My brows furrow with concern as the pair of Jedi tell me their feelings on the current state of the Senate. It is very discouraging indeed and not one that fills me with confidence over the Galactic Alliance's governing body.
"I am sorry to hear that the Senate is not functioning as it should. Perhaps it has grown too large and if I may be so bold; too self-centered? It could be that that is why it turns a blind eye away from continued threats."
I share in the comment that the sandwiches are good. And indeed they are a fine distraction for them. However my mind is completely on the Senate and other more recent conversations that I have had with others concerning the government in the Core. They may fall as so many others have if they are not careful.
"New Cov will be protected. Through many contracts I have been gaining allies from different corners of the Galaxy that are aiding us on that front. Each of them are but small pieces in a larger picture."
Valery Noble
Kahlil Noble