Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Night Out


Zesiro said this with an extremely charming smile.

They made some more small talk while finishing eating dinner. She paid for the meal and stood up.

"Where to first, young man.
And of course I haven't exercised with you, we just met."

She almost felt like reaching out and ruffling his hair, but decided against that course of action. At least for now.

[member="Seth Huze"]

Seth Huze

Wolfboy Extraordinaire Tresure Hunter
Seth smiled back as she agreed to go with him. Her smile only​made him feel a bit warmer inside. Wolfboy undid the first button on his shirt before standing up from the chair.

She asked where they were going first and Seth grinned. "Well the power cells. Can be sold at one of at a weaponsmith. And the scrap...Maybe a blacksmith?" Seth had no clue, he usually just walked around and asked each merchant if they wanted anything.

Seth waited for [member="Zesiro"] to get up before starting to walk towards the market. It was fairly busy which made Seth smile.

"You're probably going to regret wanting to exercise with me." Seth laughed as he clicked his tongue for the wolf to follow.
Zesiro eyed [member="Seth Huze"] as he stood up and could tell that even if he didn't realize it she did have an effect on him. He unbuttoned his top button of her shirt and waited for her stand him. She gracefully rises in a smooth motion. He started moving off when she was up and her eyes watched him move with his wolf friend at his side.

He says she's probably going to regret her choice to exercise with him and she shook her head.

"No way, I have the feeling you're going to regret it."

At saying that, she playfully reached one of her hands up and pinched his gently, a large smile on her face.

Seth Huze

Wolfboy Extraordinaire Tresure Hunter
Seth laughed when [member="Zesiro"] said that he would be the one who regretted it. The scaver simply shook his head, there was no way that he was going to be regretting anything. The only he actually regretted was when he punched Jacob in the face. His brother wasn't too happy about that, Seth ended up eating dirt.

He was drawn out of his memories by the woman's pinch, it didn't hurt but it caught him by surprise and the male yelped. "Ouch!..." He said with a huge grin on his face. He weaved his way past a few people before pushing her lightly.

"I know my way around climbing and swimming. I can outlast you any day."

Zesiro could tell he was playing around when he yelped and she gave him a huge grin. It had appeared he was lost in thought for a moment and her action brought him back to the present.

Following in his wake, she let him guide them through the market to where he planned to see if anybody would buy his junk.

"Well, I can climb, but can't swim. Never been in anything deeper than a bathtub."

She gave this as a reply to [member="Seth Huze"].

You're not going to take me swimming are you?"

Seth Huze

Wolfboy Extraordinaire Tresure Hunter
He stopped at a booth and the vendor looked up. Seth cleared his throat as he opened one of the pouches on the backpack. He pulled out a smaller bag which held the cells. He would plop them on the table.

"Yo mister vendor dude, care for some power cells?" The man tilted his head. He rummaged through the cells before looking back up to Seth.

"Fifty..." The man said bluntly. Seth frowned as he looked to the stars. He then looked back down to the man. "I think you can do a hundred." Seth said. The man looked down at the cells hard. "Seventy five." The man said. Seth smiled.

"Done." Seth said as he shook the man's hand. Soon he took a handful of credits and began to walk away. He looked to [member="Zesiro"] who said she can climb but can't swim.

"Well we might find a waterfall...I can teach you how if you want." He grinned as he put the credits in the wolf's bag.
Zesiro watched the exchange between [member="Seth Huze"] and the vendor in silence. Not looking at the guy behind the counter, though he was clearly at least slightly distracted by her. The transaction completed, Seth turned around to face her again and headed off to another vendor for the rest of his items.

Her eyes widened slightly before she spoke.

"I wouldn't even know where to begin! But if it's something we come across, then sure."

Her eyes softened as she spoke the last part.

"Come on, lets go."

Grabbing his hand, she still allowed him to lead to their next stop.

Seth Huze

Wolfboy Extraordinaire Tresure Hunter
Seth nodded as she agreed to let the wolf loving male to teach her how to swim if the option presented itself. Next thing Seth knew, she grabbed his hand. Instantly his face went red, he didn't know whether to pull his hand away or to keep going, so he kept walking and gracefully led her around the crowd of people.

When they reached the next vendor he fumbled with Blaidd's backpack, trying to pull out the scrap metal without letting go of [member="Zesiro"]'s hand. When he finally did, he would place it on the counter, the vendor instantly lowballed him.

"25 credits." The vendor said. Seth agreed without hesitation, too busy focused on the woman's blue eyes to care. They made the transaction and Seth began to walk away, still holding the Blonde's hand.

"Um, uh what um now?" He'd ask as he'd avoid eye contact with her.
A little surprised and amused by [member="Seth Huze"]'s reaction to her taking his hand, she smiled inwardly. This boy really was quite the innocent. Not technically a boy anymore, but not far out of childhood. She wonders if he would grow more even as he got older.

Many faces turning their direction as they walked to the next vendor, they were silent. It appeared Seth was at a loss for words. They reached the stall where the guy gave him only a few credits for the scrap.

Zesiro watched it all in silence and when they done, they walked out, hand in hand. The boy suddenly became shy and didn't look at her when he asked what now.

"You're the one in the control here and know of places to climb or teach me to swim."

Seth Huze

Wolfboy Extraordinaire Tresure Hunter
Seth felt even warmer that he did when they were at the restaurant. He pulled at his shirt collar and continued to weave through the crowd.

He let out a chuckle at her response. "Of course I know where to climb and swim, I heard exercising is better at night anyway." Seth said with a grin.

"Plus the weather is perfect and it's not too dark. The teen said as he led her out of the market and towards the outskirts of town. From the edge of town they would notice a forest off in the distance and behind it a mountain range.

"There it is." He'd say as he let go of her hand and began to unbutton his white shirt.

"Don't want to get this dirty." Seth said as he folded it up and placed it in the wolf's backpack.

"So um you um ready?" He asked as he stretched his arms out.

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