Marvik rocked with [member="Gilamar Skirata"] 's slap on the back, his arms coming up to a stubborn cross in front of his chest. He didn't know whether he liked this old man or wanted to punt him across the room. At least, if nothing else, he had a plan that seemed coherent enough and that was enough for Marvik to like him for now. Well maybe like was a strong word. He didn't hate him and that was a good start.
"Hell, vod, if it's all that easy and proper maybe I should have asked for a lifetime supply of ne'tra gal and some loose women to go with it" he turned to look Skirata full on, looking the man dead in the eyes through his T-visor, "hope your plan is as good as you think it is, old man. I'll be right pissed to end up a decoration of some Sith wall."
Speaking of mystical monks that Marvik didn't care for, it suddenly became apparent to him that this meeting was becoming very bath robe oriented. He was going to remark on that...but then a familiar face showed up. It wasn't one he recognized because he'd ever personally met it before, but it was one he recognized through the pictures he'd been shown. Keira, before Marvik had ditched that old rotting Empire, had told him the long and hard story about [member="Julius Sedaire"] and how he managed to be the galaxies scummiest dad and husband.
Not that Marvik wasn't scummy in his own right, but even he had standards. Then he had the gal to try and lecture him about his culture and then acknowledge Keira...again that same anger filled his gut. He couldn't help it, even after all he felt Keira had put him through, he managed to hate this stranger more.
Striding up, hands resting on his blasters, he spoke his piece loudly, "I never fought no Silver Jedi - though I reckon I should have, seeing as you lot are either trying to kill us or cry to us for help. Then, there is the raggedy lookin' bastard here..." He looked pointedly at Julius, "Haven't fought you neither, but it figures you'd want the Jedi to stay. You baby snatchers have to keep at each other's backs, yeah?"
[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Kale Seleare"] [member="Jerec Asyr"] [member="Keira Priest"] [member="Thal Mantis"]