Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion A Promise Delivered (TSE Dominion of Huk)

The two Huk went along on their designated patrol path, not a care in the world, unaware of the incoming dangers. That's when they stop in their tracks. They see it, a powered down droid of some sort laying lifelessly in their path. They argue for a bit, but decides this could be important, and that the droid is worth taking back to base since it looks fairly advanced To them, with all the dirt and grime it's covered in, it doesn't look like it's been in operation for a while. So, with irritated grunts and clicks, they drag the droid away.

Talohn watched them drag his droid off from afar though a pair of binocs, attempting to keep himself from cackling like a madman. The plan had worked. Those poor bastards were voluntarily dragging hell itself into their base. It's then that his bug watching is interrupted by the sound of igniting lightsabers. He turns his gaze through the binocs to find a familiar face about to shred some bugs. "Well fuck me sideways, it's that kid again." Talohn takes the blaster off of his hip and makes his way towards where the fighting has begun. Once the sith jumps into combat, Talohn will provide fire support from the shadows, gunning down any of the huk that manage to get into her blindspot during the fight.

Meanwhile, the powered down droid had been dropped off in a spare room of the base. The engineer amongst the Huk clicked it's way into the room, door shutting behind it. Slowly, it approached the droid in the corner, mystified by the model. It had never seen such a thing in it's lifetime. Course, poor thing leaned in too close. The single eye on the droid's head instantly went from black and vacant to an eerie glowing red. In this instant, retractable claws came from Madlad's fingertips as both it's hands shot out to grab the leaning Huk's head. instantly crushing it like a grape from all angles with those penetrating claws. "Disgusting." The droid muttered quietly as it slowly stood up, shaking the gunk off of it's hands. The droid then accessed it's internal commlink. "I'm in." It states simply.

Ladybug Ladybug Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
“Learn to obey before you command”
A Promise Delivered...
Primary Objective:
Capture the Civilian Centre of the Huk.
Secondary Objective: Destroy the primary Huk Garrison.

"Sentinel, do you have a plan already?"

Hont was relived when reinforcements came, but there was a Sith leading them. Everything is in shades of grey, but the Sith are always bad news, hell, anyone with force powers is.

“The combat droids in the Civilian Sector are controlled in a nearby bunker, we found the location and we are preparing to move there, breach the bunker and control the droids in the sector. Now I will not have myself questioned by a Sith, so if you have any questions direct them to Agrippina, my current second in command.”

Hont moved off to start organising the push. Agrippina stands still and walks up. Her demeanour is colder than Hoth and darker than Korriban, but she knows what she is talking about.

“We are preparing the frontal assault now, If your troops are willing to help that will be acceptable. Sentinel Hont will take care of the rest, now any questions?”
A Promise Delivered
Sabella De Vrais
  • Huk
Wild Space | On the Battlefield
Post: 2 | Objective: 1.2 ~ War on Land
Hont Atellies Hont Atellies | Anyone else who wants in

The nerve of the Sentinel was impeccable and Sabella was curious if he understood how easy it would be for her to wipe him off the face of the galaxy like an ant against a boot. Nonetheless it impressed her and gave her some hope that the soldier would be able to complete this task. The Sith waved away the so called "second in command" and prepared the reinforcements to prepare their attack.

After overseeing multiple assaults across the city, Sabella was become rather familiar with the layouts and how alleys work. Noticing a shorter pathway just to the left of the corridor she signalled to her troops to move that way on her signal but there was still the issue of the masses of bugs and droids in the street. Looking from cover she noticed a building being supported by a single foundation, already destroyed but would provide perfect cover for movement.

Without hesitation she emerged from her cover and laid her hands towards the singular foundation, after a few seconds it gave way, causing the remnants of the building to crash down, killing a health amount of the enemies yet covering the troops. There were still some bugs in front and behind the building yet there was a small corridor to get past if necessary.

After the solders finished a few more bugs off she gave the order to her reinforcements to move into the large alley to begin the real assault on the garrison whilst the Sentinel and his troops do their thing and hopefully disable the droids.
Objective: 3
Post: 2
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar . Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Physically her body couldn't produce enough weight to topple one of the insects, but gravity and momentum could. Mikilanna landed square on the center insectoid, crushing him, not killing him, underfoot. Element of surprise on her side, she swung one heated blade to either side of her, slashing through their thoraxes dispatching them with deadly efficiently. Underneath, the last one groaned and let out small puff of breath. Unknown to the semi-conscious Huk resident, he was going to assist her; until he outlived his usefulness.

"Get up," she ordered placing both tips of her weapons inches from his face. "And if you wish to see another sunrise, don't speak. Simply listen for now."

Mikilanna walked a few paces ahead of her captor, as it would seem to all appearances to the untrained eye. To get through the remaining stretch to the compound, she needed a plan to prevent set backs or curious insects. Behind her, her weapons where clipped to the makeshift armor belt her prisoner was wearing. If in a pinch, they were there for the ready. As for the insect, his crude looking blaster rifle had been rendered non-functioning; his hands tightly secured to it as if he was properly holding it, and marching his prisoner to the hidden complex she needed to breach. Her hands, tucked under her dark robe gave the illusion she was bound. The hardest part was convincing the prideful insect to cooperate, which after a few elective images of horrifying outcomes; he agreed under the promise she would spare his life. A pact she agreed to, under the guise of a lie.

Together they marched through the forests, swampy regions, and open land toward the massive structure on the horizon, and to the secret exit in the back. The locks, according to the insectoid, contained a secure code system; and luckily for her, she had with her one who could open the treasured doors. She was grateful for her decision to spare him, electing to interrogate him rather than slaughter it where it laid. And the insect, she imagined, was equally grateful to be spared; unfortunately with each step they took, his value was depreciating.
The Inexhaustible
A Promise Delivered
Location: HMIS Vanguard "SB-01"
Tags: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ; Fleeters Alike

Thaelius was surprisingly calm as the warfleet exited hyperspace. Unlike the other commanders within the large Imperial fleet, he wasn't barking orders or screaming at his subordinates. Instead, he calmly directed the battle, pointing command saber every second at an enemy fleet or a break in formation.

Now, he had perfected his forces. Every warship was assigned a numerical designation, each number based on it's classes strength in number and power while also incorporating the ships position and when it was deployed.

It was a hectic system however, it was effective. "Send a message to SD-127. Tell them to cover SB-2's attack on the enemy rear. All other ships are to continue thier approach" his voice ranged from his command chair.

He shifted himself in his seat. "Cruiser Wing 9-C divert auxiliary power to your shields and charge the enemy front. Frigate Lines 5 and 7 escort Cruiser Wing 9-C. Starfighters begin attack runs on the enemy frigates and corvette's. Hit and run like hell"

He had a plan in mind. He could break the enemy formation if he could get them to chase his fighters. But it had to work first.
It's then that Talohn gets the word from Madlad, and he grins widely. After Mikilanna takes the bug hostage, Talohn makes his way over to speak to her, his voice in a hushed whisper. "Hey, Little Sith." There's that damn nickname again. "I've already got my droid on the inside. Once you're in, meet up with him, we've got a plan to get those hostages out. I've still got some prep to do first though." With that, he disappears back into the jungle, letting them continue towards the base. Cathar are good at that.

Once back to the small camp he set up earlier upon arrival, he begins doing an inventory check of all the tools. The high temp laser saw, grapple hook tethers, his custom made stealth field generator hooked up to a battery often used to power swoops, climbing tools, attachable stands he made himself to prop up anything in the enviromnent as cover, small signal jammers, and his favorite, a little tool that causes the camera system of the room to loop once inserted into the security system. All that, and his regular weapons. He was prepped to go. With the satchel at his side, he activates his regular stealth field generator, and begins making his way towards the Huk base.

Meanwhile, Madlad had used it's own stealth field generator to ghost around the base, it's thermal vision allowing it to see any threats coming from a mile away. The droid didn't have a scent like living things do, so it would be hard for the bugs to catch it while the stealth field was active. Madlad, at the moment, was waiting for a bug to exit the maintenance room, where the base's functions were checked up on and controlled. It took a bit, but the door open, and just as the bug exited, Madlad slipped in behind it. Luckily the room was now empty, save for one guard. Course, that wasn't a problem with the element of surprise. The Huk had positioned itself in the center of the room, keeping watch on the surrounding machines and servers within the room. Madlad maneuvered behind the thing, and aimed it's left wrist. The grapple hook fired out, going forth and into sight as it exited the stealth field. It entered straight through the back of the bug's face, exiting out of the mouth. Afterwards, the hooks deployed, turning the dart into an actual grapple hook. With a single tug, the head popped off like a cork, the body crumbling lifelessly to the floor as a pool of insectoid gunk began to spread. The hooks closed, and the dart retracted back, disappearing into the invisibility field that shrouded the droid.

With that out of the way, Madlad began to do it's magic on the computer, slicing into the system to steal all that beautiful info, and naturally give himself certain privileges needed in order to make this plan succeed. The base layout was archived, along with the location of the hostages. Though Talohn and his droid already knew that. All the info was instantly being sent to Talohn's datapad. It was time to move fast. It wouldn't be long till the bodies were found.

Ladybug Ladybug
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Location: Huk
Objective: War On The Land

Where many commanders might have fancied themselves more comfortable behind the lines or in the war room, guiding their forces from a safe distance, the Emperor was at his heart a soldier and a warrior who preferred the chaos and bloodshed of the front lines. So as the Imperial fleet disembarked its vast array of transports and gunships, the Emperor rode down alongside them. Dozens of Multiple-Altitude Assault Gunships, Phi-class Heavy Dropships, and even larger Talon-class Star Galleons careened down through the atmosphere of Huk as artillery shells and anti-aircraft flak detonated and obscured the air around them. Many ships would be felled in the descent, but not enough to quell or blunt the Sith advance down to the surface.
The Emperor, of course, rode where the danger was most prevalent at the front of the column, his magnificent powers in the Dark Side used to protect the ship as it scurried through the heavy fire. When the ships finally made their landing at the rendezvous point, the Emperor was one of the first to charge out into the thick of Yam'rii cannon fire. With a lightsaber in his right hand and a shimmering runeblade in his left, the Dark Lord of the Sith met the oncoming enemy brigades with unrivaled fury. At long last he was able to vent the hate and frustration that had been bottling up inside of him for the past several months, channeling it into raw power that was sharpened by his decades of experience in war.
Soon enough the smoke of battle descended, and the Emperor's visage was obfuscated from his soldiers as he charged at the head of the pack into the unknown.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Objective: Rescue Mission
Location: Surface, Huk
Equipment: Assassin armor with this look | sniper rifle | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto | 2x vibroblades | Stealth field generator | X-70B Phantom
Tag: Talohn Atar Talohn Atar | Ladybug Ladybug | Open

After all she did not go alone, she had companions. The woman she saw in the landing camp, a man, and his droid. She did not reveal herself, it was not necessary yet. Maybe the hukians are watching them from the far. So Ingrid just watched how the woman takes the bug hostage. She would have just killed the bug. If they arrived at the coordinates, it would be enough to get information just there. But maybe the Huk will be useful too; it was a completely different method than what she would have used. But she thought like an agent, not like a Forceuser. They were all different.

”How do you want to get into the building to the hostages?” she asked her partners when they arrived at the coordinates.

Their cooperation may have lasted only so far, especially if they wanted to choose a very different way than her. She didn’t want to give up her own methods, and maybe if they do this different ways, they may have a better chance to save the hostages. But this time it was the music of the future. She is waiting for her partners's answer, and if she receives that, then she will decide exactly what to do. Until then she reached out to the Force and tried to use it, spying how many hukkians – and other living creatures – are near them.

Maybe it didn’t seem too important, but if she wanted to slip into the building, it was necessary. She tried to tune in to the area to constantly feel the living things and thus their movement too. This time it was easier than using technology. Above this, she was curious about the woman how wants to use the hostage hukkian now. Ingrid thought she may capture it to facilitate their access to the building. But Ingrid didn’t know her, it was entirely conceivable that she was wrong.


Objective: 3
Post: 3
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar . Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Having an inside source was always useful. Having an inside source like Madlad was extremely useful. She worked with that droid before, there were no limitations to his feats or abilities. He was impressive. For the opposition, they assumed he was just a droid; little did they know Madlad was so much more. And it seemed her Cathar associate already possessed a plan to get the hostages out. This was shipping up to be a very successful mission; less the unforeseen could occur.

The arrival to the back entrance, where she met another with the same objective, was brining everything full circle. Mikilanna turned around, first retrieving her weapons before releasing the insectoid's hands from their confinement. Per their agreement, the Huk native stepped up to the door, addressing a side panel hidden behind a faux rock and entered the code. In that exact moment the doors begin to spread apart, Mikilanna ignited one weapon; driving the hot energy through the Yam'rii's abdomen, catching the body and shoving it aside.

fter you," Mikilanna said, answering the other's question. The trio had access into the compound, they had a very destructive droid on the inside, and with the element of surprise riding on their shoulders like space angels, it was nearly time to free the hostages.

Talohn Atar Talohn Atar . Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Madlad continued being the ghost that it was with that stealth field active. Course, Talohn relayed the info regarding the reinforcements, and so Mikilanna, since that's a signal it recognizes, is contacted. She'd get the droid's eerie voice speaking to her though her communicator. "This is Madlad. As i'm sure you've heard, I have infiltrated the base. I'm going to need you to make your way to the room the prisoners are in, I will meet you there. Sending relevant info now, try not to make too much bodies on the way, the time will come for that. Soon enough." The droid chuckles darkly before the comm goes silent.

Following the message, her datapad or whatever thing of that sort she's got on her receives an influx of information. Upon inspection. it's the layout of the base they just entered, along with spots the droid marked to warn of patrols. Impeccable, this droid. With the info sent, and permissions granted, Madlad begins making it's way through the base, this time in a hurry as it makes it's way towards the meeting point.

Meanwhile, Talohn had proficiently dodged patrols, making his way towards the base. He himself had the layout of the base sent to him, and was using that as a guide. The cathar got out his climbing gloves, which would magnetize to the metal of the base's outer walls. Once they're on, he begins quickly scaling the walls, still invisible due to the stealth field generator. Once on top of the base, he peers about to make sure there aren't any prying eyes. Luckily all the Huk patrols were sticking to the ground. That put a grin on his face. This plan was amazing. He, for the sake of staying hidden perfectly, crawls his way across the roof till he finds himself above where the hostages are supposed to be. Once there, he takes the stealth drive that's hooked up to a swoop battery, and begins the setup. "Just need to inverse the field....hook these up here...." He taps a few buttons on the settings panel, and then hooks a jumper cable between the battery and the stealth field generator. Finally, he flips a switch on the side, and it all comes to life. Not that anyone could tell, as now no one would be able to see within the field. It simply looked like nothing was there. However, within the large dome shaped field, Talohn could easily see himself after turning off his own stealth machine. Now, within the safety of the dome, he gets out the high heat laser. It was time to get to work.

Ladybug Ladybug Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
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Objective: 1.2: War of the Land

Post: 1

A shadow stirs...

Confounded youth, supping upon the marrow of the Force; tasting death and decay, sipping upon the lifeblood of prey like a fine wine while pondering what other delicacies could be found. Steadfast in his purpose, Obinmiux stalked silently and without utterance of tongue nor thought - he who clung to shadows like a parasitic insect to skin. In observation of the commotion among scarred streets, the young man allowed his gaze to drink in the spectacle of violence without batting an eye. Those who could not bear the art - the beauty of spilling blood were among the lower echelon of a microcosm that deserved nothing, not even the pity of the strong.

With armor glimmering like refined obsidian, Obinmiux moved from his low profile position without disturbance of even the air, now thickened by particles from the residual initiations of death blows wrought by blasterfire and armaments thought to be too impersonal to the mind of the lurker. In all honesty, Obinmiux failed to see much reason for his presence here; however, he dared not to bring disappointment to his overlords and the very soul that allowed his passage to keep living for the cause of the Sith Empire. Stoic was the youth, yet even in the face of true glory, a part of him shivered like a leaf left to the mercy of a gentle breeze that could become violent and sweep him away into nonexistence.

Decidedly, this was to be the future henceforth. With hilt now comfortably resting against palm and finger, Obinmiux's gaze now turned into that of piercing daggers as he spotted what was undoubtedly an authority over the opposition tasked with the hindrance of the Sith's advancements - now was his opportunity to prove himself to his benefactors, his enlightened kin. With nothing more than the hushed flutter of his cloak, the youth advanced onwards.
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Location: Four Mysterious Pyramids, Huk
Objective: II - Uncover the Sponsor
Kit: Skystas Rieve iv Tave Daboti Dvasi
Post: 3

Just as he feared, the consensus among the group was that Tithe should accompany the hit squad into the field. Apprentice Dansk assured the Moff that he would protect him, though the declaration did little to allay his concerns. The governor spent the bulk of the shuttle ride out of the valley in silence, trying in vain to adjust the armoured chest plate he donned over his uniform to make it sit comfortably.

The shuttle landed in the valley and the hit squad began moving toward the coordinates Tithe had found. Apprentice Lark deployed a small creature which flew into the air and spied four pyramids, one of which was partially collapsed.

On foot the group approached the four structures, all of which were arranged as the corners of a square and a hundred meters apart with clear lines of sight between them. The shuttle which had brought them here began to circle overhead to provide air cover.

“Well, simple mathematics would propose a divide and conquer approach,” Tithe announced. “Four pyramids, fours ready and willing investigators.” He looked to the members of the group as the others did the quick maths and found the clear error in his calculations. “I’ll accompany Apprentice Dansk.”

Aerarii pulled out his comlink and made sure it was set on the hit squad’s frequency. “Exercise all caution, the mysterious benefactor went to great lengths to keep this area a secret. All manner of horrors could await us inside.” Tithe presented to study the comlink as he tried to bring his nerves under control, hoping that one of the others would suggest aborting the mission.

Objective Two: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Lark Lark Felix Astermo Felix Astermo Mazrim Caide/Taim Mazrim Caide/Taim

Maro was satisfied with the results of the summit. He looked to the Moff with the same thin smile as before.

"I suggest that we enter through the back way, Moff Tithe. Our friends will be likely to make a loud entrance elsewhere."

Without looking back, the Muun headed towards the third pyramid. It seemed an unlikely choice but that was exactly why he'd selected it. A lifetime of contracts had taught him to look for the innocuous. It was likely something of importance would be hidden in plain sight.

Perhaps not the benefactors themselves but Dansk had no desire to face a hail of blaster bolts. Let the others die like cannon fodder. They could serve as a distraction while he found what they all sought.

Well, he corrected himself, this...Moff...and I.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Objective: Rescue Mission
Location: Surface, Huk
Equipment: Assassin armor with this look | sniper rifle | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto | 2x vibroblades | Stealth field generator | X-70B Phantom
Tag: Talohn Atar Talohn Atar | Ladybug Ladybug | Open

On the way it turned out they had a fourth companion who was already inside, a droid. Sometimes she also thought about it. She needs a droid too, an assassin droid inside a protocol droid. She never got to get one, maybe because she was a lone wolf, usually, but she can do jobs easily with others too. Just like now. She nods to the other woman.

”You can hide yourself in the Force? I’m not thinking about your presence now, I mean can you become invisible not only to living things but to machines too? if not we need to shut down their cameras before you come in.” she said to Mikilanna. ”If you want I can gave you my stealth field generator until we until the end of the mission.”

Because she can use the force skill, she doesn't need the device, it’s just making everything easier, so if Mikilanna needed the device she gave it to her, if not, she keeps it. But after this she really set off. She reaches out to the Force again, and concentrates that around her. The light broke around her, and she became invisible. For this force skill she needs to let go the other Force skill, so she can’t feel everything in the area anymore. Something for something. She didn't want to climb a wall so she aimed the backdoor.

She slipped into the building between the guards, they didn't see her, but it seems to her, they felt something, maybe they know she is here, but they can't where to put the feeling. It doesn’t matter, if they move badly, they will be dead. Ingrid wants to wait for Mikilanna, because she didn’t know what the other woman was planning so she sent a telepathic message to her. This was quick and silent; she hoped Mikilanna could answer this.

”Do we kill these bugs now, or just when we leave the building?” she asked without spoken words.


“Learn to obey before you command”
A Promise Delivered...
Primary Objective:
Capture the Civilian Centre of the Huk.
Secondary Objective: Destroy the primary Huk Garrison.

As the Sith moved to deal with the garrison, Hont, Agrippina and acouple of legionnaires moved to deal with the command centre. They blew the door, guns blazing inside.

They were no match for the Sith troops, caught between laser and wall, many chose to die instead of fighting back. When they finished firing the entire room was silent.

“Agrippina start hacking the computer, reroute droid commands to frequency 16-19”

“Your frequency, got it.”

As Agrippina started hacking the computer a soldier quickly came to Hont.

“Sir, there appears to be over 1,000 civilians hiding in the lower level of the building, what do you say we do with them?”

Sabella De Vrais Sabella De Vrais
The second the transport hits the ground, Caide stands, leaving his helmet behind. His one eye scans the area with the practiced eye of a veteran soldier rather than an infiltrator, looking for sight lines, killzones, cover, anything that could be concealing a deadly surprise. His voice comes out quiet but not in a whisper, his tone sleek and professional as always.

"Two groups. I'll take Sarrius and Lark, Dansk and Tithe form the other one. Lark will provide cover fire and sight support from on high while Sarrius and I deal with things up front, get their forces funneled to us. You two go through the back while they're busy with us and find what we're looking for. When you've got whatever you think you need from this place, radio over comms or find some other way to let us know if they're jammed, and we'll meet up with the ship two clicks west of our landing position. Agreed?"

The strategy is presented with the upmost confidence, no apparent fear at the prospect at being a distraction evident in his voice at all. He'd done this song and dance a thousand times under a thousand different pretenses.

"Lets get this done. for the emperor."

Tags: Felix Astermo Felix Astermo Lark Lark Darth Argentum Darth Argentum Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
Objective: 3
Post: 4
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim . Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

Shrouding her presence in the Force was a skill she understood, just wasn't quite proficient with it. It was among her skills, but within the confines of this building where the precious cargo awaited, she opted for the stealth generator; attaching the device to the back of her belt, out of the way of her twin weapons. "I'll take the device for just-in-case purposes," Mikilanna said, thanking her partner with a nod before adding, "But I have something in my arsenal to remove those cameras littering the hallways, and any machines we come across."

Mikilanna wanted to preserve the stealth generator as much as possible. Raising a finger to gesture to her partner to stay put, for the time being, she activated the generator, going invisible. She stepped into the threshold, drawing upon the Force, and released a small bust of invisible Force energy under the mantle of
Force Flash that would temporarily disrupt the security cameras allowing the two to pass undetected minus the two guards stationed close by.

She waited for the other Sith girl to enter first, before taking up the rear. Through a telepathic message, Mikilanna thought about a response. The cameras were disabled for now, but when they went back online the compound would be alerted to a breach if they opted to kill these two guards. It would make sense, to kill them; less trouble on the way out, more safety for the rescued hostages. On the other hand, they needed stealth and secrecy on their side for now; more so to go unimpeded until they found the prisoners; and met up with the droid and the Cathar.

e leave them be for now until we find the hostages," she replied mentally. Plans, no matter how well detailed and thought out, never truly stayed their course. This was their entrance now, but would it be their exit point later? To many variables between now and then stood in the way.
A Promise Delivered
Sabella De Vrais
  • Huk
Wild Space | On the Battlefield
3 | Objective: 1.2 ~ War on Land
Hont Atellies Hont Atellies | Anyone else who wants in

As the reinforcements approached the garrison a vicious battle ensued between real soldiers and bugs with their droids. A hail of blaster fire exchanged for quite some time. The Sith, opting to be useful, also partaking in the battle by drawing some attention and deflecting blaster fire, crushing the odd droids head, launching projectiles like rocks and debris and a variation of life-stopping force techniques against the bugs.

They appeared to have an endless supply of droids, it was mildly entertaining and a perfect time to play with new techniques, perhaps not so much for the soldiers but most certainly for the Sith. The best they could do was wait for the droids to be disabled as, ideally, she didn't want the garrison to be destroyed so it could be used as a strong point for any counter attacks.
Location: Forest of Huk, Quartet of "Pyramids"
Objective II: Find a throat. Slit it. Relish in the bloodshed.
Writing With: Mazrim Caide/Taim Mazrim Caide/Taim | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Darth Argentum Darth Argentum | Lark Lark
Post Number III

The journey matter little, the location was forgettable, the hunt was everything.

It would seem the Legionnaire was inclined to ignore the Moff's orders - either he was bold enough not to care or he was cowardly enough that going at it alone was beyond him; let others, perhaps the Muun, examine that, he was in it for the bloodshed, not the chatter.

All but melting into the woods, he assumed the Legionnaire would follow but did not particularly care - he could cause a distraction, yes, but he would not rush blindly ahead. Track the prey to confront it at its weakest, that was his maxim, for no opponent too stupid to be caught off-guard deserved a fair fight - the same went for those foolish enough to fall prey to dirty tricks.

Glaring at the pathetic structure - far from the grandeur of his kind's great works - he slithered closer, seeing no guards of any kind. No guards, but tracks. "Fresh tracks, a few hours at most. Not many, but there could be permanent security."

Without further ado, he led the way to the entrance... only to be startled by a sudden flash of movement in their direction.
Objective 1.2: War of the Land

Post: 2

Fang of the Maw

How orphans long for peace before they learn to love the war; stripped of choice and conscience, helplessly numb to the whims of the lesser as they beg from a position of utter submissiveness. Obinmiux planted a boot heel atop the head of a lone Yam'rii, his lightsaber idle just inches away from one of its grotesque eyes. How it squirmed and fidgeted at the expense of lost limbs, gurgling and clicking in a foreign manner unknown to the youth so eager to observe its slow suffering; boot heel pressing ever inward upon its head, the ugly insect would begin to hear the monotone plainness of a young man's voice fill its panicked mind: "how long do you think you can live without your limbs, insect?"

Uncaring and unknowing if the beast could even comprehend dread, Obinmiux lightly combed over the Yam'rii's head with his lightsaber, watching as it screeched and convulsed at the scorching grace of crimson. Now bored with his toy, the darkly obscured silhouette of the young man plunged his blade directly into the eye-socket of the writhing creature, feeling it go limp beneath him as its life was decisively extinguished. Obinmiux stared down upon his kill momentarily in contemplation, unmoved by the grizzly murder committed by his own hands or even the extremes of disfigurement; burnt flesh wafted through his helmet, causing the youth to form an expression of disgust as he casually moved on from the scene.

Slinking back into shadow, back into into the soothing embrace of dark complacency. Back where none could lay eyes upon him as he sought out more potential prey.

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