laguz Vald"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Vereor"] [member="Kitsune"] [member="Vilox Pazela"][member="Mikkel Markov"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

((Was told to jump right in. Hope this is fine.))
Objective: B.) Dominate the Jungle, Find Your Grandson
Location: The ruined surface of Dromund Kaas
Allies: ???, and Lovey! :D
Enemies: Usually everyone, nobody likes the slug

"Attention: This is Catalys Maijora calling in any and all survivors."
Despite Catalys' efforts, Zambrano was not reached by the communications... he was currently... pre-occupied, and about a quarter kilometer away from his crash landing already. When he needed to, the Hutt could plow through anything to acquire his objective. His pet companion, the Vaapad known as Lovely! :D, followed closely along with him, sometimes even running up ahead and returning to its master due to its massively superior speed. Zambrano's mind however, was not with his company... it was completely transfixed upon the Rift and what lay beyond it. With each meter crossed, the Hutt approached it closer and closer, as hundreds of dead things crowded his way. The Vaapad cleared some of the stuff, but the determined Hutt pushed things aside also with the whip of his hand, sending minor debris away as the golden orbs of his eyes looked into the horizon absently, mouth agape.

As he approached the Rift even more, another moment of Rapture stole the slug from reality...

"Father, I challenge you to a Kaggath." Those had been the words his own son had used before all fellow Sith, to address the issue of his prompt execution, according to the normal tradition of the Apprentice destroying his Master. In part, Durablis was proud of his sons boldness, but it did not stop the hate that seeped out of the old Sith Lord. Within private thoughts, the Master of Pride scolded his son for confining him to such an embarrassing fate, that he should have more respect for the accomplishments of the man who made him for who he is now. He had always demanded respect, since his birth as the one who cheated death, his presence demanded the total gratitude of others to be graced with his presence, and his own son dared to disrupt that natural order. He knew however, to seek such things in the one intent on destroying you, and the shadow that you cast over them... and Durablis had a massive shadow to be disintegrate.

They took up bases upon opposite sides of the planet, his son using what little forces he held of his own to defend or attack, and Durablis held his own fortress that had suffered the duress of nearly three dozen Kaggath's. One might think, what is one more then to add to its reputation? Though no one knew the gambit that Durablis' son had in store for his father. For years, he had been gaining sympathies within the resources of his father's domain, and so before the Kaggath had even begun one side was already heavily weighted against the other. Then, he organized a temporary fortress surrounding a monument dedicated in his father's honor with a force of little militaristic merit or importance. He used these groups to surround minor target's within his father's influence, careful however, not to allow their destruction. Due to his father's pride, and no presentation of more important threats, would distract his loyal forces across Korriban, leaving the once impregnable fortress vulnerable to the agents he had supplant within his father's domain.

He took the bait, spreading his task forces across the dunes to liberate his precious structures, and destroying them ruthlessly before they could damage them. Had a single monument be damaged or destroyed, his son would have surely ensured his utter defeat. Losing something, was contrary to Durablis' nature, and offered a part of him that only 8 people have known. He knew this though, and used this to his advantage, taking the risk insubordination might cause him, as he weighed the possibility of leaving his father vulnerable. Thus, when these forces succeeded in destroying his son's soldiers, his true allies stood by him as he stormed the castle. Darth Durablis' own men turned at the tide of the growing powers of the new Darth, from the sympathy he had gained from them in years prior. True loyalists were dealt with, until finally the only target left to deal with within the Fortress was the Master himself.

"If you believe a Kaggath is won by soldiers alone... you have been mislead, my son."

Zambrano felt closer to the presence... it demanded something of him, he knew, much like that figure of the past...

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