Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Place Called Home || Haxion Brood

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The young newly risen Darth turned syndicate boss had done so by being observant indeed, and couldn't help noticing the way Tarasynora Tarasynora bit her lip as she approached, only to subtly change tune after introductions as she nervously played with her hair. She had no doubt that her platinum haired acquaintance must be new to The Brood then, either that or it was the sudden realization that she was speaking to a Sith which brought this slight shy spell, which was understandable.

Albeit cute in a way.

“And yes, I was assigned to the boarding teams. I was the one who was…well…kind of useless for a bit there.” The Elzeri frowned. “I just hope that I wasn’t too much of a burden for you guys!” She finished.

“And my name is Tarasynora. But you may shorten it however you please, if you’d like.”

"A pleasure to formally meet you, Tarasynora" She would say while leaning with one shoulder against the wall.

"Oh but do relax, luv. You pulled through, you're alive, and everyone here is a little richer for it! Those are the things that matter in the end. Besides, throwing new blood straight into a boarding pod? quite the test"

Perhaps others in the brotherhood might find it strange that she was so lenient with those of lower pay grades among the brood, especially for Imperial, or that she tried to encourage them from time to time, but Kaila was nothing if not unorthodox for a Sith in many regards.

Then with little more than a gesture, she carefully summoned a glass from a passing tray to her outstretched hand, never taking her eyes off the young woman.

"I must admit though, I do find it curious to see you here. I would have thought you'd be in the bar discussing another smash and grab or trying to fit in with the bruisers, given how we met the first time. Instead I find you here, dressed far too well for a common mercenary. Why the change In scenery, I wonder?"

Interacting: Tarasynora Tarasynora \ Other: Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod

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