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Faction A Place To Call Home Ch. 3 ~ "Future Perfect" (Epican Chronicles Pt.1)


Epica, within sight of the western slope of the Matriscan Mountains



Months of effort. Millions of credits. Countless days spent under the beating sun. Numerous setbacks; delayed shipments of materials, damaged goods, a (surprisingly) small list of accidents. It had been an immense endeavor, creating Castello Matrisca from the ground up… They’d demolished what couldn’t be rebuilt, reinforced what remained, and erected entirely anew what they needed…

The Vineyards themselves had proven to be the greatest obstacle. 7000 Acres of old, dry, and desiccated plantlife had died over decades of unrelenting abuse by the wild natural forces present, and a crew of works entirely separate from those rebuilding the Estate had to be found, commissioned, paid, and supplied. The first two months alone had merely been a matter of removing the old vines & plants, burning them, then aerating the soil and installing fresh supports. Then, they’d run into a supply issue - locating the best genetically-modified plants which would grow quickly enough to make the land viable in less than a decade. Once they’d finally found a supplier, the shipments themselves were extraordinarily expensive…

But, the patience of the workers had outlasted the trial of patience. Nearly 45 days behind schedule, planting had begun…

The job in the fields still wasn’t done, but it was close enough.

Castello Matrisca, itself, had become something of a local legend.

These ‘mysterious benefactors’ had proven to be patient & gracious landlords, ensuring residents from local ‘villes’ in the area were provided food, water, and protection in-exchange for their labor. Wild predation had dropped significantly in the area since a small group of well-trained (and well-armed) individuals began roaming the local region, hunting down anything on two or four legs which plagued the locals & threatened their safety. This group, calling itself the “R.E.S.T.” Team, was led by a man who’d become something of a legend himself - one Jhon Grim, a ‘local boy’ with a Military background and a reputation for keeping his word.

Construction on the large fortress at the eastern end of the complex had finished, and numerous bedrooms on the upper three floors were now vacant - freshly renovated, and updated with running water & state-of-the-art private bathing facilities. On the ground floor, there was a large ballroom, private formal dining room, small bar, large kitchen, and a wide-open entry hall with a grand staircase that greeted all who entered the structure.

The remaining buildings outside the main fortress had likewise been restored, renovated, and updated with the latest in modern technology. A garage, outfitted with the tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to maintain the vast array of farm equipment & speeders working around the property, was already abuzz with activity. A Canteen for Estate Staff was located near the impressive fortress which served as a ‘watering hole’ & meeting place. Most importantly, the winery production & storage facility was undergoing final preparations to be declared fot for service… waiting, primarily, on the vineyard to begin producing a bounty of grapes for harvesting.

With the majority of the work completed, members of The Family have been summoned en-mass to Epica by The Donna herself - an opportunity to see for themselves what they’ve accomplished, and take some much-needed rest & relaxation far from the cares & concerns in the wider galaxy.

But unbeknownst to the powerful Syndicate, their endeavors have not gone unnoticed… and their presence on Epica has brought them some unwanted attention. Mysterious forces from the highest echelons of Epican Nobility have been watching their efforts closely, and The Family’s perceived neglect of ‘protocol’ will have a deleterious effect on their moment of triumph.

One that, for at least one unknown party, has become violently personal.

~ Objectives ~

1. Explore the grounds of Castello Matrisca. A map of the area may be found here! Visit the Kennels, Garage, Security Barracks, or the Canteen; interact with staff, or open a bottle of wine on one of the many verandas.

2. The Donna, herself, can be found within the halls of the large fortress itself where she is helping to assign rooms to the more privileged members of the Syndicate, as well as organizing a large banquet & celebration to begin when the sun goes down. Select one of the many bedrooms for yourself and begin moving your things in, or join Ivory in supervising the many moving parts of a grand party.

3. The safety of the attendees is of prime importance, especially with a large number of Made Members & the ‘shot-callers’ of the Coruscanti Mafia gathered together in one place. If you’re on a Security Detail, patrol the grounds. Investigate the basement of the fortress, wander the vineyard, or post up in a spot where you can see & be seen. When you think you’re safest is when you’re in the most danger…

4. B.Y.O.O! The Estate is immense, and one can get into all sorts of trouble - especially with the bosses preoccupied.

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Location: Castella Matrisca
Objective: Objective 2
Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

The Beautiful Caporegime walked along with her Donna through the stunningly renovated castella and admired the workmanship that had been carried out here. She was very pleased and having been the person who found the architects, she felt at least a little responsible for how well it had gone. It had however been a Family effort and now they examined their new home. "Beatiful isn't it? Are you happy with the suite that was earmarked for you? I have do have my eye on a certain room that overlooks the gardens" She pulled out a small palm holoprojector that showed a 3d image of the fortress with their presence marked in it. She specific view from that room gave her memories that she couldn't quite place, but she felt very calm in there.

As they walked down the corridor that led towards the rooms she smiled. "Isn't it funny that we have so many wonderful and expensive locations, but this old place feels more special than all of them... except maybe reveries... that's pretty special too." she smirked at the boss remembering the not so long ago when she was first making her waves tmwith the Family. She paused for a moment "Part of me can even imagine children running around this place, which is fucking insane because we are criminals but...." Her eyes widened as she realised how candid she was being in front of her Boss, why was that even on her mind. She shook her head quickly.

"...Anyway... everything is all set up nicely now and is coming together well for us to move in. I plan to throw a fairly large party for the involved contractors and staff, I think it would be good if yourself showed up, but just as regular guests, no private booth for the higher ups, if that makes sense. There are good people here who have done so much." She knew the Donna would agree, for an incredibly powerful and wealthy woman, she seemed to have a great understanding of those lower on the ladder than she. There was certain security concerns that this party might bring but it was a minor thing to think of later.

Objective: 2

Jai took a breath. He wasn't in his bounty hunting gear, though he did still have a small CRP-02 Mite concealed. Just in case. Old habits and all. But funny enough was another rarity. Jai was actually cleaned up and dressed in something more party appropriate. Still comfortable, but most people could guess Ki'tala forced him to or something. He looked around, soon hearing Mai and Ivory talking over some things. He had to admit, this place was beautiful. Hopefully they'd become of of the bigger families on the planet at some point. Right now, though.... He just wanted to relax a bit while he could.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus
Location: Castella Matrisca
Objective: Objective 3

Euric vastly preferred Epica to Coruscant. He'd spent some time on the galactic capital world after his escape from slavery, and had prospered in the depths of the city planet. The streets were a good place for a man well experienced with violence and stealth, and he'd run courier jobs and taken security work until he'd met a man named Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek . The job working at Ragos's club had been a big step up, and Euric's first step towards legitimacy. He'd saved his credits and gotten himself a blade and a blaster, as well as some decent clothes.

With his hair pulled back neatly and his face cleanly shaved, Euric now looked much different from the ragamuffin he'd been on arriving in Coruscant's depths. Dressed casually in a well cut dark suit with blue shirt and black tie, the Reaper took in the clean air and beautiful vistas of Epica, so different from the neon-lit darkness of Coruscant's underworld. He'd been summoned here by his boss, to work close protection detail. All Euric knew was that some barve had taken a shot at Ragos, and Euric was there to ensure they didn't do anything like that anymore. Ragos assured Euric that he'd be recognized and welcomed on Epica, so the former slave wasn't worried about trouble from the local authorities or their muscle.

Castello Matrisca was a wonder, clean lines, well designed, and visually appealing, and the surrounding land was, to Euric's view, even more beautiful than the fortress. Euric approached the first security personnel he saw, and identified himself as a member of Ragos's security detail. He exchanged passwords and recognition signals that his boss had provided to assure the security that he had a genuine reason to be there and to be armed. He had his vibrosword sheathed at his belt, and a blaster holstered underneath his suit jacket.

Once he'd passed the security check, Euric wandered the grounds, doing a walk of the perimiter first and taking in the outside of the fortress and its surroundings. He took his time, noting avenues of approach and places from where the fortress might be observed from a distance. He also, surreptitiously watched the other guards and security people, even though everyone had ostensibly been vetted, he wasn't taking chances. Euric trusted his boss Ragos, and that was it. He was here to work, and his job was to ensure Ragos stayed whole and healthy.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred

“Chit is fuxked up, bruv,” Yi’it said, with his lower levels version of a Coruscanti accent, handing Ragos a freshly rolled and lit spliff. Ragos took a deep pull and savored the mind-altering smoke.

Ragos and his friend sat together on a veranda near the medical wing overlooking the mountains. Castello Matrisca had an abundance of comfortable spots to take in gorgeous views but Ragos rarely went far from his bed in the medical wing. Ragos had originally come to stay in the medical wing after getting shot but his stay was extended after the jeweler’s thread used to stitch him up — don’t ask — had given him an infection since that chit wasn’t really meant to be inside a person’s body. His time in the medical ward was extended yet again after pushing himself too far in the gym too soon after his infection and nearly pushing himself back on death’s door for a third time.

By now Rag should’ve been out the med ward even with his setbacks but he had been avoiding the main house. If anyone asked – and no one did – he would say he didn’t want to get in the way but in his more honest moments with himself he’d admit it was cuz he didn’t want to be seen in his condition. He didn’t want Ili–them to think he needed to be looked after.

“I can’t believe they shot you, bruv! You!” Yi’it continued. He sounded pissed, impressed, and disbelieving all at once. Ragos popped the cork on a bottle of wine– not that fancy chit they kept stocked here but a bottle of homemade chit he won in a game of sabacc with one of the locals that was working on the estate – took a deep drink straight from the bottle and passed it to Yi’it. It was a deep velvet red, sour as hell, and strong.

“It’s fuxked up, bro.” Ragos agreed, inhaling more of the burning spice smoke. “We gonna get ‘em back doe fo’real, even if we gotta bleed the whole damn planet. What’s wrong?” Ragos' assurances didn’t seem to land very well with Yi’it.

“‘Ko say we can’t do it, Fam.”

Ragos could hear the apology in Yi’it’s tone and the plea for Ragos to understand but that chit weren’t bout to happen.

“Fuxk you mean? When the fuxk KoKo start running this chit?” Ragos asked hard as iron. No, not Ragos, this was Ghost now.

“‘E don’t, bruv. Man’s don’t run chit but you say he was top muthasucka when you and Jon come to Epica, you says all chit on Coruscant run through ‘im and chit over there is fuxked, bro, swear.”

“Fuxked how?”

“The whole every fuxkin thing. After the chit wit G’mz, his crew gone rebel on us, thirteen-thirteen is fuxkin rogue, man. We ain’t seen a kick up from dem or none of dey levels since G’mz go. That’s like two hunnit levels not paying and the rest of the crews lookin' at dem like open season, dey want to move in on dey spots and Ko won’t let chit go down until you come back, he says.”

“Fuxk. No chit?” Ragos asked, his anger thawing just a bit.

“Swear down. Can’t bring no soldiers here, Fam. The Twins be running thirteen-thirteen now and talk is dey looking for war. Plus all them muthasuckas we ran off is been sniffing round, bruv. Credits coming slow, product become dangerous to move and it’s all man at arms. Ko be worried this chit is getting back to Nar Shaddaa.”

“Fuxk!” Ragos cursed sharply. “Say less, bro,” Ragos said softening.

Ragos knew the situation he left on Coruscant wasn’t good but on The Most High he ain’t know it was this bad. If he had, when Iliana had mentioned coming to Epica, he might’ve…what…not come?

The two of them sat in a not entirely comfortable silence passing drink and herb back and forth while Rag tried to think of his next move.

“You see Jon?” Ragos asked. Jon was Ragos' best friend from Nar Shaddaa. They’d had each other’s back in lock-up and out on the street. Jon had been there when Ragos got shot and hell he would be here still if Ragos hadn’t told him to go back to Coruscant. Jon was halfway out the streets, making legit money with music and Ragos didn’t think it was fair to get him caught up in chit on Epica, not that Jon wasn’t down, he wanted payback almost as bad as Ragos did.

“Yes, Fam. Here.” Yi’it sounded relieved as he handed Ragos a backpack. Ragos opened the bag and started taking chit out.

“How much?” He asked Yi’it.


“That’s it?” Ragos asked.

“C’mon Fam, you think I was gonna argue with that Devonian woman you put in charge of yo credits.”

“Nah, I guess not, bro.” Ragos laughed.

Rag pulled out what looked like two bricks made from duct tape. Spice.

“dere’s twenty vials in dere too,” Yi’it said just as Ragos had found them.

“Fuxk is this?” Ragos asked confused holding up a vial containing a dirty brown colored powder. It looked like a vial of sand. “What the fuxk.”

“New chit from Nar Shaddaa, Fam. That white chit we been pushing is in dere too, six crunchers.”

“The bricks?” Ragos asked as he shook a line of the brown chit onto his hand and snuffed it up his nose.

“Nah, bruv, both brown.”

“You fuxkin joke?”

Ragos took another line of the brown powder. He smacked his lips and worked his mouth in funny ways, unused to the taste of the new chit or the way it made the back of his tongue numb. Ragos was no pro at snorting the hard chit – although he had been getting plenty of practice – only stupid people got hooked on their own product but even with his novice-level experience taking the chit, he was convinced the new chit wasn’t close to what he’d had his guys pushing for the last year. That wasn’t good. If credits were coming slow already and now they turned around and put this junk out on the block, they were fuxked. The junkies would find new chit if his didn’t get them high no more.

Yi’it shrugged apologetically.

Ragos took another line and ignored the look on his homie’s face.

“This ain’t the chit I promised my people out here,” Ragos said more to himself than to Yi’it. Ragos was pissed. “C’mon bro, let’s go find you a room,” Ragos said stuffing everything back into the bag and getting up.

“Can’t Fam, gotta go home, my brothers need me an chit feel me.”

Yi’it was a good kid. Only eighteen or nineteen, dude had been raising his two younger brothers on his own since he was like fifteen.

“I told Jon I needed someone from our side here,” Ragos said.

“The bouncer came Fam. e’s walking round like e’s security for the fuxkin chancellor.” Yi’it laughed. “C’mon, we’ll find ‘im while I head back to the speeder.”

Ragos kissed his teeth stamped out the very end of the spliff they’d been smoking and finished the last of their bottle. The two friends joked and laughed their way across the grounds until Yi’it reached his ride and they parted with a handshake and half hug. Yi’it left and Ragos spotted the man left behind to watch his back.

“Yo, Rocky!” Ragos shouted.

The man’s true name was Euric and he worked as a bouncer at The Butterscotch Rancor, Ragos’ club. When Rag had first met Euric the guy was down on his luck hard but he was a big intimidating muthasucka that looked like he could handle a problem so Rag hired him. One of the dancing girls who worked at the Rancor had commented with appreciation that Euric was hard as a rock, so Rag had called him Rocky ever since.

“What’s good wit you?” Rag asked when they were within arm's length of each other. They hadn’t known each other long but in the short time they had known each other Euric had displayed a temperament for Ragos’ less legitimate means of work, a willingness for appropriate violence, an eagerness for credits, and a surprising amount of loyalty.

Euric Shadowwalker Euric Shadowwalker
The Donna had spent the past few hours wandering the halls of Castello Matrisca - inspecting the end product & the conclusion of everything theyd accomplished. Mairead had joined her, and the two women allowed the luxurious residence to enrapture them - marveling at the detail, and remarking upon the work-of-art the entire Family had become so invested in.
"Beatiful isn't it? Are you happy with the suite that was earmarked for you? I have do have my eye on a certain room that overlooks the gardens"

"I am, indeed." The Donna smiled brightly, envisioning the layout of the room she'd yet begun to decorate. She cast a sideways glance in Mairead's direction, "Better snag it while you can. That's a particularly desireable bit of scenery."

Ivory chuckled at the young woman's mention of children. They already had one... Dr Ezio Accetta Ezio Accetta 's daughter, Bianca, was a curious little girl whom most of the workers had Castello Matrisca had taken a shine to, almost immediately. Ivory reasoned, with a flash of insight, that now that they possessed a legitimate home, it was only natural for Mairead to consider forming a nest of her own. Unfortunately for Ivory, herself, such a thing was nearly impossible...

She had hundreds of children, already, and managing them was becoming ever-more difficult.

"...Anyway... everything is all set up nicely now and is coming together well for us to move in. I plan to throw a fairly large party for the involved contractors and staff, I think it would be good if yourself showed up, but just as regular guests, no private booth for the higher ups, if that makes sense. There are good people here who have done so much."

"I think that's a fine idea, Mairead. Everyone has earned a celebration; a break from work, and an opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their labor." Birdsong drifted through one of the windows they passed, and a warm breeze brought with it the scent of jasmine & wildflowers. She paused a moment, breaking her stride to stand next to the window - leaning her shoulder against the cool stone and gazing out over the estate. They were on the second floor of the fortress, where the majority of the private bedrooms were located beyond a secure access; an area where only hospitality staff & Security were allowed. Bianca wasn't permitted in this area of the fortress, for a multitude of reasons. This was 'adults only', as Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr had explained.

After a moment, Ivory responded to Mairead's invitation: "Of course I'll be there." She glanced at her Capo and smiled, "As a guest, and nothing more."

She reached out and squeezed Mairead's arm gently. "Come on, let's go get a drink and check on everyone downstairs. People are still arriving."


People were, indeed, still arriving.

There'd been a steady stream of speeders & shuttles arriving and departing from Castello Matrisca's landing pad since the evening before; visitors & well-wishers, members of the Syndicate from Coruscant, Denon, Chandrila, and a half-dozen other planets besides - each of them responding to the summons from the Black Oak to bear witness to the fruits of their labor. Most would only visit for a day or two; others might remain longer to investigate business opportunities or partake in the celebratory atmosphere. Ivory had already put out a quiet order that no drugs or violence were allowed in open areas of the estate, as they still had an image to uphold. She was well-aware that such a 'request' might go unheeded, but for the most part, The Family's expertise at discretion would be heeded.

As the two women returned to the ground floor of Castello Matrisca's keep, the buzz of conversation, laughter, and an air of excitement greeted them. In the foyer & piled up outside in the courtyard, small piles of baggage had been set aside to await the hospitality staff, who would deliver the baggage to either the guest houses or an individual's assigned room as they were able. Groups of humans & aliens alike, dressed in all manner of attire (though many adorned in The Family's hallmark business suits) conversed amongst themselves, sharing drinks & snacks from the busy kitchens.

As The Donna & her Capo left the staircase, passing two stands joined by a red velvet rope, Ivory took a breath - visibly changing from her relaxed & contemplative posture to one of focus & power. Her steps quickened, and her posture hardened; donning the guise of a commanding presence as easily as a second-skin. She wasn't smiling anymore.

As they stepped into the open foyer, a small group of Mafiosos were standing nearby, smoking & sipping glasses of wine amongst themselves. The Donna passed by, and gave them a look that could whither an oak. "If you want to smoke, do it outside!" She barked, immediately eliciting looks of surprise from the small group. "And clean up those fucking bags!" She snarled, reaching down and grabbing an errant satchel that had fallen into the walkway. With a quick & violent toss, she hurled it at the closest to her - the one who didn't have a glass in his hand. The bag hit him in the chest, but he caught it with an oomph.

She continued walking, waiting until they'd passed the group to look at Mairead again, giving the woman a subtle smirk.

The silent lesson was complete.

Always keep them on their toes, or they'd do the same to you.

Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek Euric Shadowwalker Euric Shadowwalker @The Family

Location: Castella Matrisca
Objective: Objective 2
Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek Euric Shadowwalker Euric Shadowwalker

Mairéad was very pleased that her plans for the party went over well, and even more pleased that she could secure the room she desired, which she cemented by annotating the room in her file which immediately had the security doors encoded to her identity. She couldn't help but blush at her boss's indication that she had noted Mai's comment regarding children. It wasn't that she even knew she wanted them, but she had the strangest urges that she couldn't explain. It would have to wait, given her preferences and the fact that beyond a single unofficial relationship, she had very little intimate experience, so it was hardly just going to happen without significant input on her part.

She followed the Donna down the stairs and into the hallway, watching as she berated a couple of low ranking goons. The woman was houseproud, and she commanded respect. She gave a little smirk to Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud in response to her own. Mairéad and Ivory were now in the foyer, some people were looking like they might be moving their entire lives here, one young Zabrak woman had one.. Two...three,four, large suitcases on trays behind her and a small colourful bird in a cage. "Do you think this will become you primary residence?" she asked the Donna "I realised I now have large homes on four planets, not bad for a slave." Mairéad laughed and greeted a man about her age who had become something of a personal assitant to her. He was a little eager to please his new boss, but she knew that feeling, if he kept it up he would fly or he would crash, but it was worth trying.

"Andre, two drinks please, myself and the Donna." she quickly added as she took a small file from the man. He would disappear and return quite rapidly with drinks chosen by the barman to honor both the tastes of the two women and the intended ambience of the Castella.

Castello Matrisca, it had come so far from the ruined castle it once had been, like a phoenix reborn it had risen(with a lot of credits poured into it) and been reborn into a shining jewel the family could call home in epica.

Overseeing a majority of the security would be one of the Donna's enforcers, stardust solus, the emerald dragon would be mostly relaxed not to would take a fool to even dare try to attack this castle and a bigger one to go for anyone of value! Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the Donna and caporegime solus making way through the foyer and it brought a smile to her face to watch as many cleared way for the pair, especially seeing her daughter Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus walking with such authority and power that made people glance away from her, such pride swelled in her heart. However this would be pushed aside for the moment as the Donna snapped at some gentleman to stop smoking in the foyer eliciting some confused looks and mumbles, with a swift flick into a pouch on her side her ring came off and she slowly approached the men as she raised a hand and made the cigars burst into flame and then quickly put it out leaving them with only stumps of the cigar left

when the Donna gives you a command, you WILL follow it, this is a warning...take it outside NOW

She spoke in a commanding tone full of fire and power making the men quickly stand and scramble to head out as she chuckled and went back to her passive stance and nodded to the donna
Castello Matrisca... A far departure from the tiny safe room on level 4 of Coruscant. The place was beautiful and old and, well, he had only been in places like this on missions with a gun in his hand and blood on his shoes. Strange to call one home. Like it wasn't quite real. It was... too big, maybe. Too open. Too many windows, exits and entrances, even.... possibly homey. He held a datapad, scrolling and examining blueprints for the rooms.

Epica was a wonderful planet. The people and the current power structure wasn't great, but the planet itself was beautiful. It was the vacation destination he never knew he wanted. And, most appealing to him, a place with a room for him. And maybe Niki Priddy Niki Priddy too if she came along. He hadn't seen or heard from her lately. He rubbed his face as he sat at the bar, the blue hololight illuminating his face. It wasn't like her to cut communications, but he had made sure to let her know of the party in three different ways. Even sent an invitation to her parents with her name on it. He hadn't met them yet, but he knew she talked with them often. He was hoping to show her a room he'd select, a place for them both that wasn't one of her ships...

She spoke in a commanding tone full of fire and power making the men quickly stand and scramble to head out as she chuckled and went back to her passive stance and nodded to the donna

Dominik turned in his seat to see the display, chuckling and turning back to the datapad. Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae was running security today, leaving him some time to sit and stew and think. The bartender came over and refilled Dominik's glass. Where was she? He looked closer at one of the rooms, its walls and supporting structure beneath it. He took a slow sip. For the most part he kept his calm demeanor. Except his leg was bouncing.
Location: Castella Matrisca
Objective: Objective 3

Euric watched some smokers told off twice with some amusement, keeping an eye on things in case the chastised decided to react violently, but the presence of Stardust took care of that. Euric hadn't met her yet but knew her by sight and reputation. He was about to go over and introduce himself, when a shout from another direction caught his attention.

He knew that voice, turning and grinning, as he saw Ragos approaching.

“Yo, Rocky!” Ragos shouted.

"Boss!" Euric called back, not too loud, enough to carry across the distance between them, which quickly closed. He had really enjoyed his short time working with Ragos on Coruscant. They'd had some good times, and made more than a few creds, living the good life. Euric clapped his boss gently on one shoulder in greeting, nodding in the direction of the view they had of Epica's natural beauty from their position on the castle.

"Here's a good place. Clean air, beautiful women, and no Dark Gods to piss on us." Euric liked Epica, and though he'd found his fun on Coruscant, he thought he could appreciate fun on such a beautiful world as the Family had for their home. And what a home Castello Matrisca was. He'd had time to take in the place, and it hadn't diminished his admiration one bit.

Because he was working, he'd stuck to his job and avoided drinks or other intoxicants, so far, anyway. A small genuflection in the direction of business was in order as the Reaper saw it. "No trouble so far." He reported in the quiet emotionless tone he used for serious talk.

He didn't dwell on the seriousness, moving on quickly. "You've been around these people more than me. Introduce me around?" Euric was excited to meet more of the power players that had to be involved in a place like this. He expected to get along with Ragos's associates like he did the man himself. He was relieved to have Ragos here as his conduit into the shadowy underworld of the galaxy. He'd protect the man with his own life if he had to, friends weren't something to underappreciate. He had his sword and blaster, but he hoped not to have to use them. There was little potential for trouble, he observed, but much potential for mischief and merriment. And meeting new friends and associates was usually entertaining.

Euric's mood was lighter than it had been in a long time, and though he tried to keep a professional approach while taking someone's coin for work, he was having a good time. Fuck the Gods, anyway, he was entitled to a few days of pleasure after a long life of misery, wasn't he?

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae
Jai looked around. There were a lot of people here it seemed, and it did seem like a decent time. Maybe he could relax a bit. He'd grab a glass, slowly enjoying a bit of drink before something caught his ear. It was the Donna, Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , calling for one of the groups to take smoking outside, and get their bags moved. Probably young and stupid. He was about to say something before.... It just caught on...? Jai honestly jumped a tad as Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae made sure the message was heard loud and clear. He just sort of looked, taking a quick breath. To say he had somewhat attempted to not interact with Star as much would be an understatement, but...

"Remind me to never get on your bad side. The reputation seems well earned."

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