Dark Jedi Spymaster
Raziel let the steam from the small cup of caf waft up his nostrils. This was a good blend, delicate, but with a good flavour. The Spymaster was starting to suspect he was getting addicted to the stuff. Too many meetings and not enough field work.
He leaned back in the wooden chair, letting the sounds of the busy street wash over him as he let his senses reach out. Like tendrils they reached out through the Force, feeling out for any danger. There were so many thoughts and emotions around him, but he sensed nothing directed in his way.
A nice public street on a neutral world that valued it's justice system that was remarkably free of corruption. The perfect ground for this kind of meeting. Noises about an experienced agent recently joining the free market had reached him, so it was time for a little chat.
[member="November Sinclair"]
He leaned back in the wooden chair, letting the sounds of the busy street wash over him as he let his senses reach out. Like tendrils they reached out through the Force, feeling out for any danger. There were so many thoughts and emotions around him, but he sensed nothing directed in his way.
A nice public street on a neutral world that valued it's justice system that was remarkably free of corruption. The perfect ground for this kind of meeting. Noises about an experienced agent recently joining the free market had reached him, so it was time for a little chat.
[member="November Sinclair"]