Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Professional “Friend”

Location: Taspir system
Darth Reign’s Meditation Chamber.
Tag: Dexen Dexen

Darth Reign paced within his meditation chamber. The planetary governor of Taspir III had refused his offer of partnership and had kept the planets resources from his grasp. The Dark Lord racked his brain to think of a recourse, he needed the man out of office but could not move against him personally, their would be outrage.

He was half way through his tenth round of pacing when the idea hit him. “That’s it! I will have the man killed, and replace him with a much more ‘agreeable’ governor.” now the only issue Reign had was where to find a professional.

As he continued to pace, he looked at the readouts on the screen in front of him when something caught his eye. It was an intelligence report that had crossed his desk earlier that morning. It pertained to rumor of a contract killer with methods so brutal that he left a trail of bodies behind him.

“He’s perfect. He will send a message so extreme that no one will dare defy me again.”
He set about ordering his men to find this killer.
Speaking into his personal comlink he told his most trusted men “Find him for me. Let him know I have a job for him and I will triple his usual fee”
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Crime syndicates were nothing more than barbarians pretending to be sophisticated. A massive ball was held for the marriage of one crime lord to another. Dexen stood in the shadows as he watched the revelers. His employer wanted the bride and groom killed. So, Dexen waited in the shadows.

As the party continues, and alcohol flowed like water, Dexen carefully studied the guards around the room. Hired guns that could pose a threat if not treated seriously.

Dexen carefully drew his lightsaber from inside his cloak. With a click, he ignited the crimson blade. Dropping from the ceiling, he cut one of the guards in half. In one smooth motion, he rushed toward another one, jumped over a blaster shot, and cut off the arms of that guard. His movements were swift, smooth, and graceful.

Hearing a guard yell as he aimed at him, Dexen looked up and blocked a blaster bolt with his lightsaber. Sprinting forward, Dexen effortlessly cut the guard in half.

He effortlessly carved his way to the bride and groom. He watched as they tried to run away, but he was already on them.

When it was over, Dexen stood in a room filled with dismembered bodies. He powered down his lightsaber and placed it back in his robe. Before he could leave, the doors swung open. He looked at the soldiers who entered the room. They didn't look like any one he had ever seen before. Beneath his mask, he raised an eyebrow, this was interesting.

Dexen was escorted to Darth Reign's chamber. Once he was let in, Dexen subtly drew his lightsaber. "Who are you?" His voice was augmented, sounding more like a ghostly whisper than an actual human. "What do you want?"
As the cloaked and masked man entered Reign’s personal chambers on board the Dominion, his men had done well, it hadn’t taken long to track the killer down.

He could see the motif the man was going for. Death personified, used to intimidate. However, Reign was not a man who was intimidated easily. Spying the man’s lightsaber Reign said
“Please put that away, you will not need it here. Sit my friend, have a drink if you so desire.”

Reign poured himself a small glass of Corellian Whiskey and sat back down at his desk. He was taking the measure of this man, fierce and fearsome to be sure, but there was a roughness to him, that caused the Dark Lord to feel he would not be too at risk. “To answer your first question, my name is Lord Reign, you are aboard the flagship of The Diarchy, The Dominion, of both, you may consider me the lord.”

Darth Reign let his words sink in for a moment before continuing. “As for what I want. Well, my friend, I have need of your specific skill set. I wish to elevate you from pulling jobs for gangsters and crooks, to impacting pieces on the galactic playing field. There is a governor, Governor Paltros of the planet Taspir, whose system we are in now. He seems to disagree that what is best for his planet is our presence there. I need this remedied, in such a way that none of these people will ever again defy me.”

Reign took a drink of his spirit and waited for the man’s response, if what the Dark Lord knew of him to be true, this could be the biggest contract of his career so far.

Dexen Dexen
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Dexen looked at the whiskey. "Anything that can stop me from completing a contract must be avoided. That includes drinking." Dexen was a professional, sometimes to a fault, but that made him reliable. Hearing about the contract, Dexen nodded. "If that is the case, then I'm going to need information."

Dexen walked forward and hooked his lightsaber onto his belt. Placing both hands on Reign's desk, Dexen leaned forward so the two could talk face to face. "I will do this contract on one condition. The people down there, the regular people, give them freedom. If this Paltros has stripped them of any, give it to them. Do this, and I will half my usual price."

Dexen's code wouldn't allow him to work with a dictator who would strip people's freedoms from them. But if Reign could promise him this, then Dexen would do the contract.

"Also, I request your presence on this mission. I enjoy having an eyewitness to my skills. Especially one who could become a regular employer." Beneath his mask, Dexen had a twisted grin on his face. He wanted Reign to know who he was dealing with. Dexen was ready for whatever he needed to do.
Reign could appreciate an assassin with a code. He gave the man’s demands some thoughts. None of which were too out of the realm of possibility.

“I will do you one better my friend, they will have gainful employment, more rights than they have had, and guaranteed food and housing. I don’t want to be the conqueror, my goal is to give the people something to flock to. Not to run from.” Reign hoped the man could see the conviction in his words. The grand plan of the Diarchy is control and order, but the Dark Lord did not want to see the mistakes made before repeated. He would not be a despot, but a liberator.

Reign smiled at the request to accompany the assassin.
“I am happy to join you, however, there can be no witnesses to my involvement here, or I would have completed the task myself. If you can guarantee my involvement will not be known, you have your witness.”

Reign had already allocated funds for this, he wanted this assassin on his payroll as well. “as for your fee, consider this an investment. My original offer of triple your normal fee stands as part of our contract. I will have need of you after this as well, and would like to start our ‘friendship’ off on the right foot, with you know how well I take care of my friends”

Dexen Dexen
Dexen listened to what Reign would offer to the people. He bowed his head. "I will join you. As for your involvement, none will know you were there. But all will know you as the hero who raced to help after you noticed something was wrong."

Dexen had a plan to cement into the people's minds that Reign was truly a hero. "A leader who was turned away earlier, returning for a second chance at peace, only to race in with his lightsaber drawn when he sees something wrong, only to see a massacre left behind by an unknown assailant. Don't you see how the people will flock to you afterward?"

Dexen turned away and started marching to the exit. "I will need you to escort me to the hangar. If you have a personal ship, we'll take it. We have to make it look like you were coming for peaceful negotiations. Your alibi will be that you got lost after exploring the city. You wanted to take in the local culture."

He turned around and looked at Reign. "Are there any objections to my plan?"
Reign actually laughed out loud at Dexen’s plan. He could not have put a better plan forth himself.
“I have no comments or questions. This plan could not have been better formed. Please follow me to the hanger.”

Walking through the dominion to the hanger, the Dark Lord waved his guards away from following. The obedient men stayed glued to the spot. As they approached his personal shuttle, Reign started the ignition sequence. Once checks were done, the Dark Lord set course for the governors palace.

Dexen Dexen
Dexen remained silent. He closed his eyes, his mind drifting back to when he was a child. He could smell the smoke from his village burning. He could hear the sound of blasters off in the distance. The air around him was thick with smoke that choked the young warrior. Dexen felt fear coursing through his body as he remembered watching his family die right in front of him. That fear soon turned to hate.

His blood felt like it was on fire as rage filled his very being. He opened his eyes, his meditation finished. He always tapped into the dark side when he performed a job like this. Standing up, he walked over to Reign and motioned to a city. "Find a port and land. Remember the plan. We will travel the city before heading to the palace. That way, it makes it look like you are there as a friend. I am your bodyguard. And we aren't planning on performing an assassination attempt."
Reign brought the shuttle down near the main settlement, population was sparse in this place, the draconian policies of governor Paltros in full view. Abysmal living conditions, food scarcity, it was all seen in abundance. The large governors palace looming on the horizon.

“I’ve got the plan down, I’ll set down here, and tour the city. Make it appear as though I’m appalled at the living conditions. Which, won’t be far from the truth. Then we will make our way to see the governor.” With this, the Dark Lord exited the pilots chair, walking towards the back of the shuttle and down the ramp. A cold anticipation in his hart, despite it all, he was still a Sith, and the thrill of battle made his heart quicken.

Dexen Dexen

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