Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Noblesse Oblige to Save Information[Republic]

Corvus shook her head but realised that Kana wasn't looking directly at her. "No," she whispered, her eyes still scanning the room. "Perhaps Kian has had more success?"

She touched the mind of the Kel-Dor gently. 'Have you found anything useful?'

[member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Rano"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"]
Nothing[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]. Kian said pulling his mind back toward himself. [/SIZE]But there is our group. [SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Kian sent to them both and walked away from the bar and toward the booth that housed Jedi Master [member="Marcello Matteo"] and a younger Jedi that Kian wasn't familiar with. Kian walked up to the booth and settled in across from the two leaning forward on the table. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]"Hello," Kian said not using any names and hoping that the Jedi Master recognized Kian, or at least his force signature. They hadn't worked together previously but Kian spent a great deal of time on Ossus, where the two had crossed paths. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]"This must be your....son." Kian said, not wanting to use the word apprentice or padawan. He wasn't sure how [/SIZE]secretive[SIZE=14.3999996185303px] they wanted to keep matters while on the station. They could work stealthily to capture the thief, or they could make their presence known and see if they could shake the thief up, but when in doubt Kian always went with secretive. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Kian didn't glance back at [member="Corvus Raaf"] or [member="Kana Truden"], as he wasn't sure if they would join them at the booth or settle in nearby to provide cover, and as they had entered alone he wasn't sure if they wanted to maintain the appearance of not knowing anyone within the cantina. Kian's smile broaden beneath his mask. He missed this sort of work.....he'd been on Ossus teaching too long and had missed the field. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px][member="Rano"] - [member="Gir Quee"][/SIZE]
"This is not the bar we're looking for, Kian. We must go."

Kana grabbed the Kel Dor and Corvus. They had to move on. The thief was nearby and they knew it.

((We can't wait for Marcello to respond. Let's just get this thread over with))

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus acknowledged Kana's prognosis. In fact, Master Matteo hadn't responded to her latest message to him. Who knows what mischief he'd got himself tangled up in? "I say we operate as if we're on our own now. I can't get a response from Marcello, so let's assume he's been compromised. On the plus side, that means whoever spotted him is less likely to be looking for a second group."

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Kana Truden"]
Veino strode through the station, bag slung over his shoulder, and hat pulled low, Force signature hidden in the symphonic grandeur of the universe. Tyria was elsewhere, taking care of her business on the station. Someone here owed her money, and Veino was not going to get involved in that. Discretion was a Jedi's greatest asset in a situation such as this.

After a wuick glanve over his shoulder to check if he was being watched, he slipped into an alcove and brought out his commlink to send a message to the other Jedi present.

"Situational report and info on suspect, please. WIll proceed from there."
((Ok, let's do this!!))

As Kian followed [member="Kana Truden"] and [member="Corvus Raaf"] out of the cantina, his comm chirped, indicating a secure call was coming in. The incoming communication was from [member="Veino Garn"] and Kian turned to the others, indicating his comm and stepped to the side to receive the call quietly. Here Veino's request for information, Kian sent what little he had.

"Davish Miskin is the name of the man we seek, though I doubt he'll be using that name." Kian said into the line, knowing that the communication between him and Veino was likely secure. "He's a loner, but is known to frequent the area." Kian said sending the photo along that the Commander had sent them before breaking off communication.

"We've just finished scouting out a cantina he was known to frequent, but there was nothing indicating he had been here recently."
[member="Kian Karr"]

Veino listened, thought a few moments, and then sent a quick reply. "Roger that. What's the action plan now?" Something prickled on the back of his neck and he looked behind him. Just a crowd of beings going this way and that to attend their business and lives. Nobody cared about him. Nobody seemed to, anyways. That certainly didn't mean his stalker wasn't there in the crowd, waiting for Force knew what to pounce or call or whatever. The purpose was still unknown.

But for now, a galactic war was waiting and the plans for a starship were missing. He had no idea what the details were. Just that plans were stolen by someone named Davish Miskin. He added something else to the message.

"Send me any information you have on the suspect and I'll start scouring the hangars and ships."
Kosuke and Saburo Yamauchi were alone. Until Kosuke was given a full-time Master, Saburo, his older brother, was acting as his temporary mentor. He was a Jedi Knight. The two of them stood out horribly in the crowd. Aliens of every species, and every fashion, walked by. Some of the more fashion-orientated people gasped in horror at their clothes. The two were walking, Kosuke bare-foot and Saburo with sandals, where Kosuke wore red robes, Saburo wore orange. Both of them had clean-shaven heads, broad noses and dark chocolate eyes, with eyelids that distinguished them as Epicanthic. Saburo activated his commlink, "Master Karr, this is Knight Saburo Yamauchi, where do you need me?"

[member="Kian Karr"]
Kian activated his comm-link once more.

"Veino, transmitting the information now." Kian said as the data streamed to Veino's datapad. It contained the photograph of the suspect as well as a brief psychological evaluation. Davish Miskin was known as a loner, someone who didn't trust others. LIkely he wouldn't be working with an accomplice. As the data sent, Kian received another communication coming in from a Jedi he hadn't meet before.

"Knight Yamauchi, focus your search on the market district. I'll continue to survey the cantinas while Knight Garn searches the hangers and ships." Kian said, finally adding to both Veino and Yamauchi, "Work fast, work effectively. We're running out of time. The longer he's on the port alone the better chance he has of disappearing."

Kian cut his communications and melted into the crowd, using the number of people to hid him as he made his way down the street to the next Cantina. The Cantina was dark and there weren't many people inside and those that were there were clearly not pleased to see a strangers face. It seemed, by the cold stares of the bartender, that this establishment tended to cater only to their usual clientele. That was a good sign. Stretching out with the force and his mind, Kian skimmed the thoughts of those near by. In doing so, his eyes and awareness was drawn to a man sitting in the corner. His face was veiled by a hood and he appeared to be watching Kian intently. Without an invitation, Kian walked over and took a seat at the man's table.

"Can I help you?" The man asked, clearly unhappy with the sudden move by the Kel Dor.

"I'd like some information." Kian said picking up his datapad and showing the man the image of Davish. "And I gather your the sort of person who can help me."

The man chuckled loudly, clearly showing off for the patrons in the bar, whose eyes were now fixed on Kian and the man.

"Information will cost you!" The man said smiling and leaning forward. Kian could see his face now. He was a human, with heavy facial scarring. One eye was white, the other an icy blue.

"You want to help me." Kian said slowly running his hand through the air in front of him, his force imbued words testing the mans willpower. For a moment Kian thought the man was too strong willed for the mind trick to work, but then the pupil on his good eye dilated and he repeated.

"Yeah, I want to help you."

"Tell me what you know about this man." Kian said repeating the mind trick.

"He's going by Rick Davith now. He left a few minutes before you came in. Said he was getting off the spaceport."

"How was he getting off the spaceport?" Kian asked, waving his hand through the air again. The man seemed to fight it for a moment and then continued.

"The Tadorian, its a freighter that runs passengers off world discretely."

"Thank you." Kian said and threw a few credits down on the table. Quickly leaving the cantina he activated his com-link once more.

"Veino, Yamauchi. We need to get to the spaceport. A ship called The Tadorian is set to take him offworld. Veino, your closest, Yamauchi and I will be there to back you up soon enough!" Kian said, running off into the crowd, using the force to speed his steps.

He only hoped that they were fast enough to catch him in time.....

[member="Kosuke Yamauchi"] | [member="Veino Garn"]​
Veino waited as the information uploaded, and then studied it, memorizing the face the psych profile. He strode through the spaceport, reaching out with the Force, seeing if he could find this being. He shifted through the crowds that surged around him. No luck through the Force so far.

Then he got the second message. The suspect was headed for the Tadorian. He spun about on his heel and made a beeline for a computer terminal in the wall, gently pushing a few people out of his way. They were irritated, but he sent a small soothing Force nudge to them and they went on their way without pulling a knife or blaster. He pulled up the hangar logs, searching for the berth and registry. There.

The ship wasn't terribly far from where he was now. He could sprint there of course, but that would draw too much attention to himself. So he began walking again, with more purpose and determination. He rechecked his datapad and then up at the hangar numbers, as if he was looking for his ship and was running mildly late.

He re-contacted Kian. "How much of a lead does he have? ETA five minutes until I can reach the ship without blowing our cover."

[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Kosuke Yamauchi"]
Kian pushed through the crowd into the Shadows, moving as fast as he could but not so fast as to draw unwanted attention. Kian cloaked himself with the force as best as he could but moving with too much urgency was bound to bring attention to himself.

"I'm lead to believe that he left the cantina a few moments ahead of me." Kian said and when he got out of sight of the crowd, he slowed his movements and brought his hood up over his head. "I'm following the path he would likely take to the port." Kian whispered into the com-link.

Kian scanned the crowd ahead as he moved, keeping to the edges of the corridor, his hands tucked in his pockets. As he scanned through the crowd, Kian saw a man at the other end of the corridor. From the back he seemed to fit the description. Kian cut through the crowd, slowly gaining ground on the man. At the end of the corridor, the man turned right and headed toward the spaceport. As he turned, he glanced back in Kian's direction.

It was Davish.

Once he walked around the corner, Kian pulled his com-link, hanging back for a moment.

"Veino, I have a confirmed visual. He is heading toward the spaceport now, 2 minutes out." Kian continuing after him. "I'm shadowing him." The corridor was too crowded for Kian to attempt to apprehend him there. If Davish was armed, it could end in innocent blood spilled and Kian wasn't going to take that chance.

The hangar would be the place to make their move.

[member="Veino Garn"]
[member="Kian Karr"]

"Roger that, moving to intercept." Veino replied, and picked his pace up again, pushing his way between people more forcefully now. He winced as he started picking up on their irritation and frustration. So be it. It was a small price to be compared to what would occur if the suspect escaped. Although, they may be able to lock down the station and keep the ship from leaving. The mission was to avoid that result.

Then the second update. He broke into a jog, using the Force to pick up his speed a little more until he skidded to a stop inside the hangar. His hand reached inside his coat for his lightsaber while the other activated the comlink again. "I'm in the hangar. Awaiting suspect apprehension. How are we approaching it?"

He shot a glance out the hangar to the rest of the station and he caught a glimpse of Davish approaching and then further beyond that, Kian himself.

He turned away and bent down to adjust his laces. "Visual on both of you. Ready to apprehend."
Kian's pace was casual, not too rushed, but not too slow. He didn't want to alert Davish, but nor did he want the man to get too far ahead of him. Then Kian heard the response from [member="Veino Garn"]. He was in position and had a visual. This was their time to move. This was the time to act.

But how to proceed? Though the crowd had died down, there were still innocents around. They would need to apprehend him smoothly and quickly, subduing him before he could get off a shot and be on the move with him quickly enough that any "allies" or bystanders got in the way.

So Kian did the one thing he really could do. He drew Davish's attention. He sped up his walk, catching up to the man and as he approached he nudged Davish's mind with the force. He put forward curiosity and concern about the man behind him. Davish didn't stop, but he glanced over his shoulder back at Kian, his eyes widening in fear as he saw Kian, and the lightsaber that was now clenched deactivated in his hand. For a small moment in time, Davish's attention was on Kian.

That was the moment in time that he walked directly in front of Veino.

Take him. Kian said to Veino telepathically.
[member="Kian Karr"]

Veino waited patiently, adjusting his laces even further until Kian made his movie, blowing his cover and drawing away his attention. Well, hardly the most subtle way to proceed or even the most efficient in all honesty, but oh well.

Take him.

Veino received the message and moved, spinning around while standing to face Davish and snapping out his free arm to grab the Davish's arm and clamping down on his wrist to prevent any reaching for a blaster. Veino leaned forward, letting the Devaronian clearly see the scars that lined his face along his cheekbones and spoke, very softly, but with ice in the words.

"You are under arrest. Get down on your knees and place your hands on your head. Resist and we'll use force to subdue you. You have the right to remain silent and be given a defender. Is that understood? You may either nod your head in understanding or vocally confirm. Anything said can be used against you. You have been confirmed as hacking into military files to steal data. You will hand any data you acquired to us immediately."
Kian stopped behind Davish, his lightsaber held between him and the man, shielding it visually with his body so as to not draw the attention of the other people walking by. Kian allowed [member="Veino Garn"] to handle the arrest and instead surveyed the crowd around them. Veino had moved with enough subtlety that most people didn't even notice the arrest happening. The majority who did, simply kept going, likely not finding it all that unusual on the spaceport.

One of two others, who stared a bit too long, Kian turned away with subtle force suggestion, not wanting to draw this out. Convinced that they were realitively unnoticed, Kian began to scrutinize the man in the force, looking to skim through surface thoughts. It was a good way to draw out an individuals name, or a password when necessary. In this instant it was useful in other ways.

"I don't have anything!" Davish protested. Had he been a Sith trained operative or an imperial agent, he would have known to focus his thoughts on other things, but he was a criminal who had likely had very little dealing with Jedi in the past. As he said the words, a single thought flashed through his mind and Kian couldn't suppress the smile. Pulling the blaster off his his waist and tucking it into his pocket, Kian felt around his hostler for the hidden compartment he had thought of.

"Got it." Kian said nodding to Veino and tucking the data-chip into a secure compartment on his utility belt. "Your ship or mine?" Kian asked completely ignoring the now angry and cursing Davish and referring to who would take him back for trial.
[member="Kian Karr"]

Veino held the now enraged man in a solid grip, ignoring his outbursts and protests of innocence. They would be used at court, of course, assuming this went to court as normal, as this could be a case of espionage which would make the Devaronian an agent of a hostile power which probably went through different channels.

Something prickled at the back of his neck. A familiar presence that wasn't a presence. He frowned and then realized it was a question. "Yours. Mine isn't fitted to carry prisoners and can already barely fit the two of us who use it." A thought struck him. "And I'll go along with you as a guard. My associate will bring my ship."

He activated his comlink to contact Tyria. It sounded like a muffled blaster shot came through the speaker and then some solid thwacks. Veino tapped his foot until an irritated female voice came through.


"Tyria, once you're finished with business, take the ship and meet me on Ossus. Our friend has arrived." With that, he disconnected and slipped the comlink back into his belt.

"Now, Davish or whatever your name is. We're going to get off this station just like you wanted." He looked over to Kian. "After you."
Kian's eyebrow rose lightly at the sounds coming from the comlink and for a moment, a small moment, Kian almost pressed [member="Veino Garn"] for some details as to what was going on. But he held his curiosity in check and simply chuckled and turned leading them away from that hangar and toward where [member="Corvus Raaf"] and [member="Kana Truden"] had docked their ship.

He'd have some explaining to do he was sure, he had run off and left them behind working on finding Davish when he had heard from Veino and he quickly dispatched a message to them recalling them to the ship. He hoped they hadn't gotten into trouble.....those two had a habit of doing that.

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