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Faction A Place To Call Home (Epican Chronicles, Ch. 1) - The Family



Elegance in Perpetuity.

This was the legacy of the famed Hydians Auction House.

For nearly 850 years, the planet Epica has played host to this Institution, drawing the rich & famous from across the Galaxy to its doorstep. Once located on the planet Chandrila, deeper within the Core, the Hydians relocated to Epica due to the planet’s remote nature - believed at the time to be much too remote for the Yuuzhan Vong to have any interest in attacking it. For centuries, this timeless enterprise has remained in Epica City, Epica’s largest settlement; expanding in size & scope to encompass multiple city blocks.

The largest auction house in the Galaxy, the Hydians is a monument to history. Multiple show-rooms spanned a half-dozen levels and the building itself is immense. The main entrance consisted of large wooden doors tall enough to accomodate a Rancor - opening up into a vestibule with hallways of onyx & marble stone. No matter the weather outside, within the Hydians, it is always perfectly temperate (to preserve so many artifacts within). The building’s “archives” are held below; protected by state-of-the-art engineering of the finest degree to keep the water table from breaking through & flooding nearly two square kilometers of secure compartmentalized storage of everything from unique works of art & ancient weapons to actual books and precious jewelry. Access is tightly controlled, and the building’s security is top-notch - with everything tagged, tracked, sorted, and curated by a select few.

The immense building is known to traffic in nearly any commodity except the sale of slaves. Entire planets, private parties & governments alike have (at one time or another) attended the various auctions. Today, however, the Hydians Auction House has advertised something a little closer to home…

Some of Epica’s wealthiest, most respected, and most powerful landowners are present in this monument to Epica’s High Society. Parcels of land, great & small, are already changing hands - traded like any other commodity to the highest bidder.

In attendance on such a grand occasion are well-known faces; such as Tylien Lagan’ia, Baron of the Trieste Region, Omar Primakov, Boss of the Primakov Family, and Archbeacon Antonio Borgias Antonio Borgias , leader of the Ashlan Church on Epica. Lords & Ladies of Nobility intermingle amongst seekers of fortune from wealthy planets across the Galaxy - sharing hors d'oeuvres & sipping expensive champagne - while tracks of land across the planet change hands.

Of the 10 Noble Families with the most power on the planet, The Malkuth Clan are among the weakest. For three years, the group of financiers & land-owners have dwindled in power; The Family’s Intelligence Networks have uncovered significant debts, the occasional verbal dispute and a number of recent violent altercations between The Malkuths & other members of the High Council. In order to pay off some of their outstanding debts, significant portions of unoccupied land in rural areas of Epica’s largest continent are being sold.

The Coruscanti Mafia, known within the darkest depths of the underworld as “The Family”, has come to Epica with great plans in mind, and enough financial power to draw the attention of this insular society.

Mythici, the bright star at the very center of the Epica System, had just begun to dip below the horizon. The afternoon had been warm & humid, but as the sun set, the air became cool & windy with a gentle breeze rolling off the ocean. The air smelled of salt & sea-spray, and the distant call of seabirds mingled with musical tones which drifted through Epica City like a siren’s call.

Epica’s capitol twinkled like a gem as lights from a thousand homes rose brightly to greet the night. Elsewhere, outside the city walls, many of the planet’s citizens were preparing for an early night; destined to awake upon Mythici’s rise; but within Epica City, the night’s festivities had only just begun.


Welcome To Epica


Objective 1
“Change of Ownership”

A one-of-a-kind event is taking place this evening at the Hydians Auction House, near the very center of Epica City. Join The Donna for an evening amidst High Society, and prepare yourself for some intrigue. Interested parties from across the planet have gathered to bid on plots of land large & small, and the “Who’s Who” of Epica’s Government are in attendance. Dress to impress, and come ready to wheel & deal - you may find yourself offering a bid of your own!

The Donna desires a specific patch of land owned by The Malkuth Clan, and intends to bid on this plot. Anyone who joins her is free to bid (with their own credits) on anything else at the Auction!


Objective 2
“Manifest Destination”

Epica’s largest Spaceport sees millions of tons of freight pass through its secure facilities on a daily basis. The Spaceport’s staff are all on the payroll of the Council and corruption runs rampant. Epica’s location on the Corellian Trade Spine ensures it is often the first or last stop for any ship, large or small, entering or leaving the Core - that means it is on almost every smuggler’s routine.

The Donna desires information on all trade passing through the system; there are bound to be records held securely somewhere in the Starport’s data banks, and possibly even valuable cargo awaiting clearance through Customs. Without raising any alarms, infiltrate the Starport’s secure facilities & acquire any information you can.


Objective 3
“A Clean Slate”

Somewhere in the untamed wilderness, members of Omar Primakov’s Criminal Syndicate have taken hold of a particular plot of land; the very same land that The Donna hopes to purchase at Auction. Intelligence Reports indicate their strength to be anywhere from 15 - 35 armed individuals & and a fly-over of the region revealed the presence of a number of wheeled transports, temporary shelters, a cooking facility, and evidence which suggests these men intend to stay for an extended period of time. The Malkuth Clan appears unable (or unwilling) to resolve this situation, and is likely selling the land without disclosing this fact.

A strike force consisting of Enforcers & Soldiers will travel by air to this large swath of land, ascertain the disposition of these forces and kill them if necessary, or chase them off. The area is heavily wooded, with a mountainous region surrounded by a meandering river.​
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Location: Hydians Auction House, Epica City, Epica
Objective Tags: Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse
Family Tags: Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Kruhlaish Kruhlaish Tarre Priest Tarre Priest Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Ghoul Azri Ghoul Azri Aurelius Baldor Aurelius Baldor Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree

A sleek, white Limousine coasted down the cobbled wide streets, its surface shimmering from the reflection of the street-lights. The wide, well-lit city square just outside the Auction House was abuzz with activity: a half-dozen speeders of various shapes & sizes were in the midst of dropping off their passengers on the very edge of the side-walk leading up to the building’s wide marble steps. To one side, massive light-projectors spun & whirled, throwing twin beams of concentrated illumination into the sky - dancing discs waltzing across the evening sky. The front of the building was brightly lit, and streamers of red & gold stretched from the roof to the stone foundation.

Patiently, the white Limousine coasted forward, following the line of vehicles & waiting its turn… until, after a few minutes, it finally reached the long velvet carpet. The passenger door at the very front of the vehicle opened, and an individual in a dark suit stepped out - quickly walking the length of the vehicle to grab the door-handle of the rear door.

Ivory Stroud, Donna of The Family, was the first to step out of the luxurious Fiora AV.

She was clothed entirely in black from head to toe, and wore the very same wide-brimmed black fedora which had become a symbol of her Office as Boss of the Kosa Nostra. The tall, finely-dressed Crime Lord stepped forward, sweeping the surrounding environment with a turn of her head… inspecting the front of the building ahead, the brightly-lit cafes & shops along the boulevard, and the brilliant hues of orange, purple, gold, blue, and green high above.

“Wow…” She muttered to herself, breathless at the beautiful sight.

As The Donna took a moment to soak in the atmosphere of the festive evening, she was joined by a second woman stepping from the limo. Marcella Fiora, Caporegime of Denon & The Donna’s right hand, rose to her full height and joined her boss. The two exchanged a look.

“You’ve been here, already… but this is my first time.” Ivory said conversationally as the remaining guests exited the limousine to join the two Mobsters on the red carpet.


Now assembled, the small group - flanked on either side by a trio of suited Family soldiers - strode up the red carpet and into the building.

It would not take them long to get settled; meeting one of the crimson-suited ushers at the door who directed them inside - further providing each of them with a gilded list on filigreed flimsi which detailed an extensive list of the many items on offer, times they were expected to come up for auction, the sellers' details, and starting bids. Two large halls had been selected for the special event: one hall, the largest, would feature larger plots of land; clearly, the "Main Event". The other hall would offer smaller plots of land, potential business investments such as assets within Epica City itself or other areas of the planet, and specific assets which were considered "Standard Fare" at the Hydians. There would be much to see.

A steady hum of conversation filled the air, mingling with the gentle tones of quiet classical music played on an upper level. Crowds of finely-dressed sentients from numerous races milled throughout the building, but all were dressed in the finest attire credits could buy.

The Donna stood in the main room, admiring the environment and encircled by her crew.

Objective 1
Change of Ownership

Location: Hydians Auction house
Objective: Research and bidding
Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse

Sliding down the streets of Epica, Mairéad could not help but marvel at the scenery and it did not take much thought to consider why The Family were interested in this place. The Donna and Capo had been deep in conversation for a lot of the journey, they had big plans for this place, Mairéad had interjected where it was her place, but she was content to just watch the world go by out of the window until the car eventually came to a stop.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud stepped out first followed by Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora . Both women looked absolutely the part of the powerful women they were and, pleased with her own choice of outfit, she hoped others might say the same as her. She strode put and joined the pair. "I suppose that makes you the expert on all the bars doesn't it?" she smiled at Marcella before addressing them both "I did see a beautiful, flower covered place a few blocks away while you two were talking, it might be a nice place to dine after this event concludes." It was a very nice looking wine bar overlooking the river and dripping with hanging plants. If they didn't go tonight she would have to make certain her and Marcella tried it at some point.

The whole place reeked of opulence, Mairéad had done a little research and the sums of money that had changed hands here for historic memorabilia and the like was almost absurd. Mairéad was here with a few simple goals, nothing as dramatic as the 1.2 billion credits a collector spent on a hair dress used by some alderaanian princess nearly 900 years ago. Mai was here to look a properties, ones suitable for hosting the third of what was becoming a small chain of recall lounges under the Reveries name. Nothing too big, and the price had to be right, she was pushing her resources hard already just considering it.

But first and foremost she was here as a Family enforcer, to help keep the bosses safe, this planet felt as though it had as many gangsters on it as Coruscant but the difference here was that the Family were the ones moving in. It wasn't common knowledge as far as they were aware, but they could very quickly have a target painted on their backs. To this end she was armed, lightly so, but she was prepared to fight if necessary. She scanned the crowd and tried to look for any potential threats.

"Shall be head in and lighten our wallets a little." she joked to the two fabulously wealthy women she had then pleasure to accompany tonight.


Objective 3

In times, the dragon needed to be noble and charismatic, one that could win the hearts and minds of others to see their cause. Then there was times the dragon needed to be the beast it was, violent, destructive, terrifying, the needed to show why they were both feared and respected. So it would be today that the dragon of the family would come down from its tree, enter lands unknown and instill the fear in those that needed a lesson.

The shuttle itself would be packed with those suited for the job, both made up of her cult and the family, stardust would be standing in the middle tossing a holoprojector onto the floor as she brought up a map of the land

it's a simple mission from the Donna herself, there is land we wish to acquire here....however those selling are failing to disclose the problem out network has picked up on...seems a local criminal syndicate has squatted on the lands and is dug in. The numbers vary so we dont have a exact amount but the Donna's orders are this, we are to run these people off or kill them, I'd prefer to run them off let the tales go out but if they put up a fight we will kill all who dare to stand against the family. They have transports as well wheeled ones, I'd like to acquire them if possible to sell but if they are in use by these people I want them reduced to slag

She pace back and forth as she spoke, glancing to everyone aboard the shuttle letting them take in this info before she spoke again

we will land half a click away and trek to their encampment, we shall try and convince them it's their best interest to leave...and if they refuse well as I said orders are orders, check your gear and get ready


Objective: 2 - Manifest Destination
Weapon: 'Revy', "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: PCA/EA, Priddy Plates, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist

The starport was a large and for most intimidating. Hands exchanging wealth of every variety. Bodies moving about to secure this cargo or that manifest and to make sure everything was operational to the highest standard.

If only to optimize the flow of money in and out.

The Tourist had been little trouble to find a berth for, especially with the choice Cargo it had brought with it. Given clearance to dock and tied into the darker side of their systems when the Spice Cargo had been revealed as part of the unlisted Cargo with a need for expedient unload.

Whether wishing to make contact with the being that had a vested interest in the wellbeing of the Five Veils, or merely interested in someone who had come bearing gifts; A figure of authority had made Niki as comfortable as possible within her own hotel room for the time being. Her passenger @Dominik had been given clearance after it was made clear that her presence was directly tied to his being present as well given his security detail background.

The usual Bodyguard given leave for this particular operation at the moment as the final details of a proper meeting on the morrow were sent via holomail.

Along with a link for the more discerning clients that visited the spaceport and were willing to dip their credits into the less than legal goods that made it past customs. With their room largely secured, and Dominik hunting down rogue cameras and microphones, Niki eased back in the chair for the moment and watched him work.

He was eerily efficient.

"You seem to have a fair idea of where things might be stuck. Were it not for the circumstances, I might be more concerned." She teased him.

The Golden Dragon/The Executioner

Objective 3

While she was with the others that joined Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae and listened and observed the map whilst Star explained the situation too her and the troops, seemed simple enough get the folks to pack and leave or toss what's left of them to the wolves when they are done for now she checked to make sure all her gear and weapons where ready for use when they arrived.

She took note of the transports and that she wanted atleast one to sell if not reduce them to scrap, this she was ok with doing she had several abilities thanks to her armor to help and with the terrain being mostly forest was perfect mobility help for her as she stood checking the map and memorizing it and adding it to her HUD so she can use it on the move.

She for the moment is waiting till they are able to be dropped off and she hoped they would not turn and run and put up a fight...but if need be she will help encourage them to depart

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

Objective 2: Manifest Destination

Watching With Ten Thousand Eyes
Epica. A wonderful paradise planet full of the lower class and a little of the upper. Still, wonderfully pretty, largely unexplored, and a huge tourist attraction. And The Family wanted a piece of it. Or if Dominik read Ivory's actions correctly, The Family through her would want all of it, just not so openly. The Donna would rather own the politicians and the Ten Noble Families than run the place herself.

While land got appropriated by the others the starport was largely open and full to bursting with artifacts, art, luxury commodities and more. And The Donna wanted as much as she could swipe. That's why Niki Priddy Niki Priddy , Dominik, and the floating eyeball EW-031 EW-031 were here. Niki came in as a usual customer of the starport, Dominik her bodyguard.

He currently moved around the room, checking for bugs and cameras. A pile of three such devices had been started on the coffee table. Seemed those running these rooms were untrustworthy of their guests.

"You seem to have a fair idea of where things might be stuck. Were it not for the circumstances, I might be more concerned." She teased him.

A smile grew on his face as he used a chair to reach a vent, a knife quickly prying it off. He reached inside and cut a wire, tossing the tiny camera down to join the others, and replaced the vent cover. "Yeah, well, I've done this a lot. Planted them, had others hunt for them. You get a lot of practice when your co-workers are competitive." He used the chair to unscrew the glass cover over the ceiling light. Inside next to the bulbs was another one, and it shortly fell onto the table. "Wonder how long it'll take for you to find the bug on your ship..." He quietly wondered, though loud enough for her to hear. He got down, looked around some more with slightly narrowed eyes, then took the chair over to the window curtains.

There were decorative metal bulbs at the ends of the curtain rods. Dominik unscrewed the bulb and look inside. Nothing. Perfect place for one, it was hollowed out even, but he supposed maybe they hadn't thought that creatively. He put it back and checked the other, again nothing. "I think that's all, but let me give it another sweep."

He felt somewhat happy on the inside, though none of it came out, that he had this task. Even though he was about to go out and do a lot of moving of cargo, it tickled the base part of his brain that said, 'Finally, in a room alone with Niki'. She was pretty, witty, smart, and he had gotten along with her surprisingly well at a recent wedding. So despite being in the routine of doing a job, he was in a fairly good mood.

He gave one more thorough sweep, finding none more. "Short of microphones in the walls themselves, I got them all. And if they relied on this for every room, it would be insane if they had more redundancies like that. I'd say we're now good to go now, Niki."
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Jay seemed slightly more nervous than usual, puffing on a cigarra to try and calm down a bit. It wasn't the mission at hand. Nothing he hadn't dealt with before. It was more the being there with a Mando and her wife when he had spent so long trying to not be recognized as what he was. Yeah Stardust knew, but Jai didn't know that! He just hoped it would come off as some pre mission jitters, and that EW hadn't said anything to make people more worried about them. He was still a combination of annoyed and thankful for the whole club ordeal, but right no he was more worried about the job at hand. Stardust said they just needed to scare them off, and he looked at one of the vials he had brought with him.

"Well if they don't leave quietly could always use this first. Been collecting a few natural poisons here and there. Shouldn't kill anyone, but it won't be enjoyable.... On a side note to that anyone know how to cook?" Talking. That'd calm him down right. Talking. Right. Calming down.... He really wanted to start this job soon.

Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae


Well, this is quite exciting!

EW almost seemed to hum to herself as she looked around the area. Jai'galaar wanted her to assist in securing the port. She wondered why, but this meant she could meet other Family members more officially than floating around a club... dancing was fun.... No focus! She needed to focus. Which meant she probably had to go back to the others. She floated in, looking around.

"So is everyone... oh?" Her optic was soon on the sheer amount of bugs that now sat on the table there. She glided around them to get a good look, the gears in her processors turning. "It seems like way too many for a single group to have installed. One or two makes sense, but the time and credits for all these...? It's possible that these don't all belong to a single party. Possibly a common room to hold business." This would likely come off as a bit... odd to anyone who had met the droid previously. The droid was about a socially intelligent as a brick, but when it came to tactics and strategy her original function became a lot more clear. She looked at Dominick, then Niki, and spoke up again.

"But what's the next step?"

Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Niki Priddy Niki Priddy
Business, Espionage & Faith



Offering only a short and simple response to the Donna~ fixated on maintaining the boss' air of authority and position. As the two
mobsters left the AV, they were soon joined by one of their promising enforcers, "
Mm, we'll 'ave to drink around," she smirked, suggesting that they'd have to go on a bar crawl. "We'll see if we have time after," she responded to Mai as the trio meandered into the auction house, surrounded by their entourage of smartly dressed goons.

As the three mobsters and their goons stood in the centre of the auction house, Marcy' turned to speak, "You'll like it here," she grinned, taking a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, "we know there'll be some big fish here, anythin' specific you want to look at?" she suggested, her eyes flickering between Ivory and Mai as she proposed looking at other items for sale and perhaps mingling before the main event.

"Your call, boss."


Objective: 2 - Manifest Destination
Weapon: 'Revy', "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: PCA/EA, Priddy Plates, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist

You get a lot of practice when your co-workers are competitive.

"Much the same in the weapons business. Then it degrades into little more than a measuring contest between who has the biggest missile or who has the most effective missile if you aren't careful." She blatantly made a joke at the expense of a certain group, hand twining around a stray lock of hair as the floating eye spoke.

"Not entirely unlikely for multiple groups to have placed bugs over time. All the more reason to be cautious about who hears what." She informed the rather observant being.

"As for finding it on the ship? That won't be difficult. The skeleton crew aboard is about as paranoid as we are with bugs and such. Might take the evening to be absolutely clear of it. Though that will be an update I'll receive at some point." She informed Dominik as she spun in the chair and opened the link to other sellers.

"We have some options really. Check out the list and tag names. Though from what I can tell it's a list of good sans supplier. So it might be a collective bargain listing rather than a singular post. Numerous suppliers pooling what they have for a share. Good way of driving a wedge if it's played right." She smirked before scrolling through the list.

"Unless you can slice into the network, I have a back up option to find where these listings might be sourced from." She let the question hang in the air, tapping a separate datapad to begin summoning her own personal Artificial Intelligence system.


Objective 2: Manifest Destination

Watching With Ten Thousand Eyes
EW had a point, and Niki's reply was enough. He would have said basically the same thing, though commented from his own experience and why so many bugs would be left over. But it was adequate and he stood against a wall at a corner where he could view out the window, the corner he stood next to was to a hallway that went to the door to the room.

Dominik watched Niki spin in her chair as she spoke. He listened to her, but the idle way she just spun and looked at her datapad. It made him smile, just a bit, and when she wasn't looking.

When Niki began talking about the bargain listings and posts he got a little lost. He didn't deal with business stuff, and whenever he did an undercover job regarding a businessman of any type it never lasted long before he beat someone on the head with his briefcase. Hardly the whole trip up the elevator. Then she asked if he spliced. He cringed a little, breathing through his teeth. "Sorry, I can defuse bombs, shoot people and collect info, not that great at splicing. Maybe sparky here can take a look at it." He looked at the floating droid. "You splice much?"

Niki Priddy Niki Priddy EW-031 EW-031
Objective: Enter the auction
Tags: Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Antonio Borgias Antonio Borgias

The trio & their escort of suited "Goons" stood, admiring the decadence on display around them - ornate, gilded walls, brass & crystal chandeliers, marble floors decorated with beautiful hand-woven rugs from across the Galaxy, and the gentle music wafting through the air. A waiter, curiously garbed in a red frock coat with golden trim, black leggings, and moccasins, passed by the small group bearing a tray of delightfully petite champagne glasses. Both Ivory & Marcella reached out, daintily taking a glass each.

"we know there'll be some big fish here, anythin' specific you want to look at?" she suggested, her eyes flickering between Ivory and Mai as she proposed looking at other items for sale and perhaps mingling before the main event.

"Your call, boss."

The Donna smiled, glancing between the two beautiful young woman accompanying her on this adventure. "Mmm." She hummed quietly, bringing the rim of the crystal glass to her lips & taking a sip - feeling the familiar, much-beloved tickle of bubbles in her nose & on her palate.

The foyer they'd entered & now stood within appeared to be the main entry, and a central point to the rest of the Hydians. To their direct north, a dual grand staircase curved upward toward a second floor, while to their east & west were hallways extending further into the building along the perimeter. At a glance, it was easy to distinguish which direction was likely the bulk of the attention, that evening: the hallway to the west, directly in front of The Donna, seemed much busier than the one behind her. The Donna suddenly realized she was still holding the slim brochure & began inspecting it - reading aloud:

"Welcome, dear guest, to the famous Hydians Auction House... We are proud to present an evening of excitement... Yadda yadda... Ah, here we are: West Wing, Main Event - Land Auction. A total of 43 seperate items up for bid, ranging between large & small plots of land across Epica. Larger plots shall take place toward the end of the evening, smaller toward the beginning. Please register for patronage to receive your number, and join us in ballroom 2."

Then, she turned the card over and continued to read:

"East Wing. Ballroom 3, transfer of ownership of businesses large & small. Smaller plots of land, many within Epica City itself & outlying areas. Decent list; about 10 items on the docket. Then, Ballroom 4, General Auction - standard Hydians fare, assets including but not limited to starships large & small, some fine artwork donated by a Lord Harkin Tolle of New Alderaan, a collection of fine musical instruments each offered separately or as a set, and ..." She paused, eyebrows raising in surprise before looking closer at the paper & mouthing a word silently to herself. When she looked at Marcella & Mairead again, a strange expression had formed on her face.

"...A Lightsaber."

She shook her head silently. "This place is something else."

The Donna took another sip from her champagne, and her shoulders seemed to rest a bit - as-if she were relaxing into the role she was about to play.

"Very well, my darlings." She said, her tone musical. "First thing's first."

"Stephen, Sirthee," She said, addressing the handsome, grey-haired older human male & the green-skinned Rodian standing beside them, "Please check us in with the front desk. Register us under Moonveil; three separate numbers, if you please. Please bring them to me."

"Right away, boss." Stephen replied, offering a slight dip from the waist - joined by the younger Rodian. As the two turned away, The Donna reached out with her other hand - the one still holding the small piece of flimsi - and captured the Rodian's sleeve before he could move too far away. She pulled him back, gently, then leaned in close; whispering something to him which neither woman could hear. The Veteran Soldier & professional spy looked at her with his large, black eyes, then nodded - and Ivory passed him her copy of the itinerary, which he accepted then followed after his leader.

"Ladies." The Donna said, placing both hands on her crystal glass of champagne, flexing her eyebrows in excitement. "Shall we?"

Objective Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
Adversaries: The Primakov Syndicate

Far to the southwest of the Matriscan Mountains, four days overland from Epica City...

On the grid-map, a square region of Epica's landmass stretched for just over 31 square miles; 20,000 Acres of raw, emerald-green rolling hills, dark woodland, patches of waist-high wild grassland, and sparse, dusty, dry sand. A mountain-range to the south butted up against the coastal waters of the Itrian Ocean, extending into the wild, untouched woodland. Rocky outcroppings lined the southern-most edge of this region; dropping in elevation considerably. A winding river snaked, serpentine, bisecting this beautifully wild & rural patch of land from North to South.

A single dirt road passed close by, connecting a village on the coast to a small gathering of hovels near the northeastern edge of the region. Operatives had indicated this small "Ville" (in local terms) housed an estimated 15 - 25 villagers living in seclusion. Threat Level: Non-Existent.

On a low hill 5 miles into the woods from the road, in a small clearing a short walk from the stream, a semi-circle of wheeled all-terrain ground assault transports had occupied a small defensive position on the uneven ground. The grass around the semi-circle had been stamped down & cooking fires had been erected, as well as a few small tents for outdoor shelter. It's also evident that some hunting has been done; animal carcasses have been identified in the surrounding area, indicating a significant population of invaders (or, just as likely, that the invaders have been engaging in killing for sport).

Between 15 and 35 separate heat-signatures have been detailed, with a significant majority remaining close to the transports. Most are male and human, and all well-armed. Intel Reports indicate that multiple blaster rifles, pistols, and edged weapons have been sighted; A280 Blaster Rifles, 84-U Hunting Rifles, at least one GLX Firelance Carbine, and a number of slug-throwers have specifically been recognized in their possession.

Intel Analysis has recommended a possible landing area/drop point nearly two miles to the north, in a small natural depression & surrounded on all sides by trees. A fly-by drop has been approved.

Alongside The Family's own Operatives, a small detachment of well-armed soldiers have been placed under Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae 's direction.

Objective 1
Change of Ownership

Location: Hydians Auction house
Objective: Research and bidding
Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse

Mai laughed and looked at Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora "Drinking around sounds fun, I wonder which of the three of us will be on the table dancing first." Mairéad could handle her drink, she had no doubt the other could too, it would be an interesting experience to say the least and what better way to help guide her to that little circle of trust around the Donna.

"It truly is beautiful here isn't it." she spoke in response to Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud as she picked a pamphlet of her own and looked at the docket. "I see a nice little riverside bar in.... oh no, only 900 square foot, shame. Hmmmm, how about this one here." She browsed the book calmly with a look of ambition in her eyes when she noticed a man watching them over his small rimmed glasses, maybe interested in what the three women would be bidding on.

She mad a small gesture as if fiddling with her necklace <being watched, page 11, courtyard pretty, memory bar, maybe?> and she smirked at the other women, gods she hoped she got the signals right today.

She walked along a little further, "A light saber is an interesting find, I wonder who it belonged to? I keep thinking about updating mine but then someone keeps waving guns under my nose and I am an easily distracted woman" She smiled again, she was in her element, she never knew this was her element, but it fit her perfectly. The twonsolider returned quickly with the numbers boards and Mairéad took hers gratefully. She fanned herself in the heat lightly as she walked with the other women, she would have to remember not to wave it about too much during the auction, she was in a good position, but it was risky. Mairéad now had something to lose but didn't quite have the liquidity to fall too hard on her own.


She had a capable crew with her, the goons would prove useful fodder for if a fight began, but jay and jade would be her true tools in this play. As the shuttle began to descend she opened the back up and glanced out among the land and admired it...truely this was great farming land! Stardust couldn't wait to see it put to proper use after they got the trash ans bramble off of it. As they gently touched down the goons would go out first to secure the land zone before stardust came out with her cult following behind her as they formed a semi circle around the transport that began to quickly lift off and away from the group

we will bypass the dirt road leading to the ville, they are not the target , if ANYONE dares get near it I will personally see they are let go from the family, now then, Intel has come to me that these trespassers are and very well armed in fact. The transport they use are armed as well and if they become active those are to be destroyed by any means necessary

She began to strode forth as she let a breath out, oh the urge for battle called to her very soul, flashes of fire, screaming, she quelled her urges and then looked back to Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae and Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred she spoke once more

you two will take a squad each and follow quarter click away from my team, we must be able to tighten the net around these scum should they not take heed and run, I entrust this to you both

She glanced to her wife and smiled a little

now then, move! The quicker we get this done and secured the quicker we can go and spend some credits on this fine planet
Objective 3

The Family needed a hand, so she set out here to oblige. If not for fortune, then fame, an opening to help weasel her way into the Family circle. For all intents and purposes, she was pretty much one of the goons today. Faceless, nameless, expendable. A welcome change of pace, actually, not having to think too hard but follow orders. So long as the leaders were competent, this mission ought to go swift and smoothly.

Time for a picnic in the woods. Her boots hit the ground, camouflage suit blending in with the earthy greens of the forest. Lightness of foot and keenness of eyes and ears making her a perfect scout as she skirted the perimeter, helping the others secure the landing zone.

Standing idly by, awaiting further orders, her ears picked up the tail end of the briefing from Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae . Her visor shifted in either direction, glancing between Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae and Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred . Those two were each to take a squad, yes? Too early for her to tell if either one was truly leadership material, or which one she'd get along better with. While the female seemed a safer bet for a more quiet and brisk stroll, something about the male piqued her curiosity, overhearing about his odd collection of poisons. He might need her help if his nervousness got his squad all lost in the woods. And yes…she knew how to cook.

forest green camouflage · black-tinted visor (full-face helmet)

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Jay nodded to Star as he pulled up the scarf over his mouth and nose, and the hood over his head. He'd look at team before finally responding.

"Got it, ma'am. Good luck." While he could fake it pretty well at this point, some hints of Concord Dawn still escaped the way he spoke. He would then notice Raven. He didn't know why, but he shrugged it off before quickly following the plan. He'd quickly take the lead of the group, already having pulled his Rim revolvers. He just wanted to be ready just in case. He'd watch his shots, and he trusted the Goons to be careful too. What those receptive enough might have noticed though was he seemed a bit more comfortable after getting into the mission at hand. Exactly why could be up for debate, but he knew why.

He would continue walking slowly before pulling some binocs to look around. He hoped to spot any sort of activity that was around before continuing too far, plus making sure he wouldn't get ahead of the others.

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae R RAV Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Objective 3

She stood at the ready as the squad leaders sorted their teams. Being the newbie, she had yet to figure out the pecking order, uncertain of her place, even among the goons who seemed to be familiar and comfortable with one other and their leaders. So long as she did nothing to impede the mission, keeping silent and not getting in the way was a good place to start.

Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae and Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae collected their teams without so much a second glance at her, off on their way. Her visor then turned to Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred expectantly. A lingering glance from him seemed hint enough for her to step forward, filling in the gap of his squad, no objections from the rest who followed suit after him into the woods. So far, so good.

Finally some action, a stretch of the legs to get the blood flowing. While things were quiet, far from the battlefield yet, her senses couldn't help but wander, flooded by the new scenery. Shortly her focus narrowed in, searching for vantage points among the trees. A tall perch in the canopy would be perfect for sniping. Or scouting, as far the scope on her rifle would allow. As much as she itched to put those parkour skills to use, she wouldn't break formation unless her squad leader told her to.

Set to stun, was her first instinct, following orders after all. The briefings emphasized the preservation of life and tech. Negotiation, right? She was confident in her own self-restraint, but she doubted the intent of the others. Too many of them had that hungry gleam in their eyes. In the end, her resolve would only be as strong as the example set by the leaders. Would they walk the talk? Or would the whole thing turn into a blood bath?

forest green camouflage · black-tinted visor (full-face helmet)



Well, this is quite exciting!

EW looked between the two organics, not exactly sure what to do to an extent. So there were plans. They needed to get a list? A list of suppliers! Oh! This would be really interesting. So they would either need to splice into the system, or some backup plan? That seemed easy enou.... Wait.... Could neither of them splice? The droid looked behind her for a second when Dom mentioned a "Sparky," but there wasn't anyone there. Wait he meant her didn't he?

The droid quickly turned back to face Niki and Dom again. "Oh! You mean me. Well, I design to operate in a starship where I was connected to the internal systems, while I might could at least give it a decent try, there are some issues. Namely... my lack of object manipulators and hardwire uplinks."

Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Niki Priddy Niki Priddy

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