Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Place Called Home || Haxion Brood



Zev Stargo III was the furthest thing from a household name.

In fact, under his watch, the Haxion Brood had become little more than a blip on the Galactic radar. They were a footnote. All they had amounted to were bothering the occasional shipment or serving as meat shields for the occasional client. There was nothing remarkable about the man's leadership. And perhaps that is why, when a thunderous knock came at the door of Ordo Eris, there weren't many folk around to answer. Zev, like always, was holed up above the Fighting Pits, watching some drunk losers scrap in the name of credits.

So it was that no really batted an eye when a group of ships parked outside the asteroid station. So it was that no one really protested when the so-called Underlord was taken out behind the barn. This was...a necessary evil, really. You can't exactly turn things around for a syndicate without pruning the more problematic elements. And Zev? Well. He allowed stagnation to become the name of the game. That wouldn't fly. By the time they vented his body into the asteroid field surrounding the base, the new management had already begun to make some sweeping changes.

First and foremost was a new head honcho. Any icy man called Jonah filled the shoes Zev left behind and steered the Brood out of their longstanding funk. In just a few short months, the Haxion Brood moved like it had moved before. The Hyperlanes weren't just being bothered by their midst. Oh no, they were posing a real financial threat to unaffiliated sectors. Some companies even wisened up and started to pay the Brood to leave their boats alone. What's more, the syndicate started pushing product across the stars. Every flavor of spice? They ran it. Weapons? Contraband? Hell, People? They ran it.

Soon, that asteroid base which had long been quiet for so long turned into a thriving hub.

And after so much progress, it wouldn't do not to pat one's self on their back, right? What's more, the pot was overflowing and it was high time that everyone got their cut. So it was that the new Underlord made a call across the Brood network. Come on back to Ordo Eris for one glorious night. The Pits were guaranteed to put on quite a show. There'd be more to drink, smoke, and sniff than any man could want. And even if that wasn't one's cuppa tea, there was nothing better than kicking back and counting all that new money.

Upon your character's arrival at the Haxion Brood HQ, they'll be greeted at the dock by a protocol droid or two. It is their responsibility to either hand your character a sack of credits or to transfer them to an account of your choosing. Once the biz is settled, your character is free to explore Home Sweet Home. Here are some highlighted spots:


Are you a bettin' one? Do you enjoy watching two souls beating the snot out of each other for your amusement? Then look no further than the infamous Fighting Pits. Tonight is "all challengers welcome" special, where you can dive in and fight for glory. Or you can spectate with the howling crowds, placing bets on who'll come out on top. Whichever your preference, you'll find it in the Pits!​


When you land, is your stomach the first thing on your mind? Do your veins itch for something spicy? Tonight, you'll need to look no further than the Watering Hole. Here you'll find a bar stocked with every flavor of poison you can think of and lovely ladies chomping at the bit to feed you some down home cooking. What's more, if you need some booger sugar or something to puff, you'll find the Brood supply within arm's reach. Whatever your flavor, you'll find it at the Watering Hole!


Are you, perhaps, looking for a moment of silence - or as close to it as you can get on a rowdy asteroid base? Well, look no further than the Observation Deck! Tonight, there is a marvelous view of the asteroid field that you can enjoy. There are pools and hot tubs aplenty on this floor, so you can take a load off in style. Or, you can simply walk about the garden and enjoy the view. Whatever you need to kick back, you'll find it on the Observation Deck!​




Outer Rim
Ordo Eris - Dock → Watering Hole

Well, time to meet some criminals.

Akhlys stretched his arms above his head before stepping off his personal transport, leaving the minimal crew to their own devices. He double checked that both his means of communication and protection were in their proper places and his boots stepped off the ramp and onto the metallic floor of the hangar bay of Ordo Eris.

A quick glance around offered him the way into the main structure, guarded by droids and a quick-moving queue. At least he wouldn’t have to wait long. Seems new management doesn’t play around, he thought as he was about to get in line but was approached by a droid instead long before he reached the small crowd.

Would you prefer credits in hand or in an account?” The droid did not move to address him directly, but it was definitely for him specifically.

An account. Nar Shaddaa, under 'Akhlys',” came his reply. The droid did not move or speak while it processed the request, but after a short time it beeped an affirmative. “
Enjoy your stay, Akhlys. Please enter through the gate. You will be allowed through without question.

Once the droid departed, he made for the gate and strolled through. Long strides led him quickly through the station, his nose and his stomach incessantly guiding the way in search of food after the long flight.

After asking and searching around, Hyacinth eventually made his way to the Watering Hole. There, he quickly put in another order for a heaping bowl of stew, a non-alcoholic drink, and some spice. He opened a tab under his alias, grabbed his order when it was ready, and sat at the bar after surveying the area.

He’d be surprised if things went awry here, but ya never really knew with Underworld types. He did see a fight schedule on his way to the bar. Might be worth checking out at some point.

But, first: a meal and some relaxation were in order.

Jonah Jonah | Open! (I don’t bite without consent)

Things were going swimmingly thus far.

If Jonah had been told where he'd be now, he would have hardly believed them. Less than a year ago, he had been a stranger to the Galaxy at large. He emerged from a secluded region and set out to make his own way - which resulted in hanging on Nar Shaddaa for far too long. Yet now? Now a vision of his own creation had born fruit. He had gathered like-minded Sith together to form a fraternity of their own. Together, they had taken a criminal syndicate and raised it to new heights. This hive of scum and villainy was a powerful engine for bringing their dreams to fruition. After all, the ambitions of one were the ambitions of all.

Of course, with this vision came a role to play - that of Underlord. The fraternity had seen fit to provide Jonah with this position. In public, he be the undisputed leader of the criminal enterprise. In private, he would be the voice of reason among the Brotherhood and would represent their collective will. Today, fulfilling this momentous responsibility meant ensuring his nefarious comrades got their cut of the bounty. The previous months had been very fruitful. Across every aspect of the business, the Haxion Brood was finding success. Thus, it was only right to spread the love across the board.

Beyond that, Jonah was free to do whatever the hell he pleased tonight. And he was feeling particularly thirsty. It had been quite some time since he kicked his feet up and felt it was high time to address that particular travesty. Thus, the Underlord sauntered into the Watering Hole to much fanfare. The sordid souls who were filling their stomachs raised their mugs as he approached, placing a smirk firmly upon his face. He then surveyed the bar and spotted a rather familiar face:

A recent soul to enter his life, both personally and professionally as it were.

He strolled up and slid into the stool beside the man, pilfering a wing off of his platter without asking. "Payment for your next lesson." he said, grinning, before nudging the man's arm. "Glad you could make it in."

Tag: The Hyacinth The Hyacinth + Open


ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ



Kaila stepped out of the prototype stealth-courier with a thin smile and a new suit, taking a deep breath of that artificial air. It was good to see everyone's hard work paying off, and she was eager to enjoy the down time now that she was fresh from the frontlines on Echnos. The fighting had been grueling but she had left a changed woman, and now her ambitions were being realized in it's aftermath. To say that she was more committed to the brotherhood now than ever would only begin to describe the depth of her schemes outside the empire.

Beside her was the mercenary Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker who of course knew nothing of these schemes, only what she had told all others; She was a practitioner of the dark arts who had recently taken her plots to the underworld, and found success within the Haxion Brood. A half truth, but not far off from the reality of her situation.

"Glorious, isn't it?" She thought aloud, approaching the nearby protocol droids.

"We might be new on the block as you say, but look at what we've accomplished in so little time"

The droid would offer them both either a sack of credits or to deposit them in an account at their discretion, to which Kaila would simply remove a datapad from her pocket and have it transferred to an offshore account.

"Don't gamble it all at once, yes?" She chuckled to her newest hire before proceeding to an elevator.

"Come, there is an observation for more... quiet dealings. I'm sure the wealthiest of our associates will be there. Happy job hunting"

When the pair arrived, She would stay close to Tod for the time being as to make herself look busy or important while scoping the place out for specific individuals she was hoping to meet tonight. There so much to do now, and for the very first time, it was a task of her choosing.

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker Liin Terallo Liin Terallo @: TBA



The mood in the pit was electric as various classes of people from noble types clearly looking for a taboo thrill, to the lowest of denizens gambling what little credits they had to try and get some more booz or spice money later that night. The rules had been simple, at least for what counted in fighting undergrounds. No weapons allowed in, and no armor to hide behind. This was to be a feat of pure strength and savagery. In the fight ahead a Gamorean and a Zabrak were duking it out, the almost wet sounding slaps as tissue and bone smacked into opposing tissue and bone. Woods couldn't see much from his point of view, but the squeals of the pig, the yells from the Zabrak, and the cheers of the crowd as a particularly brutal blow was landed was enough to tell him what he needed to know. The Zabrak may be fierce, but this one was being outdone by the Gamorean's raw strength advantage. And this was at best an amateur league fight.

But that didn't change the sounds of the poor bastard getting clobbered over as finally a loud snap was heard followed by a roar.

And then Kuben heard the scream. The Zabrak had lost. A cheer of the crowd with muttered rumblings interspersed as onlookers won or lost bets, but also mostly because the bought was over in a gory fashion. A man running the pit announced something in the background, something about the name of the fighters but Kuben was focused forward as the doors opened slowly. The Zabrak was limp, but alive, and he was being dragged off while his legs dangled.

Broken spine probably. This should be fun, never bothered with such silly restraints.

Shut. Up.

Ooooh, you're in a mood.

Need to focus.

The dark shadow in Kuben's mind seemed to smile, a wicked grin that would make any demon pause, but Kuben knew better. He could smell it in the air, taste the copper, feel the pulse of the room. This place was alive. The crowd wanted blood. They wanted to watch the savagery and suffering of others, portrayed in as raw a fashion as possible. As Kuben stepped forward he could hear the hush grow as the announcer began reading something off, but Kuben didn't bother listening. He was focused on the Gamorean who'd just savaged the young Zabrak. He could see the dribble blood from the Gamorean's lips. And he could also see that it clearly wasn't its own by the small trail being left by the Zabrak.

So it was one of those places. Good.

Kuben looked at the floor and noticed that it was rubberized but otherwise solid. No worrying about losing his grip. The walls were steel, and while mostly clean there were a few stains and scuffs here and there. Kuben looked up and saw the announcer clearly going through odds, letting betters know starting odds and payouts between himself and the Gamorean. Based on the pig's stature, and how the man spoke of him, the Gamorean was the favorite to win. There also wasn't much space in this pit, forcing combatants to stay close to each other, meaning that trying to play keep away was actively discouraged. The Gamorean growled and squealed something at him, Kuben didn't bother responding as he simply lowered his posture, spreading his arms out as he got ready. He could hear the announcer counting down, 3, 2, 1....

Location: Observation Deck

{I do hope that tonight is a productive one,} Liin thought. Afterall this wasn't the type of atmosphere that she was used to. The Director of NCBC had more often than not been to more upper class establishments. She would hardly be seen among the riff-raff and ne'er-do-wells of the Galaxy.

And yet, here she was; having been invited by Jonah Jonah in trade of the safety of the Covie for her membership to his Haxion Brood. A small price to pay to keep her planet of New Cov free from attacks, while maintaining their freedom and independence.

Liin picked up a tall glass of dark wine. A good drink was what she needed after walking by the fighting pit and the watering hole down below. There had been some odd looks given to her by some of the patrons, not to mention some cat calls. Her dress was dark in style from what she could gather, but perhaps it was a bit too much for the likes of the Brood. Still, it was unlike her to dress in any way other than her very best.

{The observation deck is certainly a breath of fresh air. I almost wish that I had a bodyguard with me, however. I cannot be certain of how many of the people can be trusted.} Her free hand touched the handle of her feathered fan that hung at her waist. Inside of the handle was a hidden dagger that she could use in self defence if need be. However outside of a couple of lessons, Liin had never used it in practice. {Let us hope that tonight will not be the first time that I must use it.}

She observes two that walk in to the observation deck. One tends to a credit exchange with a droid and she seemed a little dressed up. Liin raised her glass ever so slightly and dipped her head in greeting to the woman.

Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


Standing on the ramp of the Masquerade, Tod adjusted the cuff of his newly bought outfit. He had bought it before coming to the party due to his last one having a few holes in it. Though this was typical of his trade, none of his suits lasted. Finally satisfied with his cuff, he moved to stand beside his new employer, Kaila Irons Kaila Irons .

For a moment, Tod spaced out as he scanned the faces of the crowd, absorbing the sights and sounds of the event. His attention returned to the world when Kaila asked him a question.

"Well, doll, you still haven't told me when this whole operation kicked off," he said, then paused, catching himself. "Ah, right, formal setting. Guess I should stick to 'Ms. Kaila' for now." With a grin, he gave her a playful, exaggerated bow, mostly to amuse himself and embarrass her a little.

Straightening up, he tugged his coat back into place after the gesture messed it up slightly. His gloved hand moved up to scratch his stubbled chin as he glanced around. "So, Ms. Kaila, as the new faces on the block, how about we go introduce ourselves?"

Tod took the credits from the droid Kaila had handed a datapad to, the money letting out a jingle as he put them in his pocket. He followed her into the elevator, taking in the rest of his surroundings.

"Do you actually know any of the top brass here?" he asked as they stood in the elevator.

When they finally stepped out onto the observation deck, Tod casually tipped his hat at anyone who bothered to notice him. A waiter passed by with a tray of champagne flutes, and Tod snagged two, offering one to Kaila.

"Lead the way," he said with a smirk, raising the glass towards the rest of the patrons.

Tags | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons




The Tempest emerged from hyperspace at the edge of the system. Having a port to call home was a new experience for both Leldra and her crew. The ship deftly maneuvered through the asteroid field with practiced ease, heading toward one of the larger asteroids in the system.

It hadn't been long after their encounter with the Brood that Jonah reached out to Leldra with a compelling offer: a base to operate from and a pirate fleet at her command. Of course, she was still free to pursue her own acts of piracy, as long as they didn't conflict with the Brood's operations.

As the dark side of one of the larger stationary asteroids came into view, a vast, sprawling network of glowing buildings stretched across the surface. It wasn't a city for residents but rather a complex of hangars and support structures built into the asteroid. She wasn't sure where the name came from but somebody stated calling it Haxion One and it stuck. The Tempest followed a navigation beacon toward one such hangar, and slowly the ship vanished from view as it passed through the magnetic field that shielded the crew from the vacuum of space. At once, the doors began to close, concealing the entry point.

Inside the large bay housing the Tempest, several other ships from the raiding fleet were also docked, though the Tempest occupied much of the space.

On the bridge, Leldra stood from her chair. Normally, she would remain on the ship during resupply, but today was different. Other members of the Brood were present, and she had been requested to introduce herself. So far, she had yet to meet Jonah face to face. Turning to one of the more senior officers of her crew she gave a nod. "You're in charge while I'm gone, no joy riding." she smirked a bit and turned on her heels before walking off the bridge.

Minutes later, Leldra stepped off a transport from Haxion One onto Ordo Eris and immediately made her way to the bar. As she entered, her striking violet eyes scanned the room, noting several people already present. Without hesitation, she cut a path through the crowd and took a seat at the bar.
Leldra certainly stood out. Her long blonde hair cascaded down to her waist, and her stunning violet eyes drew attention. Even her clothes were chosen to make a statement. For her, piracy was more than just a profession it was theater, and she reveled in the performance.

Tag: Open!


The lone Class Type B Shuttle gradually approached the landing platform adjacent to the Observation Deck, where its Neimoidian passenger observed the internal monitors. As the figures incrementally changed throughout the day, the Interstellar Stock Exchange kept track of stock trading within the various companies such as the Banking Clan and the Commerce Guild which was useful if one wanted to hide certain unplanned payments to annomyous individuals within the Criminal Underworld.

Gedultey had retreated from his holdings on the planet Cato Neimoidia at the behest of the Haxion Brood, with the purpose of acting as a representative for the Invisible Market Cell, an organization engaged in a variety of illicit trades and the covert smuggling of goods through untraceable routes.

The Dark Empire's regulations concerning foreign trade would compel many individuals to seek his assistance, from whom he would then extract every last coin in exchange for even the slightest piece of advanced technology or weaponry necessary for their defense against stormtrooper patrols.

"Ah - the smell of commerce is in the air. Or...on second thought it might be the unwashed masses gathering within the various rooms and entertainment districts." He said with an considerable frown to the four Houk Bodyguards around him, as the small delegation moved into the Observation Deck to converse with the locals and other members of the emergent syndicate. Connections were important within the Underworld, and those that lacked them could quickly find themselves without friends.

Prince of the Expanse


Moving through crowds unseen wasn't just a gift. It was a specialty. A well honed specialty. But, Kyyrin supposed, his relative ease at passing through the throngs undetected was due in great part to the mentors he'd had as a child. Tonight marked his first away from any home he'd ever known. As he strode into the small asteroid base, he was greeted by a droid. Kyyrin shooed the mechanical creature away with a cred account, and proceeded further into the base. His cousin was here somewhere. And from what he could see, that was about the one thing tying him to a place such as this.

Jonah Jonah wasn't a true cousin, of course. Jonah's father was one of the few that Kyyrin's father respected like a brother. And that brought certain...familial ties. Not that either of the men particularly saw eye to eye. Kyyrin knew, and to a degree respected, Jonah's desire to escape the expanse. Kyyrin left out of a sense of duty. The command of his father. To prepare for a crown that might one day be his. But the way Kyyrin saw it, he may as well start by helping out the local family establishment, as it were.

Not that he would tell anyone around him what his motivations were. No, the silver figure was an enigma. In some circles, he was a bounty hunter. In others, a brawler that few could measure up with. In yet others, he was a prince. But right here? Right now? He was thirsty. A seat was claimed at the bar, and the tender flagged down. Kyyrin lifted his helmet and set it on the bar beside him, revealing shoulder length hair pulled into a strict ponytail to allow comfortable passage within his helmet. A drink was ordered, and Kyyrin wasted no time in casting his orange gaze about the room, sizing up each and every member of his new brood.

Brood. He liked that word. Not as much as he might enjoy it if his twin were here. In truth he almost felt a little lost without his sister. But she had her mission. And he had his. He would make the best of it.

Tags: Open!​

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Location: Observation Deck, Ordo Eris
Attire: Dress
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

It was vital to make connections in the criminal underworld. And so, here she was—connecting. Or at least trying to. Even with the generous bonus that the protocol droids had given her upon arrival, she was still in severe debt. As suh, Tarasynora sensed that she might be with the Haxion Brood for the long haul, whether she wanted to stay with them or not.

She still had yet to make a decision in that regard.

Nevertheless, Tarasynora knew that she needed people—ideally powerful people—in her corner. That meant finding a cell to join or a powerbase to attach herself to. Since she was no match for the hulking cyborgs and augmented supercriminals which filled the ranks of the Brood (even with her ability to influence them), she had to be careful. Thus, by attaching herself to a powerful name, the short-statured Elzeri hoped that she might enjoy protection by proxy.

And so, after glancing at the balance of her newly flush bank account (which wouldn’t last for long given her debt and spending habits), Tarasynora turned off her device and placed it back inside her handbag before entering the Observation Deck. Once inside, the Elzeri found her attention immediately drawn to a few distinct figures. The first was a blonde-haired woman clad in a dark suit. Accompanying her was a man dressed in a peculiarly-styled suit of a style that Tarasynora did not immediately recognize. From there, her gaze briefly swept over a suave-looking woman attired in a dark, formal dress. And thereafter, a Neimoidian accompanied by four hulking Houk bodyguards.

After taking a sip from her cocktail, Tarasynora quietly cleared her throat and drew a short breath. Then, she shifted her gaze towards the blonde-haired woman and the suit-clad man, before offering both a subtle, come-hither smile, running a manicured hand through her hair as she did. If only to make sure that she was seen.

And hopefully soon, heard.
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Where his brother moved with caution, Asphodel had almost a carefree approach to the hanger bay. Fashionably late, he flashed a smile that would've been charming once to anyone who caught his eye, almost daring others to give him brief as he approached the line of those waiting to get in. A droid met him before he could reach the end of the queue.

"Account. Nar Shadaa, 'Akhlys'," a sly smirk pulled at Asphodel's face as he borrowed his brother's codename, as he so often did. The list of things they did share was small, perhaps smaller than either of them knew if Hyacinth shared Asphodel's inclinations towards mischief. The droid was delayed in its response - perhaps Hyacinth was already inside? Maybe Asphodel was being flagged for theft - wouldn't that be fun? Just before the cyborg could get truly worried, the droid indicated an affirmative for him to be granted entry.

When he approached the Watering Hole itself, it was a simple matter to pick out The Hyacinth The Hyacinth at the bar, just as Jonah Jonah joined him. Asphodel strode up to the two of them, an arm moving to rest against Jonah's shoulder with a quick "Sup, teach?" Taking a note from Jonah's book, he leaned over to grab the spoon from Hyacinth's bowl, with no care for personal space as he declared "'Ibling tax" between the spoon and its contents.

The familiar faces were good and all, a place of comfort in a room full of unknowns. What truly interested Asphodel, however, were the unknowns. His curious gaze ran over each individual he caught, lingering on those who garnered his interest enough for a quick diagnostic scan before he moved on to the next. Eventually, those bright eyes zeroed in on the helmet on the bar, followed by the helmet's owner. How curious. "Barkeep," he called, gesturing for service once the tender was finished with his current task. "Spice for that one, under tab Akhlys," his gaze shifted to his brother's before nodding at the ponytailed individual down the way, meant to bring them to his sibling's attention. "If he asks, tell him it's from Charon."

Kyyrin Kyyrin | Open



A familiar presence made itself known as the man it belonged to settled into the seat next to him. Hyacinth was about to make a polite greeting… That was before Jonah decided to take some of his food.

A cutting glance and a downturned half-metal scowl greeted the Sith instead. It certainly just wouldn’t do to strike the Head Honcho, even playfully, in this base. The man was unpredictable enough, let alone a cafeteria full of scoundrels, criminals, and others like them who were likely also armed to the teeth. Plus, he didn’t need a ‘lesson’ to be taught then and there either. “I thought I was paying for that with my time and resources,” came the dry and unamused remark that sounded akin to metal scraping against metal.

Just as he turned back to try to enjoy his meal and pulled a drag of spice into his system, guess who joined the bloody party and also took food? Not even just his food, his spoon too.

That was it. The straw that broke the camel’s back.

His head turned stiffly in his twin’s direction as he simultaneously blew the smoke out right into Asphodel’s smug face, and his hand twitched and twisted. Just enough to momentarily halt his brother's throat mechanics via a small Force exertion. He gave a cheshire smile. “Such poor manners, Charon. I hope that burned your stealing little throat enough for you to feel it.

A pause. He resumed eating the food he ordered for himself once he received a new spoon from the bartender, sheltering it with his arms on either side and leaning forward to block further attempts at petty theft. His eyes especially narrowed on his younger brother, in this case. “I’d really like to enjoy my meal. If either of you really want something to chow down on, you might as well add that to the tab too…” the cyborg grumbled and glanced in the direction Charon pointed out. Down the bar, he noted the silver haired individual with a quick up and down once-over.

Give your new friend my regards, Flower, since you seem intent on giving him my credits too.

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ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


"Yes, Miss Kaila, that will do for now" She rolled her golden eyes. At least he was learning.

"Though I was promoted after our last venture. Darth Anathemous as of the siege of Echnos, might need to remember the name if we ever meet in imperial space"

Admittedly the idea that each new alias or title would be something he'd have to memorize was amusing, and the least he could put up with for all the nicknames he'd given her already.

"Do you actually know any of the top brass here?"

And questions like that.

"I am the top brass." She whispered just before the doors opened.

"One of them, at least. A... companion of mine and I are working together for the time being, though I'm also building my own cell as you might have gathered. As for, the others, well..."

Kaila stepped out of the elevator and narrowed her eyes on the attendees.

"I'm not seeing any- ah!"

She leaned in closer, pointing out a few individuals to the mercenary.

"The nemoidian there with all those guards, that's Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod . His brother is a senator, wealthy family I'm sure. But I've been to his arena on cato nemoidia a time or two for my own dealings. I'm sure the senate would be appalled" She stifled a chuckle

"Anyway he's one of our Underbosses. Runs a cell of his own like myself, and a very successful one at that"

Perhaps she couldn't speak about the Brotherhood, about the real top brass, but this was the closest to the truth thing to the truth and it would be a very profitable lie for Tod at least.

"Mm. I'd introduce you to our fearless leader, Jonah, but I don't see him on this floor. I do see a finely dressed woman over there" She'd just her chin at Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , giving them a thin smile and a wave.

"Though I don't recognize her as one of ours... must be a new business partner, though I'm sure someone with such expensive clothes must have something worth protecting or someone she wants dead. Might be worth your time to say hello"

"And that one...?" She took note of Tarasynora Tarasynora 's inviting smile.

. . .

"Oh? How interesting..." She hummed softly upon recognizing them after a moment.

"I think i'd like to speak with that one. Why don't you introduce yourself to the others in the meantime? The one in the dark dress seemed interested in us. I might bring this one in to meet you two after"

She would then excuse herself and approach the young woman, offering another wave and an intrigued smile.

"Well hello there, I almost didn't didn't recognize you in that dress. Although I imagine the feeling's mutual, what with my mask and all. You boarded that ship with us, didn't you? Name's Kaila, by the way. Kaila Irons"

Tarasynora Tarasynora Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod \ OPEN

It wasn't long until Jonah felt the weight of another upon his shoulder.

The man was midway through chomping down into the flat that he had pilfered from his student. The flavor that had been chosen was...garlic parmesan? Not a bad pick. Though, Jonah would have much preferred something with a little bit more kick to it. Regardless, beggar's (and thieves) couldn't really be choosers. "Was wondering when you'd show up." he said, punctuating his words by sucking on the bone. "Glad you could make it!"

Jonah then watched as Asphodel not only joined Jonah in raiding Hyacinth's plate, but also his money. His gaze followed his nod, which saw the man's eyes widen with recognition. "Well I'll be damned, didn't expect to see family all the way out here." he remarked. Kyyrin's was a face that Jonah had seen quite frequently growing up. Though they were not related by blood, they had practically grown up in the same household. Their fathers went way back, so it stood to reason that their offspring would too.

It was then that Hyacinth bristled. After all, his plate and funds had just been victimized. The look that he wore was enough to make Jonah's lips twitch with amusement. And to his words? He simply patted the man on the shoulder. "You are. But you forgot to consider inflation in your calculations. Besides, one wing won't bankrupt your stomach I hope." He then watched, highly amused, as Hyacinth unleashed the Force upon his sibling. It wasn't lethal by any means, but enough to send a message regarding his displeasure.

"I'll refrain from collecting any more teaching taxes from your meal." Jonah quipped, before motioning with his jaw towards the barkeep. Once he had the man's attention, he placed his own order for wings - all drums as they were the superior choice - and for a spiced rum. Then, as the barkeep turned about to work on acquiring his food, Jonah's gaze swept across the bar. He noticed a face he hadn't seen personally, but recognized from the reports regarding recent operations. The Pirate Captain herself was within arm's reach!

"Barkeep, send the nice lady on the end there a shot of rum and an invitation to join us." he said. Soon, the blonde woman whose attire definitely made a statement would be receiving a stiff drink and a warm invitation to mingle.



Var had lost count of how many times he had ended up in places like this.

It didn't matter how gilded of a life he had led before setting out on his own. It didn't matter that he was born with a literal silver spoon in his mouth. Hell, it didn't matter that he had siblings that were Galactic royalty at this point. Nah, Var wasn't the type to sit back and accept the golden life. Sure, he could go back to Eshan, clean up his look, and accept his role as an heir of House Talon. He wouldn't have to lift a finger really for work and his bank account would be secure until the day he died.

But where was the fun in that?

Nah, Var would much rather do his own thing. And that brought him to the scene of brutality unfolding before him. Leaning upon a railing, the silver-haired man watched with great interest as a giant Gamorean beat a Zabrak to a pulp. The pig-man was the favorite to win that bout, so the credits that Var walked away with were a paltry sum. For the next round...the odds were stacked against a Human male. But, fuck it, Var was bin a betting mood.

So, he put a decent chunk of credits behind the Human, odds be damned. And as the bell rang, the Echani yelled out above the crowd:

"Kick that pig's ass! Got a bunch riding on you!"

Location: Observation Deck

More patrons were arriving. And for the moment they all seemed pleasantly sober. Liin was relieved of that, at least. For one could imagine how awful it would be for a brawl to take place here. She admired the gardens, afterall.

A sip from her glass was given as more patrons caught her eye. It came at no surprise that the Nemoidian was surrounded by guards. As far as Liin could tell, he was the only one that did so. But it was not her place to judge. She understood their personalities well enough.

A wave was given in her direction. Such a gesture was highly uncommon for her to copy. Even as a child, she was taught that waving was uncouth. Instead Liin dipped her head in a nod, which was a far more respectful gesture to give.

The one next to her was dressed in a suit of sorts. It was a bit unusual in style, however what fashion trends that there are in this corner of the Galaxy, Liin had yet to disover.

A petite woman with fair skin was also present. She appeared to be very sweet, however with this crowd; appearances are not to be relied upon. At least not all of the time.

{I feel like a teenager at my first formal ball. How terribly awkward. This will not do.} Without much further ado, Liin made her approach to the suited man that had entered with his female companion. She noted that the woman had walked away before Liin had arrived at her destination. With a well practiced smile, she introduced herself. "Greetings. I am Director Liin Terallo of the New Cov Biomolecule Company. And you are?"

Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod Tarasynora Tarasynora
Location: Observation Deck, Ordo Eris
Attire: Dress
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod

While the night was still early, Tarasynora took another swig of her cocktail, almost finishing the glass in the process. Even with her small stature, her Elzeri physiology made it so that alcohol was easily metabolized. She had little cause to worry about excess intoxication.

Thus, when the blonde-haired woman returned her smile in kind, Tarasynora felt a fresh surge of confidence—both liquid and genuine—rush through her nerves. She opened her mouth then, fluttering lashes teasing a doe-eyed gaze manifesting a glint of equal parts surprise and delight as the woman approached. In doing so, Elzeri took care to discipline her gaze. With her tastefully tousled blonde hair, piercing golden eyes, and the plunging neckline of her dark suit, the woman made for a stunning sight. Such was her fascination with her that the short-statured siren was forced to stamp down the urge to lick her lips by biting them instead!

"Well hello there, I almost didn't didn't recognize you in that dress. Although I imagine the feeling's mutual, what with my mask and all. You boarded that ship with us, didn't you? Name's Kaila, by the way. Kaila Irons"

Oh. That Sith had been her.

Tarasynora’s features blanched then as she made her best attempt to maintain her composure. Still, nervous fingers ran through platinum blonde hair as an awkward, girlish giggle slipped from her lips.

Then, a deep breath.

“I guess it is mutual!” Tara answered, her eyes drawing in towards Kaila’s golden-hued gaze as she spoke. “And yes, I was assigned to the boarding teams. I was the one who was…well…kind of useless for a bit there.” The Elzeri frowned. “I just hope that I wasn’t too much of a burden for you guys!” She finished.

“And my name is Tarasynora. But you may shorten it however you please, if you’d like.”



Torn was a bad boy.
Torn was in fact, one of the worst.

So it was no secret that he blended in with these sorts of crowds. With these kinds of people. Because in reality, he wasn't pretending. No, Torn really was a scumbag, a villain. He just happened to be pointed and scooped up first by the bluer-types of the galaxy.

Initially, his assignment was to investigate and infiltrate the organization, and identify key leaders.

Easy tasking.

Difficult execution.

It took bribes, murders, and favors upon favors to even get him remotely here. But now that he was- well. He wasn't too sure he'd report back everything, not yet. No, the SIA and the Alliance didn't pay all that well, and retirement plans were shit when you had an existential threat every so often in the form of marauding laser-sword wielding demigods who had religious fights every few years that ended with millions dead and billions displaced.

So, Torn needed to execute his own retirement plan. It was simple enough- he had the trade routes, shipping, storage locations of far-off Alliance weapon caches. Things that the Alliance could replace within a week, but if, say-

Bad guys....

Were to get it, well. They'd be top dog for a long, long time. Weapons of war turned to weapons of criminality were game changers. So he had set a few things in motion, a few ships lost, and a few coordinates and timings sent out. Things that were easily let slip, and not traceable back to him. He sat in the observation deck, moving a small punch-knife through his fingers out of boredom. Nobody here knew him, but he was here. So that meant something.

But any record of him with the SIA, was gone. Any prints, any recruitment, anything and everything about Torn Eskol was gone. He was a ghost, one of the few people in the galaxy. The SIA SpecDiv division had justifiable paranoia in vetting and controlling their agents, and went to great lengths to disperse facts about them, to make them disappear from the galaxy at large. It was helpful, when, say, killing Sith, or Imperial sympathizers and escaping local law enforcement and operating within Alliance space. After all, political assassinations weren't popular, but necessary.

Even more helpful, however, when you were actively lining your pockets with ill-gotten gains, perhaps under the guise of a mission, or during an actual mission.

Torn took a drink, observing the people, then the space outside. He needed to ramp up his income, a target for the Brood to set themselves upon. Something more lucrative, something more.... juicy.

But what?

He tapped the drink against his knee, the glass clinking with each hit as his brain racked, trying to ascertain what to sacrifice for the cause. The cause, of course, being a healthy retirement plan.



Listening to the conversations around him, Tod made mental notes, especially about the Neimoidian he intended to speak with later. If he was involved in trade groups, there could be a significant opportunity for profit.

As Ms. Kaila walked away, Tod flashed a grin and called after her, "The more, the merrier." He forgot to remind her that she was his ride, but if needed he'd manage his way back.

Once she was out of earshot, Tod glanced down at his hands, still holding both champagne glasses. With a shrug, he tilted his head back and downed one, placing the empty flute on a passing waiter's tray. Freeing up one hand, he reached into his inner jacket pocket, but a voice stopped him before he could take anything out.

He turned to find a new face, a woman named Liin. Tipping his hat, he greeted her, "Evening, ma'am. Name's Todblaz, but you can call me Tod. I do some acquisition work for Ms. Kaila."

"You mentioned you run a biomolecule company?" Tod raised an eyebrow. "I'll have to keep that in mind when my current supply runs low."

With a polite gesture toward the bar, he offered, "May I offer you a drink, ma'am?"

Whether they moved toward the bar or stood blocking foot-traffic, Tod asked, "So, what brings a lady like yourself to a place full of such... less than reputable characters?"

Tags | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Tarasynora Tarasynora | Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod | Torn Eskol Torn Eskol


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