Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Resistance is Born

"Jedi talk too much."

Thal took the opportunity to rip on his own people at the moment. He removed a credit chit from his pocket, rolling it between his fingers. He leaned back in the chair, like one of the old-school Bounty Hunters from the holovids back in the day.

"You haven't answered my question, Jedi. We all can see the tides moving to war with the Sith. The Jedi move against the Sith. Why are you helping the Mando'ade?"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] l [member="Kale Seleare"] l @Literally everyone else
When Marvik spoke up something in her chest tensed, and Keira knew he’d likely felt the same when she spoke. The two were on complicated terms to say the very least, but on her part there was no true animosity. They’d simply fallen in then fallen out, what happened was over now, and they were here for a different purpose. His speech made certain of that, as did Skirata’s retort, and she remained silent as an idea was presented and the room appeared to consider it for a moment.

Then the Jedi spoke up.

Her hand was on her pistol the instant the lightsaber was produced, and didn’t drop until after he’d spoken and returned the weapon to his belt. When the elder spoke up she breathed a sigh, already able to see how this was going to go in circles. Nar’sheb, jetiise. If your people want to offer help, then help. Let your actions do the talking for you. You’re in no place to be making demands as to how my people govern ourselves.” As much as she may have agreed with his condition, it was far from the place of a Jedi to dictate how Mandalorians went about their own business.

“Now, Skirata,” Brushing right past that, she looked to [member="Gilamar Skirata"], “I don’t think I’m in quite as bad a place as you with the Sith, all things considered. Wherever you want me, I’ll be there. I think it’s time their kind burn for a change.”

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Kale Seleare"] | [member="Thal Mantis"] | [member="Jada Raxis"] | [member="Marvik Dathu"] | There's literally so many people
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
"Love me some flan, love me some flan, love me some Calamari flaaaan-"

A door hissed open and Jerec found himself looking at a crowded, fussy meeting. He stopped fiddling with fat blue Mon Cal coins, his payment for dropping off a load of spin-sealed Tibanna. Shipping blaster gas was the sum total of his involvement in whatever this was.

"Sorry, guess I'm looking for a different room." He glanced around and saw several beefy Mandos glaring at a statuesque Jedi dude. "But the Jedi is obviously wrong."

Jerec ducked out again and the door shut, sealing him away from the crowd. He went on his way, happy to have a ) a full wallet and b ) avoided participation in a large and serious meeting.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
I just scoffed. These Mandalorians were as thick as their Beskar. I knew I would have a difficult time talking to them. I am sure that I would have a better time with a brick wall, but I tried. Why? Because its who I am. I am a Jedi for a reason. I am here to help those who need it. I respect all life no matter who they are. They could be the greatest abomination, and I would still give them a chance to talk to me. Looking over to the Shadow that stepped out, Yurioc I think he was? I remember the face and how he was. Standing beside me, then starting to make demands and how the Silver Jedi would help them. I furrowed my brow at him and shook my head again.

"I am sorry Master Jedi, but I am not with you on this."

Taking a step back from him, I once more repeated myself and my intentions.

"I came to help the Mandalorians. I came to fight along side them. Not to throw demands in their face expecting them to accept."

I had a sad chuckle as I looked at the man. Proclaiming to be this Silver Jedi and aid to these Mandalorians. Yet also thinking he would have any say in how they could choose their leaders.

"A Jedi serves others. Not rule them."

Turning to those who spoke to me, I bowed deeply. My heart beating in my chest as I felt defeated in my purpose here.

"I apologize for my interruption and causing a disturbance. If you wish for me to help you, I am more than able. However, I will not help in the name of the Silver Jedi. I will help the Mandalorians as a Freelance Force User. I will take my leave and respect any decision you choose."

Taking more steps away from the Master Jedi, I left the console that I had been standing in front of. I am alone for this. I will always stand for what I felt was right. Coming here and proclaiming be to be this Jedi Order and that it was our right to help them was wrong. Yes we should always seek to protect and aid those who needed or wanted it, but never force it upon them. They have a choice just as much as we do.

"I will take my leave if no one objects."
There was a twisting in the Force moments before an armored form materialized into being behind Yuroic. There were very few who might remember him. And even fewer, save his wife, who would know him with his now mostly silver-white hair and heavy beard. The armor was the same strange white carapace gifted from the Aing-Tii years back. A simple lightsaber was strapped into the small of his back, bryar pistol on his hip, and a Corellian longcoat draped over all, with his face bare. He stepped forward to announce himself, shaking of what looked like a McYoda burger bun from the bottom of his left foot. His hand left the pendants at his neck - a Jedi Credit with soul diamonds, and a beskar mythosaur skull pendant. Let them wonder at that. He was neither Mandalorian or Jedi anymore. He was just himself. And he liked that.

As for the bun thing? Look, Fold Space was tricky... Sometimes you ended up in a cold storage unit before you got where you were going.

He eyed the Silver for a moment. There was zero respect from the Corellian, and open derision in his eyes before he spoke. The address was rough, bold, and blunt. But, he was a Green Jedi married (ish) to a Mandalorian. A career soldier. Politeness in the face of ignorance wasn't his strong suit.

"Silence your tongue boy. No Jedi of any order has standing to demand a sovereign people govern themselves a certain way or aid be withheld. Certainly not you Silvers, who hid away for decades while the One Sith ran rampant and ravaged us all. Your high ground is non-existent. I don't know who trained you, but they failed utterly in how to relate with foreign powers. You should be shamed. Let the adults speak if that is all you can be."

Here he turned and eyed the assembled Mandalorians.

"And you lot. Speaking to a verd'ika so... Calm your empty buckets before you scuttle this mission before it begins. All of us are here to blacken the Sith's eye. Not deal in backroom politics. So stow it. Now. Or by the Nine Hells I will turn each and every one of you over my knee to give you the lesson your teachers and parents forgot."

Here he waved widely to everyone, smiling suddenly. The serious gravel was gone from his Corellian drawl.

"Now... Let's get down to business... To defeat the Sith..."

As an after thought, he adressed [member="Kale Seleare"]

"Stay. Please. You show more sense than this one. I would speak with you after. I like your style."

He ended the adress with a head jerk to Yuroic to indicate the "one"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Keira Priest"] | [member="Thal Mantis"] | [member="Gilamar Skirata"]
There was word out there that a Resistance was occurring. The Jedi Master known as Coren Starchaser, a stalwart defender of the Light Side, and combatant against the Sith on any front, was handling things on the Outer Rim. The Jedi Covenant was working on expanding in the Coalition, and the Jedi Master was rebuilding the temple of Sullust. It was not going to be what it once was, but it was going to be a gathering place for the Force users of the galaxy.

Still, with the situation on the Rim, the Jedi Master could not be in attendance of the meeting, but one of his long time comrades and closest friends was out there. Following [member="Julius Sedaire"] was a BB unit, this one green and black, with bloodred lines separating the colors. And projecting from it, the visage of Jedi Master Coren Starchaser.

“Are any of these Mandalorians the ones who have fought the Silver Jedi? Are these those clans?” He was looking at his friend. If they were going to find a fighting force against the Sith, the Beskar Battalion could be important.
"Mayhaps a few. I know the wife did"

A head nod in Keira's direction.

"But they are a tribal society. Each Clan varies. And most I recognize here were opponents of Cadera, when she showed her colors."

Lazy grin with a twinkling eye to the Silver.

"But regardless, we cannot spend time bitching about old wounds. Or new. The Sith take precedent. Either we cone together now & give real challenge. Or we grow to like Imperial boots on our necks. When it's done we can redress old wrongs. Now is not the time."

[member="Coren Starchaser"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Marvik rocked with [member="Gilamar Skirata"] 's slap on the back, his arms coming up to a stubborn cross in front of his chest. He didn't know whether he liked this old man or wanted to punt him across the room. At least, if nothing else, he had a plan that seemed coherent enough and that was enough for Marvik to like him for now. Well maybe like was a strong word. He didn't hate him and that was a good start.

"Hell, vod, if it's all that easy and proper maybe I should have asked for a lifetime supply of ne'tra gal and some loose women to go with it" he turned to look Skirata full on, looking the man dead in the eyes through his T-visor, "hope your plan is as good as you think it is, old man. I'll be right pissed to end up a decoration of some Sith wall."

Speaking of mystical monks that Marvik didn't care for, it suddenly became apparent to him that this meeting was becoming very bath robe oriented. He was going to remark on that...but then a familiar face showed up. It wasn't one he recognized because he'd ever personally met it before, but it was one he recognized through the pictures he'd been shown. Keira, before Marvik had ditched that old rotting Empire, had told him the long and hard story about [member="Julius Sedaire"] and how he managed to be the galaxies scummiest dad and husband.

Not that Marvik wasn't scummy in his own right, but even he had standards.
Then he had the gal to try and lecture him about his culture and then acknowledge Keira...again that same anger filled his gut. He couldn't help it, even after all he felt Keira had put him through, he managed to hate this stranger more.

Striding up, hands resting on his blasters, he spoke his piece loudly, "I never fought no Silver Jedi - though I reckon I should have, seeing as you lot are either trying to kill us or cry to us for help. Then, there is the raggedy lookin' bastard here..." He looked pointedly at Julius, "Haven't fought you neither, but it figures you'd want the Jedi to stay. You baby snatchers have to keep at each other's backs, yeah?"

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Kale Seleare"] [member="Jerec Asyr"] [member="Keira Priest"] [member="Thal Mantis"]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
Things had certainly taken quite the interesting turn with the appearance of so many Jedi. Personally she didn't really care, the Silvers held no ill opinion in her mind, though she did sometimes question a few of their actions. Then again if the SJO were questionable sometimes then the past Mandaloiran Empire weren't much better in their own displays. For the time being she was content to let the rest of her fellows and the saber force using warriors squabble a bit and let off a little bit of steam before setting back down. Though the presence of [member="Theo Vereen"] did catch her eyes, Chekita scooting over to the man, giving him a small pat on the head as more Jedi and Mando's entered the field to talk about unnecessary things.

"You know what I think, everyone need to calm down, have a drink and stop being children, the we've killed Jedi, the Jedi killed us, Sith played both sides like a fiddle and other did stuff here and there, can we all agree on that". It was due to these year long grudges that peace could never be found and even when peace did seem to be installed some rouge clan would just fuck it all up and start things up all over again. Time likes this she was glad Jaster got their people away from all that political nonsense

[member="Marvik Dathu"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Kale Seleare"] [member="Jerec Asyr"] [member="Keira Priest"] [member="Thal Mantis"]
The hologram fussed in and out for a moment, there was still a bit of arguing going on, and Romeo didn't expect to get any attention really. Being ignored for the most part was pretty much the norm around here, and that was okay, it wasn't them denying him at least, or insulting him. Either way, he didn't butt in, he had no place in really trying to anyways. Romeo motioned at his Mandalorian holder who placed him on the ground, the image of the Vahla becoming more of his normal height rather being just a small little image. He continued to watch the bickering, and agreed inwardly that points were being made all around, but it was useless to make points when nothing was being settled.

Some moved and touched others in reassurance, while others continued to speak. Finally one of the female Mandos attempted to cool it all down, trying to stay neutral. Romeo made a nod in agreement to this, [member="Chekīta Awaud"] was very right. No use saying what everyone already knew, and no use arguing over it. His Mando handler also nodded in agreement, while Rex wasn't much of getting into the politics of the galaxy, they were there to listen and make sure they were aware of what was going on. They had, as always, kept Romeo informed of what was going on, and Romeo had always sent supplies and various other things to keep the clan going.

"I've seen worse though." Romeo spoke gently to himself about what he was seeing.

"Regardless, I agree with her..." Once more he spoke, still gentle and not expecting anyone to really acknowledge him.

[member="Marvik Dathu"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Kale Seleare"] [member="Jerec Asyr"] [member="Keira Priest"] [member="Thal Mantis"]

Pa'Kar Sang

"That is ENOUGH!" Came the thunderouos voice of the Mon Calamari admiral as his arm slammed on the holo-display, ejecting whatever disk the mysterious man had pupped in ([member="Romeo Sin"]), the message going mostly unseen. His eyes were fierce like a typhoon waiting to touch down and ravage any in its path.

"We did not invite you here to bicker. We invited you to see whom amongst you would join us in our crusade against terror." His eyes rotated in his head as he looked around the room without moving. "Each and every one of you have something to bring to the cause. However," his voice became grave as his eyes fell on the two Jedi. His gaze softened on the younger of the two, and hardened when they fell on the older.

He repeated this process on the Mandalorians and placed a fishy hand on Gil's shoulder as he seemed about to enter into the fray himself. He shook his massive head once.

"The Mandalorians do have atrocities to answer for...But that is not our place to decide the fate of their people. We shall help each other in this dark time. We will all help one another. For the legendary Star Bird never dies, rising from the ashes our resistance will," he paused, chuckling to himself. He never thought he'd be repeating ancient poetic words like these. "Our resistance will be the spark that lights the fire of Resistance across Sith space."

His eyes fell on the older Jedi again.

"We did not ask for the Silver Jedi to be present. For you to so audaciously come and make demands of a people, I wonder what the Silver Jedi's own motivations are in this Galaxy. So I ask you, how did you know about this meeting Master Jedi-" before he could finish his sentence the doors at the other end of the room hissed open, a young looking Mirialan filling the gap.

"Admiral! We've picked up two ships entering the system! They're Sith Strike Cruisers!" Rils felt his blood run cold and his eyes glazed over for a moment.

"Have they noticed us?" Just as he'd feared when the Silver Jedi Master had spoken up, someone had leaked their meeting to various parties...The ship had been purposefully running minimal systems in dark mode. He'd hoped that even if this had happened that they'd look like nothing more than a piece of floating junk or debris.

"They haven't hailed us but they're on an intercept vector with us." The fish man looked to Gil and the Mandalorian nodded.

"For now," he started, "This meeting is adjourned. Those that are here will be sent the information via tight beam transmission. We move in two weeks. Get to your ships. Escape while you can."

The Empire was here, and they knew the Resistance needed to be stopped...


OOC- THANK YOU. Really, THANK YOU to all who participated in this short, fun little thread. This is probably the best any "open" thread I've ever made has done. Feel free to write out your escapes, but I implore you all to take a look at the original LFG thread. If you're happy to join us on this ever continuing adventure of rebel heists, raids, and woes etc then join us in the Sith Empire discord! Yep, you heard me right. Join the Sith Empire discord and join the Sith Empire FACTION PAGE with your resistance toon and lets get some grassroots stuff going!
-- The Commander stepped back as the leaders of each prospective rebel cell added and subtracted from the plan. Phoenix Liberation Legion was stripped of its power and was nothing more then a covert special forces team. Espionage, Sabotage, and Extraction of VIP's were the limits of their capability. Full on assaults and raids such as what was being suggested, they would need more then a few squads and air support to get the goods off planet. At best they could get a few cases of weapons, ammo, and armor, possible a fighter or bomber. More then that and they would get caught without proper support.

-- As they continued to speak he thought of bringing what limited space force he had to bare, but this was a suicide mission and risking his limited resources was not worth this mission. They needed to prove they could hold their own before he would surrender his contacts. They were loyal trade partners of the Empire that sold their goods to the Black Market, getting caught like this CEO of MandalMotors was getting off easy. His contacts would meet the chopping block at the wif of selling arms to the Rebels. The Sith did not mess around with those that were expendable, and contract to do business with the Imperials was always on the rise.

-- He decided to keep quite while everyone argued, it only showed him that they were not ready to work together. The PLL would have to keep their cards close to the chest for the time being, trust was hard to come by in a Rebel Cell. Especially with the failure of so many Rebel Groups, and in honesty he was not fighting for a cause or planet, he just wanted revenge for the suffering he got in the Imperials Prison.

-- The Rebel Cell Leader was about to make his move to the door, this group was nothing more then rabble at the moment. He would participate in the Rebels Cause for the time being, but on his own terms.

-- While the Mon Cal began to speak of the arrival of Sith, the Commander knew what had to be done. His trust in the group was now shattered as not only could the Silvers find out about the meeting, but the Sith as well. Drox was still a wanted man of the Empire, escaped prisoners were rare, surviving ones even rarer. There was no choice but to get out of system, he needed to make it to his shuttle and get out. Damn these Rebels, he nearly fell into a trap of his own making by hoping.

-- That was a weird word to dread, Hope.

-- With that thought, the Commander and his small escort got to their shuttle and escaped before the Sith Cruisers could stop their movement and pin them down. The rest of the Rebel Cells would have to make their own way.
[member="Chekīta Awaud"]

He was trying hard to be so good and then there she was...the pilot wouldn't couldn't do a loop da loop. He smiled and nodded to her "I think we have to be careful about too many chiefs and not enough indians." He looked over to her, "I'll buy you a drink after all this if you want, I think I owe you one"

He listened to everyone talking, then the warning came, "OH time to go cupcake." He smiled and winked, "Need a ride?"
He listened to the Mandalorians and nodded his head, his wording hadn't been the best. "I shouldn't have said condition, that was a poor word, however I want this cycle of violence between the SJO and Mandalorians to end. Your people were broken by this conflict and I want you to have a chance at growing once more, and I know that Cadera or Australis would never allow the chance for peace to occur. Not saying we can be allies, but we don't have to be at war either. It might be that you were never going to let that happen anyway, but I might be able to gain this cause more support if others knew that the Mandalorians wouldn't jump to war with the SJO after the Sith threat has been dealt with." Yuroic cleared as he hoped he could as he crossed his arms then looked to [member="Thal Mantis"] "What happened on Mandalore, the struggles you have faced under the previous Manda'lor and the Sith. I want you to be free and to have the chance to write your own stories. Yes, the Jedi are heading into war with the Sith but doesn't stop me being here to help you. Also Jedi and rebellions tend to go together very well."

Then came in [member="Julius Sedaire"] and threw around like he was in charge or that he was better than everyone else. It was grating to be sure, Yuroic knew his error and admitted his wrong doing in all this. It was a mistake to state his help was conditional, he wanted to help unconditionally and he would however, he wanted this to work long term and he knew that some of the clans refused to let peace be an option when it concerned Jedi. "I wasn't with the SJO when the One Sith was around so don't pin that to me, I also know that the Order has drastically changed since those days and now we are the biggest Jedi Order around. Not a brag either, just a fact." Yuroic tone was cold, a mistake was made but to attack him the way Julius had was uncalled for.

"We have the Silver Shadows to gather intelligence and a resistance against the Sith Empire isn't something no or difficult to find. Our people will have been discrete though, they always are." Silver Shadows were growing in force once more, something to admire even if no one knew exactly who the leader was currently. "I..." Before Yuroic could finish his sentence the alarm was given and the order to leave. Yuroic made his own way out, back the way he came. He wanted to help, he wanted to bring peace but it did seem that it would be more difficult than he hoped or that he might not be the best one for the job.

[member="Okkuhm Rils"] [member="Keira Priest"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"]

Zyra Crowe

Zyra had simply been standing and watching, a good soldier tried to know who was the enemy, but here there were so many people trying to hash everything out, that she couldn't be certain they were all allies.

She felt like there was a malevolent spirit here, someone who was only here to do the cause harm. It didn't help that some of those who came had such narrow restrictions on what constituted the cause, this resistance.

Okkuhm Rils said:
"We did not ask for the Silver Jedi to be present. For you to so audaciously come and make demands of a people, I wonder what the Silver Jedi's own motivations are in this Galaxy. So I ask you, how did you know about this meeting Master Jedi-" before he could finish his sentence the doors at the other end of the room hissed open, a young looking Mirialan filling the gap. "Admiral! We've picked up two ships entering the system! They'reSith Strike Cruisers!" Rils felt his blood run cold and his eyes glazed over for a moment. "Have they noticed us?" Just as he'd feared when the Silver Jedi Master had spoken up, someone had leaked their meeting to various parties...The ship had been purposefully running minimal systems in dark mode. He'd hoped that even if this had happened that they'd look like nothing more than a piece of floating junk or debris. "They haven't hailed us but they're on an intercept vector with us." The fish man looked to Gil and the Mandalorian nodded. "For now," he started, "This meeting is adjourned. Those that are here will be sent the information via tight beam transmission. We move in two weeks. Get to your ships. Escape while you can."
She nodded and righted the cap on her head, though it hadn't been out of position. Without having said a word or even moved much from where she had stood since the beginning of the meet, she turned on a heel and marched back to her ship. She knew she recognized a few of the people here, and she knew where to look for future meetings. Now she had to try to sell her team on volunteering their down time to help a resistance half a galaxy away.

Either that or end up fighting alone out here.

"Skids up, Sith are here." She ordered as she got up the ramp to her ship, and then strapped into the copilots chair as her pilot lifted them off almost instantly. They were out of the hangar just fourth in line, but hit hyperspace second. Her pilot had agreed to come, but had apparently been pretty nervous about it, having a running update for hyperspace translations going through the whole meeting.

They hit the hyperwall, and were safely heading back for ORC space.

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