Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Raven Republic

As part of the Mandal Hypernautics Security Force, Nolan was on planet. He was patrolling the mining facility when the alarm sounded of incoming hostiles.

"Security teams to stations, set up a perimeter and call out targets. We need to give the Cap'n a chance to take them down."

"Larraq, Detta. I'm setting up defenses in the mine."

Nolan moved to the front of the facility while the security teams comprised of Vod in beskar and other paid soldier types moved vehicles, barricades and took up positions in buildings and behind the barricades.

[member="Captain Larraq"]

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
I nodded at the comm, and started towards the larger ships, still keeping my distance so that I wouldn't be noticed. The Gypsy was giving me readouts on ship classes I'd never heard of before. Obviously, the Deathbell was the Deathbell, and the Refuge was the Refuge. But there was a huge barge passing over the asteroid, and another ship docked to it. I opened the channel to Jen and Cryax again, and took a sip of my caf.

"I'm not going to engage them, but should I go take a look at that asteroid-trawler there?"

[member='Cryax Bane'] [member='Jen'] [member='Manamune Lumina']

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