Lord of the Diarchy
Location: Taspir system
Darth Reign’s Meditation Chamber.
Darth Reign paced within his meditation chamber. The planetary governor of Taspir III had refused his offer of partnership and had kept the planets resources from his grasp. The Dark Lord racked his brain to think of a recourse, he needed the man out of office but could not move against him personally, their would be outrage.
He was half way through his tenth round of pacing when the idea hit him. “That’s it! I will have the man killed, and replace him with a much more ‘agreeable’ governor.” now the only issue Reign had was where to find a professional.
As he continued to pace, he looked at the readouts on the screen in front of him when something caught his eye. It was an intelligence report that had crossed his desk earlier that morning. It pertained to rumor of a contract killer with methods so brutal that he left a trail of bodies behind him.
“He’s perfect. He will send a message so extreme that no one will dare defy me again.”
He set about ordering his men to find this killer.
Speaking into his personal comlink he told his most trusted men “Find him for me. Let him know I have a job for him and I will triple his usual fee”
Darth Reign’s Meditation Chamber.

Darth Reign paced within his meditation chamber. The planetary governor of Taspir III had refused his offer of partnership and had kept the planets resources from his grasp. The Dark Lord racked his brain to think of a recourse, he needed the man out of office but could not move against him personally, their would be outrage.
He was half way through his tenth round of pacing when the idea hit him. “That’s it! I will have the man killed, and replace him with a much more ‘agreeable’ governor.” now the only issue Reign had was where to find a professional.
As he continued to pace, he looked at the readouts on the screen in front of him when something caught his eye. It was an intelligence report that had crossed his desk earlier that morning. It pertained to rumor of a contract killer with methods so brutal that he left a trail of bodies behind him.
“He’s perfect. He will send a message so extreme that no one will dare defy me again.”
He set about ordering his men to find this killer.
Speaking into his personal comlink he told his most trusted men “Find him for me. Let him know I have a job for him and I will triple his usual fee”
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