Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Pirates Life For Me [OPEN]

The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Thalira Kiing"] | [member="Ichor"] | [member="Thraxis"] | [member="Darryl Montreux"]​
Once again the solid chitin ridge that composed Dalan's brows rose in moderate surprise.

It might not have been surprise, maybe it was confusion or something entirely else, but humanoids had almost as much of a difficult time gauging the expressions of trandoshans as the inverse. He hadn't actually been interested in getting a pay-off to stay silent. Mostly because it hadn't come up in his head to raise a fuss about this, why would he?

But Darryl seemed anxious.

A shrug of the large shoulders followed suit.

"Zure, Bas." Vaine retorted as smoothly as unstained glass and firmament. "We gotz a deal. Bezidez, I have an appointment anyway."

Waste wouldn't collect itself and the contract with this station would get them access to the wider market in the Outer Rim.

Which meant another check for Vaine.

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