Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Question or Two

I've only just recently found this amazing site so I'll skip straight to the apologies for overlooking the obvious answers first.

I'm sure I'll have more later, but for starters I was hoping someone could explain how the training system works here. How does one acquire and level up their force skills, for example? I can't seem to find the page that details any of this.
[member="Goliath"] There's no definitive system.

Some people prefer to write training threads with a Master or mentor. Some people simply write quality threads supporting their faction or furthering their character's personal story.

It's all about quality of your character, and contributing to the site and your faction. Write something that makes you excited and you're having fun with and those around you will take notice. :)


Disney's Princess
[member="Goliath"] - Welcome!

Q1: How does the training system work here?
  • We have three levels of proficiency on this website. Rank 1 - 3. Often shown in various titles underneath our avatars such as: Padawan, Knight, Master.
  • All new characters start at Rank 1. (Unless you transfer a character from another SW board.)
  • You gain additional ranks by participating in the community.
  • Rank 2 is often awarded to you by either your Master/Mentor or via a surrogate Master/Mentor, such as your Faction Leader or a Roleplay Judge. There are no written qualifications for Rank 2. It is simply awarded when you and your Master feel you are ready to move on to bigger and better things. Often within 6 weeks to 6 months of writing.
  • Rank 3 is awarded by a full vote of all Rank 3 writers in your participating Faction of choice. There are no written qualifications. Only the respect and admiration of your peers. Usually after 1 year of writing together.

For even more information? Please see my Guide to New Padawans.
As noted above, there is no specific way for you to train your character. You can partake in training threads with other members, or alone, or you can choose to forgo those and just roleplay your character without bothering to do training threads. Force users are required to start out at the rank of apprentice/acolyte/initiate/padawan unless the characters are being transferred from another roleplaying site, in which case you would just follow the following instructions:
  • Please list all role-plays at your previous board that are relevant.
  • Please list what roleplay board you're transferring from.
  • Please request your transfer in the Rank Title | Sub-Account Name Change thread.
It should be noted that there are no requirements to take part in training threads in order for your character to learn and grow. The rules for ranks and promotions can be found here, if you have further questions regarding them feel free to ask.

Write a story. i.e. Post 10 or so posts to a private thread you make. A paragraph in each post should be enough. These posts are solo roleplays teaching yourself the force power or training yourself to control the force. I know, it's confusing. It's so simple it's confusing.

Here's a list of things important for your story
- How did you find the force power to study it?
- How are you training to learn it?
- Depending on how powerful the power is, the size of each post (quality) and how many posts you make (quantity) should be relatable.

If you're training solo

Edit: Learning one power or learning to focus your power isn't an instant rank up.
Actually, it's one contribution to your rank up. You may have to do a few of these in order to rank up. Keep track of these threads. When you're not sure where to go at some point, retrain another power, learn better control over the power.

I do believe powers have strength ratios here, and just learning one doesn't give you max strength until you train it more
Alright, I think I understand this a lot better now. Thank you all for the prompt responses.

I'm coming fresh from a place with a great many strict rules and guidelines about pretty much anything and everything, so I'm gonna have to get use to having so much freedom again.

CHAOS is about having fun, so write a story and go wild. Just remember; be reasonable. Otherwise a member may contact you to try and sort things out or have to resort to a post report.

Report sounds harsh, but that's just when judges move in to work with the writer to sort things out.

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