Zlova laughed.
"Look bad? My dear, furry feline, the only thing you could do to make yourself and your clan look bad," the Twi'lek matched the conspiratorial closeness and volume,
"is lick some Lord's boot to avoid 'causing a scene.'" When she straightened back up, a smile easily graced her dark lips once more.
"If they insult you or attempt to kill you, return the favor. Anyone that says you should do otherwise is offering you as a lamb to the wolves." What if Talohn insults the Emperor(ess) of the Empire? Then he had best do so with the greatest cunning ever witnessed. Well, Zlova might step in if he froze. Might. Unless he started licking their boots. Doubtful he'd fall that low, so chances were good he'd survive anything that happened in this gathering.
The index finger of her right hand touched under Talohn's chin as Zlova gazed into his eyes.
"We will dance." She hadn't come here just to listen to the utterly forgettable filler people dropped between unknown and certainly untrusted new faces.
"But you must learn to socialize with these very... special customers." A job was a job was it not? When she was a Darth she'd seen countless mercenaries used and even used them herself. Often in situations where you didn't need the best and didn't mind if they perished -- better them than your greatest resources. Naturally Zlova classed Talohn as being of the upper echelons of mercenaries however. The kind you noticed were gone if they did perish. All he had to do was market himself so others felt the same.
Her finger ran its way down the side of his neck to his shoulder and down to his wrist. With a fluid twist she took his hand in hers.
"The battlefield never waits for you to be ready," she cooed before taking the first steps away from the corner with Talohn in tow.
"The first thing you need to know is you can't trust anyone. The second thing is that there's no such thing as 'common' sense. Every Lord and Lady here will wine and dine with you, promise you mountains of credits, and even -- at times -- seemingly risk something all for you. Because you're their employee, and they 'care' about you. Every bit of it is a lie. By some miracle it isn't, you will live longer and be happier if you don't trust them all the same." Why tell this to a man that put his daughter foremost and wouldn't trust these would-be-employers? Because there was no such thing as common sense, and knowing a thing and understanding a thing were completely different. Merchants on a backwater planet couldn't be trusted and yet some people in the galaxy still trusted them. Sith Lords and Ladies couldn't be trusted, and yet... It wasn't a uniquely Sith thing, but how many other factions could literally turn you inside out with a gesture?
"The third thing is most of them have egos large enough to dwarf the largest celestial bodies. So while they try to impress you, you should do everything you can to celebrate their achievements, bask in their showers of attention, and not point out the glaring idiocy some of them stew in. Make them think any change to their plan is their idea even as it falls from your lips." The Twi'lek lazily stopped and moved back toward Talohn while raising their arms overhead. A slow moving twirl much like a dance. A smile and half-hearted acknowledgement of others nearby was cast off to the side. Egos, after all. No one liked being left hanging even if both parties didn't know one another from Exar Kun.
"If it helps," Zlova's bright eyes turned back to the Cathar,
"just imagine they're all infantile gods -- all that power and no where to put it. Much like their credits. Take the latter, direct where they apply the former anywhere but at you."
She closed the gap between them for a moment with a soft, throaty sound.
"Have I mentioned how good you look in that suit? They're impressed by beskar, but showing them you're a charming sentient goes a long way in cementing 'not a mindless tool' status. At least among the ones that matter." There were always short sighted Lords and Ladies you couldn't do anything about. The truly annoying ones even their peers barely tolerated. Galaxy wasn't fair, but it didn't matter long as you got paid.
"See any potential customers yet?"
Talohn Atar