Cassus waited with patience, as the rumble of gunfire and destruction grew nearer. The droid was ferrying
Val Drutin to safety, and eventually, they were in a LAAT Gunship. All was going to be well and good when
tumbled through the passageway that Cassus was waiting within, and immediately the boy sprung into action. Sprinting, and after a couple of moments delay, his blade ignited. Then Renn fired behind him, and Cassus had the good sense to leap to cover the moment the weapon was raised. An explosion rocked the passageway, and the roof gave in above him, cluttering the pathway with residential debris. It appeared the young Bounty Hunter was stuck.
Cassus heard something or someone outside, but it was muffled between falling debris, sirens, and other polluting noise. Whatever was happening out there wasn't currently in reach of him. That situation was about to change however, as the boy activated the Manipulation Projector he had placed on his torso earlier locking onto the debris blocking his way, and he pushed through it. Just as an opening presented itself, he could hear the whining electronics in the projector protesting the strain he put on it, on the verge of shattering. Keying it off, the youth leaped through the opening and landed on the other side, where he saw a new figure (
) engaging the hostile Bounty Hunter on one of the police Transports.
It looked like there wasn't much for Cassus to do, except to get as far away as possible. If
Enigma Iuda
had done his job earlier, tracking FOBBs should be rendered useless for tracking Val Drutin, so as long as the target was out of immediate their reach any Bounty Hunter trying to reach him will be redirected somewhere else. At least, that's how Cassus hoped it would work. Nonetheless, wasting as little time as possible, he approached an officer droid.
"Get me out of here!" The droid either recognizing him as a Detective or just following its previous prerogative to evacuate civilians began to quickly lead him to another Gunship about to take off.
If things went the way he thought they were going to, then Val Druting would be under police protection, Ren Garrick occupied by a new assailant, and using Enigma's resources, collect their target from whatever holding facility the Coruscant Police force used to protect these displaced civilians.
Alyssa Shinobu