Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Rainy Night

Kara drew her blaster, holding it to the man's back just to scare him. She then burst into laughter and re holstered it. "It's just a spice run. Deal's already done anyways. So why are you here?"
Maybe if he had been sober he would have done something but he had to much drink still in him to care. "May be doing me a favor. I just got back from Coruscant, decided to come here, and drink money away. Then I met P1P here, cool little guy. Glad to have him by my side." He stopped and shook his head. McNeal looked like you're typical military guy, just with tats on his right arm. He looked at her. "Wouldn't mind having you by my side either." He winked, half flirt, half joking. [member="Kara Teerah"]

"P1P there's a lag in my engine, skips a bit sometimes. Can't find the source, wanna help me find it when we get to the shit?" [member="R3-P1P"]
Kara blushed when @McNeal said he wouldn't mind having her by his side. "We'll see about that" she said. She kept following McNea, and started to bite her bottom lip a bit. She loved an adventure.


A Very Useful Rust Bucket
"Dee-bweep." pip said cheerfully.

Pip, being an R3, had literally hundreds of thousands of full schematics of quite alot of ships in his memory banks. Everything from Old Republic Acclamators and ARC-170's from the Clone Wars, to more modern ships like the Nune-class transport shuttle, the YTA-1300, and the T-90 Arrow starfighter.

He did not, however, have a Rigger-freighter.API file in his systems.....


Captain Neema Farron
Neema knocked over a garbage disposal can as she ran through the alleyways of Nar Shaddaa. Blaster fire flew over her shoulder as she whipped around the next corner, her old duster sweeping out behind her as she ran. With a roll, she ducked a low-hanging neon sign, entering the streets proper.

Turning left, she saw a man, a woman and an astromech ambling in the direction of the nearest docking areas. She ran full tilt their way, hearing shouts from behind her. She took a running leap, bounding right over the droid's dome-shaped head.

"Scuse me! Sorry!" She shouted as she passed between the man and woman, the latter of which appeared to be Zeltron. Maybe they won't should through these guys, she hopes as she kept running for her ship.
Kara whirled around when the woman ran by. She had been in trouble like that before and couldn't just let the woman be chased like this. Drawing her blaster, she shot down two men that ran around a corner, then ducked behind a wall as blaster bolts whizzed by her head


Captain Neema Farron
Hearing a different brand of blaster fire, Neema skidded to a stop on the slick ground, looking back towards to firefight she'd caused.

"Poodoo..." She muttered to herself, not having wanted to endanger the others quite this badly. She ran back towards the group, drawing her own blaster, training a quick shot into a man's chest.
"P1P get to the ship!" He called out as he turned around kneeling, and pulling put his twin repeaters. The woman that had jumped between them was running back to them, but McNeal was already laying down fire. The effects of drink leaving him, his shots were keeping the men at bay, and a few shots met a target, dropping the guy. "What the hell is going on?!" He yelled over the firing.


A Very Useful Rust Bucket
Pip heard the order to get to the ship, and turned to zoom down the sidewalk, when some more guys ran full tilt out of another alleyway and bodyslam-bounced their way to behind the trio, whom had taken out the first trio.

Aware that he was between the bad guys and his new master (and friends), Pip decided to get serious. Deadly Serious. Activating his droideka shield, the electro-blue bubble enveloped the astromech, while a dome-flap opened up and a pair of nozzles extended to just past the bubble shield.

(edit; Pip is still an astromech, but he just happens to have a blue bubble shield around him, and a hose-arm that shoots blaster bolts )

The real surprise came when Pip opened fire, with what was the guts of a pair of blaster rifles .


Will Chain

Legitimate Independent Freighter
Another man walked onto the scene. It wasn't on purpose, the blue skinned Wroonian was on his way back to his ship, the Intangible. Firefights was nothing new on Nar Shaddaa, any sort of freighter or hunter would know that, but the legitimate freighter known as Will Chain preferred to keep his distance. Not good for business. However he wasn't given the choice. He was walking when a young woman in a duster knock over a bin of garbage onto his boots. A look of shock and disgust crossed his face as he looked after the tanned girl before he was startled by the sound of blasterfire behind him.

He had no idea what was going on but Will knew for sure they weren't going to stop and ask him questions. He had to get back to the ship. He dashed after the girl. However he wasn't that lucky. As he began passing a astromech droid a blaster bolt managed to brush his leg. With a yelp he instantly he fell over in pain, clutching the wound. He looked around and saw the droid be passed. Suddenly a bubble shield popped around it and started to open fire. Will was a man of charm, charisma, and cool but this sight put him in a state between confusion and awe.
As a few more men ran around the corner, Kara dove at them, doing a backflip and kicking one in the face. She twisted his arm behind his back as he was disoriented, and used him as a human shield as she shot down the remaining men.


Captain Neema Farron
Watching the last man fall to the ground, Neema doubled over, laying her hands upon her knees, cathing her breath. "Thanks for the assist, couldn't get away from those koochoos."
"Right." Sobered now he wanted answers. "So...wanna explain? Explain those men? And P1P...that was awesome." He holstered his guns and walked over to the man that ran into his companion droid. Helping him up, he dusted him off. "You okay?"
Kara looked around her at the dead man, still holding her human shield. She took his gun and threw him on the ground in the middle of the group. "What do we do with this one?" She knew they would have to kill him, but she didn't want to be the one to kill an unarmed man.


A Very Useful Rust Bucket
McNeal said:
".... And P1P....that was awesome." McNeal holstered his guns and walked over to the man that ran into his companion droid.
"Bwee Buzz-buzz, boop-bip." Pip said, and deactivated his combat goodies, tucking them away and once again becoming an old beat-up half-way-to-rusted-gone R4.

Pip extended an upper arm of his from a side-flap, and spun his dome around twice, to point towards the docks. After that, pip continued on with his last mission; Getting to the Rigger freighter. Resuming singing and zooming along, pip turned the corner and vanished from sight, and the singing beeps soon faded from audibel hearing as well, lost in the distant din of the rest of Nar Shadda.

Will Chain

Legitimate Independent Freighter
Seeing the shooters go down, Will leaned back on the ground. That was a mistake as he winced in pain and keeled over again.

"You okay?"
He looked up to see an armored man standing before him, offering him a hand. The Wroonian accepted the help up and dusted himself off. With a hand on the man for support, his yellow eyes looked up at him with gratitude. "Maybe a bandage kind sir?" he said with a glance to his wound.


Captain Neema Farron
Neema brought her foot down on the last man's forehead, knocking him out. "Sorry bout all that..." She looked towards the Wroonian sheepishly. "These dopa-meeky murishanis thought an agreement we had didn't matter anymore."

Will Chain

Legitimate Independent Freighter
Will Chain looked up to see the woman who knocked the rubbish on him. There was a flash of anger but it was quickly smashed down when he saw her smile. He gave her his own smile and turned on his charismatic charm. "Well, a bandage would certainly make up for this little disagreement a blaster had with my leg," he said.

Seriously, bacta would be nice. He would like to walk normal again. He'll need his quick feet in case of a duel.


Captain Neema Farron
Neema scratched the back of her head, diverting her eyes to the left. "Right! Of course, that's the least I can do! Lemm'e just..." She brought both of her hands to his arm, wrapping them as best she could around his bicep. "Up and at'em!" She hefted him to his feet as best she could, but the staggering disparity in their sizes was making it difficult.

Will Chain

Legitimate Independent Freighter
Will grunted as the woman tried to get him on his feet. It was a little difficult because his leg was still injured. The affliction in her voice wasn't lost on him and any other time he would have done something about it but he was still in too much pain to notice. "I'm having a little trouble. My leg is still a bit burned. My arm feels great though," he said with a bit of sarcasm but then went back on a serious tone when he said, "Sorry. Pain makes my silver tongue goes a bit haywire. Please patch up my leg."

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